Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library)

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creatorOf De Richebourg, fl. 1714-1718. Letter : Fort Louis de la Louisiane [i.e. Fort Charlotte, Mobile, Ala.], [to the king, Louis XV?, Paris?], 1718 Oct. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benito, Angel. Songs and poems in Iloko collected by Emerson B. Christie in Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur 1911-1912. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fullam, Francis. Examination : [of] Joshua Ompatawin, an Indian of Weston [Mass.], 1720/21 Feb. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vargas, Melchor de. Doctrina christiana muy util y necessaria en castellano, mexicano, y otomí / traducida en lengua otomó por el muy R. Padre Fray Melchor de Vargas de la orden de Sn. Agustin, prior de Actopan ; ordenada por mandado del Illmo. y Revo. Sr. D. Pedro de Moya de Contreras, arzobispo de Mexico, del Consejo de S.M.; y con licencia impuesta. Newberry Library
creatorOf Worcester, S. A. (Samuel Austin), 1798-1859. Letter : Park Hill, Cherokee Nation, [Indian Territory], to Rev. W.B. Sprague, Albany, N.Y., 1840 Feb. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. Report to King Philip IV of Spain, justifying actions taken against the Duke of Escalona, viceroy of New Spain, for allegations of treason 1643 Sept. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hunter, John Dunn, 1798?-1827. Reflections on the different states & conditions of society : with the outlines of a plan to ameliorate the circumstances of the Indians of North America, 1823. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anoosamaye, John. Testimony : this writing witnessed that we whose names are under written ..., 1682 Dec. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Madden, Frederic W. (Frederic William). [Description of the countries of Asia and islands of the Pacific]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). New York (State) treaties with the Oneida Nation, 1788-1811. Newberry Library
creatorOf Techtama, Cherokee chief. A message from Techtama and Homwhyowa or the Wolf King the two chiefs of the Cherokees to the Delawares : as it was delivered by Lowe [i.e. Wheunclowo] the messenger at Philadelphia to Mr. Peters & Israel Pemberton, 1758 June 20 / John Hart interpreter. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burr, Aaron. Burr papers, 1806 Oct. 6-1816 Dec. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. Description of the islands and continents of the ocean which are called the West Indies / by Antonio de Herrera, chronicler-in-chief of the Indies and chronicler of Castille. Newberry Library
creatorOf Retana, W. E. (Wenceslao Emilio), 1862-1924. Deffensa canonica por las sagradas religiones del sor. Sto. Domingo, San Francisco, Sn. Augustin, la Compañia de Jesus, y la de Recoletos descalzos de dho senor Sn. Augn. sobre la Visita que intentó y en parte executó el Illmo. Sor. Dor. D. Diego Camacho y Abila Arc̜obispo de Manila. Newberry Library
creatorOf Warren, T. Robinson (Thomas Robinson), 1828-1915. Letter : [New York, N.Y.], to T.E. Pond, Chicago, [Ill.], 1888 June 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nuñez, Juan. Algunas cossas curiossas en lengua chapaneca : sacadas de p'posito pa. doctrina de los ynos. y pa q. los pes. que deprenden esta lengua se aprovechen dellas por no aver en ella nada escrito : los padres perdonen y ruan. el buen desseo que tubo qen. lo travajo por servirles y aprovechar las almas de los pobres / Fr. Joan Nuñez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus), 1829-1922. Letter, 1870 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pozarenco, Juan. Vocabulario de la lengua c̦oque. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). An acoump [sic] of a scout sent to North River : under the command of Capt Thos Wells of Dearfield, July 1724. Newberry Library
creatorOf Retana, W. E. (Wenceslao Emilio), 1862-1924. Sermonario tagalo / trabajado por varios padres agustinos en las misiones de Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf American Fur Company. Vouchers : John Kinzie Junr., Mackinac, [Mich.], to William McGuffin, 1820 June 22 - July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández Cabeza de Vaca, José. Official copy of the record of Fernández Cabeza de Vaca's military service and the transfer of the title of the encomienda of Baro 1690 April 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cavite Province (Philippines). Coronel Gobernador (1859 : Ozcariz). Letter : Cavite, to the Teniente Coronel Gobernador of Cavite province [Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui] 1859 Oct. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf X. de C., F. Extracto de la descripcion politica y geografica delas provincias de Campeche y Yucatan hecha en el año de 1766 por D.F.X. de C. por orden del Sor. D. Josef de Galvez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1716-1730 : Dummer). Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to Edm[un]d Goffe, 1724 July 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Pedro Marcelino. Documents pertaining to the Tzeltal Indian uprising of 1712 and to matters of the Dominican Order in the province of San Vicente de Chiapas, 1714-1741. Newberry Library
creatorOf Genova e Iturbe, Jose. El Archipiélago Filipino : (Ligeros apuntes sobre su colonización) / por José Génova. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Durango (Mexico). Carta pastoral exhortatoria dirigida a los parrocos y demas ecc[lesiásti]cos. del obispado de Durango / por el V[enerabl]e. S[eñ]or. dean y cabildo governador sede vacante, en los terminos que adentro se expresa. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Notifications to Hoyos of naval appointments 1860 Sept. 21-1861 Jan. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento de "Davao." Newberry Library
creatorOf Father Santos, bp. of Cebu. Letter : Cebu [City], to the Regent, describing the functioning and potential uses of a sail-operated machine, 1838 June 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vaglienti, Piero, 1438-1514. Photostatic reproductions of letters containing accounts of voyages of Cabral and Vespucci 1501-1514. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blumentritt, Ferdinand, 1853-1913. Eine Entdeckung (Fund). Newberry Library
creatorOf Petter, Rodolphe Charles, 1865-1947. Cheyenne grammar (condensed). Newberry Library
creatorOf España, Bernabé. Report on the inspection of prisoners in the fortress at Cavite, 1865 Dec. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrantes, Vicente, 1829-1898. Historia general sacro-profana, política y religiosa de las Islas del Poniente llamadas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Comyn, Tomás de. Noticias relativas al estado de las Yslas Filipinas en el año de 1810. Newberry Library
creatorOf Larwill, Joseph H. (Joseph Hart), 1788-1867. Letter : Zanesville, [Ohio], to Jared Mansfield, 1812 Jan. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beall, Thomas B., 1832-1921. Letter : Office Indian Agent, Lapwai, Idaho Territory, to Rufus Ingalls, New York [N.Y.], 1870 July 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Keating, Edward. Invoice : the publick to Edward Keating, Dr., 1741 May 21 - June 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kelly, John L. (John Lincoln), fl. 1897-1923. Description of a trip to St. Nicholas Island in the year 1897 / by John L. Kelly of San Diego, California : typescript, [between 1923 and 1936]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alexander, J.W.S. (John Washington S.), 1823-1863. Letter [manuscript] : Tampico, Mexico, to John TenBrook, M.D., Paris, Edgar Co., Illinois, 1847 Mar. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Huggins, E. L. (Eli Lundy), 1842-1929. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Edward E. Ayer, 1899 Dec. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1702-1715 : Dudley). Memorial : Boston, to Her Ma[jes]ties Board of Ordnance, 1709 Oct. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beauchamp, William Martin, 1830-1925. Mission service for the Six Nations of Indians, 1893 Mar. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benavides, Alonso de, fl. 1630. Memorial a la sanctidad de Urbano 8 n[uest]ro señor acerca delas conuerciones del Nuevo Mexico : hechas en el felicisso. t[iem]po del govierno de su pontificado / y presentado a Su Sd. por el Pe. Fr. Alonso de Benavides dela orden de n[uest]ro pe. San Francisco custo. delas dichas conuerciones en 12 de febrero del año 1634. Newberry Library
