A routine cab ride in Mumbai took an extraordinary turn for young entrepreneur Aaryan Singh Kushwah when he discovered his driver, Parag Patil, was a former Olympian. Patil, a decorated athlete who had represented India in international competitions, boasted an impressive record of two gold, eleven silver, and three bronze medals. Despite his achievements, he now drives a cab to support his family, highlighting the struggles faced by retired athletes in India.
Kushwah shared his encounter on social media, bringing widespread attention to Patil’s story and calling for action to support the nation’s sporting heroes.
In his heartfelt post, Kushwah wrote: “My Ola driver is an Olympian. Meet Parag Patil, Senior Olympian: 2nd in Asia in the Triple Jump. 3rd in Asia in Long Jump. Each time he has represented India internationally, he has never returned without a medal—2 golds, 11 silvers, 3 bronze. Yet he has no sponsors and just enough funds to feed his family, let alone pursue his athletic career. This post is a call to action for anyone that can help sponsor Paras to represent and win for India internationally.”
The post was accompanied by a photograph of Kushwah with Patil.
The story quickly went viral, sparking admiration for Patil’s achievements and outrage over the lack of institutional support for athletes post-retirement. Many users expressed their pride in Patil’s accomplishments while calling for systemic changes to ensure better opportunities and recognition for athletes.
One user commented: “Bruh, this man deserves a lot. IDK why many athletes end up like this.”
Another said: “This story is a harsh reminder of why India struggles to produce Olympic medals. Athletes like Parag Patil, despite their talent and achievements, face poor funding, lack of recognition, and zero long-term support. What can we do to fix this broken system and back such talents?”
A third highlighted a potential gap in the sports industry: “This is a real problem. We have multiple talent management agencies for influencers in India but none for sportsmen/women. It could potentially be a huge untapped market.”
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