Broad strokes, bountiful outcomes, and “high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation”

Broad strokes, bountiful outcomes, and “high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation”

Terms to note from Xi Jinping's Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation

  • 春华秋实 [chūn huá qiū shí] bountiful outcome  (lit: flowers in spring and fruit in the fall): 


The past decade has been a journey of dedicated cooperation and fruitful outcomes. Belt and Road cooperation was proposed by China, but its benefits and opportunities are for the world to share. Let us meet the expectations of the people, assume responsibilities entrusted on us by history, closely follow the trend of the times, and press ahead with energy and enterprise. Let us deepen Belt and Road international cooperation, and bring Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of higher-quality and higher-level development. Let us advance modernization of all countries, build an open, inclusive and interconnected world for common development, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 大写意 [dà xiě yì] sketching the outline; broad strokes: 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has progressed from “sketching the outline” to “filling in the details”, and blueprints have been turned into real projects. A large number of signature projects and “small yet smart” people-centered programs have been launched.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  十年来,“一带一路”倡议从谋篇布局的“大写意”发展为精谨细腻的“工笔画”,已经成为最受欢迎的国际公共产品和最大规模的国际合作平台,成果有目共睹。 

Ten years on, the BRI has evolved from broad strokes to refined details, and become the most popular international public good and largest-scale international cooperation platform with remarkable achievements.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 31, 2023)

  • 高标准惠民生可持续 [gāo biāo zhǔn huì mín shēng kě chí xù] high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation (as a guiding principle of and goal of Belt and Road cooperation):

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  以共商共建共享、开放绿色廉洁、高标准惠民生可持续为支柱的高质量共建“一带一路”理念,写入第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛圆桌峰会联合公报。 

The vision of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation supported by the spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, open, green and clean cooperation, and a high-standard, people-centered and sustainable approach has been incorporated in the Joint Communique of the Leaders’ Roundtable of the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 31, 2023) 

♦  “一带一路”倡议提出8年来,始终坚持共商共建共享、开放绿色廉洁、高标准惠民生可持续的高质量发展理念,推动建成了一大批合作项目,加强了各国互联互通水平,为共建国家人民带来了实实在在利益,已经成为广受欢迎的国际公共产品和规模最大的国际合作平台。 

Since its inception eight years ago, the Belt and Road Initiative has followed the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits and the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation and high-standard, people-centered development, promoted the construction of a large batch of cooperation projects, strengthened connectivity and delivered tangible benefits to the people of our BRI partners. It has become the most popular international public good and the largest cooperation platform.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 9, 2021)

  • 工笔画 [gōng bǐ huà] filling in the details; refined painting (see also  写意画 xiě yì huà): 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has progressed from “sketching the outline” to “filling in the details”, and blueprints have been turned into real projects. A large number of signature projects and “small yet smart” people-centered programs have been launched.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  十年来,“一带一路”倡议从谋篇布局的“大写意”发展为精谨细腻的“工笔画”,已经成为最受欢迎的国际公共产品和最大规模的国际合作平台,成果有目共睹。 

Ten years on, the BRI has evolved from broad strokes to refined details, and become the most popular international public good and largest-scale international cooperation platform with remarkable achievements.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 31, 2023) 

♦  一年来,在中方和国际社会共同努力下,全球发展倡议落地生根,不仅获得多项早期收获,而且呈现重点突出、全面推进的良好态势,标志着全球发展倡议实现从“打基础”到“搭框架”的跨越,由“写意画”向“工笔画”的迈进。 

Over the past year or so, with the concerted effort from both China and the rest of the international community, the GDI [Global Development Initiative] has witnessed solid implementation. It has not only achieved multiple early harvests, but also enjoyed progress on a full range of fronts with clear priorities. It signifies that the GDI has progressed from laying the foundation to establishing the pillars and is evolving from broad strokes to refined details.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 19, 2022)

  • 共商共建共享 [gòng shāng gòng jiàn gòng xiǎng] planning together, building together, and benefiting together; consultation and cooperation for shared benefits  (as a guiding principle of and philosophy of Belt and Road cooperation): 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)  

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  照顾彼此利益诉求,坚持共商共建共享原则,强化发展战略对接,始终走互利共赢、共同繁荣之路。 

We accommodate each other's interests, stay true to the principle of consultation and cooperation for shared benefits, enhance synergy between our respective development strategies, and keep to the path of win-win cooperation toward common prosperity.  (Xi_Jinping_Ride on the Trend of the Times and Enhance Solidarity and Cooperation to Embrace a Better Future_Statement at the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization_2022_09_16  ) 

♦  “一带一路”重大倡议提出9年来,中国与相关国家一道,坚持共商共建共享原则,深化互利共赢合作,取得了实打实、沉甸甸的建设成就。 

For nine years since the launch of the BRI, China has been working with countries involved to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in line with the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. Our efforts have yielded tangible and substantial progress.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 18, 2022) 

