The Project invoices report

This report lists all invoices ever created in VOGSY.

Column descriptions

Invoice number

The number assigned to the invoice when it was generated.

Invoice date

The date on which the final invoice was generated.

Due date

The date by which the invoice should be paid.

Draft date

The date on which the draft invoice was generated.

Net amount

The invoice amount without VAT

Invoice amount

The amount with VAT.

VAT amount

The VAT amount.

Approval date

The data on which the draft invoice was approved.

Outstanding balance

The unpaid amount of the invoice.

Days expired

The number of days since the due date expired.

Not expired

The amount of the invoice that is not expired looking at the due date.

Less than 30 days expired

The amount of the invoice that is less than 30 days expired looking at the due date

From 31 to 60 days expired

The amount of the invoice that is from 31 to 60 days expired looking at the due date

From 61 to 90 days expired

The amount of the invoice that is from 61 to 90 days expired looking at the due date

More than 90 days expired

The amount of the invoice that is more than 90 days expired looking at the due date


The name of the customer to whom the invoice was submitted.


The project for which the work on the invoice was completed.

Approved by

The name of the person who approved the draft invoice.


The department for which the work on the invoice was completed.

Days outstanding

The number of days until the due date.

Days overdue

The number of days after the due date.

Number of reminders

Number of overdue reminders sent to the customer requesting payment.

Date latest reminder

Date of the most recent overdue reminder sent to the customer.
