Want To Live Longer? Watch Your Salt Intake, Advises ICMR
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Mind The Salt Intake!
Although salt is important for adding taste to food (via stimulation of our taste buds), overconsumption of this evergreen seasoning can lead to many health issues such as high blood pressure, damage to blood vessels, etc.
Why Is Salt Essential In Our Diet?
According to an ICMR (Indian Council Of Medical Research) report, sodium balance is an important function in kidney function and maintenance of fluid balance in the body.
How Much Salt Should You Have?
According to WHO, salt consumption should be limited to 2300mg per day, which translates to 5000mg or 5g of common salt daily.
Don’t OverIndulge In Salt
As mentioned above, excessive salt intake can lead to health issues such as elevated blood pressure, damage to blood vessels, and hypertension. Over time, this can lead to congestive heart failure. It can also increase stomach mucosa. This makes us more vulnerable to gastrointestinal issues such as gastritis and even gastric cancer.
How To Avoid Excessive Salt Intake?
Apart from reducing the amount of raw salt intake, cut down on processed food items such as fried foods, popcorn, chips, preserved food items, soft drinks, etc, as these have a huge amount of sugar and salt as well.