🇺🇸 🇺🇦 Cyber threat experience sharing from the first-ever cyberwar trenches In the recent episode of The CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe podcast by Gary Berman, Michael R., Head of National Defence & Security at CYBER RANGES, has shared insights on how Ukraine’s frontline experience is reshaping global cybersecurity practices. ❗ “Critical national infrastructure is under constant threat. Threat actors like Gamareddon and Sandworm, backed by Russian state services, have been targeting not only Ukraine but also other countries worldwide. The response demands innovation and collaboration. Ukraine’s frontline experience offers invaluable lessons for us all,” states Michael. The episode has also covered: ▶️ How are cyber threats evolving for organizations worldwide? ▶️ What strategies can the USA and NATO allies adapt to strengthen cyber defence? ▶️ Are global cyberspace strategies keeping up with Ukraine’s hands-on experience against persistent cyberattacks? ▶️ How are emulated cyberdrills preparing organizations to tackle advanced cyber threats and #BeAheadOfTheCyberGame? Check out the full episode at: https://lnkd.in/dgeSmtru CYBER SPACE, ENGAGED. #cyberranges #TRYZUBcyberdrills #cyberdrill #threatintelligence #cyberwar #cyberdefense #criticalinfrastructureprotection #QuanticoCyberRange #Ukraine #cyberattack #threatactor #preparedness #cybersecuritytraining #cyberresilience
Gary Berman, Founder & Host of The "Cyber Hero Adventures Show" at cyberheroescomics.com. Creator of The CyberHero Adventures: Defenders of the Digital Universe
Michael R., Head of National Defense & Security at CYBER RANGES, Corp briefs us on the "TRYZUB Joint Cyber Range Scenarios" and other critical issues regarding National Security. The cybersecurity scenarios are the outcome of a Public-Private Partnership between the SSSCIP and CYBER RANGES to build an experiential bridge between the US and Ukraine’s cybersecurity expert communities. Michael R., Julia Petryk, Alexander Niejelow, Saša Zdjelar, David Coovert, Tom Clute, Jen Easterly, Mark Montgomery, Dr. Georgianna (George) S., Peter Warmka, CFE, CPP, Valerie Berman National Security Agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gregory Touhill, Nicolas M. Chaillan Ukraine (Business, Politics & Sports)Barak Ben-Eliezer