♦  我想再次强调,作为最大的发展中国家,中方始终坚定同广大发展中国家站在一起,在共商共建共享原则下开展“一带一路”合作。 

I want to stress once again that as the largest developing country, China always stands firmly with fellow developing countries. And we always consult, carry out and benefit together when it comes to Belt and Road cooperation.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 15, 2022) 

♦  要坚持共商共建共享,加强全球经济治理,增加新兴市场国家和发展中国家代表性和发言权,确保各国权利平等、规则平等、机会平等。 

We should promote extensive consultation and joint contribution to deliver shared benefits, enhance global economic governance, and increase the representation and say of emerging markets and developing countries. This will ensure that all countries enjoy equal rights, follow the rules as equals, and share equal opportunities.  (Xi_Jinping_Keynote speech at opening ceremony of BRICS Business Forum_ 习近平在金砖国家工商论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲_2022_06_22)

  • 光明行 [guāng míng xíng] Brightness Action (a campaign to provide free cataract operations and other short-term free medical services): 

Today’s quote:


Rich and colorful cultural years, art festivals, expos and exhibitions, Luban Workshops, people-to-people exchange programs like the Silk Road Community Building Initiative and the Brightness Action program, and deepening exchanges between non-governmental organizations, think tanks, media organizations, and the youth—all these flourishing activities have composed a symphony of friendship in the new era.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中国决定优化升级50个医疗卫生援非项目,重点援建非洲疾控中心总部、中非友好医院等旗舰项目;开展公共卫生交流和信息合作,实施中非新发再发传染病、血吸虫、艾滋病、疟疾等疾控合作项目;为非洲培养更多专科医生,继续派遣并优化援非医疗队;开展“光明行”、“爱心行”、“微笑行”等医疗巡诊活动;实施面向弱势群体的妇幼心连心工程。 

China has decided to upgrade 50 medical and health aid programs for Africa, particularly flagship projects such as the headquarters of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention and China-Africa Friendship Hospitals. Exchange and information cooperation will be carried out on public health. Cooperation programs will be launched on the prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging communicable diseases, schistosomiasis, HIV/AIDS and malaria. China will train more medical specialists for Africa and continue to send medical teams that better meet Africa's needs. More mobile medical services will be provided to patients for the treatment of cataract, heart disease and dental defects. And targeted health care services will be provided to women and children of vulnerable groups in Africa.  (Xi_Jinping_Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future_ 携手共命运同心促发展_2018_09_03) 

♦  继续推动白内障手术“光明行”等短期义诊活动。 

It [China] will also continue to promote the "Brightness Action" campaign to provide free cataract operation and other short-term free medical services.  (White_Paper_China's Africa Policy Paper_中国对非洲政策文件_2015_12_07) 

♦  通过实施国家残疾人事业发展纲要,开展以西部地区为重点的“让老年人重见光明行动”项目等,为约600万名老年白内障患者实施复明手术,并为边远贫困地区的老年缺肢者、听力障碍者免费装配假肢、验配助听器,帮助贫困、残疾老年人恢复或补偿功能。 

The National Development Outline for the Disabled and the Action for Helping Seniors to Regain Their Eyesight, conducted mostly in the western areas, have given operations to about six million elderly people in remote areas suffering from cataracts, and helped poor and disabled seniors to recover or regain physical functions by providing artificial limbs or hearing aids for free.  (White_Paper_Development of China’s Undertakings for the Aged_《中国老龄事业的发展》_2006_12_12)

  • 互帮互助走得远 [hù bāng hù zhù zǒu dé yuǎn] mutual support can get us far: 


Belt and Road cooperation is based on the belief that flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire and that mutual support can get us far. Such cooperation seeks to deliver a good life not only to people of just one country, but to people in other countries as well. It promotes connectivity, mutual benefit, common development, cooperation and win-win outcomes.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 开放绿色廉洁 [kāi fàng lǜ sè lián jié] open, green and clean cooperation  (as a guiding principle of and philosophy of Belt and Road cooperation): 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  以共商共建共享、开放绿色廉洁、高标准惠民生可持续为支柱的高质量共建“一带一路”理念,写入第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛圆桌峰会联合公报。 

The vision of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation supported by the spirit of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, open, green and clean cooperation, and a high-standard, people-centered and sustainable approach has been incorporated in the Joint Communique of the Leaders’ Roundtable of the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 31, 2023) 

♦  9年来,“一带一路”建设秉持共商共建共享原则,坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念,努力实现高标准、可持续、惠民生目标,取得了实打实、沉甸甸的成就,已经成为深受欢迎的国际公共产品和国际合作平台。 

