Connecting Europe Facility (#CEF) | The way forward as of #2024 | #energy #2023 | Latest #achievements and way forward | As of 2024, fundamental changes will take place in the programme with the entry into force of the revised TEN-E Regulation.
Eligibility under CEF Energy funding will cover new categories of PCIs, namely #offshoreelectricitygrids, #hydrogeninfrastructure and #gassmartgrids. These new corridors and thematic areas aim to further #develop and #interconnect #energynetworks in #europe for an #effective #energytransition whilst contributing to the achievement of European Union #climategoals. The funding for conventional #naturalgas infrastructure is discontinued
Under the revised #regulation, CEF Energy will support the implementation of PCIs in 11 priority corridors and in thematic areas in order to help bridge the funding gap of the new TEN-E infrastructure categories with urgent needs. In addition, CEF Energy funding will enable and accelerate PCI implementation, complementing the regulatory framework and incentives laid down.
Furthermore, a new category of projects (Projects of Mutual Interest - PMIs), with a third country involved, has been put in place. PMIs should be able to demonstrate significant net socioeconomic benefits at EU level and in at least one third country. PMIs are eligible for inclusion in the Union list provided that the policy framework has a high level of convergence, is supported by enforcement mechanisms and demonstrates a contribution to the EU’s and third #country’ overall energy and #climatepolicy objectives.
The first list of #PCIs/#PMIs under the revised TEN-E Regulation was published in November 2023 and the first call for proposals under the new list is expected to be launched in 2024. In addition, for the CB RES sector, CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency will also launch a call for status as well as a call for grants for works and studies. > By European Commission
Vorstand | Executive Director at E-Control - Regulating energy markets in a world of transformation
8moMany thanks to all participants for these very interesting discussions. At the end of the day we all face the same challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.