My Framework for Reading Books
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

My Framework for Reading Books

In the past 2 yrs, I've read over 100 books.

Through it all, I've learned that there are a lot of crappy "Best Selling" books out there.

This has led to hours of reading books in hopes that they will get better (the more I read them) but knowing that they won't.

Here's a framework I created to solve for this:

1/ only take book recs from other active readers, people who regularly invest in learning, mentors, or other people who I genuinely respect their opinion or their relationship with self-development.

2/ if a book sucks after reading it for a few chapters (usually about 25-40% of the book) then just put it down or return it. It is very unlikely that it will magically get better in the second half.

3/ tons of books have one MAYBE two main concepts they're trying to get across. I've found that many of these could be summarized in 50-75 pages but the authors include tons of stories to beef up the size of the book to 200-300 pages. once the concept is understood, move on.

4/ never skip the intro/prologue. I've found that it usually provides a good amount of context or mental framing that the author would like for you to have as you dive into the book.

5/ lastly, never recommend crappy books to other people. I've learned that the more high-quality books I recommend to others, the more high-quality books are recommended to me.

5.5/ that last one was very subjective. a book CAN be good to one person but crappy to another. but most people can agree when a book is really bad. and by recommending those types of books to others, people will take your word less seriously

Sarah Moore

animal expert at Normal pet service


Thanks for sharing

Kenneth Eke

Consultant | Photographer | Microsoft Alumni


I love these tips, I am moving more towards quality over quantity and the taking time to reread. has some pretty good lists and recs I have been able to pull from.

Arlyne Marella

Activating Allyship @ LinkedIn


Amanda Garcia Great article and this is my friend I was telling you about!

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