Sydney, I love you to the core!
This week I got to spend 2 days right in the heart of Sydney for networking purposes - and, no matter how many times I have driven across the Harbour Bridge, or above Circular Quay, with the Opera House and Harbour Bridge to my side... the view is still as breathtaking as it was the very first time I laid eyes on this iconic heart of Sydney.
It's been almost 20 years since I followed a very strong calling to move to Australia - and it was specifically Sydney, not anywhere else. I had visited many times since 1997, then finally got my official permission to stay in 2004.
I remember a close friend telling me about the outskirt, the "uglier suburbs" he called them - I won't name and shame here, yet over the years I got to understand, that even Sydney, like every city, has got its beautiful parts, and those you wouldn't want to spend too much time in (if any at all).
This week it got me thinking, how much this compares to any of us! I believe we all have parts we are not that proud of; parts we don't want others to see. Yet, in our core, we are all truly beautiful - simply breathtaking.
How incredible would it be, if our deepest innerst, our heart, would be just as visible to everyone like our iconic Sydney? Shining bright, attracting thousands of people with its sheer beauty...
I understand this comparison isn't perfect - yet it did get me thinking about the beauty in all of us.
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I see you! And I encourage you to spend more time connecting with people from heart to heart.
With Love
Marie x
In my newly relaunched podcast "Unsilence Grief" we speak about all parts of Grief - the beautiful (yes you heard me right) and the ugly ones. You can subscribe to to tune in live every week. Click the notification bell to never miss an episode!