Are You Going Too Slow or Too Fast? 🚗💨
When to slow down? When to speed up?
Imagine you're driving a car. You want to get to a destination. You take some small roads but at some point you reach the highway. The road is clear. You know you're going in the right direction. It's time to speed up.
Now imagine you're in the middle of the city. Your phone is out of battery so you can't rely on google maps. You're not sure where you should turn. You're going left and right. Not the best time to speed up. Unless if you want to crash into a building. It's time to stop the car, get outside, look around or ask someone for directions.
We have moments in our life where we are on a highway, knowing we're going in the right direction, and we have moment riding around in the city, not being sure where we are going exactly.
Sometimes in our lives we know we are going in the right direction, at least until proven otherwise, and we have moment we feel a bit lost, not sure where we are going, what we are doing, or even who we are.
Recognize where you are at each moment, most importantly where you're at now. Maybe it's time to speed up on what you're doing. Maybe it's time to slow down or stop and reflect.
Warrior Habit
Listen. We have the reflex to talk. All of us have ideas and opinions to share. The point is not that they are not valuable or that they shouldn't be shared. But if your first goal is to share them, listening to people becomes secondary. On the other end, if your goal is to listen, you'll be more attentive, ask more questions, and most importantly learn more.
We've all heard it. We have 2 ears and only 1 mouth, therefore we should listen twice more than talk.
What happens when you listen more? You learn more about the person you're talking to, you're exposed to different opinions and ideas, and also you learn to ask better questions. And that skill is one of the most important skills in life, because the quality of your answers are determined by the quality of your questions. Especially the ones you ask yourself.
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words.”
― Roy T. Bennett
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Warrior Tip
Single-tasking. In a culture of productivity, success, optimization, busyness, the default mode we live in, and especially work in, is multitasking. We feel productive, we feel we're doing something with our lives. But the truth is that not only our mental health suffers (from stress and feeling overwhelmed) but also our work suffers (because we accomplish less, even if we have the feeling of doing more).
Many studies prove that. This one even shows that only 2,5% of the population can multitask effectively. There are good chances that you're in the 97,5%. A study from the University of California Irvine shows that it takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds to fully get back on track after a distraction. Jumping if you're jumping from a text, to an e-mail, to a phone call, to writing down an idea, you have the illusion of doing more, but actually you're taking more time per task and you're not fully focused on any, so the chances of a mistake goes way up. Simply stop multitasking.
Warrior Health
Walk barefoot. There are many muscles that are not activated in our feet and legs when we walk in shoes. There are 7000 nerves in each foot that are stimulated and activated when you walk barefoot. Whether it's at home or outside, try as often as possible to take off your shoes and socks. Next time you pass by a park, instead of walking on the sidewalk, take off your shoes and walk on the grass. It's refreshing in the moment but your whole body will thank you later.
Warrior Ressources
By the way we've just launched our official YouTube channel, make sure to check it out!
What do you think?
I am more than happy to hear from you. Please don't be shy to answer to DM me or send me an e-mail to with your comments, thoughts or suggestions.
I wish you a wonderful day and week.
Yours truly,
Jakub, the Funky Warrior