Publicación de Andres Henao

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Tech - National Strategic Account Manager

🚀 Guía introductoria para un RPO exitoso. ¿Estás interesado en Reclutamiento de Procesos Externos (RPO)? ¡No te pierdas esta guía completa! 📖

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The past years have seen significant peaks and troughs in recruitment and companies are still uncertain on how to handle them effectively. 📈 Flexibility is a crucial component for the success of talent acquisition strategies. A healthy company is one with the ability to effectively respond to unstable market conditions and meet specific project demands.  RPO strategies can be continually adjusted to what your business needs at any given time, so you can avoid running into business-critical costs. 👇 Learn all this and more in our Introductory Guide to Successful RPO #hiring #recruitment #talentacquisition #outsourcing #workforceplanning #RPO #flexibility 

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