creatorOf Margry, Pierre, 1818-1894. Letter and list of map tracings : Paris, to Lambert Tree, [Brussels?], 1891 July 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875,. [Map of unidentified place, probably in central Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1871-1873 : Izquierdo). Proclamation of May 7, 1871, concerning the improvement of public education in the Philippines, [ca. 1871]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Descripción historica y politica de las Islas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rhodes, James. Selectmen of Sheffield to James Rhodes ... : bill, 1757 Jan. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861-1938,. Collection of photostatic reproductions of manuscript, traced, and printed maps showing California and the Pacific Coast : based on sources from the 16th through 19th centuries [not after 1911]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Le Maire, François, fl. 1714-1716. Fort Louis, province de la Louisiane, et de l'Isle Dauphin auec son port et rade ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Tribunal y Audiencia de Cuentas. Legal opinion of the fiscal of the Tribunal de Cuentas concerning valuation of goods 1861 March [14]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Caballero, Lucas, d. 1711. Diario y quarta relasion de la quarta mission hecha en la nasion de los Manasicas y en la nasion de los Paunacas nuevamente descubiertos año de 1707 : con la noticia de los pueblos de las dos nasiones : y dase de passo noticia de otras nasiones, [1708?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Starr, Frederick, 1858-1933. Letters and photograph, 1902 May 1-1908 Nov. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bradford, John, 1747-1830. Notes on Kentucky, 1848 Apr. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vasquez, Benito. Letter and two receipts : Portage des Sioux [Mo.], and St. Louis, 1826 Aug. 22-Sept. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Young King, Seneca chief. Receipts, 1808-1830. Newberry Library
creatorOf Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925. Letter : East Las Vegas, N.M., to Prof. F.W. Hodge, Washington, D.C., 1910 Jan. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Notes on court procedure for recusation of judges, magistrates, and state's attorneys, [between 1859 and 1878?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Atkinson, George. Documents pertaining to the conveyance of lands, slaves and stock from Wilhemina Barbara Traill to William Knight Dehany 1832 June 16-21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Choncua. To his excellency the Viceroy of Canton &c : a respectful petition / from the foreign creditors of Choncua, Hong merchant, 1830 Mar. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Denison, Daniel, 1613-1682. Orders : instructions for Capt. William Hathorne, Comander in cheife of the forces now Employed to the Eastward, 1676 Aug. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782. Documents pertaining to the papal line of demarcation dividing South America between Spain and Portugal 1734-1746. Newberry Library
creatorOf De Villefort, Monsieur. Brouillon de la relation du voyage de la mer du Sud partant de La Rochelle : une escadre de quatres vaisseau a la garde de Dieu, de la Sainte Vierge et soubs le commendament de Monsieur de Beauchesne Gouin Capitaine des vaissau Du Roy Seavoir. Newberry Library
creatorOf Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. [Ordenanzas de la Cofradía del Rosario, año de 1689]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Muñoz, Gabriel. Descripcion ignografica de la provincia de Yucatan desde la Laguna de Terminos hasta Cabo Catoche / sondada y levantada nuevamente de orden del Rey por el primer piloto de la Rl. Armada Dn. Gabriel Muñoz. Año de 1767. Newberry Library
creatorOf Farando, Joseph. Letter : Cavite, Philippines, to the Conde de Aranda, [Madrid, Spain?], 1770 Jan. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf [Autograph album] Chemawa (Salem, Or.), 1888-1911. Newberry Library
creatorOf France. Conseil d'Etat. Extrait des registres du Con[se]il d'Etat : sur la requeste presentée au Roy etant en son Conseil par Claude François Bidal, chevalier marquis d'Asfeld, chevalier de la Toison d'Or, commandeur de l'Ordre de Saint Louis, lieutenant general des armées de Sa Majesté, gouverneur du Chateau Trompilli, et directeur general des fortiffications de France, 1724 Dec. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bureau of Indian Affairs Indian Relocation Records Newberry Library
creatorOf Ramsey, Frank DeW., fl. 1889. Outline sketch of the military reservation of Fort Verde, Arizona / Frank DeW. Ramsey, 2nd Lt. 9th Inf. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Itinerario de Digos al fuerte de Mailad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Mouths of the Trinity / W. Bollaert. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ulloa, León. Relacion historial y geográfica de las republicas de la America española : con una reseña de los grandes descubridores y noticias de las montañas mas altas de la América, y de la latitud y longitud de varias provincias americanas / por Leon Ulloa. Secretario del Gobierno Político de la Havana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vincent, citoyen. Précis du voyage fait a S[an]to Domingo au commencement du mois de brumaire de l'an 7 / par le c[itoy]en Vincent, Directeur des fortifications des Iles sous le Vent. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Ordenanza de matrículas : Título 6o. Artículo 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera, Juan Baptista de. Informacion hecha apedimiento del promotor fiscal del obispado dela Puebla delos Angeles, para informar a su Santidad y donde mas combenga delos escandalos danos injurias y molestias quelos religiosos dela Compañía de Jesus delos tres collegios dela Ciudad de los Angeles han hecho en menos precio y vilipendio dela dignidad episcopal que recide en su Sría Illmo. Sor. don Joan de Palafox y Mendoca del Consso. de su Magd. en el Real de Yndias : ultrajandola y menos preciandola notoria y publicamente conescandalo general deste reyno y lo demas que contiene el pedimento. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Manuel, warden. Documents pertaining to prisoners in Bilibid Prison in Manila, 1883 Oct. 18-1899 Aug. 2 (bulk 1897). Newberry Library
creatorOf Mercado, Ignacio, d. 1698. Declaracion de las Virtudes de los Arboles y plantas que estan en este Libro. Newberry Library
creatorOf Antelope, Faustinus W. Faustinus Antelope letters and petition, 1918. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perlas, Conde de. Report : Granada, to King Philip IV, 1622 June 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771. Letters : [London, Eng.], to the Earl of Morton, 1767 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [Dos sermones en lengua otomi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New France. Governor (1685-1689 : De Brisay). Ordinance concerning unauthorized traders and trappers in New France : Québec, 1686 Feb. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Hacienda. Register of official correspondence of the Superintendent of the Real Hacienda of Peru, Jorge Escobedo y Alarcón, with the viceroy Teodor de Croix 1785 Jan. 4-1788 Jan. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Remy, Jules, 1826-1893. Vocabulaire Havaiien-Français. Newberry Library
