From Samhain To Halloween
Halloween, the evening of spooky & candy! I'm here to shed a little eery glow on the tradition's origin which comes from an old ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. Samhain is a Pagan religious festival where people would light sacred bonfires & wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
The day fell upon a time around 2,000+ years ago where the long & dark coldness became increasingly more intense. As the warmth of the summer time faded and the food supply started to dwindle, the death rate climbed.
The Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the barrier between the worlds of the living and dead became blurred and distorted. This allowed the spirits of the dead to return to earth and walk freely.
The carving of pumpkins, (which happened to be the plentiful option at the time over the original carving of turnips)
was an old Irish Myth about Stingy Jack who fooled the Devil. Upon his death, he was banned from Heaven, and not allowed in Hell. He was sentenced to roam the earth for all eternity. This caused people to start to carve demonic faces into turnips to ward off his wandering spirit that was only lead by a glowing ember given to him by the Devil to light is way.
Now we walk our neighborhoods dressing up as dated T.V. show characters, cheap ideas and skimpy outfit 'costumes' saying trick or treat while getting mounds of free candy.
Since the Big-Corp marketing departments often operate without solid oversight. . .
It can be a brew creative free-for-all frenzy approach.
While this does create an environment of creativity and bold recycled campaigns, it can also blur the lines of origin.
Oh, how the times have changed.
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Happy Halloween Everyone. 🎃
Keith Hawkins
Co-Founder of CaratX
Founder @ Enablers™ | Investor | Unlocking Business Potential and Empowering Transformative Growth