Women Consultants, Are You Giving Yourself Permission To Set Outrageous Goals?
Welcome to today's edition of the Seven Figure Consultant LinkedIn Newsletter for Women in Consulting. Don't forget that you can get daily updates from Jessica in your LinkedIn news feed by accessing her LinkedIn profile and hitting Follow. She will be sharing insights and discussions through the week that she would love to hear your views on.
We play a lot of board games and card games in my family, and I always stress everyone out because I’m a total shoot the moon type of person. Go big or go home!
Because really, if you can’t give yourself permission to do crazy outrageous things in a GAME, what does that say for the rest of life?
Sometimes it’s good to be cautious, and risk averse, but a lot of the time we draw the line for ourselves way more conservatively than we actually need to.
What we actually need to get used to doing isn’t making things smaller and safer. It’s making them BIGGER and braver. Because when you go really big in your business, that’s when consistent, continuous growth can start to happen.
I quite often start out with clients by pointing out to them that they could and should be charging more for their services.
And once we’ve been working together for a while they start to see their business with new eyes and they can say ‘actually I know I need to raise my prices again because I’m still not charging in line with the value I provide.’
It’s not like you make a big plan for your business, work hard, achieve it, and then, the end.
It’s actually more of a moving target because as you grow your business, you start to set your sights on a new horizon that has just opened up.
This is one of the overwhelming things about mindset.
When you start to get a bigger vision for what your life can be like and for what your business can be like, you suddenly realise that the life you lived before this point was way too small. Only you didn’t realise that it was too small at the time.
You may have spent years, decades, living out a narrative that told you ‘don’t aim for this, you won’t achieve it. Money is scarce. You’re lucky to have what you do, don’t try and aim for more.’
The good part is that once you have your eyes opened to the sheer depth of possibility around you - it becomes the first day of the next chapter of your life.
Let me know in the comments, what’s your attitude when playing games - are you cautious or do you take risks?
Free Report - The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Consulting Business
I've created a free PDF report called The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Business. It’s my most popular free resource and in it I outline the 6 areas of unscaled businesses that need to change in order to move past being ‘booked up and burned out’ and shifting into that higher gear that gets you cruising again.
It’s the framework that helps consultant women like you find their feet and get back to leading the business, rather than being buried in client work and back-end business operations.
Thanks for reading and subscribing! I'd love to hear your feedback and future topics you'd like me to feature.
To find out more about the work I do, visit jessicafearnley.com or message me here on LinkedIn if you'd like to hear more about private coaching and how I can help you transition from booked up and burned out to THRIVING as the CEO of your 7 figure consulting business.
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Sales Specialist at Department of Information and Communications Technology
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