Sales funnel

This chart shows all active opportunities sorted by stage. It illustrates the concept of the sales cycle as a journey from identifying potential customers to negotiating and signing a deal. Each stage of the journey involves a smaller pool of opportunities, thus giving the graph the shape of a funnel.

To ensure this chart is accurate, do the following:

  • Consistently update the sales stages as they progress.

  • Keep sales revenue accurate.

To configure the list of opportunity stages, go to the Opportunity stages back office module.
chart sales funnel

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Pin icon. Click to pin this chart to a board.

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By default, data from all departments is used in the dataset. See Filter data by departments to learn how to remove specific department data from the dataset.

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By default, data for account managers is used in the dataset. See Filter data by account managers to learn how to remove specific account managers from the dataset.

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By default, all data, regardless of applied labels, is used in the dataset. See Filter data by label to learn how to restrict the data based on labels.

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Visualization type. Toggles between the following:

  • Revenue. This the actual order value of the opportunities.

  • Quantity. The number of opportunities.

  • Weighted revenue. This equals the order value of the opportunities. multiplied by the sales probability value.

  • Recurring revenue. This is revenue that is expected to continue in the future at regular intervals

  • Weighted recurring revenue. This equals the Recurring revenue multiplied by the sales probability value.

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Depends upon the Visualization type.

Visualization type Statistic


The total value of the sales funnel.


The total number of opportunities in the funnel.

Weighted revenue

The total weighted value of the sales funnel.

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Opportunity stage bar graph. The meaning of the values displayed inside the bar graph depend upon the Visualization type that you select:

Visualization type Statistic


The total order value of the opportunities that are in the selected stage and, in parentheses, the average value of all the opportunities that are in the selected stage.


The total number of opportunities that are in the selected stage.

Weighted revenue

The total weighted value of the opportunities that are in the selected stage and, in parentheses, the average weighted value of all the opportunities that are in the selected stage.

Click a bar graph to view the list of opportunities that are in that stage. For example, if you click the bar graph for the New stage, you will be taken to a filtered view of the Opportunities page that displays only opportunities that are in the New stage:

chart sales funnel stage

Filter data by departments

To select the departments whose data you want to visualize in the chart, do the following:

  1. Click the filter Filter button for the department filter. A dialog window will display with a list of the departments that you have configured for your company.

  2. Select the departments that you want to add to the chart.

  3. Click OK. The chart will refresh with the updated visualization.

Filter data by account managers

To select the account managers whose data you want to visualize in the chart, do the following:

  1. Click the filter Filter button for the account manager filter. A dialog window will display with a list of your company’s account managers.

  2. Select the account managers that you want to add to the chart.

  3. Click OK. The chart will refresh with the updated visualization.

Filter data by label

To select the data you want to visualize in the chart based on one or more labels, do the following:

  1. Click the filter Filter button for the Labels filter. A dialog window will display with a list of labels that have been applied to opportunities.

  2. Select the labels that you want to add to the chart.

  3. Click OK. The chart will refresh with the updated visualization.