creatorOf Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. Letters : Washington, [D.C.], 1850-1856. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sánchez, Adelaide F. de,. Collection of manuscripts and printed documents relating to colonial Mexico 1564-1820. Newberry Library
creatorOf Loaiza, Baltasar Xavier, 1608-1672. Arte de la lengua hegue / compuesto por el Pre. Balthasar de Loaysa de la Compa. de Jss. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez de Terán, Gabriel, d. 1806. Correspondence between the Conde and Condesa de Casa Flórez and their financial agents, the Teráns 1788-1815 (bulk 1808-1812). Newberry Library
creatorOf France. Sovereign (1610-1643 : Louis XIII). Grant of land to Henri de Buade, sieur de Frontenac : Fontainebleau, France, 1612 May. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beavis, Sarah. Sarah Beavis her pamphlet : James Beavis her brother and Ann Beavis her sister, [1783?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hooke, Francis, d. 1695. Letters : Kittery, Me., to William Stoughton, Boston, Mass., 1694 Dec. 17-31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Crespí, Juan, 1721-1782. Diario y descripcion de las dilatadas caminas, que ... hicieron los RR. PP. PP. Apostolicos del Colegio de San Fernando de Mexico del orden de N.S.P.S. Franco. : recien entregados de las missiones de la California, azia el norte de aquella peninsula desde ... Sta. Maria de las Angeles, hasta los famosos puertos de San Diego, Monte Rey, y San Franco ... en los años del Señor 1769 y 1770 / descrivelo el P. Pr. Fr. Juan Crespi Pr. Apostolico del expresado Colegio. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891. Letter : Poughkeepsie, N.Y., to J. Wingate Thornton, Esq., 1858 May 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Livingston, Peter Robert, 1766-1847. Letter : [N.Y.], to James Tallmadge, Poughkeepsie, [N.Y.], 1812 Nov. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. Appointment of Francisco Leandro de Viana as officer of the Inquisition of Mexico : Mexico City, 1768 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brodie, John Pringle, 1807-1869. Journals : West Indies and Mexico, 1824 Feb. 27-1834 Aug. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [Notes on Indian names and on Indian languages]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Noticias sobre el imperio del Japón. Newberry Library
creatorOf Curuzelaegui y Arriola, Gabriel de, d. 1689. Letter : Manila, to the Duquesa de Abeyro Arcos y Maqueda, 1686 July 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775. Letters, 1763 Dec. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martínez Sánchez de Araque, Diego de, ca. 1736-ca. 1786. Statera veritatis : en la respuesta que, alos figurados cargos de dn. Joseph Basco y Vargas Governador, Capn. General, y Presidente actual dela Auda. de Manila dá el Regte. de la misma dn. Diego Marz. de Araq. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum de Lemoa en quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dablon, Claude, 1619-1697. Relation de ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la de la [sic] Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France [l]es années 1676 & 1677, [1677?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abercromby, James, 1706-1781. Letter : Albany, [N.Y.], to Sir Wm. Johnson, 1757 Dec. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Taraval, Sigismundo, 1700-1763. Journal recounting Indian uprisings in Baja California 1734-1737. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sánchez del Avandero, Thomas. Certification of the death of Capt. Juan Matheo de Garayo in Veracruz, Mexico 1692 Nov. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Audubon, John James, 1785-1851. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Professor [Parker] Cleveland, Bowdoin College, New Brunswick, Me., 1833 Sept. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Biblioteca nazionale marciana. Photostatic reproductions of accounts of Italian and Portuguese voyages of exploration to Asia, Africa, and America [1525-1550]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boulet, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), d. 1919. Letter : New Whatcom, Wash., to [J.C. Pilling], Director of Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D.C., 1893 May 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. Expediente formado enqe. se ponen las certificaciones que remiten los comisarios del Distrito y Jurisdiccion de este Santo Oficio, con motivo dela Publicacion del edito qe. se publico en esta Capital el Domingo 14 de septiembre de este año / Inquisicion de Mexico. Año de 1777. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Documents, 1746-1751. Newberry Library
creatorOf Plummer, Frances H. Letter : Jefferson Barracks, [Mo.], to Temple Clark, Ceres Co., N.Y., 1846 Feb. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf López, Agustín. Reconocimiento de víveres para Balabac y Cochinchina, 1858 March 4-1859 Jan. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, John, 1664-1729. Letter : Deerfield, Mass., to Stephen Williams, 1716 May 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. General Court. Legal document : at a great generall court or assembly of the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England begun at Boston, 1706 May 29 - Aug. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gardner, Fletcher, b. 1869. Mangyan songs / translated into Tagalog by Bogon, Damdam, and Cobla ; English version by Fletcher Gardner, contract surgeon, U.S. Army. Newberry Library
creatorOf C de O., un incognito. El cadete mexicano : obra moderna / de un incognito C de O. Newberry Library
creatorOf Plocher, Johannes. English Apache dictionary : containing a vocabulary of the San Carlos Apache, also some White Mount. terms, and many sentences illustrating the use of the words / compiled by Johannes Plocher, Luth. Missionary. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Cap Franc̜ois de Saint Domingue, de l'isle de Cuba, de la Jamaique avec le Canal de Bahama, l'entrée du fleuve St. Louis, et le pays de la Louisiane et les isles adjacentes, le tout depuis 16 degres de latitude jusqu'a trente six. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Fuerte de Digos, en el seno de Casiláran. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pli, Pierres, d. 1565. [Mapa en que señala el primer surgidero en las Islas Filipinas, de las españoles que fueron en la expedición de Miguel Lopez de Legazpi y el primer asiento que en ellas hicieron]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Algunos apuntes sobre la historia antigua de Yucatán : cuaderno 3.̊ Newberry Library
