Create a project

See Projects to learn more about this fundamental element of the Quote to Cash cycle.

To create a project, do the following:

  1. Click briefcase Projects on the side panel to open the Projects view and then click New Project.

    The New Project form displays.

  2. Complete the form. See Field descriptions for more information.

  3. Click Save and the new project will be added to the Projects view.

Field descriptions

new project form v3
Field name Description Required?


Begin typing the name of the organization sponsoring the project. If the organization exists in your Organizations database, it will appear in this field.

If the organization does not exist in the database, click Create New Organization. See Create an organization for more information.



This drop-down list will be populated with the name of the contact person(s) of the organization you selected in the Organization field.

If there is no contact person, click Add New Contact to add one.


Project name

Enter a short phrase that describes the project.


PO number

If you have a purchase order for this project, enter its PO number in this field.



Use this field for a short declaration about the objectives of the project or any other relevant information about the project that it might be useful for your team members to know.



The department associated with the project.


Opportunity details

Select the appropriate checkbox:

  • Associate with a pre-existing VOGSY opportunity. If you select this option, you must select an opportunity from the associated drop-down list. This is the default selection.

  • Create a new opportunity. See Create an opportunity for more information.

  • Skip adding an opportunity. Choose this option if you don’t want to associate this project with an opportunity. See Opportunities for new projects to learn why we think every project should have an opportunity.


Start date/Finish date

Choose when the project should begin and end.


Project status

Select the status from the drop-down list. Possible choices are:

  • Opportunity pending. This option is only available when creating a project from an opportunity.

  • Opportunity won. This option is only available when creating a project from an opportunity.

  • New. This is the default selection when creating a project outside of an opportunity.

  • In progress

  • Evaluation sent



Choose the appropriate currency from the drop-down list.


Time entries must be approved by the client

Select this option if this project has at least one Time & Materials deliverable and you want the client to approve the time entries associated with it.

This option will only appear on this form if you select the Enable time entry approval by client checkbox on the Project settings page in the back office.
Even if you set up a project to require client approval, note that this requirement only applies to time and materials deliverables. Time entries associated with fixed rate deliverables must be approved by the project manager.


Calculate budgets 'bottom-up'

Select this checkbox if you want to set up the project budget using the cost and sales rate of the allocated resources. Once you allocate resources on an activity, the budget will be based on the weighted average of the cost and sales rates of the resources instead of the rates of the activity.

In order to see this checkbox it must be activated in the back office first.


Invoice details

If you want to use a different invoice method or revenue type for each deliverable, select Deliverable Level, which is the default setting. If you want to create one invoice schedule for the project as a whole and you don’t want to worry about invoice details when creating a deliverable, select Project Level.

Add discount or surcharge

If you select this option, you must then select the type of transaction: Discount or Surcharge.

If you choose Discount, the following additional fields will display:

  • Discount %

  • Discount description

If you choose Surcharge, the following additional fields will display:

  • Surcharge %

  • Surcharge description


Use alternative invoice address

If you select this option, an additional section will display with the following fields:

  • Company name (optional)

  • To the attention of (optional)

  • Address (required)

  • Zip Code (required)

  • City (required)

  • Country (optional)

  • Invoicing email 1 (required)

If you have more than one invoicing email, click the plus thick button beside the Invoicing email 1 field.



Enter any relevant information about the project that you think the customer should know. This information will appear on the customer’s invoice.

