AKLHÜ e.V. - Netzwerk und Fachstelle für internationale personelle Zusammenarbeit hat dies direkt geteilt
Policy Advisor | Event Moderator | International Cooperation and Development | Decolonisation|International Relations.
I spent the weekend in Siegburg-Bonn at the Jobmesse (Jobfair )for Development cooperation. This was following an invitation from AKLHÜ e.V. - Netzwerk und Fachstelle für internationale personelle Zusammenarbeit and Dienste in Übersee - Brot für die Welt . Along with Manssour Monsef, Dr. Alena Sander (she/her) Dr. Jacqueline Götze and Whitney Cecilia Akowuah I spoke at a panel that focused on Possibilities and Practices in #Decoloniality in #DevelopmentCooperation . What for me was however interesting was discovering the job fair as a whole. My very Camara friendly space jumped in to do this video because I want to show to many young people of "Global South" origin studying in Germany and elsewhere especially those interested in getting into this field of International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian response that there are possibilities. When I completed studies here in Germany, I spent about half a year working in a warehouse because I had no jobs each networks like these offered at this fair. For #decoloniality to be advanced,we need to see more diversity in the staffing, knowledge and competences. This makes jobfairs like this one very important.Hopefully next year we can get the information in most African student networks as well as other platforms that bring the information closer to young talents from the so called #GlobalSouth.