Online Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Online Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Online Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Online Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Online Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks via Skype for effective Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder, Agoraphobia and other Phobias and for the treatment of OCD. 

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I will teach you how to work with your anxiety and reactive thinking using the well-tested and respected methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective and most people see significant improvements after the first few sessions once you start applying the techniques that I will be teaching you.

Most, if not all of my clients, have already tried and are looking for better alternatives to medications. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

Online therapy for Panic Attacks

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Online Therapy for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy

Main site: Online therapy for panic attacks

Online Mindfulness Therapy through Skype or Zoom for the treatment of Anxiety & Panic Disorder without depending on drugs

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Mindfulness therapy has helped me with my anxiety in a very significant way. No longer am I bound to my anxiety in a continuous circle. I’ve been able to see my anxiety for what it truly is, and it has liberated me. Thank you Peter."

You can read more testimonials on my Testimonials Page.


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Online Mindfulness-based Treatment for Panic Attacks - How to Stop Panic Attacks

As a professional psychotherapist I'm often asked how to stop anxiety attacks, how to stop yourself from becoming overwhelmed by anxiety and anxiety producing thoughts. In my experience the most important approach that will help you stop anxiety attacks is to learn how to embrace your thoughts with mindfulness. That means, essentially, developing a conscious and friendly relationship with your anxiety producing thoughts. 

So you must not fight them or avoid them. That will simply make them stronger. But once you start developing a friendly relationship to your thoughts, that will take that power away and it will also stop feeding those anxiety thoughts. 

If you hold these thoughts in consciousness without reacting to it, long enough, that thought will always burn itself out. So we need to build mindfulness towards his thoughts. You are essentially teaching those thoughts to being themselves calm. 

So that's part of causing mindfulness therapy approach that I teach and there are many other aspects to mindfulness therapy that can be used to stop anxiety attacks and panic attacks, but that's the principle, the central most important thing. 

Another very common technique that I teach that really helps in this process of breaking free from the power of anxiety thoughts is to use visualization or imagery. We call this mindfulness based imagery reprocessing. So this is where you take the image of the thought and you make it extremely small, perhaps as small as a grain of sand. And then you take that grain of sand and you place it on the ground. If you make it small and you put it at a low level such as on the ground you will take away a great deal of its intensity because the key factor that causes thoughts to have emotional intensity is there size and their position, the imagery of the thought, itself. 

So when we look at our thoughts with mindfulness, that brings in an element of choice where we can begin exploring ways of changing the size and the position of our thoughts. And the smaller they become the less intense they become, and if you put them at a lower level that will take away their intensity, as well. So that's a simple technique using mindfulness based imagery reprocess that you can try for yourself. 

If you find success with this method, please leave comments below. Do please contact me if you'd like to schedule Skype therapy sessions with me to learn more about how to stop anxiety attacks.


Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist through Skype for help with Anxiety & Panic Disorder without depending on drugs - Online treatment for anxiety attacks

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety, including panic attacks and other anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia and social anxiety disorder that benefit from Mindfulness Therapy. 

So I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy which is a system of work that I have developed over the last 10 to 12 years now that is proving very effective indeed for helping people overcome anxiety and panic attacks. So if you're looking for online treatment for panic attacks then I encourage you to read more on my website and please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have and when you feel ready we can schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

So Skype Therapy for panic attacks is very convenient, of course, means you can have your sessions at home without having to travel to a therapist's office. And Often for anxiety disorders in general the online format is typically much more comfortable for you much less intimidating, much less clinical in nature. 

So Mindfulness Therapy is not a clinical approach to treating anxiety or depression. It's a system that teachings, it's a way of giving you practical methods that you can develop and apply yourself for overcoming anxiety and panic attacks. 

So one of the most important methods that I will teach you is how to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety. This is really quite important. So from a mindfulness psychology viewpoint anxiety is regarded as a habit, a psychological habit, rather than an illness or a disorder. So the real problem with anxiety is that these habits become established and they operate automatically out of consciousness. 

And the first training in Mindfulness Therapy is restoring consciousness so that you develop a very conscious non-reactive relationship with your anxiety, with your emotions. This is quite important. You really cannot expect those habits to change until you develop a conscious relationship with them. 

So the way we do this is by, quite surprisingly perhaps, choosing to meditate on the anxiety or other emotions. We make them the object of meditation. This means that we focus a great deal of conscious awareness on the emotion itself. We might play through a scene in the mind where the anxiety may be triggered. But then we work with that anxiety, restoring consciousness. 

So that means that you can observe the anxiety or any other emotion without becoming reactive, without becoming identified with that emotion, without becoming consumed by it, or overwhelmed by it, or lost in all of the related reactive thoughts that tend to feed anxiety and panic attacks. 

So that's a very important part of the training. Learning to sit with your emotions without becoming consumed by them. Then, when you have established that conscious relationship, then you can begin to change the emotion itself. We can help it heal. So that's the second primary theme in Mindfulness Therapy is teaching our emotions how to heal themselves. It's about healing. One of the most important requirements for healing is that conscious relationship itself. 

In essence you become like a parent to the anxiety, which is like a child. It's a conscious relationship and it's also based on love or friendliness, with an interest in the anxiety and helping it heal. So that relationship gets fractured during anxiety disorders. We say there is a disconnect between your True Self and the emotion.

So the way that we help the emotion heal is also depending on working with the imagery of the emotion. So any emotion has associated imagery, that's what really keeps that emotion operating in the mind. And when we are meditating on the emotion we want to explore this imagery, because when you change the imagery of an emotion the emotion heals, it changes.

So if you'd like to learn more, please contact me. Tell me more about yourself and your needs and let's schedule a session. You'll see for yourself in the first session just how effective the Mindfulness Therapy approach can be. And it's one of the most enjoyable ways of working with emotions in general. It unleashes a lot of energy that gets trapped in those contracted emotions like anxiety and panic or depression, as well. So if you would like to get start with me please contact me.


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Online Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

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