Diversity. Yes, but...
"Yes, yes. We're recruiting for differences. We need diversity. We know, it will help us to be a dynamic, innovative company, able to manage the complexity of today. Besides, we have this new law to follow. So it's good we go for it. And then we review our program to welcome all these new people. Yes, yes, we revisit everything - our unique vocabulary - our dress code - what each employee has to project. For a change, let’s offer them bags, and sunglasses, but not to the "Men in Black" type, a little more classy – and a perfume? The same perfume for everyone? It's an idea, it could give us an olfactory marker, it's good there, it’s new, it’s innovation. »
"Then we accept tattoos, various hair colors, piercings?"
"Yes. Yes, we accept. What's this picture? »
"This one? The last marketing group that started last month."
"And what's that blue hair and that tattoo? No, no, no, no, no. It's not going at all with our dress code. We want authentic people, not people who fancy dress up. Authentic. We project an authentic style, without decorum, all with the same type of suit. Grey, black. Neutral colors. We're diverse, but we go unnoticed. Authentic we said. »
"Hmmm.... »
Ah... when diversity is lost at the same time as authenticity, under a mountain of misconceptions and misunderstandings. It is often at this time that we would like to see inclusion come in leaps and bounds - unfortunately it's much more often by no-go. Because you’re right, to really talk about diversity and to be able to take advantage of this diversity, we must leave it its authenticity. Another problem? The amount of brain energy an incorrect approach uses. The need for each employee to put on another identity to align with a whole set of established code is extremely energy consuming at the PFC level (also called the preFrontalCortex - a part of our brain where decision-making, self-control, emotional management, and cognitive reflection are played out) and it is just as much energy that will not be used to be innovative or welcome perfectly a client.
How can we remain authentic in these situations? Taking a step back. By detaching oneself from certain aspects. By agreeing to follow the culture to a minimum while keeping a place for our identity. By becoming a true partner of oneself.
To discover how to become your best partner and develop your authenticity, Swim like a fish, an easy guide to develop your self-leadership, in paperback and ebook format in one click on your screens.