With applied science to sport excellence!
I was able to participate in the congress on the promotion of young (competitive) athletes in Cologne from 24-25.04.2023 under the congress topic
"With applied science to sport excellence".
The organizers, the State Chancellery of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in cooperation with the State Sports Federation of North Rhine-Westphalia and the German Sport University Cologne and the German Research Center for Competitive Sports Cologne (momentum) had current practical performance issues and intellectual building blocks and highlights from the sports science institutes from Cologne, Freiburg, Potsdam, etc. at the start: For example:
- Fast running - biomechanical aspects of linear acceleration.
- The compatibility of endurance and strength training in everyday training -.
An update of scientific evidence
- Muscular imbalances - influence on athletic performance and injury symptoms)
- Complementary methods to increase strength and endurance
- Correlations between speed/performance profiles and
physiological characteristics
- Strength training for performance development and injury prevention in junior
competitive sports
As always, it was very worthwhile: from application-oriented sports science for performance practice! Let's go!