Zuellig Pharma is proud to have been invited to the GIRP - European Healthcare Distribution Association 9th Supply Chain Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, last month to share our insights on Scope 3 reporting and management. At the conference, our Vice President of Corporate Affairs, Jean-Gaetan Guillemaud discussed the challenges and opportunities of harmonising emissions reporting across the pharmaceutical supply chain. He also highlighted the importance of a unified methodology, which can enhance accountability, improve environmental performance and foster collaboration amongst organisations in the healthcare sector. “Sustainability remains a significant priority for the world’s leading organisations, and companies will now be expected to make their reporting more frequent, rigorous and transparent,” says Jean-Gaetan. “By working together to establish consistent ways of working, and implementing holistic data-sharing platforms, we can address gaps in current sustainability reporting practices and focus on creating a tangible impact for our world.” Ranked by EcoVadis as one of the top 1% of organisations worldwide for our environmental efforts, labour and human rights and sustainable procurement, Zuellig Pharma is committed to driving sustainable healthcare practices that will benefit the industry. #Sustainability #EmissionsReporting #Healthcare #GIRP #MakingHealthcareMoreAccessible
Interesting event
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