For nine years, Belt and Road cooperation has upheld the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, stayed committed to the vision of open, green and clean cooperation, and pursued the goal of high-standard, people-centered and sustainable development. With solid and significant outcomes, the BRI has become a popular international public good and a platform for international cooperation.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 18, 2022) 

♦  “一带一路”遵循共商共建共享原则,秉持开放绿色廉洁理念,致力于实现高标准、惠民生、可持续目标。 

Belt and Road cooperation is guided by the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. It follows the concept of open, green and clean development, and is aimed at high-standard, people-centered and sustainable growth.  (Position Paper of the People’s Republic of China For the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly_ 中国出席第77届联合国大会立场文件_2022_09_17) 

♦  该倡议秉持共商共建共享原则,坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念,努力实现高标准、惠民生、可持续的目标,以互联互通为主线,通过促进政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,为完善全球治理体系、促进全球共同发展、推动构建人类命运共同体贡献了中国智慧与中国方案。 

The BRI follows the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and a high-standard, people-centered and sustainable approach. With connectivity as its main focus, Belt and Road cooperation aims to promote policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity, and to contribute China's wisdom and solutions for better global governance system, greater development worldwide, and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.  (Position Paper on China’s Cooperation with the United Nations_中国联合国合作立场文件_2021_10_22)

  • 开放型世界经济 [kāi fàng xíng shì jiè jīng jì] open global economy: 

Today’s quote:

在这里,我愿宣布中国支持高质量共建“一带一路”的八项行动: 。。。 二、支持建设开放型世界经济。中方将创建“丝路电商”合作先行区,同更多国家商签自由贸易协定、投资保护协定。全面取消制造业领域外资准入限制措施。主动对照国际高标准经贸规则,深入推进跨境服务贸易和投资高水平开放,扩大数字产品等市场准入,深化国有企业、数字经济、知识产权、政府采购等领域改革。中方将每年举办“全球数字贸易博览会”。未来5年(2024-2028年),中国货物贸易、服务贸易进出口额有望累计超过32万亿美元、5万亿美元。 

Now, I wish to announce eight major steps China will take to support our joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. ... Second, supporting an open world economy. China will establish pilot zones for Silk Road e-commerce cooperation, enter into free trade agreements and investment protection treaties with more countries. We will remove all restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector. In light of international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will further advance high-standard opening up in cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital and other products, and deepen reform in areas including the state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property and government procurement. China will hold the Global Digital Trade Expo annually. In the next five years (2024-2028), China’s total trade in goods and services is expected to exceed USD 32 trillion and USD 5 trillion respectively.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

♦  双方强调加强落实可持续发展目标的全球发展伙伴关系,支持二十国集团在改善全球经济治理方面发挥关键作用,反对任何形式的保护主义,共同对外发出中法携手应对疫情、气候变化等全球性挑战,共同维护多边主义,维护全球产业链、供应链稳定畅通,推动构建开放型世界经济的积极信号。 

The two sides stressed the need to enhance global development partnership for sustainable development goals, support the critical role of the G20 in improving global economic governance and oppose all forms of protectionism. Together, the two sides sent a positive message of China-France solidarity in addressing global challenges such as COVID-19 and climate change, and of concerted efforts to uphold multilateralism, keep industrial and supply chains stable and functioning and build an open world economy.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 14, 2021) 

♦  我们将与各方一道,推动建立国际规则,在全球范围内提升投资政策透明度,简化和加快投资审批程序,促进相关国际合作,构建开放型世界经济。 

China will work with all parties to establish international rules, improve the transparency of global investment policies, streamline and expedite the procedures for investment approval, promote relevant international cooperation and build an open world economy.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 13, 2021) 

♦  中方将扎实落实习近平主席在第四届进博会上宣布的扩大进口、推动高水平开放的一系列新举措,同各国一道共建开放型世界经济,让开放的春风温暖世界。 

China will earnestly implement the host of new measures announced by President Xi Jinping at the fourth CIIE for improving imports and promoting high-standard opening up. China stands ready to work with all countries to build an open world economy so that the spring breeze of openness will bring warmth to all parts of the world.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 5, 2021) 

♦  中国愿同各国一道,共建开放型世界经济,让开放的春风温暖世界! 

