



Jun 29, 2019: Chest and Rotator Cuff, 47:15 Barbell Bench Press: 52 kg, 10, 10, 6(!) reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Fly: 12.5*2 kg, 10, 10, 10 r…


Jun 28, 2019: Arms, 00:47:37 Zottman Curl: 15*2 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Arm Snatch: 27.5 kg, L10, R10, L10, R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Hammer Curl: 30.5 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Tri…


Jun 27, 2019: Legs and Waist, 44:32 Jefferson Squat: 72 kg, L10, R10, L10, R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Squat: 72 kg, 10, 10, 6(!), 6 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 72 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide Stance Squat: 72 kg,…


Jun 25, 2019: Back and Shoulders, 42:00 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Deadlift: 87 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Side Raise: 15 * 2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Seated Rear Rai…

UP TO YOU! @ ZAZA HOUSE 20190622第2部感想

UP TO YOU! i第1部に続いて,第2部も観てきました. 6月22日(土)UP TO YOU!in 道頓堀12:00 開演の部14:00 開演の部16:00 開演の部18:00 開演の部香盤表が出来上がりました!出演者への置きチケもまだまだお受けしております!お待ちしております! pic.twit…

UP TO YOU! @ ZAZA HOUSE 20190622第1部感想

金曜日に以前休日出勤した分の代休をとることで,今週末には大阪に3泊しました. お笑いライブのお目当てとしては何と言ってもUP TO YOU!. この日には何と4部もあって,できればすべて観たかったのですが,残念ながら夕方から用事があって前半2部のみの観戦…


Jun 22, 2019: Chest, 32:07 Dumbbell Fly: 7.5*2 kg, 25, 25, 30 reps Dumbbell Reverse Grip Bench Press: 7.5*2 kg, 27, 27, 27 reps Dumbbell Close Grip Bench Press: 7.5*2 kg, 26, 26, 28 reps Dumbbell Bench Press: 7.5*2 kg, 26, 30, 30 reps Dumb…

MEKKEMON @ ZAZA HOUSE 20190620第2部感想

昨日は仕事を済ませてから大阪に移動していました. そうなるとお笑いライブを観たくなるわけでして,たまたま20時45分開演という遅めの時間帯にやってるMEKKEMONに行くことにしました. 腹ごしらえを済ませて,道頓堀ZAZAに向かいました. なお,私はUP TO …


Jun 21, 2019: Back and Shoulder, 32:59 Dumbbell Upright Row: 7.5*2 kg, 25, 25, 25 reps Dumbbell Lying Row: 7.5*2 kg, 20, 20, 20 reps Dumbbell Straight Arm Pullover: 7.5* 2kg, 20, 20, 20 reps Lateral Raise: 7.5*2 kg, 20, 20, 20 reps Seated …


Jun 20, 2019: Legs and Waist, 46:30 Jefferson Squat: 72 kg, L10, R10, L10, R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Squat: 72 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 72 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide Stance Squat: 72 kg, 12, …


Jun 18, 2019: Back, 43:10 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Sumo Stance Deadlift: 87 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Hand Snatch: 27.5 kg, L10, R10, L10, R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Ha…


Jun 16, 2019: Legs, 39:38 Forward Lunge: 62 kg, 8, 8, 8 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Rear Lunge: 62 kg, 6, 4, 6 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Leg Squat: 62 kg, L10-R10, L10-R10, L10-R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Pile Squat: 32.5 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps…


Jun 15, 2019: Chest and Rotator Cuff, 42:20 Barbell Bench Press: 52 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Fly: 15*2 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps …


Jun 14, 2019: Arms, 00:35:50 Alternating Incline Curl: 15*2 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Hammer Curl: 30.5 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Triceps Extension: 30.5 kg, 12, 12, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM li…


Jun 13, 2019: Legs and Waist, 33:12 Squat: 72 kg, 8, 8, 8, 8 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 72 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide Stance Squat: 72 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Hip thrust: 72 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (…


Jun 11, 2019: Back and Shoulders, 42:05 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Deadlift: 87 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Side Raise: 15 * 2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Seated Rear Rai…


Jun 9, 2019: Legs and Arms, 50:00 Forward Lunge: 52 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Rear Lunge: 52 kg, 10, 10, 6 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Leg Squat: 52 kg, L10-R10, L10-R10, L10-R10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Pile Squat: 32.5 kg, 12…


Jun 8, 2019: Chest and Rotator Cuff, 50:11 Reverse Grip Bench Press: 52 kg, 5, 7, 7, 4 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Fly: 15*2 kg, 10, 10, 10 r…


Jun 7, 2019: Back and Shoulders, 37:53 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Hand Row: 32.5 kg, L12, R12, L12, R12, L12, R12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15 * 2 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (o…


Jun 6, 2019: Legs and Waist, 45:33 Squat: 72 kg, 8, 8, 8, 8 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 72 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide Stance Squat: 72 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Hip thrust: 72 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (o…


Jun 3, 2019: Arms, 14:31 Concentration Curl: 10 kg, L20, R20, L20, R20, L20, R20, L20, R20 reps One Arm Triceps Extension: 10 kg, L20, R20, L20, R20, L20, R20 reps 今朝は腕の筋トレを行いました. 昨晩は0時過ぎに就寝しましたが,なぜか4時半…


Jun 2, 2019: Back, 50:05 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Sumo Stance Deadlift: 87 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Hand Row: 32.5 kg, L12, R12, L12, R12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) 今…


追記:配信時間が分かりにくいという指摘を受けたので,曜日ごとに書いておきます. 火・木・金:7:00-8:00, 17:30-18:00, 21:30-22:30 月:17:30-18:00, 21:30-22:30 水:11:30-12:00, 21:00-22:00 土・日:8:00-9:00, 17:30-18:00, 21:30-22:30 上記が基本…
