Overcoming hurdles makes life meaningful
“In the world, nothing is softer than water, yet it is the best thing for wearing down hard things. Its yielding defeats the strong, its softness defeats the hardness. Everyone knows this, but few can practice it. The sage says that, she who honors the world’s troubles is fit to govern the world. She who takes on the disasters of the world, deserves to become the queen. These words are paradoxical.” ~Tao Te Ching
But if you want to overcome obstacles in life, unsettle your mind first! A set mind is rigid with preconceived ideas and strategies. Be soft like water and yield. Like the willow tree does not break when the storms batter it because it knows how to bend, it’s branches flexible . When you know how to yield you will not break. Know how to become one with the wind. It is the rigid and unyielding who suffer the most injury. Flow around obstacles like water. Do not give in to fear and anxiety. Become fearless and with mindfulness overcome doubt.
Most importantly do not engage in resistance to what is, accept it as if you had chosen it and see obstacles melt in the light of your acceptance. I believe the mindset for overcoming obstacles in life differs for everybody. For example my mindset is mostly based on belief and love for a good challenge. Basically when an obstacle arises and blocks my path, I get very excited about it. The new roads we pave for ourselves are beautiful and may start off peaceful and quite.
Although I love the beauty, I love it more when an obstacle is in my way because then I know I’m on the right path. It’s a matter of perspective. Most may give up and raise the white flag when faced with a challenge because they automatically assume it’s not for them. Me on the other hand see it as guidance and an opportunity to learn something new and build character. Now while your going through this obstacle is another story. You see obstacles many times may seem to disappear, however they are just very subtle and make you think they’re gone.
And this has happened many times to me, sometimes I think I have made it up the wall or sometimes I’ll forget I’m climbing a wall. This is when we can get stressed out and panicky and feel like we are victims to something. This is where belief kicks in. No matter what stress, anxiety, depression, pain you go through you just have to hold on to that tiny fraction of a voice that says, “where going to make it out of this someday, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually” and that small voice muffled by the surrounding noise we’ll get bigger and bigger the more you listen to it.
Now, I do believe it is possible to learn from success, but it’s a small possibility. Humans have a tendency of sitting back and relaxing when they’ve reached their objective. We’ve done all we wanted, what more is there to learn? But it is the pressures of failures that mold us into “better stuff”.
Like putting gold into a furnace, when we go through hard times, our laziness, carelessness, and ignorance are stripped away like the dross that rises up out of molten gold, and what remains makes us in better condition than we were before. It is the harshness of boot camp that molds discipline and character into a soldier. It was the Great Depression that built the toughness in many people, a toughness that we lean back on even today. Without obstacles and failures, we would remain in our “default” form: in a weak, sad, selfish state.
Therefore it’s the reason there’s beauty in chaos, when all things seem to be going wrong just hearing that voice lets us accept what we are going through and be content with our situation. It can also be the voice that makes you take a step back and remember that your trying to conquer a mountain. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #800articles