How to Get a Lot More Engagement on LinkedIn? → I say "Borderless Connectivity" is the keyword.
A beautiful morning with full of autumn sunshine woke me up. Garbed cellphone in a bed to check unread messages like any other day... But I realized something was not same as usual.
I kept receiving a lot of messages saying "Congratulation!!"
I got so confused ….
"Is it My Birthday? No, then why?"
This was reason why... (I simply did not think this is what it is... and lost tracking announcement days to come)
※ このブログは、全編英語にしました。
I started to receive messages and questions something saying "How did you do it"? I must wonder "did I do something special? "
* FYI - Not only Japan, but LinkedIn named "The Top Voices for 2020" internationally.
Since, I usually feed contents in Japanese yet reading Japanese and English posts, articles, and news on or out side of LinkedIn, the one of the important things what I learned was finding the best person to learn from... In this topic, Eric Sim is the guy, he caught my eyes.
After I had quick and very interesting co-responding with Eric, we decided to publish each side of stories to see what we have in common, or uniqueness, or/and compare the similarities or differences between 2 different Asian countries - Singapore and Japan.
Right after our talk, he kindly posted his tips and advices like ↓ this ↓.
He also left a messages at the end, saying "Now I like to pose the question to Ms Hiroko Tatemastu: “Tatematsu-san, what do you think got you on Linkedin Japan Top Voices 2020?” 😁 " - my response will be at the end 😊
He introduced 10 things
1. Engage with LinkedIn News
2. Stick to same the theme
3. Vary the format
4. Engage with readers’ comments
5. Leverage external sources
6. Host networking drinks
7. Give speeches and lectures
8. Write in two languages
9. Post at consistent time
10. I free up my time and my mind to write
According to Eric, they have increased engagement on his content. He hopes they do the same for you too. How nice of you, Eric!!
Since he mentioned me on his post, as quick return, I wrote like this →.
To reply to Eric, I started to think "what I did? what did I learn? what did I find?"
I only use LinkedIn about a year and half... not having a delightful carrier like Eric has...
Not sure if I could do same as his 10 things... but I do the same at fundamental certain some what level... I guess.
So here is 3 things I find as my own tips and learning, and 3 things I am willing to do more from now on.
- 3 things of tips and learning -
1, LinkedIn is Borderless Connectivity. - Reach and Connect whoever you like!
Since I am posting pretty much everything in Japanese although I even refer something written in English, from the surface it seems I only communicate with JP speakers.
May not sounds special to English speakers, but to Japanese, it is easy to stick with Japanese contents feeders, but, I must emphasize that LinkedIn is borderless, easy to reach to someone who lives in outside of Japan but Japanese, or none Japanese speakers as long as we can kick off from good greeting. (but you may need a little English communication skill)
In my case, I usually send "thank you for connecting" message as much I can. and/or write how did I find them and how I thought of them though the speech or events (where I usually find them). In 2019, I even could visit one of my contacts via LinkedIn while my Silicon Valley Business Trip. In 2021, if time would come, I would visit Eric to learn more about APAC business trends.
2, Seek a way to Connect → Nature Communication → Establish Relationship.
If we get in same or different interest was shown by my posting or anyone's, we have something in common (no need to be under the professional area topic, could be anything!), then I see that as a good opportunity to connect that person. Once we are connected, and as long as that person is active user, I will be receiving that person comments, posting, etc eventually which is great way to watch and learn that person to nature communication. Usually, once I get that stage, I feel like I find someone I would like to talk more professionally and hope to become a friend... then we can meet or connect via web meeting to sync up more!
On top of that, I must also emphasize that I do not seek connections because of my gain, like seeking a new leads for my work. That is quite obvious direct and uncomfortable approach if someone do that to me, so I do not want to do that. But LinkedIn is Business SNS which you can bring business topic as well... yes, I am also using LinkedIn as hunting tool... in order to be fair as much I can, I keep posting my interests as a person and my professional area topics with my observation.
