Where to get Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy
Where to get Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy

Where to get Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy

Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) for overcoming Anxiety and Depression is available via Skype and will teach you how to overcome the reactive thinking and rumination that feeds our anxiety and depression and that causes chronic stress.

Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy


Main conditions treated through Online Mindfulness Therapy:

Online Mindfulness Therapist via Skype for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using medications

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype for highly effective online psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other psychological and emotional problems, including PTSD.

To overcome depression you must develop a conscious and mindful relationship with your emotional pain, whatever form that takes. The most common problem that prevents recovery from depression is automatic and habitual reactive thinking and rumination, where we become lost in negative thinking and negative beliefs. This reactivity feeds depression and prevents depression from healing. The more we can break free from reactive thinking the faster we will recover.

The main factor that supports reactive thinking is the lack of conscious awareness. We become controlled by the habitual thoughts that we do not see. Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective way to restore consciousness allowing us to regain freedom and choice in relation to our thoughts making them less reactive. Thoughts themselves are not the problem, it is the lack of consciousness that is the real problem. Re-establishing a conscious relationship with our thoughts and emotional reactions is the most important step in the recovery from depression and most other forms of emotional suffering.

Anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants may have a limited value in the short-term management of symptoms of depression, but medications are not a substitute for the psychological work of re-establishing inner conscious awareness. This is the primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy, and it is very effective for most people.

Online Mindfulness Therapy, available via Skype, offers a very effective way to manage and to overcome chronic depression by teaching you how to manage rumination and reactive thinking which feed depression as well as teaching you how to develop a non-reactive and compassionate relationship with the underlying emotions such as fear, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, emotional trauma, profound loss, guilt and shame and overwhelming emotional stress. These core emotions need to heal inorder to fully recover from chronic depression and Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely good approach for doing just this.

Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and book a online Skype counseling session with me. Inquiries welcome!

The primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the root psychological cause of your anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction, stress, PTSD and emotional trauma and other forms of psychological pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms through medication.

Almost everyone who seeks my help has already tried medication or conventional counseling and are definitely looking for an alternative approach, a more holistic approach that focuses on healing rather than just trying to reduce symptoms. We want to be FREE from anxiety and depression, not just endlessly try to manage symptoms.

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“Dr. Strong helped me through the most difficult time of my life. I wasn’t able to leave the house for over five months due to crippling anxiety. Dr. Strong was able to help me welcome my anxiety and take care of it in order to heal it. I had always thought anxiety was something to push away and fear, but through meditation and welcoming my anxiety, I learned I can truly enjoy experiences that would otherwise trigger anxiety. Everything else I have tried has not come close to the healing and happiness I have experienced through Dr. Strong’s sessions. He is very kind and honest and I couldn’t have healed my anxiety without him. Every day is different, but even after ending our sessions, his counseling has proved invaluable. Thank you Dr. Strong!”


Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist using Skype for Treating Anxiety & Depression and for Effective Stress Management

Online Therapist - Talk to a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Email me to find out more about this online therapy service and schedule a online Skype counseling session with me.

Inquiries always welcome! Details about how to schedule a session and fees are posted on my Contact Page.

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for recovering from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, chronic depression, and for help with and other emotional problems, by applying the well-tested techniques of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy.

This approach is extremely effective and most clients see tangible improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression without the need for drugs. It is far better to treat the cause of your emotional pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms.

The principle healing factors developed during mindfulness-based psychotherapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for overcoming the unconscious psychological habits that cause psychological suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what accelerates healing and resolution of emotional pain.

"I came across Dr. Peter Strong’s website when I was doing some research on the benefits of mindfulness for anxiety. I am so happy I took the next step and contacted him. I always looked forward to each session, he made my day lighter, made me feel stronger and happier."

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Benefits of Online Mindfulness Therapy - Talk to a Therapist Online

Learn how to better manage anxiety and depression. Talk with a Therapist Online using Skype for highly effective online therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, including eating disorders, Post-traumatic stress or any psychological problems that do not require medical treatment. Email me to find out more about this online psychotherapy service and to organize a therapy session with me.

Specializing in Online Mindfulness Therapy over Skype for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Agoraphobia, Depression, PTSD and Stress, Addiction Counseling, OCD and Anger Management.


I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Online Therapy and Counseling via Skype. Talk to a therapist online from the comfort of your own home. This online therapy service is available in the USA, Canada, UK and world-wide to all English-speaking people.

