Nous Group’s Post

Universities face a real challenge in engaging and retaining students from underrepresented backgrounds amid an uncertain funding environment. Universities have been striving to meet this challenge for decades with mixed results, but the Australian Universities Accord released in February creates renewed urgency for outcomes, not simply good intentions. So how can universities prepare for a new era of participation? Nous' Tess Lawley and Mia Juritzen explore this challenge and how universal design (UD) can address it in their recently released article. Learn more about how universities can implement a UD approach to improve access and attainment at scale: #HigherEducation #UniversalDesign #HigherEducationParticipation

  • graphical user interface, application
Tim Orton

Managing Principal & CEO at Nous Group


This will be such a significant challenge for Australian universities. Great that you are out in front of it Tess Lawley and Mia Juritzen

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