AFRICA TREND: Water Scarcity Predictions Ring True In 2005, GRID-Arendal, a UNEP-WCMC Partner, released information pertaining to predicted freshwater stressed locations in the year 2025. within this prediction, several African countries, including South Africa, were listed as either water scarce or water stressed locations. Water stressed, depicted in yellow, refers to 1000-1700m3/capital/year, whilst orange water scarce nations experience less than 1000m3/capital/year. This means that annual water supplies fall below 1000m3 per person. In South Africa specifically, over 60% of water is used in agriculture, meaning that potential shortages may have adverse effects on food security and the population’s welfare. What is your plan to ensure water security? Contact Lynne Martin at to get ahead with Frost and Sullivan #HelpingAfricaGrow #watersecurity #resourcescarcity #waterwise
We must address the water scarcity predictions and proactively ensure sustainable water security across Africa. Your insights shed light on the potential challenges and the need for strategic planning to safeguard future generations.
Water is becoming liquid gold in South Africa. Every drop counts, there needs to be proactive focus on preserving this. Food production from a farming aspect, all Food & Beverage areas need water, manufacturing, construction and the list goes on Bigger and better need for a focus on the circular economy
2005 predictions are now a harsh reality – Africa needs bold water infrastructure investment, starting yesterday.
#HelpingAfricaGrow #watersecurity #resourcescarcity #waterwise
I would love an opportunity to contact Lynne.
#HelpingAfricaGrow #watersecurity #resourcescarcity #waterwise
#HelpingAfricaGrow #watersecurity #resourcescarcity #waterwise
Everything uses water - from electricity generation to manufacturing to construction. This is one of our most precious resources - time we start acting that way through the relevant investments... Fredrick Royan Benoit Le Roy
Professional (Pr.Eng.) Chemical (Process) Engineer & Environmental Consultant with over 20 years in wastewater management and infrastructure planning and development
10moThese kind of studies are so helpful, and should be guiding us to bring about solutions and making those in power see the urgency and dangers we are facing. If only, they can reach the eyes and brains of those who make critical decisions