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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1989
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1989
[en] In this thesis, we present the experimental tuning procedures developed for the Arcs and for the Final Focus Section of the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC). Such tuning is necessary to maximize the luminosity, by minimizing the beam size at the interaction point, and to reduce backgrounds in the experiment. In the final Focus Section, the correction strategy must result from the principles of the optical design, which is based on cancellations between second order aberrations, and on the ability to measure micron-size beams typical of the SLC. In the Arcs, the corrections were designed after the initial commissioning, to make the system more error-tolerant, through a modification in the optical design, and to enable adjustements of the beam phase-space at the injection to the Final Focus System, through a harmonic perturbation technique inspired from circular accelerators. Although the overall optimization of the SLC is not entirely finished, an almost optimal set-up has been achieved for the optics of the Arcs and of the Final Focus Section. Beams with transverse sizes close to the nominal ones, of a few microns, have been obtained at the interaction point. We present and discuss our results and the optical limits to the present performance
Dans cette these, nous decrivons les methodes experimentales qui ont ete developpees pour regler le transport optique des Arcs et de la Section de Focalisation Finale du Collisionneur Lineaire de Stanford (SLC). Ces reglages sont necessaires pour maximiser la luminosite, en minimisant les dimensions transversales au point d'interaction, et pour reduire le bruit de fond dans l'experience. Dans la section de focalisation finale, les reglages sont effectues selon une strategie qui doit tenir d'un dessin optique complexe, base sur des compensations entre aberrations optiques au second ordre, ainsi que des possibilites de mesurer les faisceaux de quelques microns typiques du SLC. Dans les Arcs, les corrections que nous decrivons ont ete introduites apres le demarrage initial, pour reduire la sensibilite aux erreurs, a travers une modification du dessin de l'optique, et pour permettre des reglages du faisceau a l'injection de la section de focalisation finale, grace a une technique de perturbation harmonique inspiree des accelerateurs circulaires. Bien que l'optimisation globale du SLC ne soit pas entierement achevee, un reglage presque optimal de ces deux lignes a ete obtenu. Au point d'interaction des faisceaux avec des dimensions proches des dimensions nominales de quelques microns ont ete produits. Nous presentons et discutons les resultats et les limites optiques au fonctionnement actuelOriginal Title
Reglages optiques des arcs et de la section de focalisation finale du Collisionneur Lineaire de Stanford (SLC)
Primary Subject
Mar 1989; 275 p; These (D. es Sci.).
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Bambade, P.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1988
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1988
[en] Because the SLC final IP spot is produced by an aberration-dominated optical system, all components and couplings between dimensions of transverse phase-space must be controlled in the experimental tuning algorithm. For equal emittances ε/sub x/ = ε/sub y/, this amounts to ten linear optics adjustments. These adjustments are coupled and depend non-linearly on phase-space parameters. A ten-dimensional non-linear fitting program is therefore used to match the lattice in the Final Focus to the input beam. Local orthogonal ''knobs'' are also defined for fine-tweaking around the initial solution, although this is not always practical because of steering from the lenses. The three final waist corrections are however fully orthogonal to the other seven optical adjustments. This means that they do not cause any of the other seven optical distortions. We refer to this as external orthogonality. They can also be made internally orthogonal. This means that each one of the three orthogonalized controls can be applied independently of the two others. It also allows one to simultaneously correct and determine the phase-space at the IP
Primary Subject
27 Oct 1988; 8 p; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01; 1 as DE89002743; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1984
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1984
[en] Among the many models and mechanisms proposed to explain the observed beam-beam effects in storage rings, one -the two dimensional single resonance model- appears to be particularly well suited to investigate and understand the familiar growth of vertical dimensions commonly seen in flat-beam operated e+e- storage rings. In this paper, after a quick derivation of the method and a comparison of the results obtained with existing experimental data, the assumptions are discussed in order to explain why this elementary model does well in this particular feature of the beam-beam interaction
Primary Subject
Feb 1984; 22 p
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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1983
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1983
[en] A compact averaging procedure is worked out to study the beam-beam effect in storage rings, in the weak beam-strong beam case. In order to avoid difficulties with polynomial approximations beam-beam potential deriving from the assumed Gaussian charge distribution is used
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Aug 1983; 4 p; 12. International conference on high energy accelerators; Batavia, IL (USA); 11-16 Aug 1983
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Bambade, P.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CA (USA)1985
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, CA (USA)1985
[en] As soon as two SLC beams make it to the intersection region, both transverse offsets, spot sizes and shapes can be extracted from the pattern of angular deflections produced by the electromagnetic interaction of the two beams, as one is scanned across the other. These deflections, measured in two high resolution Beam Position Monitors (BPM) mounted symmetrically on both sides of the intersection point, will produce detectable signals allowing spot sizes to be tuned, even with the very low luminosities expected at turn on. They will also furnish a good signal to monitor beam centering and will therefore become an important part of the FFS feedback system. This note summarizes the formulae which will allow us to correlate BPM offset readings with the properties of the two beams, and describes the range and limitations of the technique in the case of SLC
Primary Subject
