Being recognized as one of the recipients of this year's UN Environment Programme Champions of the Earth Award in the "Entrepreneurial Vision" category is a great honor for our commitment to biodynamic agriculture as a sustainable solution to global challenges, including climate change. Watch the official film celebrating our achievement here: #SEKEMGroup #HeliopolisUniversity #47yearsofsustainabledevelopment #GenerationRestoration يأتي تكريم مجموعة سيكم كواحدة من الحاصلين على جائزة "أبطال الأرض" من برنامج الأمم المتحدة للبيئة لهذا العام في فئة "الرؤية الريادية" شرف عظيم للتأكيد على التزامنا بالزراعة الحيوية كحل مستدام للتحديات العالمية، بما في ذلك تغير المناخ. شاهد الفيلم الرسمي الذي يحتفل بإنجازنا هنا: #سيكم_جروب #47_سنة_من_التنمية_المستدامة #جامعة_هليوبوليس
🌱 Congratulations to SEKEM Group UN Environment Programme Champion of the Earth 2024! 🌱 SEKEM has been honored in the Entrepreneurial Vision category for its groundbreaking efforts in sustainable agriculture. By promoting biodynamic farming and advancing afforestation and reforestation, SEKEM has turned desert landscapes into thriving agricultural communities. As a past winner of the UNCCD Land4Life Award, SEKEM’s work exemplifies the power of innovation and dedication in restoring degraded land and achieving sustainable development. We applaud SEKEM for its inspiring contribution to a greener, more resilient future! #ChampionsOfTheEarth #UNited4Land #RegenerativeAgriculture
🌹إيه الجمال ده🌹 💚مبروك 💚 مستحقة حقا و مستدامة بإذن الله.
CEO Omega Seiki Mobility EU / Weleda AG Verwaltungsrat (Board Member + Audit Comittee Chair) / University Lecturer for Leadership & Management / Advisory Board Member
3wCongratulations SEKEM Group ! Well deserved!