China stands ready to work with all countries to build an open world economy so that the spring breeze of openness will bring warmth to all parts of the world.  (Xi Jinping_Keynote Speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 4th China International Import Expo_ 习近平在第四届中国国际进口博览会开幕式上的主旨演讲_2021_11_04)

  • 立体互联互通网络 [lì tǐ hù lián hù tōng wǎng luò] multidimensional connectivity network: 


Now, I wish to announce eight major steps China will take to support our joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. First, building a multidimensional Belt and Road connectivity network. China will speed up high-quality development of the China-Europe Railway Express, participate in the trans-Caspian international transportation corridor, host the China-Europe Railway Express Cooperation Forum, and make joint efforts to build a new logistics corridor across the Eurasian continent linked by direct railway and road transportation. We will vigorously integrate ports, shipping and trading services under the “Silk Road Maritime,” and accelerate the building of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Air Silk Road.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 良渚论坛 [liáng zhǔ lùn tán] Liangzhu Forum: 

在这里,我愿宣布中国支持高质量共建“一带一路”的八项行动: 。。。 六、支持民间交往。中方将举办“良渚论坛”,深化同共建“一带一路”国家的文明对话。在已经成立丝绸之路国际剧院、艺术节、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆联盟的基础上,成立丝绸之路旅游城市联盟。继续实施“丝绸之路”中国政府奖学金项目。 

Now, I wish to announce eight major steps China will take to support our joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. ... Sixth, supporting people-to-people exchanges. China will host the Liangzhu Forum to enhance dialogue on civilizations with BRI partner countries. In addition to the Silk Road International League of Theaters, the Silk Road International Arts Festival, the International Alliance of Museums of the Silk Road, the Silk Road International Alliance of Art Museums, and the Silk Road International Library Alliance that have been set up, China has also launched the International Tourism Alliance of Silk Road Cities. And we will continue with the Chinese government scholarship Silk Road Program.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 陆联国 [lù lián guó] land-linked country: 

Today’s quote:


When countries embrace cooperation and act in concert, a deep chasm can be turned into a thoroughfare, land-locked countries can become land-linked, and a place of underdevelopment can be transformed into a land of prosperity.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中老铁路让老挝由“陆锁国”变成“陆联国”,间接为老挝增加10万余个就业岗位,预计使老挝总收入增加21%。 

The China-Laos Railway turned land-locked Laos into a land-linked country, which added over 100,000 jobs indirectly for the country and could raise Laos’ aggregate income by 21 percent;  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 13, 2023) 

♦  据报道,老挝驻华大使坎葆近日接受媒体采访称,中老铁路是中国和老挝两国互利合作的重要项目,为老挝的经济社会发展开创了新局面,将沿线人民的幸福梦想变为现实。坎葆并指出,“一带一路”倡议让老挝从“陆锁国”变为“陆联国”,实现了本地区互联互通、互利共赢。 

Lao Ambassador to China Khamphao Ernthavanh said in a recent interview that the China-Laos Railway is an important project of win-win cooperation between the two countries, which opened up new prospects for the socioeconomic development of Laos and turned the dreams of people along the route into reality.  The ambassador also noted that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has turned land-locked Laos into a land-linked country, contributing to regional connectivity and mutual benefits.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 10, 2023) 

♦  正如你所说,中老铁路万象南站换装场的建成投用,标志着中老泰陆海联运国际物流通道更加便捷通畅。中老铁路往北,可联通中国多个枢纽城市并与中欧班列衔接,向南可达泰国、马来西亚和新加坡。老挝已经从“陆锁国”成为“陆联国”,正面临前所未有的发展机遇。 

Indeed, the inauguration of the freight transit yard of the China-Laos Railway’s Vientiane South Station means faster, easier traffic on China-Laos-Thailand land-sea intermodal logistics transport channel. It means that to the north, the China-Laos Railway can now reach Chinese city hubs and connect with the China-Europe Railway Express network; and to the south, it can reach Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. This transforms Laos from a land-locked country into a land-linked hub enjoying unprecedented opportunities.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 4, 2022)

  • 陆锁国 [lù suǒ guó] land-locked country: 

Today’s quote:


When countries embrace cooperation and act in concert, a deep chasm can be turned into a thoroughfare, land-locked countries can become land-linked, and a place of underdevelopment can be transformed into a land of prosperity.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中老铁路让老挝由“陆锁国”变成“陆联国”,间接为老挝增加10万余个就业岗位,预计使老挝总收入增加21%。 

The China-Laos Railway turned land-locked Laos into a land-linked country, which added over 100,000 jobs indirectly for the country and could raise Laos’ aggregate income by 21 percent;  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 13, 2023) 

♦  据报道,老挝驻华大使坎葆近日接受媒体采访称,中老铁路是中国和老挝两国互利合作的重要项目,为老挝的经济社会发展开创了新局面,将沿线人民的幸福梦想变为现实。坎葆并指出,“一带一路”倡议让老挝从“陆锁国”变为“陆联国”,实现了本地区互联互通、互利共赢。 

Lao Ambassador to China Khamphao Ernthavanh said in a recent interview that the China-Laos Railway is an important project of win-win cooperation between the two countries, which opened up new prospects for the socioeconomic development of Laos and turned the dreams of people along the route into reality.  The ambassador also noted that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has turned land-locked Laos into a land-linked country, contributing to regional connectivity and mutual benefits.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 10, 2023) 

