


  • flextime
  • flexible work time
  • flexible (working) hours
  • flexible (working) schedules

Having flexible working hours can help disperse commuters during peak hours.(彈性工時有助於疏散尖峰時段的通勤人潮。)

A flexible working schedule allows employees to arrange their own working hours, which helps to enhance their efficiency.(彈性工時讓員工能安排他們自己的工作時間,有助於提升他們的工作效率。)


許多公司在疫情期間會採取「分流上班制」,也就是公司將員工分組,輪流在家上班以及到公司辦公,以減少通勤人潮和到班人數。事實上,這個詞是比較新興的詞彙,英文中還沒有能精準對應的短詞語,不過我們可以透過句子描述這個狀況。句子中會用到片語take turns(輪流)或 alternate(輪流的、間隔的)這個單字喔:

My colleagues and I take turns coming to the office and working from home during the pandemic.(疫情期間,我的同事和我輪流到公司上班和在家工作。)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we come to the office on alternate weeks to reduce crowding.(因應新冠肺炎,我們隔週輪流到公司上班,以降低人潮擁擠。)

小補充,大家應該都知道「居家辦公」的英文是WFH,全稱也就是work from home喔。



We had an off-site meeting in Eatogether, discussing the company’s new policy.(我們在饗食天堂異地開會,討論公司的新政策。)

那如果是「異地辦公」,可以說work off-site:

Half of the employees work off-site during the pandemic.(疫情期間,一半的員工異地辦公。)



  • Level 3 alert
  • Level 3 epidemic alert
  • Level 3 COVID-19 alert

The CECC has announced that the nationwide Level 3 alert for COVID-19 has been extended for another two weeks, which is until July 12.(疫情指揮中心宣布,針對新冠肺炎疫情的全國三級警戒再延長兩週,也就是到七月十二日。)

小補充,CECC的全稱就是Central Epidemic Command Center(中央流行疫情指揮中心)喔。


「群聚」也就是指兩個人以上聚在一起,英文可以用gathering。「室內群聚」是indoor gathering,「室外群聚」則是outdoor gathering。「社交聚會」的英文可以說social gathering。

Charles is holding a social gathering on Saturday during the pandemic! I’m gonna report him.(Charles在疫情期間還要在禮拜六辦社交聚會欸!我要檢舉他。)

Under the Level 3 epidemic alert, indoor gatherings over 5 people and outdoor gatherings over 10 people are banned.(三級警戒期間,禁止室內五人以上群聚及室外十人以上群聚。)


本文經希平方 - 線上學英文授權刊登,原文以〈「彈性工時」、「分流上班」、「三級警戒」英文怎麼說?〉為題發表
