Brain and Nervous System Medical Reference
- Amvuttra for hATTR With Polyneuropathy
Amvuttra is a prescription injectable medicine. Here’s how it treats hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis with polyneuropathy.
- Spinraza for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: What You Need to Know
Spinraza is a prescription injectable medicine. Here’s how it treats spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
- Evrysdi for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: What You Need to Know
Evrysdi is an oral medicine. Here’s how it treats spinal muscular atrophy (SMA).
- Rаvulizumab (Ultomiris) para el tratamiento de la miastenia grave generalizada
Ultomiris es un inhibidor de acción prolongada para el tratamiento de la miastenia grave.
- Miastenia grave: aprovecha al máximo tu energía
Cuando tienes miastenia grave, es importante aprovechar al máximo tu energía limitada. Estos consejos y herramientas pueden ayudarte a sentirte más fuerte por más tiempo.
- Tu guía sobre Vyvgart para la miastenia grave generalizada
Conoce sobre Vyvgart, un medicamento recetado para ciertos tipos de miastenia grave generalizada.
- Zilucoplán (Zilbrysq) para la miastenia grave
Conoce más sobre el Zilbrysq, un efectivo tratamiento para la la miastenia grave, que puede inyectarse en casa.
- Crisis miasténica: una complicación seria de la miastenia grave
La crisis miasténica, una complicación grave de la miastenia grave, afecta la respiración. Aprende a identificarla y qué hacer ante una emergencia.
- Rystiggo para el tratamiento de la miastenia grave generalizada
Rystiggo es un anticuerpo monoclonal. Así es como trata la miastenia grave generalizada.
- Entiende la miastenia grave: conceptos básicos
Entiende los conceptos básicos de la miastenia grave, de acuerdo con los expertos de WebMD.
- Entiende la miastenia grave: síntomas
WebMD te explica los síntomas de la miastenia grave, una enfermedad caracterizada por la debilidad muscular.
- ¿Cómo se diagnostica y trata la miastenia grave?
WebMD explica el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la miastenia grave.
- Demon Face Syndrome (Prosopometamorphopsia)
Demon face syndrome (prosopometamorphopsia) is a rare condition caused by visual perception issues in which you see distorted faces that can resemble monsters or demons.
- Dyspraxia — Developmental Coordination Disorder
Dyspraxia is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how your neurological (nerve) system and brain function.
- Understanding Fainting -- Diagnosis and Treatment
WebMD explains how your doctor will determine the cause of your fainting, and what to do if someone nearby faints.
- Understanding Fainting -- Prevention
If you are prone to fainting, follow some of these preventive measures from the experts at WebMD.
- ¿Funciona mi tratamiento para la miastenia grave?
Aprende sobre los tratamientos para la miastenia grave y evalúa si el tratamiento que tienes te funciona.
- Trabaja con tu médico para controlar la miastenia grave
La miastenia grave es un trastorno neuromuscular poco común que debilita los músculos y causa agotamiento. Sin embargo, vivir con ella no tiene por qué frenarte.
- Conoce tu cuerpo con miastenia grave
Los síntomas son diferentes en cada persona. Entiende cómo la miastenia grave impacta tu vida con estos consejos.
- Miastenia Grave: cómo incorporar el descanso en tu día
Recarga tu energía durante el día con estos consejos si tienes miastenia grave.
- ¿Puedo hacer ejercicio con miastenia grave?
¿Es seguro hacer ejercicios cuando tienes miastenia grave? Con la ayuda correcta no tienes por qué frenarte.
- Rystiggo for the Treatment of Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Rystiggo is a monoclonal antibody. Here’s how it treats myasthenia gravis.
- Your Guide to Vyvgart & Vyvgart Hytrulo for Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Vyvgart is a neonatal Fc receptor blocker. Here’s how it treats generalized myasthenia gravis.
- Zilսϲорlaո (Zilbrysq) for Myasthenia Gravis
Zilbrysq is a complement inhibitor. Here’s how it treats myasthenia gravis.