♦  正如你所说,中老铁路万象南站换装场的建成投用,标志着中老泰陆海联运国际物流通道更加便捷通畅。中老铁路往北,可联通中国多个枢纽城市并与中欧班列衔接,向南可达泰国、马来西亚和新加坡。老挝已经从“陆锁国”成为“陆联国”,正面临前所未有的发展机遇。 

Indeed, the inauguration of the freight transit yard of the China-Laos Railway’s Vientiane South Station means faster, easier traffic on China-Laos-Thailand land-sea intermodal logistics transport channel. It means that to the north, the China-Laos Railway can now reach Chinese city hubs and connect with the China-Europe Railway Express network; and to the south, it can reach Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. This transforms Laos from a land-locked country into a land-linked hub enjoying unprecedented opportunities.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 4, 2022)

  • 软联通 [ruǎn lián tōng] soft connectivity;  institutional connectivity:

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  共建“一带一路”倡议提出10年来,坚持共商共建共享原则,秉持开放、绿色、廉洁理念,以高标准、可持续、惠民生为目标,沿着高质量发展方向不断前进,从夯基垒台、立柱架梁到落地生根、持久发展,奏响“硬联通”“软联通”“心联通”的交响乐,搭建了各方广泛参与、汇聚国际共识、凝聚各方力量的重要实践平台。 

Since introducing the BRI ten years ago, based on extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, China has pursued open, green, clean, and high-standard cooperation to promote sustainable development and improve people’s lives, and advanced high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. It has laid the groundwork and set up the frameworks of BRI cooperation, delivering tangible results and achieving sustainable progress. Together, participants in the initiative have jointly advanced “hard connectivity”, “soft connectivity” and “people-to-people connectivity”, setting up an important platform that has enabled wide participation, built international consensus and pooled the strengths of all parties.  (White_Paper_Global Community of Shared Future- China’s Proposals and Actions_携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动_2023_09_26) 

♦  三方重申支持阿富汗充分挖掘其作为地区互联互通枢纽的潜力。重申将在共建“一带一路”框架下推进中阿巴三方合作,推动中巴经济走廊向阿富汗延伸。强调将推进基础设施“硬联通”和规则标准“软联通”,进一步探讨便利三国人员往来和贸易活动的措施。 

The three sides [at the the fifth China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue, May 2023] reaffirmed their resolve to fully harness Afghanistan’s potential as a hub for regional connectivity and their commitment to further the trilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and to jointly extending the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan. They emphasized the need to push forward the “hard connectivity” in infrastructure and “soft connectivity” in norms and standards, and further explore the facilitating measures for the movement of people and trade activities between the three countries. The Ministers agreed to strengthen cooperation in such fields as agriculture, trade, energy, capacity building, etc.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2023) 

♦  “一带一路”规则标准的“软联通”亮点纷呈。去年以来,又有10个国家同中国签署“一带一路”合作文件,共建“一带一路”大家庭成员达到180个。我们还成功举办“一带一路”亚太区域国际合作高级别会议,“一带一路”疫苗合作和绿色发展伙伴关系倡议得到广泛支持。 

The institutional connectivity of rules and standards [Belt and Road cooperation]  yielded fruitful results. Since the start of last year, 10 more countries have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with China, extending the BRI family to 180 members. A successful Asia and Pacific High-level Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation was held, and the initiatives for Belt and Road partnership on vaccine cooperation and green development have both received wide support.  (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07) 

♦  中方将同各方携手,加强基础设施“硬联通”以及规则标准“软联通”,畅通贸易和投资合作渠道,积极发展丝路电商,共同开辟融合发展的光明前景。 

China will work with all sides to promote "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, ensure unimpeded channels for trade and investment cooperation, and actively develop Silk Road e-commerce, all in a bid to open up a bright prospect for integrated development.  (Xi Jinping_Pulling Together Through Adversity and Toward a Shared Future for All_ 同舟共济克时艰,命运与共创未来 202104_20)

  • 丝路海运 [sī lù hǎi yùn] Silk Road Maritime 

Today’s quote:


Now, I wish to announce eight major steps China will take to support our joint pursuit of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. First, building a multidimensional Belt and Road connectivity network. China will speed up high-quality development of the China-Europe Railway Express, participate in the trans-Caspian international transportation corridor, host the China-Europe Railway Express Cooperation Forum, and make joint efforts to build a new logistics corridor across the Eurasian continent linked by direct railway and road transportation. We will vigorously integrate ports, shipping and trading services under the “Silk Road Maritime,” and accelerate the building of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Air Silk Road.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  不断扩大“丝路海运”等品牌影响力、推动“空中丝绸之路”建设。 

We will increase the brand influence of Maritime Silk Road shipping and promote the development of the ”Silk Road in the Air.”  (Report on the Implementation of the 2022 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2023 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development_2023_03_05) 

