Today, Smart City Expo World Congress arrives in #Barcelona. Thanks to Metropolis, Asociación Mundial de las Grandes Metrópolis to give us the chance to explain how from Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) we think of urbanization and digitalization as two interconnected shifts. Technology is not a neutral issue so we should ask first for whom we are building cities to. And what kind of cities we want for the future. Rather than a 🪄magic wound for perfect solutions we consider technology as a tool to achieve a better democracy.
Today, Smart City Expo World Congress arrives in Barcelona! 📍 To mark the occasion, we spoke with Elisenda Alamany – Vice President for International and Digital Affairs at the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona – about how the region is approaching its digitalization. Find out more about Àrea Internacional AMB's vision for a digital metropolis, that also prioritizes inclusion and social cohesion ⬇️