Online therapy for overcoming panic attacks
Online therapy for overcoming panic attacks

Online therapy for overcoming panic attacks

Online therapy for overcoming panic attacks - Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of Anxiety and Panic Attacks. 

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I will teach you how to work with your anxiety and panic attacks using the well-tested and respected methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is very effective and most people see significant improvements after the first few sessions once you start applying the techniques that I will be teaching you.

Most, if not all of my clients, have already tried and are looking for better alternatives to medications. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

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Online Mindfulness Therapy

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Online Mindfulness-based Treatment over Skype or Zoom for overcoming Anxiety & Panic Attacks without using medications

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

"Having visited with many-a-therapist in the past, Dr. Strong stands out as a genuinely good listener and offers pointed and intuitive responses in return, that are real, constructive, and compassionate. His caring, non-judgmental, nature is apparent and has aided me in the healing process.”


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Online Therapy for Anxiety & Panic Attacks without drugs

Learn how to overcome anxiety attacks without medications.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy for anxiety and depression. So if you'd like to learn how to overcome anxiety attacks, how to break free from anxiety, please go to my website and read more about the mindfulness therapy approach that I teach. It is very effective indeed for stopping anxiety attacks and also panic attacks and working with many other forms of reactive emotions. 

The real secret of mindfulness therapy and mindfulness training is learning how to form a relationship with your anxiety so that you can witness it as an Observer, that you can stay present with it without losing balance and without becoming reactive. It takes some training, it is not natural, but it is quite easy to do once you understand the principles of how to apply mindfulness. 

It is like learning to game balance. You know. Riding a bicycle or any other process like that. At first it's a little awkward, but it's surprising how quickly the body and mind learn how to keep balance in this situation, like riding a bicycle. And it's the same with mindfulness training. With a little bit of practice and guidance you will learn how to keep balance in relationship to your emotions. 

This is the key because once you can establish balance in relationship to your anxiety then you stop feeding it, you cut off the fuel supply to that anxiety. Once you do that then the anxiety will begin to subside quite naturally and it will start to develop pathways that lead to its resolution, instead of reactive pathways that simply to feed it. So learning to sit with your anxiety without reacting is the secret to to lasting change. 

We do this by actually learning to meditate on how anxiety attacks. We learn to stop reacting to our anxiety by choosing to bring the anxiety and the anxiety producing thoughts that accompany it into our space of consciousness where we can observe them mindfully. The more that you observe your thoughts and emotions mindfully the freer you become and the more balanced you gain. 

Of course, what people usually do is they fight their anxiety. They run away from it. They try to avoid it. They resist it. They struggle and usually that simply makes it worse. What really makes the change is when you develop tolerance in relationship to your emotions to your thoughts, to your mind. 

If you'd like to learn more about how to stop anxiety thoughts and how to break free from anxiety attacks using mindfulness then please go to my website, learn more about the mindfulness approach to controlling anxiety and then email to schedule online therapy to help you overcome your anxiety attacks. Most people see quite dramatic changes once they start applying the mindfulness techniques that I will teach you for managing anxiety. 

You can expect to see significant changes after the first two or three sessions and even after the first session if you do the homework and you apply the mindfulness and you lean and apply mindfulness meditation on your anxiety and on the mind then you will see results quite quickly. So please email me if you are interested in learning how to overcome anxiety attacks using mindfulness therapy. Thank you.

Through mindfulness training you learn how to stop becoming overwhelmed by anxiety thoughts by actually making friends with those thoughts. This approach is VERY EFFECTIVE. 


Online Mindfulness Therapy by Skype for the treatment of Anxiety & Panic Attacks without using anti-anxiety medications

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer online therapy and online counseling via Skype worldwide to help you manage anxiety and panic attacks, as well as depression and other common psychological problems. 

So panic anxiety is really an example where we become highly contracted into the emotion itself. This process of emotional contraction we refer to as reactive identification. It is where you become so identified with the emotion that it basically consumes you. You lose your perspective and your identity as your True Self and become trapped inside the intense emotions of anxiety. 

So this process of contraction is a key feature of panic attacks. And indeed, that's how it feels when we have a panic attack. It literally feels like the world, the walls are closing in and we contract into it is very narrow, confined space. So it's very scary. 

Panic attacks are really terribly stressful and cause a lot of emotional suffering. 

So how do we work with panic attacks? Well, the methods that I have developed that I will teach you over Skype during our sessions together is called Mindfulness Therapy, and it's a very, very good way of working with the mind. 

Mindfulness is a way of developing conscious awareness of the mind, of learning how to become the observer and develop objective consciousness to see the emotions and the thoughts and the memories and the traumas and other contents of mind without becoming identified with them, without losing that perspective as your True Self. In Mindfulness Therapy and psychology we define the True Self, as the observer mind, that which can see the content, but is not identified with the content. 

So the way to overcome this emotional contraction that occurs during intense anxiety attacks and panic attacks is to develop this perspective as your True Self, as the observer. And we do this by training in mindfulness, and the training method is called mindfulness meditation. 

So this is where we are meditating on the anxiety itself and other emotions associated with the anxiety; on any emotions that have this contracting effect in the mind. These we must meditate on. Some people think meditation means escaping the mind. That is not true, it is not a very good form of meditation if it is about escaping the mind because you have to live with your mind. 

So mindfulness meditation is about meditating on the mind. It's about changing the relationship so that you can see the contents of the mind objectively and not become controlled by the contents. So we meditate on our emotions. We at first may become reactive. Of course we will. But we remember our mission and our mission here is to return to that state of being the observer.

In this way, we gradually train out of reactive identification and we develop our True Self, which is greatly expanded by its very nature. And it does not suffer. Only the Little Self, the contracted, the Little Self suffers. 

So we meditate on our emotions. We develop this objective consciousness or equanimity, as it's also called in Buddhist psychology. And then we work on responding to that emotion itself as if it was a child or something in need. It needs our compassion. It needs our help to heal. 

When we stop reacting to it, that's the first step in helping it heal. That's the first step in the response of compassion, which is a major part of mindfulness. 

So that is a brief introduction to the Mindfulness Therapy method that I have developed for working with anxiety and panic attacks. If you would like to learn more, please contact me via the contact page. Tell me more about yourself and what you're struggling with and I would be happy to answer your questions and we can set up a Skype therapy session. 

So please contact me and let's get started on your path to recovery from anxiety and panic attacks. Most people see a tremendous improvement after a few sessions as you start applying the mindfulness methods that I will be teaching you. Thank you. 


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Online therapy for overcoming panic attacks

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