Choices - Blessing or Curse?
Simple and uncomplicated - sounds like an ideal solution to most problems. But, unfortunately it is not the most popularly chosen option. I always wonder why is our life full of complications despite the fact that it is much more convenient and comfortable compared to what it was during our formative years. May be because, we were, at that time, not exposed to "too many options" to choose from.
Today, when you want to just have a cup of coffee at a new place, you would first search for a place on Zomato, filter it basis the location, rating and whether it is economical. You would then add the place to be searched on Google Maps, keep following instructions, until you reach the destination. You would then settle down,take a couple of selfies, and finally check the menu. The menu would have 15 variations for a coffee each in hot and cold versions. You would rack your brains, check Zomato again for the 'most liked coffees by past visitors' , finally select one crossing your fingers to be good, and sit and wait! In 5-10 mins, your order comes along with the visitor on your left. And there, your heart breaks looking at that the other person's coffee! Sigh! What did she order coz it looks better than yours! You quietly ask the waiter and check the price, you find that its almost the same! And in this long process you keep wondering how would it be if you had ordered for that coffee and not the one you are sipping!
So, what's happened to you in the last 30 minutes?
Despite taking so many efforts, you are not satisfied. This is a negligible example of what 'more choices' has done to us. A coffee can also be enjoyed at a tapriwala or at a Udipi joint where there are no variations to a simple-modest coffee. Its just 'Coffee'.
Its always nice to try new things, gain knowledge about what's trending in the world and obviously healthy to be competitive. But why disrupt patterns we have been following that has been functioning well for us all this while? This especially when these things are not a core part of your interest and you are doing this to just follow "what's in!"
So, unless you a food explorer or earn from being a coffee taster, go have hot and piping filter coffee at a Udipi joint to smother your caffeine craving instead of getting lost in options!
Delivery Lead | Digital Transformation | Solution Design | Service Operations | CMS Solutions | Optimizely (EPiServer) | Umbraco | Tridion
8yWell written..