creatorOf Velasco, Pedro, 1706-1769. Razon de los pueblos, tributos, reservados de hedad y enfermedad, solteros : doncellas, escuelas de niños y niñas, infantes, missiones, cathecumenos, y nuevos baptizados, de las provincias y ministerios que están a cargo de la religion de Nro. Pe. San Augustin, en estas Islas Philipinas, este pressente año de 1760. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gasca, Pedro de la, 1493-1567. Letter : Panama, to Pedro Hernández Paniagua, 1546 Oct. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Houghton, Timothy. Bills, 1756 June 11-Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blaney, William. The province of Massachusetts Bay to Wm Blaney dr : to bording & tacking care of Robt. Bozard from March ye 23d to July ye 6th ... : bill, [1768?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. Warrant : to the Constable of Chelmsford [Mass.], 1669 May 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. A map exhibiting the track of the merchant ship Rattler on a voyage to the Pacific Oceans & return to England, A.D. 1793, 1794 / Colnett del. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). To the governor and council of the state of Maine assembled at Augusta ... : Tomor, governor, & Joseph, lieutenant governor of the St Johns tribe of Indians, and the seven councillors of said tribe ... greeting : petition, 1839 Jan. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Encina, Pedro. Documents pertaining to the construction of a town hall in the pueblo of Tondo, 1849 Nov. 26-Dec. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. Sermon del gran patriarcha San Joseph, padre putativo de Christo Señor Nuestro, digníssimo esposo de María Santíssima Señora Nuestra, y soverano Sr. Mío. Newberry Library
creatorOf Orleman, L. H. [Map of the routes of Generals Grierson, Mackenzie, and Davidson, Colonels Schofield and Carpenter, and Captain Baldwin over the plains] / [compiled under the direction of Maj. General J.W. Davidson ... Fort Sill, I.T. by Col. L.H. Orleman, 10th Cavalry ...]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Faulk, Andrew Jackson, 1814-1898. Andrew Jackson Faulk letters and speeches, 1862-1870. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calvo, Tomás, fl. 1726. [Vocabulario español-quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blanco y Erenas, Ramón, 1833-1906. Memoria acerca del estado de la provincia de Zamboanga : 1862-71. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ortega, Gaspar de. Cartilla de las obligaciones y derechos del contribuyente gobernadorcillo y cabeza de barangay con relacion á los impuestos de Hacienda / por G. de O. Newberry Library
creatorOf Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861-1938,. Collection of transcripts from various archives of documents concerning the early history of California, [not after 1911]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. Lieutenant Governor (1701-1702 : Partridge). Orders : province of New Hampshire, att a councill held at Portsmouth, 1703 Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Raudot, Antoine Denis, 1679-1737. Carte de l'Isle Royalle. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-1895. Eli Samuel Parker papers, ca. 1850-1885. Newberry Library
creatorOf Périnault, Joseph, 1732-1814. Deed for the sale of a house to Sieur Grignon : Michilimackinac, 1777 July 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé, 1814-1874,. Algunos sermones en lengua quiché de Rabinal. Newberry Library
creatorOf Melero, Felix. Copies of parish records from Boac, Philippines, 1888 June 6-1896 Aug. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Reed, Earl H. (Earl Howell), 1863-1931. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Julia Cooley [Altrocchi], Harbert, Berrien Co., Mich., 1919 July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Espinosa y Tello, Manuel de. Power of attorney : to José de Espinosa y Tello, 1801 July 20-1803 Jan. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cà da Mosto, Alvise, 1432-1488. [Le navigazioni atlantiche, 1455-1456]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. Hojas de servicio de los empleados en el Ministerio de Ultramar, 1865 Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860. Letter : Tampa Bay, [Fla.], to C.C. Clay, Governor of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1836 Nov. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alvárez, Diego. Notarial documents from Huancavelica, Peru, 1578 July 26-1596 Oct. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizal, José, 1861-1896. Letters : to Dr. A.B. Meyer, Dresden, 1888 Dec. 6-1895 March 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Journals : England and Mexico, 1825-1837. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [Black Horse ledger], [ca. 1877-1879]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eaton, William, 1764-1811. Letter : Fort Washington, [Ohio], to Stephen Jacob, Windsor, Vt., 1793 June 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lanman, Charles, 1819-1895. Letter : Georgetown, D.C., to Charles W. Squires, Albany, N.Y., 1873 Dec. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía. Draft opinion by the fiscal of the Audiencia concerning the lease of a house belonging to Juan Bautista Arrechea, 1864 Dec. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. [Map showing route of the merchant ship Rattler along the northern coast of Chile west to San Félix and San Ambrosio Islands]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Galicia Chimalpopoca, Faustino, d. 1877. [Manuscritos en mexicano], 1580-1856. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández de Córdoba y Guzmán, Martín de, d. 1618. Poder otorgado por el capitan Martín Fernandez de Córdova y Guzman, a favor de d. Gonzalo de Cardenas y Cordova : ante Melchor Gutiérrez, escribano publico en las villas de San Miguel y San Felipe, Frontera de [las Chichimecas de la] Nueva España, Mexico, 16 de octubre de 1613. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Ytinerario de la escursión hecha á Mindanao y Joló de orden del Exc[elentísi]mo. Sr. Capitan General, Don Rafael Echagüe, por el Coronel gdo. Don Juan Nepomuceno Burriel, Jefe del E.M. interino del Ejército de Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pimentel, Juan Antonio. Certified copies of documents pertaining to the appointments to office of Juan Antonio Pimentel, 1688 Dec. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Papers, 1825-1867. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Skize der Bergkruppe von Teul mit den 1834 noch vorhandenen Fundamend-Mauerwerke frḧerer Mexicnischen Bauten / aufgenom[m]en v: C. de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Schieffelin, Jacob, 1757-1835. Memorandum : Philadelphia, to Colonel [Samuel] Hodgdon, 1799 Jan. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-1895. Ely Samuel Parker scrapbooks, 1828-1894 (bulk 1870-1894). Newberry Library
creatorOf Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio, 1737-1799. Memoria sobre la naturaleza, cultivo, y beneficio de la grana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign. Zedulas despachadas a Manila. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. [Map of Cotabato City on Mindanao Island, Philippines showing projected town planning and military fortification]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. Letters : Cádiz, [Spain], to Tomás de Anda y Salazar, Madrid, 1772 Jan. 2-1773 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zárate Salmerón, Gerónimo. Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el Nuevo Mexico se han visto y sabido, asi por Mar como por tierra, desde el año de 1538 hasta el de 1676 [i.e. 1626]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lowe Brothers Ltd. (Birmingham),. De la philosophie, [between 1770 and 1789]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santiago de Baçan, Francisco de. [Map of lands in the Tultepec and Jaltocán regions adjacent to the Hacienda de Santa Inés (Mexico)]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera Ravachero, Felix de. Petition : Lingayen, Philippines, to the king of Spain, requesting that he rearm the presidio at Zamboanga, 1669 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sergeant, John, 1710-1749. Letters, 1739-1743. Newberry Library