♦  推动“丝路海运”、“冰雪丝路”加快发展。 

We will work for faster development of the Ice and Snow Silk Road initiative and of transportation along the Maritime Silk Road.  (Report on the Implementation of the 2021 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2022 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development )

  • 丝路一家亲 [sī lù yī jiā qīn] Silk Road as one family: 

Today’s quote:


Rich and colorful cultural years, art festivals, expos and exhibitions, Luban Workshops, people-to-people exchange programs like the Silk Road Community Building Initiative and the Brightness Action program, and deepening exchanges between non-governmental organizations, think tanks, media organizations, and the youth—all these flourishing activities have composed a symphony of friendship in the new era.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  未来3年,中方将向上海合作组织国家提供1000名扶贫培训名额,建成10所鲁班工坊,在“丝路一家亲”行动框架内开展卫生健康、扶贫救助、文化教育等领域30个合作项目,帮助有需要的国家加强能力建设、改善民生福祉。 

In the next three years, China will provide 1,000 training opportunities in poverty alleviation for other SCO countries, open 10 Luban Workshops, and launch 30 cooperation projects in such areas as health, poverty relief, culture and education under the framework of the Silk Road Community Building Initiative. This will help countries in need build capacity and improve the lives of their people.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 21st Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization_ 习近平在上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十一次会议上的讲话 202109_17)

  • 小而美 [xiǎo ér měi] small and beautiful; small yet smart: 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has progressed from “sketching the outline” to “filling in the details”, and blueprints have been turned into real projects. A large number of signature projects and “small yet smart” people-centered programs have been launched.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  从硬币大小的心脏起搏器到巴基斯坦的盐灯、叙利亚的玫瑰精油,或“高精尖”或“小而美”的各国展品通过进博会走向市场,也走入万千寻常百姓家。 

From coin-sized pacemakers to salt lamps from Pakistan and rose essential oil from Syria, from cutting-edge technology to small yet smart exhibits, products from various countries have gone to the market from the CIIE [China International Import Expo] , and found their way to numerous households.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 11, 2022) 

♦  一批批“小而美”的农业、医疗、减贫项目相继落地,给沿线国家民众带来了实实在在的获得感。 

Groups of “small yet smart” projects for agriculture, health and poverty reduction have been launched, bringing a tangible sense of gain to the people of partner countries.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 18, 2022) 

♦  网购节期间,参与品牌数量超过十万个。一些“小而美”、新品牌销售额较去年同期增长一倍以上。 

The online shopping festival attracted more than 100,000 brands. The sales of some "small and beautiful" and new brands have more than doubled compared with the same period last year.  (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_ May 19, 2022) 

♦  “一带一路”互帮互助的“心联通”持续深入。我们全力驰援各国抗疫,同20个发展中国家合作伙伴开展疫苗联合生产合作,其中大部分面向“一带一路”国家。一大批“小而美”项目稳步实施,帮助共建国家民众增加了收入,改善了生活。 

The people-to-people connectivity [from Belt and Road cooperation featuring mutual help and assistance continued to deepen. We have given strong support to other countries in their fight against COVID-19, and are working on joint vaccine production with 20 developing country partners, most of which are BRI partner countries. A large number of “small yet smart” assistance programs have been steadily carried out to help people in partner countries improve income and livelihood.  (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07)

  • 信息高速公路 [xìn xī gāo sù gōng lù] information highway: 


Over these 10 years [of the Belt and Road Initiative], we have endeavored to build a global network of connectivity consisting of economic corridors, international transportation routes and information highway as well as railways, roads, airports, ports, pipelines and power grids. Covering the land, the ocean, the sky and the Internet, this network has boosted the flow of goods, capital, technologies and human resources among countries involved and injected fresh vitality into the millennia-old Silk Road in the new era.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 一带一路国际合作高峰论坛 [yī dài yīl ù guó jì hé zuò gāo fēng lùn tán] Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation: 

Today’s quote:

今天,我们在这里举行第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式。 。。。 “一带一路”合作从亚欧大陆延伸到非洲和拉美,150多个国家、30多个国际组织签署共建“一带一路”合作文件,举办3届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,成立了20多个专业领域多边合作平台。 

Today [October 18, 2023], we are meeting here for the opening ceremony of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF).  ... Belt and Road cooperation has extended from the Eurasian continent to Africa and Latin America. More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed Belt and Road cooperation documents. We have held two sessions of the BRF before, and have established over 20 specialized multilateral cooperation platforms under the BRI.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  我们将以此为契机,同国际社会一道总结经验、擘画蓝图,不断提升高质量共建“一带一路”水平,为世界经济复苏和全球可持续发展注入新动能、传递新希望。 

