New paper out on the role of voluntary standards and potential trade-offs between sociology-economic and environmental sustainability in the cocoa sector. Thanks to Marlene Yu Lilin Wätzold to leading this research project!
Do voluntary sustainability standards improve socioeconomic and ecological outcomes? 💰 🐦 🌱 In our study that just got published in Ecological Economics, we explore how voluntary sustainability standards (e.g. Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance) affect Ghanaian smallholder cocoa farmers and the biodiversity on their cocoa plots. Our results indicate positive effects on socioeconomic outcomes. However, we did not find significant associations with ecological outcomes. A common concern is that gains in socioeconomic outcomes might come at the expense of the environment. Encouragingly, our study found no such trade-offs—suggesting that sustainability standards can support smallholder farmers (at least) without compromising the plot-level environment. A huge thank you and credits to all co-authors of this work Issaka Abdulai, Amanda M. Cooke, Dr. Katharina Krumbiegel, Carolina Ocampo, Arne Wenzel and Meike Wollni
Sustainability Researcher
1moCongratulations! 👏