creatorOf Albany Committee of Correspondence (N.Y.). Minutes, 1775-1777. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ortiz, Marcos. Letter : [Pili, Camarines Sur], to the alcalde mayor [Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui], [1862-1863]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Amador Verissimo de Aleteya. Cathalogo de todos os Vice Reys, Governadores, e Governos Gerais, ou Interinos : que tem Governado a Capitania da Bahia desde sanno de 1549 depois do su descobrimento com anoticiadas couzas mais notavais acontecidos no tempo do Governo de cada hum, comais q'na continuacas desto Serie Severa. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Board of Indian Commissioners. Records, 1869-1919. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cabezas, Protacio. Testimonio literal delos titulos y meritos del M[inist]ro. Don Protacio Cauezas Comissario del Sto. Officio del Obispado de Zebu. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mana. Estudios sobre las Yslas Filipinas : sistema económico. Artículo 1o, [between 1858 and 1880?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Archivo General de Indias. Transcripts of documents from the Archivo General de Indias : relating to the history of Mexico, Florida, Louisiana, and the Southwest between 1518 and 1817 [between 1910 and 1920]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Houghton, C. B. (Cornelius Briggs), b. 1823. Accounts and diary : Deer Creek and Rough and Ready, [Calif.], 1850 Mar. 8 - June 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaona, Juan de, 1507-1560. Coloquios de la paz y tranquilidad : interlocutores: un religioso y un collegial. Newberry Library
creatorOf Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. A pocket vocabulary of terms alphabetically arranged. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Incipiunt epistole et evangelia feria quarta cinerum. Newberry Library
creatorOf Woodward, Samuel L., b. 1840. [Map showing route of U.S. cavalry expedition to the Wichita Mountains, Indian Territory]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tello de Guzmán, Francisco, d. 1603. Escritura por la cual Dn. Franco. de Guzman agregó al Mayorazgo de su Casa una Espada y Daga, una Jarra y Salva de oro y un Cuerno de Bada, labrado de gran virtud para la salud; ante Luis de Contreras en Manila 7 de Junio de 1597. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. Letter : [Washington, D.C.], to Hon. R. McClellan[d], [Washington, D.C.], 1853 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley). Province of the Massachusetts-Bay William Shirley ... to Joseph Frie ... greeting : by virtue of the power and authority ... to me granted ... : commission, 1746 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basseta, Domingo de. Vocabulario quiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Armstrong, Moses K. (Moses Kimball), 1832-1906. Secretary's book : Dakota Historical Society, [Yankton, Dakota Territory], 1862-1871. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Account of an expedition from Honolulu to Hilo 1875 June 14-Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a royal order of Dec. 29, 1857 : concerning monthly requests for funds from naval bases in the Philippines, [1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Theologia indorum : yndustriacion de los yndios en la fe en la qual se trata vida y milagras y passion, resurrection y asc̜ension de Xpo. Nro. Señor, y todo lo que conviene guardar y obrar y creer a todo fiel xpiano ynterpretado en la lengua guatemalteca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilbert, Benjamin. Release : to all people to whom these presents shall come ..., 1784 Jan. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robertson, B. H. (Beverly Holcombe), 1827-1910. Letter : Fort Conrad, N.M., to "Col.", 1853 Feb. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chastellux, François Jean, marquis de, 1734-1788. Voyage de Williamsburg en Virginie Amerique septentrionale à Charlotte-ville, Natural Bridge, Peter'sburg, Richemond & a., 1782. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hanks, Jane Richardson, 1908-. Jane Richardson Hanks Kiowa papers, 1935-1968 bulk 1935-1940. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Testamento en lengua kekchi de Verapaz]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bradstreet, John, 1711-1774. Instructions to Capt. Howard of his Majesty's Seventeenth Regiment of Foot : orders, 1764 Aug. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peñaranda, José María. Letter : to Martín de Carmona, 1831 Feb. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguilera, Hippolito de. Doctrina christiana en pocomchi / escrita por Fr. Hippolito de Aguilera, predicador, cura de este partido de el Pocomchi Santa María Tactic. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Incipiunt epistol[a]e et evangelia qu[a]e in diebus Dominicis [et] festibus per totius a[n]ni circulu[m] leguntur : traducta in lingua[m] Mexicanam. Newberry Library
creatorOf Logan, James, 1674-1751. Letters, 1704-1729. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mamangquat. To all people to whom these presents shall come : I Mamangquat cosin of Magmaseckemock only native Indian owner of a certain tract & parcell of land ... : land grant, 1710 Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Estelric, Joseph. Letter : [Philippines?], 1807 Sept. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jacket, John,. Words to the Ganoda chant of the "Little Water Society" Niga niga ah / written by John Jacket, direct descendant of Red Jacket, [between 1849 and 1870]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II). Memorandum : relating to the Instructions relating to the New Hampshire Boundaries, [1739?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848. Letters, 1822-1834. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alvares, Pedro. Proyecto de reconstruccion de una yglesia en el pueblo de Boac, Provincia de Mindoro [technical drawing]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pimentel, Juan Antonio. Documents pertaining to legal and personal matters of Juan Antonio Pimentel 1688 Nov. 16-1689 June 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. Jefferson Columbus Davis papers, 1867-1878. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Cherokees : history & habits & language, [between 1831 and 1838]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letter : [from a father to his son], 1779 April 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864. Notes on Waldeck's Indian pictorial manuscripts, [between 1840 and 1850]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo, 1702-1751. [Calendario de Michoacán]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coalter, George. Letter : Fayetteville, Tenn., to George W. Campbell, Secretary of Treasury, Washington City, 1814 July 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Washington, George, 1732-1799. Letter : Mount Vernon, [Va.], to [Charles] Williamson, Genessee [i.e. Genesee, N.Y.], 1798 Jan. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf McKenzie, Kenneth, 1797-1861. Letters, 1834-1835. Newberry Library