10 Jun 1985; 17 p; Available from NTIS, PC A02/MF A01 as DE85014285
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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1983
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1983
[en] The non-linear beam-beam interaction can excite coupling resonances that enlarge vertical beam dimensions in flat-beam operated machines and are hence harmful to luminosity achievements. Two such resonances are examined here using a first order averaging procedure: 2 Qsub(y) - 4 Qsub(x) = integer and 4 Qsub(y) - 2 Qsub(x) = integer. The effect on vertical amplitudes, when frequency split falls within predicted resonance band limits, is investigated. Effective resonance bands, taking into account amplitude distributions, are indicated and the limitations of the method are discussed
Primary Subject
Mar 1983; 25 p
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[en] A technique is described for non-destructive measurement and monitoring of the steering offset of the electron and positron beams at the interaction point of the SLC, based on using stripline beam-position monitors to measure the centroid of one beam as it is deflected by the opposing beam. This technique is also expected to provide diagnostic information related to the spot size of the micron-size beams
Primary Subject
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA); p. 475-477; Sep 1986; p. 475-477; Linear accelerator conference; Stanford, CA (USA); 2-6 Jun 1986; Available from NTIS, PC A99/MF A01; 1 as DE87005940
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Bambade, P.; Hutton, A.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1989
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Menlo Park, CA (USA)1989
[en] In the original SLC commissioning plans, it was thought that accumulated optical mismatch, generated by focusing errors in the whole machine, would be corrected at the very end, in the Final Focus. Dedicated correctors for optical matching and a special adjustment strategy were planned for this purpose, with a large tuning range of up to about a factor four in any dimension of the beam phase-space. With the present collimation and shielding arrangements, it is necessary to control the beam upstream of the Final Focus in order to inject a nearly matched phase-space there. We have developed and installed a new system of harmonic focusing corrections at the end of the SLC Arcs, to provide such control. The scheme consists of introducing small regular and skew focusing deviations at specific harmonics of the betatron frequency which the phase-space is specially sensitive to. The harmonics in question are the zeroeth harmonic and the second harmonic of the betatron frequency. The focusing deviations are introduced in the Arc lattice by perturbing the strengths of the combined function magnets with a set of appropriately rewired trim windings at their backleg. The corrections provide an efficient way for adjusting both for errors in the Arc lattice and for mismatch at the injection to the Arc, generated by the upstream systems. In this note, we describe the specification of this correction procedure as well as the present installation. Initial operational experience with this new method for adjusting beam-lines is presented elsewhere. 20 refs., 18 figs
Primary Subject
1 Feb 1989; 58 p; Available from NTIS, PC A04/MF A01 - OSTI; 1 as DE89007734; Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche products.
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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1984
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire1984
[en] In this thesis, we present a phenomenological study of the beam-beam effect in e+e- storage rings. We are in particular interested in the blow-up of the vertical dimension observed in this kind of accelerator. A detailed analysis of the electromagnetic field generated by the very flat bunches stored, and seen by the counter-rotating particles shows that two-dimensional non-linear resonances, which couple vertical and horizontal betatron oscillations, play a very important role. Moreover, the ''weak beam-strong beam'' approximation holds rather well in the case of very flat bunches. Perturbative analysis enables us to predict the effects from the strongest coupling resonance: 20sub(x)-20sub(y) = integer. We find that mainly the tails of the vertical distribution are affected, and we give a criterion concerning the optimal distance to this resonance in the case of a storage ring such as LEP. Finally, the results and in particular the validity of the single resonance approximation are checked through a numerical simulation
Cette these presente une etude phenomenologique de l'effet ''faisceau-faisceau'' dans les anneaux de stockage electron-positron. En particulier, nous nous interessons au grossissement des dimensions verticales que l'on observe dans ce type d'accelerateur. L'analyse detaillee du champ electromagnetique, genere par les paquets tres plats qui y sont stockes, et vu par les particules circulant en sens inverse, montre que le role des resonances non-lineaires bi-dimensionelles couplant les oscillations betatroniques horizontales et verticales est tres important. De plus, l'approximation ''faisceau fort-faisceau faible'' est assez bonne dans le cas de paquets tres plats. Un calcul perturbatif permet de predire l'effet de la resonance de couplage la plus forte: 20sub(x)-20sub(y) = entier. Nous trouvons que les queues de la distribution verticale sont le plus affectees et nous donnons un critere concernant la distance a cette resonance qu'il faut respecter dans un anneau tel que le LEP. Finalement nous verifions les resultats et en particulier l'approximation ''resonance isolee'' au moyen d'une simulation numeriqueOriginal Title
Effets faisceau-faisceau dans les anneaux de stockage e+e- a haute energie: grossissement resonant des dimensions verticales dans le cas de faisceaux plats
Primary Subject
Secondary Subject
Jun 1984; 120 p; These (3e Cycle).
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Bambade, P.
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire; DELPHI Collaboration1992
Paris-11 Univ., 91 - Orsay (France). Lab. de l'Accelerateur Lineaire; DELPHI Collaboration1992
[en] Results from DELPHI on the Z0 → bb-bar partial width (Γ(bb-bar)) and on the average B hadron semileptonic branching ratio (Bs.l.) are reviewed. Prospects are given for improving these measurements, using different complementary techniques. A new and potentially powerful method for extracting the branching ratio Rb with minimal errors is suggested, based on using the redundancy provided by two independent discriminators for bb-bar events. (R.P.) 12 refs., 3 figs
Primary Subject
May 1992; 9 p; 27. Moriond particle physics meeting; 27. Rencontres de Moriond; Les Arcs (France); 22-28 Mar 1992
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