The flaring of industrial and natural gaz. EU-ETS system will start to bite in 2021 to push industry to invest into heat recovery technologies.
At a time when the world is painfully trying to shift from easy to use fossil fuel to variable, difficult to store and unpredictable renewable energy, wasting valuable energy is a major issue. One of the major wastes is the flaring of gas whether it is natural gas or process gas. Satellite views identify today 16 000 sites in 90 countries were valuable gas is flared representing 145 Billion of cum equivalent natural gas ( Europe is today a pioneer in pushing the Industry to develop new solution for Waste Gaz recovery using the EU Exchange Trading system (EU-ETS).
A relatively less known regulation within the EU-ETS will soon start to push companies in Europe to stop flaring gas. In effect the allocation of free quota to industries subject to carbon leakage will be decreased from 2026 onward by 2,2 % per year, however, for industries that are flaring gas, the average amount of CO2 emitted by the flaring of waste gas during the Baseline Period from 2021 to 2025 will reduce the allocation of Carbon Leakage free quota prorated to the average CO2 emitted by flaring gas during this Baseline Period . Meaning that any gas flared by an industrialist registered under the EU-ETS System after the 1st of January 2021 will reduce the amount of free Carbon Leaking quota given to this industrialist from 2026 onward.
Companies have to stop flaring gas worldwide and recycle this energy to produce valuable heat or electricity. Because industries have always been good at recycling heat in their process, industries do not have the use of this excess heat but make good use of any electricity produced.
ORC is one of the technologies that can handle such issue. By installing a Boiler to recover energy from waste gas, industries will be able to produce heat and electricity with an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) System or a Steam Rankine Cycle (SRC) without losing any single kWh of heat.
Owing to the installation and operation cost of SRC, this solution is becoming today less attractive compared to the ORC technology that is less Capital intensive, has a smaller footprint and a lower operation cost. In Countries like France were energy efficiency programs are technology neutral and favor the most economical solution, ORC can participate significantly to the reduction in the energy consumption of the industry.
The benefit of an ORC is also that the use of thermal oil as intermediary fluid heated at around 300°C enable new use of the heat if, some good use can be found later for this heat. This option will always be available by diverting part or all the heat from the ORC to feed a new process, a district heating network or a neighboring factory. Because net efficiency of high T° ORC is around 20%, each high T° thermal kWh diverted from the ORC will be economically viable to sell because this diversion reduces by only 0,20 kWh the electricity produced by the ORC and the price of a kWh of electricity is less than five time higher compared to the price of gas.
Eventually, by combining an ORC or SRC system in a factory with a Heat Pump in an eco-neighborhood or in another plant tens of km away, the electrical grid can be used to valorize waste heat into valuable heat with a heat conversion yields that can be close to 80% (with a COP of 4 for the Heat Pump).
In general, by allowing waste recovery projects to become economical, the ORC is better than one of the solutions for recovering waste heat, it is the technology that enable other solution to be implemented