creatorOf Norton, John, b. ca. 1760. John Norton papers, 1804-1816, bulk 1804-1810. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Apuntes biográficos de Ismael Alzate. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927. U.S. Board of Indian Commissioners files, 1912-1922. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tooker, William Wallace, 1848-1917. Some errors in the Eagle almanac, [not before 1886]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Arte de lengua quiche : yllustrado con algunas notas que estan puestas al fin, para su perfecta inteligencia / hechas por un aficionado a esta ydioma : año de mil setecientos noventa y tres. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Beschreibung der Ueberreste Aztekischer Niederlassungen auf ihrer Wanderung nach dem Thale von Mexico durch den gegenwärtigen Freistaat von Zacatecas : nach örtlichen Forschungen und Vermessungen zusammengestellt und durch das in Aztekischer Bilderschrift in Museum zu Mexico vorhandene Manuscript erläutert / von Carl de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ariola, Andrés de. Letter : Veracruz [Mexico], to the Conde de Zifuentes, 1696 July 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. Letter and report : State Dept of California, Monterey, to Col. R.B. Mason commanding 10th Mil. Dept and Governor of California, 1849 Mar. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Collection of photostatic reproductions of manuscripts and newspapers from the Matamoros archives, 1799-1859. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Prayers in Maya]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hill, Robert C. Letter : Camp in Rush Valley, Utah Territory, to Col. D. Ruggles, 1859 June 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tosetti, Urbano, 1714-1768. Elementos para la historia de los jesuitas : Cuzco, y mayo 30 de 1777. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bader, Rev., fl. 1751-1798. Extracts from the diary of the Rev. Dr. Bader, pastor of the Hebron Moravian Church near Lebanon, Pennsylvania from 1751 to 1798, [between 1910 and 1929?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Notification from the fiscal concerning rejection of a petition for a military pension, 1865 Oct. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Yeates, Jaspar, 1745-1817. A list of Shawanese words. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Reports in the summer of the year 1757 [to July 10, 1758], 1757-1758. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Recensement gen[er]al : fait au mois de novembre mile sept cent huit de tous les sauviages de lAcadie qui resident dans la coste de l'est et de ceux de Pintagouet et de Canibeky famille par famille, leurs ages, celuy de leurs femmes et enfants : avec une recapitulation a la fin de la quantite d'hommes et de garcons capables d'aler a la guerre : comme aussy le recensement des francois establis a la ditte coste de l'Es, 1708 Nov. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788. Diario de la ruta y operaciones que yo el infraescripto capitan de cavalleria deel real presidio de Tubac en la prova. de Sonora practico en solicitud de abrir comunicasion de d[ic]ha prova. ala California setemptrional por los rios Gila y Colorado : acuia expedicion soi comisionado por el ex[celentísi]mo señor thente. general don Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua, virrey governador y capitan general de la Nueba España como consta de su superior orden de diez y siete de septiembre de mill setecientos setenta y tres años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hall, R. D. Letter : Greenville, Calif., to Dear Friend [Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill.], 1916 Apr. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Papel de mi the. (que haia gloria) al fiscal, [between 1663 and 1715?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Moses. To the hon[o]red Court sitting in Charlestowne : petition, 1684 June 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zamora, Joceh Ladislao. Petition of Joceh Zamora to the alcalde mayor Diego Cevallos seeking damages from the pawnbroker Don Agustín [18??]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a file of instructions and official correspondence concerning government contracts for provisions and equipment for the military expedition to Cochinchina, [1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Keokuk, Sauk chief, 1780?-1848. Letter : Steamboat Warrior, to Pierre Chouteau, St. Louis, Mo., 1835 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tello y Portugal, Isabel. Power of attorney granted to Juan and Francisco Llorente : Mexico City, 1662 Nov. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Jonas [i.e. Jonah] Thompson, Bristol, [Eng.], 1757 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Macanaz, Melchor Rafael de, 1670-1760. Noticia compendiosa del proyeto que en 21 de diziembre de 1747 se remitió á la V[ill]a de Madrid / por el exc[elentisi]mo señor Dn. Melchor de Macanaz. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stone, William L. (William Leete), 1835-1908. Letter : Saratoga Springs, [N.Y.], to Luther Bradish, 1862 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Dispatches from various governors to Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui, alcalde mayor de Manila 1860 March 30-1862 April 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brodhead, John Romeyn, 1814-1873. Letter : [London], to Col. [Thomas] Aspinwall, U.S. Consul, London, 1848 Feb. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrientos Lomelín, Pedro de, d. 1658. Certificado de relaciones de los s[eño]res don Garci Tello de Sandoval corregidor de la ciudad de México y doña Isavel Tello de Portugal su muger : que a virtud de mandato certificó don Francisco Carrillo en Mexico 19 de noviembre de 1654. Newberry Library
creatorOf Skiuhushu, Red Fox. Letters, 1917-1918. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vendryes, B. (Barthélémy). Papers concerning claims made by the heirs of Elie Allard for the payment of indemnities for property in the former French colony of Saint-Domingue 1785-1844, (bulk 1826-1834). Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Noticia breve de la expedicion militar de Sonora y Cinaloa, su exito feliz, y ventajoso estado en que por consecuencia de ella se han puesto ambas provincias. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556. Exercicio de S. Ygnacio de Loyola / traducida en lengua yloca por el M.R.P. Pred. Fr. Manuel Garris del Orn̂. de N.P. Sn̂ Agn̂ Prior y Mt̂ro que ha sido de varios conventos de esta Prov. de Ylocos. Examinador Sinod. y Prior actual de este pueblo de Bantay : año de 1755. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Orders to local officials concerning municipal affairs, 1863 Aug. 25-1864 Jan. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dato de Mindanao. Letters : Sibuguey, Mindanao, to Aquelino Ynfante, governor of Zamboanga, 1825 Nov. 8.-1830 April 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Lieutenant Governor (1761-1775 : Colden). Letters : Fort George and New York, N.Y., to Sir William Johnson, 1763-1764. Newberry Library
creatorOf Piquette, Baptiste. Letter : [Michilimackinac, Mich.?], to Samuel Abbote, Michilimackinac, [Mich.], 1808 June 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edwards, Henry, Captain. To the Honble Colo Samuell Vetch Adjutant Gene[ra]l of her Maj[es]ties forces : the memorial of Capt Henry Edwards of Newfoundland sheweth ..., [1710?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morau, H. Elémens de la grammaire nipissingue. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Juzgado de Manila. Promotoría Fiscal. Letter : to the alcalde mayor 1° de Manila, 1861 Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents pertaining to property in Teocaltitlán and San Pedro de Calimaya, 1678-1781. Newberry Library
creatorOf Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. Letter : San Xavier del Bac, to Juan Bautista de Anssa, 1768 July 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru. Viceroy (1681-1689 : Navarra y Rocafull). Relacion de govierno por el Exmo. Señor Dvqve de la Palata. Virrey que fue del Reyno del Perv. al Exmo. Señor Conde de la Monclova sv svbcesor : hecha en Lima a 18 de dicre. de 1689. Trasumptada en Mexico año de 1734. P.D.F.A.D.A.Y.Z. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gibbons, William, 1726-1800. Order : to Thomas Rosberg, 1759 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV). Notification of a royal order concerning delegation of duties in the absence of the viceroy 1799 Aug. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fabreguez y Santander, José. Correspondence concerning the retirement of infantry commander José Fabreguez y Santander, 1871 Mar. 20-Apr. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento de los brazos n[orte] y s[ud] del Rio Grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Dirección general de administración local. Reglamento para el servicio personal en el Archipielago. Newberry Library