China will host the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation later this year. Through this event, we hope to work together with the rest of the international community to take stock of what we’ve achieved and chart the course for the future, continue to elevate high-quality BRI cooperation and be a source of driving force and hope for world economic recovery and global sustainable development.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 12, 2023) 

♦  我们将以元首外交为引领,特别是全力办好首次“中国+中亚五国”元首峰会和第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛两大主场外交,不断展现中国外交的独特风范。 

We will follow the guidance of head-of-state diplomacy. In particular, we will ensure the success of the two major diplomatic events that we will host — the first China-Central Asia Summit and the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, which will be the showcase of the distinctive character of China’s diplomacy.  (Foreign Minister Qin Gang Meets the Press_2023_03_07) 

♦  明年是习近平主席提出“一带一路”倡议十周年,各方都期待举办第三届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,共同总结成就、擘画蓝图,让这条造福世界的“发展带”更加繁荣、惠及人类的“幸福路”更加宽广。 

Next year will mark the tenth anniversary of President Xi Jinping’s proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative. All parties are looking forward to the convening of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation where we can jointly take stock of the achievements and draw up a blueprint to make this “belt of development” that benefits the world more prosperous and broaden this “road to happiness” that benefits humanity.  (Wang_Yi_ Maintain a Global Vision, Forge Ahead with Greater Resolve and Write a New Chapter in Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics_2022_12_25) 

♦  实施共建“一带一路”倡议,发起创办亚洲基础设施投资银行,设立丝路基金,举办首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议、二十国集团领导人杭州峰会、金砖国家领导人厦门会晤、亚信峰会。 

We have jointly pursued the Belt and Road Initiative, initiated the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, set up the Silk Road Fund, and hosted the First Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, the G20 2016 Summit in Hangzhou, the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, and the Fourth Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.  (Xi_Jinping_Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China_Secure a Decisive Victory_October_18_2017)

  • 硬联通 [yìng lián tōng] hard connectivity; physical connectivity: 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation has expanded from physical connectivity to institutional connectivity. Important guiding principles for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation have been laid down, which include the principle of “planning together, building together, and benefiting together,” the philosophy of open, green and clean cooperation, and the goal of pursuing high-standard, people-centered and sustainable cooperation.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  共建“一带一路”倡议提出10年来,坚持共商共建共享原则,秉持开放、绿色、廉洁理念,以高标准、可持续、惠民生为目标,沿着高质量发展方向不断前进,从夯基垒台、立柱架梁到落地生根、持久发展,奏响“硬联通”“软联通”“心联通”的交响乐,搭建了各方广泛参与、汇聚国际共识、凝聚各方力量的重要实践平台。 

Since introducing the BRI ten years ago, based on extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefits, China has pursued open, green, clean, and high-standard cooperation to promote sustainable development and improve people’s lives, and advanced high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. It has laid the groundwork and set up the frameworks of BRI cooperation, delivering tangible results and achieving sustainable progress. Together, participants in the initiative have jointly advanced “hard connectivity”, “soft connectivity” and “people-to-people connectivity”, setting up an important platform that has enabled wide participation, built international consensus and pooled the strengths of all parties.  (White_Paper_Global Community of Shared Future- China’s Proposals and Actions_携手构建人类命运共同体:中国的倡议与行动_2023_09_26) 

♦  三方重申支持阿富汗充分挖掘其作为地区互联互通枢纽的潜力。重申将在共建“一带一路”框架下推进中阿巴三方合作,推动中巴经济走廊向阿富汗延伸。强调将推进基础设施“硬联通”和规则标准“软联通”,进一步探讨便利三国人员往来和贸易活动的措施。 

The three sides [at the the fifth China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’ Dialogue, May 2023] reaffirmed their resolve to fully harness Afghanistan’s potential as a hub for regional connectivity and their commitment to further the trilateral cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and to jointly extending the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan. They emphasized the need to push forward the “hard connectivity” in infrastructure and “soft connectivity” in norms and standards, and further explore the facilitating measures for the movement of people and trade activities between the three countries. The Ministers agreed to strengthen cooperation in such fields as agriculture, trade, energy, capacity building, etc.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2023) 

♦  “一带一路”基础设施的“硬联通”扎实推进。中老铁路、以色列海法新港等重大项目顺利竣工,中巴经济走廊、比雷埃夫斯港、雅万高铁、匈塞铁路等建设运营稳步开展。中欧班列开行量和货运量再创历史新高,为各国经济复苏提供了强劲动力。 

The physical connectivity of infrastructure [Belt and Road cooperation] made solid progress. Major projects such as the China-Laos railway and the new Haifa port in Israel were completed. The construction and operation of projects in relation to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Piraeus port, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail and the Budapest-Belgrade railway advanced steadily.  The China-Europe Railway Express reached new records in the number of freight services and the amount of cargo transportation, providing a strong boost to economic recovery in relevant countries.  (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07) 