- Episodic Memory
Episodic memory is the ability to recall personal experiences, including where and when the event happened, forming part of a long-term memory.
- Primary Progressive Aphasia
Primary progressive aphasia is a neurological disorder that gradually impairs language abilities, affecting speech, writing, and comprehension while other cognitive functions stay intact.
- Your Guide to Wainua for Amyloidosis – What You Need to Know
Wainua is a subcutaneous injection. Here’s how it treats hereditary transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (hATTR).
- ¿Por qué me siento mareado?
Mareos: Explora las causas y los síntomas de los mareos. Comprende cuándo es crucial buscar ayuda médica y cuáles son algunas de las opciones de tratamiento más efectivos.
- Skyclarys for Friedreich Ataxia in Adults
Skyclarys is a Nrf2 activator. Here’s how it treats Friedreich Ataxia.
- Rаvulizսmab (Ultomiris) for the Treatment of Generalized Myasthenia Gravis
Ultomiris is a long-acting complement inhibitor. Here’s how it treats myasthenia gravis.
- How Ingrezza Works for Tardive Dyskinesia and Chorea
Ingrezza is a VMAT2 inhibitor. Here’s how it treats movement disorders.
- Implicit vs. Explicit Memory
Implicit memory and explicit memory: What’s the difference and what are examples of implicit and explicit memory?
- Austedo for Uncontrolled Movements in Huntington’s and Tardive Dyskinesia
Austedo is a VMAT2 inhibitor. Here’s how it treats movement disorders.
- Meet Your hATTR Amyloidosis Care Team
Your hATTR amyloidosis care team is vitally important to your health. Here’s a look at which health professionals are on it, and what they do.
- Questions for Your hATTR Amyloidosis Appointment
Find out which questions can help you get the most from your next hereditary ATTR amyloidosis (hATTR) doctor visit.
- Questions Your hATTR Team May Ask
At your first appointment with your hATTR amyloidosis care team, they may ask you a lot of questions. Here’s why, and here’s what you can do to prepare.
- Your First hATTR Amyloidosis Appointment
Your first hATTR appointment may seem scary. Here’s a guide for what to expect: from tests your doctor will order to the treatments they might recommend.
- hATTR Amyloidosis: Finding a Specialist
How to find the right doctor to treat your hATTR amyloidosis. Hint: You may need more than one.
- What’s Needed Before Your hATTR Appointment
Here’s what to bring so your doctor has everything needed to give you the best treatment for hereditary ATTR amyloidosis (hATTR).
- How hATTR With Polyneuropathy Can Impact Multiple Systems in the Body
hATTR with polyneuropathy is a rare disease that’s passed down through families. Learn about disabling symptoms it can cause all over your body.
- What Is hATTR With Polyneuropathy?
hATTR with polyneuropathy is a rare disease that can damage your heart, nerves, and more. Learn what causes it and how to know if you’re at risk.
- Treating hATTR-Related Complications
Treatments for hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR) with polyneuropathy were once limited, but there’s progress to slow the disease’s progression.
- Treatments for Hereditary Transthyretin Amyloidosis With Polyneuropathy
Treatments for hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis with polyneuropathy were once limited, but new therapies improve symptoms of the rare disease.
- Myasthenia Gravis Surgery: Set Yourself Up for Success
Follow these tips to prepare for your thymectomy and make recovery easier.
- What Is a Thymectomy?
Considering removing your thymus? Learn more about this surgery.
- Myasthenia Gravis: The Road to Remission
Myasthenia gravis is a chronic autoimmune condition without a cure. But it’s treatable. Learn more about how treatment can help you get to remission with myasthenia gravis.
- How Do I Know If My Treatment Is Working?
There are signs your myasthenia gravis is getting better. Here’s what to look for.
- Working Rest Breaks in With MG
Myasthenia gravis (MG) saps your energy and can leave you weak. Get tips on working rest breaks into your day to save your strength.
- How to Make Things Easier Around the House
Tips to help you stay safe and live better in your home when you have myasthenia gravis.