Today, more and more people are turning to the internet for help with anxiety and depression through an Online Counseling Therapy Service. People prefer the convenience of online counseling and find it much less intimidating.This service allows you to talk and see an online therapist face-to-face, but from the comfort of your own home via Skype.


My specialty is Mindfulness Therapy, which works extremely well online via Skype. The focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to help you change the way you relate to your emotions so that you stop becoming a victim of the reactivity that creates so much suffering. We have to learn how to "sit" with our emotions without becoming reactive or consumed by them. It is only then, when you have a non-reactive relationship with the emotion that it can begin to change. This powerful mindfulness practice is one of the best approaches available for overcoming anxiety and depression. It is all about stopping the cycle of reactivity that feeds anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional stress.

Mindfulness Counseling Therapy Online - the modern approach for controlling anxiety, stopping panic attacks, overcoming depression and for effective stress management. Talk to a therapist online today!

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with mindfulness therapist, teacher and author, Peter Strong, PhD.

Skype-based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks & Agoraphobia, Depression, Traumatic Stress & PTSD, Anger Management, Recovery from Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery, Eating Disorders & Bulimia, Insomnia, and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home or work using Skype.


Speak to a psychotherapist over Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in mindfulness-based psychotherapy, which I offer online via Skype.

Online therapy is becoming very popular, and there are many distinct benefits to online therapy. Convenience is certainly one of the main benefits of online therapy, but other benefits are that it is generally much more comfortable for you, the client. It's much less intimidating than going to a therapist's office, and this is very important, indeed, especially if you are suffering from anxiety, social anxiety or other form of general anxiety. Feeling comfortable is extremely important to help you work with that anxiety, so the online therapy option has district benefits for people suffering from anxiety.

The other benefit of online therapy is that it allows you not only the right therapist to work with, but allows you to find different styles of psychotherapy than may be available in your local area. For example, many people come to me because they are particularly interested in Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty and that's what I offer online.

Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with anxiety, depression, and addictions, too. It helps you, basically, break free of those patterns of reactive thinking that keep you imprisoned within anxiety or depression. It allows you to change the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction by allowing you to form a healing relationship with your anxiety or other emotions that helps transform that underlying cause. This is a unique feature of Mindfulness Therapy, and is one of the reasons why Mindfulness Therapy is becoming so popular.

If you are interested in learning more about Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to schedule an online therapy session, please visit my website and email me, and then we can find a time that works for you and schedule an online therapy session via Skype. So, please go to my website and CONTACT ME. Thank you!

I offer Skype counseling for help with anxiety and depression and other emotional problems. The best form of therapy is going to be involved in helping you learn how to manage your emotions more effectively, and we do this by developing a conscious mindful relationship with our emotional habits whether this is anxiety or depression or OCD or anger or the compulsive impulses behind an addiction. Whatever the emotional habits we need to develop very conscious relationship with that part of ourselves. This is how you fundamentally change that habit.

You cannot change a habit by avoiding it; you can't change a habit by fighting it or resisting it or trying to suppress it. The only way to change emotional habits like anxiety is by actually coming into relationship with that habit, seeing it like an object within yourself. This conscious relationship is what we describe as mindfulness. It is learning to be present with your emotions, learning to be present with your anxiety or depression or other emotion. When you do this you begin to essentially disengage from that reactive habit and this allows the habit to change itself.

All emotional habits, all forms of emotional suffering are fundamentally trying to change themselves. They are trying to heal and return to a state of balance. This is a natural property of the mind, the psyche, in the same way that it is a natural property of the body. If the body is injured it begins a process of

healing and there's a natural intelligence in the body that guides that process of healing and the process of healing is a process of returning from a state of imbalance to a state of balance again. That same mechanism, that same intelligence operates within the psyche as well.

It's only when we become blind to that natural healing within us that emotional problems like anxiety and depression persist. In order for an emotional habit to change we have to develop consciousness. It needs consciousness to change and that's what we bring to our emotional habits when we meditate on them using mindfulness and I will teach you how to do this.

I will teach you how to form a conscious relationship with your emotions that facilitates their healing and change. It is not difficult and most people will see very dramatic changes within three to four sessions all online therapy via Skype.

So, if you're interested in Skype counseling and you'd like to learn more about this approach to changing anxiety or depression or any other emotional suffering that we experience, simply contact me - send me an email, ask your questions and then let's schedule a Skype counseling session.


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Where to get Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy

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