creatorOf Asquerino, Eduardo. Note concerning the colonial government of the Philippines, Manila, [18--] Aug. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Land disputes between the colony of Connecticut and the Mohegan Indians, 1736-1739, [ca. 1740]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McNickle, D'Arcy, 1904-1977. D'Arcy McNickle papers, 1913-1986 (bulk 1924-1977). Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Del comercio del Japón. Newberry Library
creatorOf Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872,. The state of Barbados, [1684]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Faxardo, Juan Isidro. Copia del papel que en primero de febrero de este año de 1725 escribió a Dn. Luis de Salazar y Castro Dn. Juan Isidro Faxardo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, 1645-1700. Lists of alcaldías mayores and corregimientos of Mexico, [16--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Long, Richard. Letters 1700 Decem[be]r 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fishbourne, Benjamin, d. 1819. Letter : Augusta [Ga.], to Dear Sir, 1787 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morgan, George, 1743-1810. Letter : Baltimore, [Md.], to John Hancock, [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1777 Jan. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador (1861-1862 : Lemery). Copy of a royal order concerning the retirement of the alcalde mayor 1° of Manila, Jose de la Herran y Lacoste 1861 Dec. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Vol. 26 de mon journal de notes de l'annee 1833-34 : conjugation des verbes aztèques, vocabulaire tchol et maya, ocotzinco. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Calendario y doctrina en kekchi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davenport, George, 1783-1845. Letters, 1824-1834. Newberry Library
creatorOf Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1738. Singularites des isles de l'Amerique / tires des voyages [d]u R.P.J.B. Labat de l'ordre des freres prech[eu]rs. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828. Correspondence : Albany, [N.Y.], to John Pintard, New York, [N.Y.], 1817-1818. Newberry Library
creatorOf Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859?. Disertación sobre las lenguas zapoteca, chinanteca, mixe y trike y comparación con el zoke y el misteco / escrita para el Ateneo de Madrid por Francisco Belmar. Newberry Library
creatorOf Associação Comercial da Bahia. Petitions of the merchants of the Praça do Comércio da Bahia to the Prince Regent of Portugal for redress of grievances against the English 1812-[1819?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lining, John, 1708-1760. The public dr to Lining & Chalmers : bill, 1753. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). [Map of the Western Hemisphere]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). Royal cédula : Madrid, to the Real Audiencia of New Spain in Mexico City, concerning the corn paid by the Indians as taxes, 1576 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gioson. Power of Attorney : to Mr. de la Gorgendiere, 1714 Mar. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tayler, John, 1742-1829. Payment order : Albany, [N.Y.], to Gerard Bancker, Treasurer to the State of New York, 1791 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Notices from the Real Audiencia to Anastasio de Hoyos, alcalde of Manila 1861 July 11-1862 March 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reco[no]cimiento de la Isabela de Basilan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Col. E.S. Parker, [Washington, D.C.], 1867 Jan. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf La Corne, Luc de, 1711-1784. Letter : Montréal, to John Hawks, Deerfield, New England [i.e. Mass.], 1749 Oct. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo). Instruccion de gobierno / que el virrey de Nueva España conde de Revillagigedo dexó a su successor marques de Branciforte en 30 de junio de 1792 [i.e. 1794]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hunt, Thomas, d. 1808. License : [Fort] Michilimackinac [Mich.], to all whom it may concern, 1804 June 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guerra, Miguel. [Doctrina christiana en lengua mixteca]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Salazar, Eugenio. [De los negocios incidentes en las Audiencias de las Indias]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Penhallow, Samuel, 1665-1726. Forasmuch as a petition on ye 17th of May last was proferr[e]d unto the ... Lt Govr and Councill by ye Selectmen of Stretham [i.e. Stratham] for a committee to appoint a place for their meeting hous[e] to stand on ... : report, 1716 Aug. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf García de Gómez, Nicolás. Consulta acompañatoria deel Extracto General Nos. 1 á 34 de la ocupación, y extrañamiento de los Regulares dela Compañía Expulsos de estas Islas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burbeck, Henry, 1754-1848. Speeches, 1797-1799. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hiché, Henri. Contract for sale of land by Henri Hiché and his wife, Marguerite le Gardeur, to the Augustine Sisters of the Hôpital general de Québec [manuscript], 1727 Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newberry, F. D. [Letters to F.D. Newberry] : Puyallup (Consolidated) Agency, Tacoma, Wash., 1889 Dec. 1-2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Yell, Archibald, 1797 or 9-1847. Letter : Executive Department, Little Rock Ark's, to Major Genl. Scott, 1843 Oct. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Huske, Ellis, 1700-1755. Letter : London, to Oliver Noyes, Hull, Yorkshire, 1746 Jan. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez, Juan Pío, 1798-1859. [Recetarios de indios en lengua maya : indices de plantas medicinales y de enfermedades / coordinados por D. Juan Pío Pérez ; con estractos de los recetarios, notas y añadiduras por C. Hermann Berendt.]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Archivo General de Indias. Plano de la plaza de Panzacola. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Coleccion de objetos y eféctos que dan á conocer los usos, costumbres y religion del habitante infiel de la gran cordillera central del Caraballo, vulgarmente llamado Ygorrote; aunque este nombre varia segun la localidad que en ella ó á sus inmediaciones ocupa : sus necesidades. Industria local. Armas etc. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaviria, Manuel. Documents describing payments contributed by the Philippines to support the government of Isabella II of Spain 1838 Oct. 16-1841 Sept. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lowry, Robert, 1826-1899. Three hymns in Chinook, Tsimshian, and Salish, [ca. 1892]. Newberry Library
creatorOf C̜avala, Thomás de. Pleyto criminal contrael Br. Xpoval Martínez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pickering, John, ca. 1640-ca. 1721. The way and manner yt St. Johns was taken according to ye best information could gett of both French & English : report, 1709 June. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cusick, James N. Account of a conference in Washington relative to the removal west of Iroquois Indians : Utica, [N.Y.] : report, 1845 Sept. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boxer, C. R. (Charles Ralph), 1904-. Relación de las yslas del os Ladrones. Newberry Library
