Idag er vi selvfølgelig på Retailtech konferansen til Virke og Computerworld ved våre kolleger Hans Petter Hoel og Pål André Pederssen. Ta kontakt eller send DM for en kaffe ☕️ Pål André Pederssen Hans Petter Hoel
Om oss
Never lose a receipt again. Receipts is revolutionising the way users engage with their digital receipt data. As a B2B fintech serving financial services, we're committed to enhancing everyday financial transactions, minimising friction and costs, and providing an exceptional user experience. Join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and user-centric financial future. #SaaS #Fintech #B2B #DigitalReceipts #PaymentCardRecognition #Loyalty #GoingGreen #EmbeddedFinance #ESG"
- Bransje
- Utvikling av tilpasset programvare for IT-systemer
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 2–10 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo | Trondheim
- Type
- Privateid selskap
- Grunnlagt
- 2021
Oslo | Trondheim, NO
Ansatte i Receipts
Vi er både ydmyke og stolte over annonsering, 29.januar, hvor DNB, OBOS, Antler og CoFounder går inn på eiersiden. Nyheten betyr også at blant annet banker i Eika alliansen, Sparebank SMN og KLP indirekte blir medeiere gjennom CoFounder sitt fond. Vi har de siste årene jobbet systematisk for å utvikle en løsning som er agnostisk på tvers av butikkdata, bank, betaling og regnskap. Nå med forsterket kompetanse og erfaring gjennom våre nye eiere skal vi sammen i løpet av 2025 sørge for at digitale kvitteringer og fordelsprogrammer blir en integrert del av mobilbanken. Hvis du vil lese mer, har DNB lagt ut en god beskrivelse av selskapets visjon og løsning: Det er langt flere enn de vi klarer å anerkjenne i dette innlegget som fortjener ros for at vi som selskap er der vi er i dag. Takk🖤 #DigitalReceipts #CardLinking #Tap2Identify DNB DNB Ventures AS Eika KLP SpareBank 1 Utvikling SpareBank 1 Finans Midt-Norge OBOS-banken OBOS Antler CoFounder Betala Bleken Data AS Maxbo SU SOFT AS Mastercard Mastercard Lighthouse Visa BankAxept - en del av BankID BankAxept AS NCE Finance Innovation PwC Unimicro Systima Regnskap Noria Bulder Sparebanken Vest
Receipts is excited to participate in the Finans Norge/Finance Norway on the 7th and 8th of November at Fornebu. We look forward to the release of an insightful new Report from Respons Analyse on 'How will bank customers receive and keep their receipts? presented by the CEO Anne Gretteberg Meyer. Data linked to payments is digital, can Receipts create value and for whom ? Is the topic for the panel discussion that will follow the report, including. 🛒 Geir Inge Stokke - Former CEO, Coop. 🏆 Kjartan Solvi - CEO, Unimicro. 📱 Nicolai Hope Møller - Head of Banking, Bulder. 📖 Øyvind Eidissen - Expert in Fintech, IP and data privacy, Schjødt. 🚀 Hans Petter Hoel - Head of Partnerships, Receipts. We look forward to connecting with partners and customers, don't hesitate to DM us in advance👍🙂 . Alistair de Villiers, Kent Olav Ferstad and Gillean Dean Nordal
🔆Receipts is ready for this year's #VOLUM-konferansen organised by Sparebanken Vest and taking place at Bergen's famous Grieghallen on 29th October. We'll be live on stage alongside some fantastic speakers. Let us know if you'll be there too!👍 Hans Petter Hoel #digitalreceipts #fintech #B2Bfintech #embeddedfinance
🖐 Are you as enthusiastic and excited about Fintech as Francis Bourgeois is about trains 😃 ? If so, you might be perfect for our team at Receipts. 👩💻 We're #hiring a new Developer in Oslo. Apply today (info in the link ) or share this post with your network. 🚂 Full credit to Francis Bourgeois.
Hans Petter Hoel will be at Nordic Fintech Week for Receipts! Send him a DM to meet up for a coffee and catch-up, there's plenty to talk about 🚀🌿 Alistair de Villiers Kent Olav Ferstad Oliver Mohseni Skoglund Ewan MacLeod Lars Helbostad Gillean Dean Nordal Pål Andre Fredriksen
Not only had Hans Petter Hoel at Receipts super-efficient days at Arendalsuka meeting with interesting stakeholders. He also made it to the top news in Agderposten when entrepreneur and influencer Jenny Skavlan pointed out that he excelled the Arendalsuka uniform.
