Pacing challenges, long-term strategic competitors, Palestinians governing Palestine, and the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination ...

Pacing challenges, long-term strategic competitors, Palestinians governing Palestine, and the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination ...

Terms to note from today’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 巴人治巴  [bā rén zhì bā]  Palestinians governing Palestine: 

Today’s quote:


Not long ago, China proposed the three-step initiative regarding the conflict in Gaza, which identifies ceasefire and humanitarian aid as the pressing priority, “the Palestinians governing Palestine” as the fundamental principle of post-conflict reconstruction in Gaza and the two-State solution as the fundamental way forward. The legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people need to be realized and the reasonable security concerns of Israel need to be paid attention to.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中方愿继续同包括中东各国在内的国际社会一道,加强团结合作,坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民恢复民族合法权利的正义事业;坚定支持推动巴勒斯坦各派别通过对话实现内部和解;坚定支持巴勒斯坦尽快成为联合国正式会员国;坚定支持巴勒斯坦人民实现独立建国和“巴人治巴”。 

China will continue to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with Middle East countries and the whole international community to firmly support the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights; firmly support internal reconciliation among different factions of Palestine through dialogue; firmly support Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations at an early date; and firmly support establishing the independent State of Palestine and realizing “the Palestinians governing Palestine.”  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 29, 2024) 

♦  加沙冲突发生以来,我们同广大阿拉伯国家保持密切沟通协作,同国际社会有关各方广泛凝聚共识,以最大的紧迫感推动全面停火止战。我们高度关注加沙人道局势我们积极推动巴勒斯坦各派别通过对话实现内部和解,坚定支持“巴人治巴”。 

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza, we have maintained close communication and coordination with the Arab countries, built broad-based consensus with relevant parties in the international community, and promoted the comprehensive ceasefire with the greatest sense of urgency. We have closely followed the humanitarian situation in Gaza and have already provided multiple batches of emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza through bilateral and multilateral channels. China has actively encouraged all factions in Palestine to achieve internal reconciliation through dialogue and firmly supported “the Palestinians governing Palestine”.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 20, 2024) 

♦  中方对穆斯塔法先生出任巴勒斯坦新任总理表示祝贺。任何涉及巴勒斯坦前途命运的安排都必须遵循“巴人治巴”原则、充分反映巴勒斯坦人民的意愿。我们支持巴勒斯坦民族权力机构增强权威,实现对所有巴领土的有效管控,支持巴各政治派别通过协商对话实现内部和解。中方愿同各方一道,为缓解当前紧张局势、推动巴勒斯坦问题重回“两国方案”正确轨道贡献力量。 

China congratulates Mr. Mustafa on taking office as the new Prime Minister of Palestine. Any arrangement concerning the future and destiny of Palestine must follow the principle of “the Palestinians governing Palestine” and fully reflect the Palestinians’ aspiration. We support the Palestinian Authority in enhancing its authority and effectively controlling all of Palestine’s territory, and support all political factions in Palestine in achieving internal reconciliation through consultation and dialogue. China stands ready to work with all parties to deescalate the current tensions and bring the Palestinian question back to the right track of the two-State solution.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on March 19, 2024) 

  • 步步紧逼的挑战  [bù bù jǐn bī de tiǎo zhàn]  pacing challenge: 

Today’s quote:


The US’s view of the international landscape and its definition of relations with China through the lens of strategic competition show how the US clings to the Cold War mentality. Treating China as its long-term strategic competitor and pacing challenge shows how the US projects its own hegemonic history and mentality onto other countries. This severe misjudgment of China and China-US relations does not serve the fundamental interests of the two peoples or meet the common expectation of the international community. China has all along been an upholder of world peace, contributor to global development and defender of the international order. In fact, it’s the US, not others, that has staged unfair competition, taken aggressive actions, constantly flexed its muscle, and coerced other countries.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  众所周知,美国是世界上最大的“黑客帝国”“监听帝国”“窃密帝国”,肆无忌惮地对他国实施大规模、系统性、无差别网络攻击,就连自己的盟友也不放过。此外,美国还是网络战的始作俑者和集大成者,大力发展进攻性网络作战力量,研发“电幕行动”“量子”“酸狐狸”等网络攻击武器。由此可见,谈到网络威胁,如果美国世界第二,那么没有一个国家能当第一。“步步紧逼的挑战”这顶大帽子,我们原物奉还。 

