Great work by the CSIRO, highlighting the immense potential of electrolyser manufacturing in Australia. At Hadean Energy, we’re proud to be at the forefront of unlocking the nation's solid oxide electrolysis manufacturing capabilities - paving the way for scalable #GreenHydrogen and #eFuels production. Together, we’re driving innovation that positions Australia as a leader in the global energy transition. #Electrolysis #Innovation #Australia
Hydrogen Electrolyser Manufacturing (HEM) presents a unique manufacturing opportunity for the nation, combining: - An emerging global electrolyser market - A cohort of innovative Australian electrolyser manufacturers, and - Domestic demand, driven by a pipeline of renewable hydrogen projects This report profiles Australia’s emerging electrolyser manufacturing industry, estimates the economic potential that could be created, and explores the pathways Australia can take to capture the opportunity. I'm pleased to have led this work alongside the CSIRO Futures core project team across strategy Nicolas Gonzalez Castro, Vivek Srinivasan, and economics Sean Lim, CFA, Rohini Poonyth, Dr Katherine Wynn. Thanks to: - Dr Patrick Hartley for supplying this work under CSIRO's hydrogen mission, and the remainder of the project steering committee Tamara Ogilvie, Dr Jonathan Love, and Dr Marcus Zipper - CSIRO's research experts across hydrogen Dr Sarbjit Giddey, Dr Nawshad Haque, advanced manufacturing Dr Christian Hornung, Dr Daniel East, and mineral resources Dr Bita Bayatsarmadi, Dr Mark Dorreen - CSIRO's communications & media Catherine Shine, Claire Jordan-Peters and government relations Elizabeth Yuncken - Stakeholder participants including the wider research community, investment entities, Australia’s emerging electrolyser innovators, multi-national manufacturers, facility designers, technology specialists, hydrogen producers & consumers, government agencies and industry bodies Download the full report here: If you'd like to explore ways to be part of Australia’s hydrogen electrolyser manufacturing opportunity, please get in touch.