When I was last a full-time Proposal Manager a decade ago (for MorphoTrak), a proposal due date extension did not necessitate an update to an Asana task end date. Asana existed (its iOS and Android apps were both released by 2015), but MorphoTrak wasn’t using them.
Things are different now.
My consulting firm Bredemarket has helped (at least) four identity/biometric companies with proposal work over the years, including RFI responses, RFP responses, proposal letters, and similar communications; proposal templates; and proposal standard text (what the machinists call “boilerplate”).
I signed non-disclosure agreements with all these companies, which is why I redacted my current client’s name and its prospective customer from the accompanying image. But if my client wins, I will celebrate. Quietly.
Incidentally, since my Asana is only accessible to me, it only includes minimal information. In Asana, this entire response is a single entry. I use other means to communicate the more detailed schedule to my clients.
Incidentally, if you were one of MY prospects and received a communication saying that I was wrapping up a project today…I’m not. But it’s almost wrapped up, bearing in mind that any gas fills up the available space.
But if you want me to work on your gas, contact me via Bredemarket’s “CPA” page.
Proposal work (the P) is just one of several services Bredemarket provides to identity, biometric, and technology clients. In fact, all 4 of the referenced Proposal clients have also used my Content services, my Analysis services, or both.