På tross av at jeg var førstereis til Arendalsuka, nailet jeg åpenbart Arendals-uniformen. Det ble bekreftet i oppslaget til Agderposten, som skriver om da Jenny Skavlan kommenterte mitt antrekk som «Fifty Shades of Blue» under Stormkast med Valebrokk & Stordalen. Uken ble begivenhetsrik med trivelige samtaler om alt fra børs og katedral til butikk med blant andre Göran Karlsson Geir Bergskaug Bent H. Gjendem Mario Blazevic Ellen Bramness Arvidsson Jes Rasmussen Johan Modenius Hedda Høiness Bente Iren Josefsen Christoffer Sundby Anders Fjeld Jens Conradi og Alexander Haneng. Nå skal de fleste som har vært i Arendal levere reiseregning og tømmer lommene for papirkvitteringer. Til Arendalsuka 2025 håper Sigri Sevaldsen, Bjarne Hareide og jeg på at vi alle slipper å ta bilde av disse. Digitale kvitteringer forenkler hverdagen vår! #Receipts
✨ Receipts graduated from the Mastercard Lighthouse spring 2024 programme not only with a winner award, but valuable new contacts, learnings and concrete opportunities which have materialised since. We were thrilled to be part of this and encourage other #fintech or #impact tech startups in the Nordics and Baltics not to hang around, but apply now for the Fall 2024 programme.✨ #fintech #partnership #sustainability #startup
📣 Are you a #fintech or #impact tech startup ready to scale through partnerships? Apply now to the Mastercard Lighthouse Fall 2024 program! - the number one startup and partnership platform in the #Nordics & #Baltics. 🌎 Mastercard Lighthouse FINITIV is a startup and partnership program focused on finding the next #fintech unicorn. Our goal is to strengthen the financial services ecosystem by pairing the energy and innovation of fintechs with the stability and distribution at large corporates. 🌱 Mastercard Lighthouse MASSIV is focusing on #impact tech with the vision of 1 billion people living more prosperous and secure lives by 2025, by helping sustainability and social impact tech startups to scale globally through partnerships. 💰Apply to FINITIV: 🌱Apply to MASSIV: #fintech #sustainability #partnership #impact #mastercard Don't miss out on the latest updates, read more and sign up for the newsletters on the website!
Thanks to Fiftytwo A/S for the excellent event today in Copenhagen with the Scandinavian Retail sector. It was an excellent opportunity for us to talk about our universal digital receipt and card recognition solution. Receipts looks forward to partnering with Fiftytwo an innovative software solutions provider for POS and MPOS across Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Thanks to Hans Petter Hoel, Kent Olav Ferstad, Søren Brammer Riis, Mikael Lyngsø, Peder Herborg and Henrik Baadsager for the opportunity. 🙏 😎 👍 🚀
Today, we hosted the Fiftytwo seminar in Copenhagen, providing an opportunity to explore AI in the retail sector through the valuable insights shared by Thomas Grane. The event also facilitated an examination of the future of digital receipts with X-Receipts. A huge thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the discussions! #AIinRetail #DigitalReceipts #Innovation #Fiftytwo
🙏 Sincere thanks to the great Mastercard team and the Mastercard Lighthouse program for the award! 🎖 😎 👍 Well played Gillean Dean Nordal and Hans Petter Hoel. You Rock 🎸 🙂 Vincent Weir, Inge M Kjønnøy, Michael Hoole, Inez Molnár, Alexander Polash, Wenche Fagereng, Gabor Molnar and Mani Tiwaree #winners #grandfinale #mastercardlighthouse #Fintech #B2B
🏆 🏆 🏆 Congratulations to the three #FINITIV country winners: (Denmark), Vespia (Baltics) and Receipts (Norway) - of the Mastercard Lighthouse Spring 2024 Program! - Announced on the Showcase today. 🏆 Congratulations to JooL Pay that got awarded the People’s Choice Award, due to their ability to mobilize and engage their community in voting for them. 🏆 Also, congratulations to Januar that got awarded the Investor award - due to most traction to investors in the Mastercard Lighthouse Investor Circle. 🎤 Come and listen to the three FINITIV winners, Vespia and Receipts pitch live at the Grand Finale at Latitude59 tomorrow, competing to win the Spring 2024 overall #FINITIV program winner! ⏰ 23rd of May, 13.00-14:00 (EEST) at Latitude59 📍 Location: Future Stage, Kultuurikatel (Põhja pst 27a, Tallinn) Martin Albertsen, Anders Meinert Jørgensen, Julia Ront, Anton Vedeshin, Ph.D., Gillean Dean Nordal, Hans Petter Hoel, Vladislavs Boroviks, Vladislavs Belskis, Andreas Keinicke Gustavsen, Simon Ousager, #winners #grandfinale #mastercardlighthouse