♦  中方将同各方携手,加强基础设施“硬联通”以及规则标准“软联通”,畅通贸易和投资合作渠道,积极发展丝路电商,共同开辟融合发展的光明前景。 

China will work with all sides to promote "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and "soft connectivity" of rules and standards, ensure unimpeded channels for trade and investment cooperation, and actively develop Silk Road e-commerce, all in a bid to open up a bright prospect for integrated development.  (Xi Jinping_Pulling Together Through Adversity and Toward a Shared Future for All_ 同舟共济克时艰,命运与共创未来 202104_20)

  • 有顺境也会有逆流 [yǒu shùn jìng yě huì yǒu nì liú] there will be both headwinds and tailwinds; you will encounter good times and bad times: 


On our way forward, we will encounter both headwinds and tailwinds. We need to stay focused on our goal, take results-oriented actions, persevere, and keep moving forward until our goal is met. China will work with all parties involved to deepen Belt and Road partnerships of cooperation, usher this cooperation into a new stage of high-quality development, and make relentless efforts to achieve modernization for all countries.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 赠人玫瑰则手有余香 [zèng rén méi guī zé shǒu yǒu yú xiāng] when you give roses to others, their fragrance lingers on your hand (originally an Indian proverb): 


Countries taking the lead in economic development should give a hand to their partners who are yet to catch up.  We should all treat each other as friends and partners, respect and support each other, and help each other succeed. As the saying goes, when you give roses to others, their fragrance lingers on your hand. In other words, helping others is also helping oneself. Viewing others’ development as a threat or taking economic interdependence as a risk will not make one’s own life better or speed up one’s development.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 栉风沐雨 [zhì fēng mù yǔ] persevere; perseverance (lit: combed by the wind and washed by the rain; originally from Zhuangzi 庄子): 

Today’s quote:


The past decade has been a journey of dedicated cooperation and fruitful outcomes. Belt and Road cooperation was proposed by China, but its benefits and opportunities are for the world to share. Let us meet the expectations of the people, assume responsibilities entrusted on us by history, closely follow the trend of the times, and press ahead with energy and enterprise. Let us deepen Belt and Road international cooperation, and bring Belt and Road cooperation to a new stage of higher-quality and higher-level development. Let us advance modernization of all countries, build an open, inclusive and interconnected world for common development, and jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  党的二十大后我和同事们一起去了延安,重温党中央在延安时期战胜世所罕见困难的光辉岁月,感悟老一辈共产党人的精神力量。我常说,艰难困苦,玉汝于成。中国共产党百年栉风沐雨、披荆斩棘,历程何其艰辛又何其伟大。我们要一往无前、顽强拼搏,让明天的中国更美好。 

After the 20th CPC National Congress, my colleagues and I visited Yan'an. We were there to relive the inspiring episode in which the Party's central leadership overcame extraordinary difficulties in the 1930s and 1940s, and to draw on the spiritual strength of the older generation of CPC members. I often say, "Just as polishing makes jade finer, adversity makes one stronger." Over the past 100 years, the CPC has braved wind and rain, and forged ahead against all odds. That is a most difficult yet great journey. Today, we must press on courageously to make tomorrow's China a better place.  (Xi_Jinping_New Year Speech_2023)

  • 众人拾柴火焰高 [zhòng rén shí chái huǒ yàn gāo] bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it; the task is easier with everyone pitching in: 

Today’s quote:


Belt and Road cooperation is based on the belief that flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire and that mutual support can get us far. Such cooperation seeks to deliver a good life not only to people of just one country, but to people in other countries as well. It promotes connectivity, mutual benefit, common development, cooperation and win-win outcomes.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  众人拾柴火焰高。亚投行是各成员国的亚投行,是促进地区和世界共同发展的亚投行。 

As the saying goes, the bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it. The AIIB belongs to all its member states. It is designed to facilitate common development in the region and the world at large.  (Xi_Jinping_Address at the inauguration ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank_在亚投行开业仪式上的讲话_2016_01_18) 

♦  中国俗话讲,“众人拾柴火焰高”。中国重视77国集团,珍视“77国集团加中国”机制,愿与大家风雨同舟,共同进步! 

As a Chinese saying goes, the fire burns high when every one brings wood to it. China values the G77 and the G77+China mechanism. We are ready to work with all of you through thick and thin so as to bring greater progress in our cause.  (Wang Yi at the 37th Foreign Ministers' Annual Meeting of the G77_2013_09_26) 

♦  华盛顿州和西雅图市成为中美人民友谊、中美互利合作的一个重要象征。众人拾柴火焰高。 

Washington and Seattle have become an important symbol of the friendship between Chinese and American people and the win-win cooperation between the two countries. As the Chinese saying goes, the fire burns high when everyone brings wood to it.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech during a welcome banquet Washington State_2015_09_23)

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