The first event I did as a business, after leaving the world of music and festivals, was a street festival for a business group that wanted to revitalise its economy. They had a general plan of what they wanted to offer visitors and we set about bringing back a street fair to remind the neighbourhood of the great businesses on their doorstep. Since then I've done many community events and have learned 5 key components to a successful community event. Make sure you engage your WHOLE community. Be clear on your goal of your event and wear it like a shingle over the shop front. Community food before food trucks. Resist the temptation to book the high end (read expensive) entertainment. Make sure you contact your local Council and find out what rules and regulations you need to comply with. Community events are an amazing fabric of society and anyone can create one. If you are working on a community event, follow me for lots of event planning tips to help you along the way.
This is a great looking event planning map
Leading Vocational Teacher Event Management TAFE Queensland, Southbank campus
8moI love the five key components… so simple but so succinct at the same time ♥️