When we talk about #riskmanagement, we are talking about an extremely complex and delicate process, consisting of several stages that reflect the complexity and the many facets that #risk can take on, due to numerous variables that must be analyzed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It is therefore essential to adopt targeted, informed, innovative solutions and strategies that take into account the complexity of the phenomenon: risk cannot be analyzed from a single perspective; there is a need for a comprehensive view that brings together all its components and nuances. This is why we are contributing to the Fondazione Return (Multi-Risk Science for Resilient Communities under a Changing Climate) project, funded under the Italian PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and dedicated to improving the entire disaster risk management cycle. The project aims to apply new methodologies and strategies for #monitoring, assessment, prediction, #prevention and #mitigation of natural and man-made events, acting specifically to improve resilience, as well as adopting a holistic, interdisciplinary and problem-solving approach. These days our researcher Daria Ottonelli is in Bolzano for the workshop organized by Eurac Research as part of the Work Package 2 of the cross-cutting Spoke TS3 - Communities' Resilience to Risks: Social, Economic, Legal and Cultural Dimensions. The WP2 aims to define national guidelines for the evaluation of the effectiveness of alternatives of intervention in natural risks management, by considering in detail MCA (Multi-Criteria Analysis). The workshop is an opportunity to assess the current status of the project and define what the next steps might be to take forward the methodology developed so far.
What are the elements to be considered when assessing the goodness of a risk reduction measure in a multi-hazard environment? What are the main uncertainties that characterise the problem? We are discussing this in a workshop of WP 7.2 of the Return project Eurac Research. Thanks to all the researchers involved in the WP for the stimulating discussion and to the Eurac researchers for the insights provided during the dissemination events. Fondazione Return Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale - Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani -Politecnico di Milano CIMA Research Foundation Università degli Studi di Firenze Università degli Studi di Bari