It is known to all that the US is the world's biggest empire of hacking, surveillance and theft of secrets that flagrantly conduct large-scale, systematic and indiscriminate cyber attacks against other countries. Even its allies are no exception.  Besides, as the origin and master of cyber warfare, the US vigorously develops offensive cyber capabilities and has developed cyber weapons like “Bvp47”, “QUANTUM”, “Acid Fox”, etc.  Speaking of cyber threat to others, the US is second to none.  So, the US should reserve the label of “a pacing challenge” for itself.  (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 28, 2023) 

♦  据报道,美白宫官员近日称,中国“侦察气球”是对美主权领空的严重“侵犯”。美国防部官员则称,中国仍然是美国面临的“步步紧逼的挑战”。中国正在运用经济、外交、军事和技术力量,试图成为世界上最具影响力的大国。 

According to media reports, US White House officials recently said that China's surveillance balloon was a serious violation of US sovereignty and airspace. US defense officials said that China remains a "pacing challenge" and China is using its economic, diplomatic, military and technological might to try to become the most influential power in the world.  (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on February 23, 2023) 

♦  据报道,美太空司令部司令日前称,中国不断提升太空实力,威胁美国太空资产,对美构成“步步紧逼的挑战”。 

It is reported that the Commander of the US Space Command recently called China a pacing challenge to the US for its continuously growing capabilities that hold America’s space assets at risk.  (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on December 29, 2022) 

♦  美方高官近来言必称中国构成“步步紧逼的挑战”,动辄指责中国企图改变“以规则为基础的国际秩序”。 

US senior officials have spouted off “pacing challenge” from China at every turn and wantonly accused China of attempting to change the “rules-based international order”.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 5, 2022)

  • 长期战略竞争对手  [cháng qí zhàn lüè jìng zhēng duì shǒu]  long-term strategic competitor: 


The US’s view of the international landscape and its definition of relations with China through the lens of strategic competition show how the US clings to the Cold War mentality. Treating China as its long-term strategic competitor and pacing challenge shows how the US projects its own hegemonic history and mentality onto other countries. This severe misjudgment of China and China-US relations does not serve the fundamental interests of the two peoples or meet the common expectation of the international community.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024)

  • 三步走中方倡议  [sān bù zǒu zhōng fāng chàng yì]  China’s Three-step Initiative (as proposed by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the meeting with senior representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held reconciliation talks in Beijing from July 21-23, 2024; the three steps are:

Today’s quote:


First step: achieving comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensuring unimpeded access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground.


Second step: making joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “the Palestinians governing Palestine.”


Third step: making Palestine a full UN member state and beginning to implement the two-State solution.): 


Not long ago, China proposed the three-step initiative regarding the conflict in Gaza, which identifies ceasefire and humanitarian aid as the pressing priority, “the Palestinians governing Palestine” as the fundamental principle of post-conflict reconstruction in Gaza and the two-State solution as the fundamental way forward. The legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people need to be realized and the reasonable security concerns of Israel need to be paid attention to. The international community needs to, on the basis of promoting deescalation, hold a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference and formulate a timetable and roadmap for the implementation of the two-State solution, so as to eventually realize peaceful coexistence between the two states of Palestine and Israel as well as harmony between the Arab and Jewish peoples.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  正如王毅外长在致辞中所说,此次对话最重要的共识就是实现所有14个派别的大和解、大团结,最核心的成果就是明确巴解组织是巴勒斯坦人民唯一合法代表,最突出的亮点就是围绕加沙战后治理、组建临时民族和解政府达成一致,最强烈的呼吁就是要根据联合国有关决议实现巴勒斯坦真正的独立建国。王毅外长在致辞中针对当前加沙冲突困境,提出“三步走”中方倡议。第一步是推动加沙地带尽快实现全面、持久、可持续停火,确保人道援助和救援顺畅准入。第二步是秉持“巴人治巴”原则,携手推进加沙战后治理。第三步是推动巴勒斯坦成为联合国正式会员国,并着手落实“两国方案”。“三步走”环环相扣,缺一不可。 

As Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in his remarks [at the meeting with senior representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held reconciliation talks in Beijing from July 21-23, 2024], the most important consensus of the talks is to achieve reconciliation and unity among all 14 factions, the most central outcome is the reaffirmation of the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, the most outstanding highlight is the consensus on post-conflict governance in Gaza and forming an interim national reconciliation government, and the strongest aspiration is to realize true independent statehood of Palestine in accordance with relevant UN resolutions. In his remarks, Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward China’s three-step initiative regarding the ongoing Gaza conflict. First step: achieving comprehensive, lasting and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and ensuring unimpeded access to humanitarian aid and rescue on the ground. Second step: making joint efforts toward post-conflict governance of Gaza under the principle of “the Palestinians governing Palestine.” Third step: making Palestine a full UN member state and beginning to implement the two-State solution. These three steps are interlocked and all of them are indispensable.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 23, 2024)

  • 挟洋谋独  [xié yáng móu dú]  seeking independence with foreign support; coercing foreigners for independence: 

Today’s quote:


China’s position on the Taiwan question is consistent and clear. We firmly oppose anyone who seeks “Taiwan independence” visiting countries with diplomatic ties with China under any pretext. We urge the Czech Republic and relevant countries to earnestly abide by the one-China principle and respect China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and not to provide facilitation for “Taiwan independence” separatist forces in any form or do things that harm bilateral relations with China. We also have a clear message for the DPP authorities: seeking “Taiwan independence” is bound to fail, and any political manipulation and attempt to solicit foreign support for that agenda will prove futile.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  日本一些人心怀叵测,鼓吹“台湾有事,就是日本有事”,明显打错了算盘。民进党当局翻炒此类论调,再次暴露其底层逻辑是媚日卖台、“挟洋谋独”,再次提醒世人,“台独”和外部势力干涉是台海和平稳定的最大破坏因素。我想强调的是,坚持一个中国原则是国际社会普遍共识,以任何借口和形式搞“台独”分裂都没有出路。 

Some in Japan are clearly up to no good by preaching that “any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan.” But they will not get their way. By repeating and hyping that rhetoric, the DPP authorities are essentially telling the world that they’re always ready to ingratiate themselves with Japan and sell Taiwan out in order to seek “Taiwan independence” through soliciting foreign support. It once again reminds people that “Taiwan independence” and foreign interference are the biggest undermining factor for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Let me stress that the one-China principle is a universal consensus. No separatist attempt for “Taiwan independence” will get anywhere, whatever its form or pretext.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024) 

♦  至于“挟洋谋独”,更是自欺欺人的黄粱一梦而已。中国人不打中国人,但如果岛内一些人不想做“中国人”,我们也不会坐视不管。 

As for “seeking independence with foreign support,” it's nothing more than a self-deceiving day dream. Chinese don't fight Chinese, but if some people on the island don't want to be Chinese, we won't sit idly by.  (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 28, 2023) 

♦  “挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败。 

Seeking independence with foreign support will go nowhere, and using the Taiwan question to contain China is doomed to fail.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 11, 2022) 

♦  台湾的前途希望在于两岸关系和平发展,在于实现国家的统一,而不是依靠什么外部的“空头支票”。“挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败,台湾终会回到祖国的怀抱。 

Taiwan’s future and hope lies in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and reunification with the mainland, not in counting on the empty promises of external forces. Seeking foreign support to gain independence is a dead end. The scheme to use Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail. Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.  (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07)

  • 中印边境事务磋商和协调工作机制  [zhōng yìn biān jìng shì wù cuō shāng hé xié tiáo gōng zuò jī zhì]  Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on China-India Border Affairs, WMCC: 


At the recent 31st meeting of the Working Mechanism for Consultation and Coordination on China-India Border Affairs (WMCC), the two sides further narrowed down differences, expanded common understandings and agreed to find early resolution to the situation on the border.  (Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on October 8, 2024)

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