Or, simply you can re-connect someone who you used to work with. I am planning some reunions in 2021.
3, Connect not only Online but also Offline or/and some other media such as Facebook.
In Japanese professional community, I see more people use Facebook "Invitation Only Community" where seems not quite interactive communication happens like LinkedIn. Group conversation is not that suitable communication to begin with for Japanese... I feel. Therefore, I tend to use several different SNS to communicate.
If someone ask me any questions which is suitable to discuss in LinkedIn Community, I usually invite them to create a LinkedIn account first, then have 1 on 1 meeting to make sure they feel comfortable enough to activate themselves, and introduce maybe in around 6-7 people group in same interests of professional to boost the new comer as onboarding journey. Then ask new comer if he or she would like to expand the communication or sync up with others.
If answer is YES (usually, at this stage, answer is more likely YES), I host a gathering. Could be over the dinner, drinks, or weekend lunch. In 2020, I did online more gathering as well. I do not have answers, but I can try to connect who they should talk to...
- 3 things of new challenges -
1, Learn Others, Domestically and Internationally.
Love to learn, or at least to try to understand the voices from any fields. Through LinkedIn, we all equally can access to Big Company CEO or/and someone who are working on the grand level and as return, we can write them back as well.
I am a small person who is based in Tokyo, but I can #KeepOnTrying, as long as I wish.
2, Contribute Back with Gratitude.
I receive more than I deliver. Without effort, I feel it is easy to become "Taker" than "Giver". I would like to be "Giver" as my return, contribution back to others. This is like "Pay it Forward". It may sounds hypocritical attitude, but that is okay. I know how I much I had received.
Sharing and Learning is one of the top thing I would like to keep doing.
3, Write 2 languages.
Because of my certain reasons, intentionally, I was writing my profile in English but postings are in Japanese. I will keep this style but I will also extend to new style which is 2 languages posting as well. Frequency is not going to be high and only on selected topic, but I would like to participate more as one of APAC members than just one Japanese on international business topics.
Through LinkedIn in 2020, I got countless great people and business connections.
Here is the question from Eric and the reply from me...
Definitely, 3 tips and learnings did build my gut as well... As one of the activate LinkedIn User in Japanese, I did not do something spectacle or extreme actives. I may had a little more and strong A Sense of Wonder to explore the world...
Thank you for accepting my offer, Eric. I will cherish our friendship🍀
Illustration by ホワン 麻衣子 san
Thank you for supporting us #LinkedIn編集部, Ebitani san, Kiyo san, Murai san.
Strategies for successful fund management | Building Next Gen Leaders in Fund Management
2yAn insightful article, agreed that borderless connectivity is limitless. Hiroko T., I am grateful to be connected and learning from you.
CTO of Dr. Lisa AI. & CTO of a new company started by Dr Lisa Palmer
4yGanbatte, Hirokoさん! I always like reading your posts :)
Head of Content, K2 | Book author | Coffee fanatic
4yThanks for sharing Hiroko T. I've certainly enjoyed working with Eric Sim across borders - we connected a few years ago now, all because of LinkedIn.
LinkedIn Creator
4yLove the article! This is my personal view but great marketer is tend to be open, connect and has huge passion and powerful enough to share their passion and it's contagious! 😁 And virtue of them is they are naturally doing that (not trying to say it's effortless but) パワフルさとオープンネスに皆惹かれていますよー 😀
Entrepreneur | LinkedInLocal | ⵣ | AIESEC | Personal Development | HR | Accounting | Project | Administrator | Coordinator | Polyglot | ESG UQAM 🎓 | Bujinkan 🥷🏽🥋 (武神館忍術) | Author | Import-Export
4yIMHO, this is totally deserved Hirokoさん. I appreciate your constant engagement on LinkedIn (not only as a content maker; but also as a person actively interacting on other's content).