Stalled On Starting Your Business?
Learning a lot, but doing nothing to actually start your business?
Read this.
This year, have you:
… attended a ton of online learning events and binged free resources, but then felt stuck because you didn’t implement a thing?
… been off and on with a bunch of different URLs and websites, then done nothing with them?
… gone down rabbit holes, reading other people’s stuff, then realized hours had gone by with no progress?
… joined free online events with people like Tony Robbins alongside spectators who said they’ve been following him for 15 years which was like “oh wow” at first, but then got you thinking….
Am I just one of these stuck people who’ve made a list of things to do, but haven’t taken action on any of them?
If that describes you, congratulations, you’ve completed your first year of “business,” Just without the LLC…
This is the stage where it’s normal if you sit in analysis paralysis.
It’s normal if you research yourself right into a wall.
And it’s really likely you’ve beaten yourself up about it. Like, a lot.
So I’m popping in to say: stop.
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Starting a business is the biggest risk you’ll likely ever take. It’s not your fault you like to look before you leap. You’re a pro at mitigating risk, and as one of the few lawyers walking among the online space, I personally think that’s great.
So if you come here each week to read my posts, but then started feeling like a fly on the wall who probably shouldn’t be here, hear this:
you’re where you’re meant to be!
Stop judging yourself.
Keep going.
Something will spark the fire that motivates you to take a real step toward starting your business.
It always does.
PS — if you celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas Eve. Add some peppermint schnapps to your drink, and relax. You deserve it. 🎄
And Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends! I can’t wait for latkes. Tell me: sour cream or applesauce? There’s only one right answer…
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1moI found that baby steps forward finally broke my analysis paralysis. Writing down one or two easy action items that I could accomplish and cross of a list each day. Little pebbles that build up over time. That and aligning with kind Creators like you Sam who can push us in the right direction!