creatorOf Moore, Nathaniel Fish, 1782-1872. Journey by way of Buffalo and the lakes to the falls of St. Anthony : and return thence by way of St. Louis and the Ohio River in the autumn of 1845, 1845 July 3 - Sept. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning protests by Indians against the construction of two churches in Zacatlán 1750 Oct. 20-1753 March 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chay, Dionisio. [Libro del judío]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). The lost daughter, [ca. 1850]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kunstmann, E. Tagalisches wörterbuch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón, 1579-1660. Historia o chronica mexicana y con su calendario de los meses que tenían y de la manera que tenían de contarlos años los mexicanos en su infidelidad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Para administrar el viático en mexicano. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cardenas, Tomás de, 1534-1580. [Arte de la lengua cacchi de Coban en la Verapaz]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bates, Frederick, 1777-1825. Letter : Executive Office, [St. Louis], Missouri Territory, to [Auguste Chouteau], 1819 Aug. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Model letters in Spanish and Quiché to civil and ecclesiastical authorities regarding complaints and problems of Indians in various Guatemalan towns, 1794. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to W[illia]m Colbreath, Herkimer County, [N.Y.], 1792 Aug. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sibley, Henry Hastings, 1811-1891. Letters : Mendota, Minn., to P. Chouteau Jun. & Co., Saint Louis, [Mo.], 1845-1846. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Descripcion de la provincia de Ilocos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 1810-1889. Letter : Albury, Surrey, Eng., to Daniel Webster, [Washington, D.C.], 1851 Dec. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Letter and enclosures concerning alleged misconduct of Bernabé España, alcalde mayor of Cavite : Manila, to Juan de Lara e Irigoyen, governor of the Philippines, 1866 Jan. 17-18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrera, Ignacio de la, fl. 1801-1807. Escritura q[u]e para el pago de la cantidad de 37,525 p[e]sos 4 r[eale]s y reditos otorgaron los S[eñ]ores Don Jose Mariano y D[o]n Jose Maria Fagoaga y Don Antonio Uscola : a fabor del S[eñ]or D[oct]or Miguel Bachiller y Mena, 1807 Dec. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Reales autos acordados de 13 de octubre de 1837 i de 13 de setiembre de 1855. Newberry Library
creatorOf Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. Puerto de Valdivia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Augur, Christopher Columbus, 1821-1898. Christopher C. Augur papers, 1780-1911 (bulk 1846-1885). Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda de Filipinas. Hacienda Militar. List of provisions and supplies for the expedition to Cochinchina 1858 Aug. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilkinson, J. A., fl. 1859. Journal : across the plains in 1859, 1859 Mar. 8 - Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brooks, Alden Finney, 1840-1932. Grand trip across the plains : diary, 1859 May 19-Aug. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley). By His Excellency William Shirley Esqr. captain general and governour in cheif [sic] in and over His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : a declaration of war against the Cape Sables & St. John's Indians, 1744 Oct. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. Letter : Cádiz, [Spain], to Tomás de Anda y Salazar, Madrid, 1773 Mar. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ara, Domingo de. Bocabulario de lengua tzeldal segun el orden de Copanabastla. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tonti, Henri de, d. 1704. Voyageur contract between Henri de Tonty and two voyageurs : Québec, 1684 Sept. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Besenval, Jean-Victor, baron de, 1671-1736. Cartes marines : a la svbstitvtion dv Valdec proche Solevre en Svisse, MDCCXXVII, [ca. 1640-ca. 1726]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobierno revolucionario. President (1898 : Aguinaldo). Letter : Malolos, to Major General S.E. Otiz [i.e. E.S. Otis], Manila, 1898 Nov. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ross, John, 1790-1866. Report and letter, 1814-1831. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Theologia yndorum ubinaam. Newberry Library
creatorOf Raudot, Antoine Denis, 1679-1737. Memoranda on French colonies in America, including Canada, Louisiana, and the Carribean, [1702-1750]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Madre de Dios, Juan de la, 1616-1685. Letter of recommendation on behalf of Francisco de Montemayor y Mancilla, 1665 June 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Standage, Henry, 1818-1899. Journal of Henry Standage from July 19th 1846 to July 19th 1847, Sabbath, [between 1900 and 1911]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Fort Rozalie des Natches franc̦ois avec ses dependances et village des sauvages. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922. Letter : Paris, to Henry Harrisse, [ca. 1891]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Ejército. Reflexiones sobre el dictamen. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. Proceedings : province of New Hampshire, in the House of Representatives, 1746 Dec. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Birmingham, Joaquín Venancio. Documents concerning land titles and taxation in the Philippines 1851 Aug. 19-1869 Aug. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Tribunal de Mestizos. Acknowledgment of two written orders from the alguacil ejecutor of the Juzgado de Hacienda 1861 Nov. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Louisiana. Governor (1799-1801 : Casa Calvo). Letter : New Orleans, to [John] Steele, governor of the territory of Natchez, 1801 May 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gus, fl. 1878-1885. [Letter] : Fort Benton, Mont. Terr., to Mrs. Wm. Larzalere, Minneapolis, Kansas, 1885 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Delineacion hydrographica de la Ensenada de Panguil en la Isla de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Croghan, George, d. 1782. George Croghan letters, 1763-1770. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hawks, John, 1707-1784. An account of what John Hawks of Deerfield and Moses Scot[t] of Hatfield lost by the enemy at Hoosuck [i.e. Hoosac], 1748 Sept. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oweneco, d. 1715. The complaints and prayer of Oweneco and Ben Uncas, 1700. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wattson, Robart. A trew relation given by Robart Wattson captive before the com[m]andrs. att wells ... concerning the takeing and destroying Casco Bay, 1690 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ordoñez y Aguiar, Ramón de, d. ca. 1840,. Historia de la creación del mundo conforme al systhema americano. Newberry Library
creatorOf Owen, James P. Journal, 1860 May 24 - Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Estimated expenses for salaries and bonuses for the military expedition to Cochinchina 1858 Aug. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez de Ribas, Andrés, 1576-1655. Corónica y historia religiosa de la provincia de la Compañia de Jesus de Mexico en Nueba España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. Letter : Westminister, London, to Gentlemen, 1670 July 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, Alexander, 1843-1906. Letter : Norwood, Nelson County, Va., to Ed[ward] E. Ayer, 1891 Jan. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Whiley, R. C., fl. 1803. License : [Fort] Michilimackinac [Mich.], to all whom it may conscern, 1803 June 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700. Affidavit concerning his purchase of two properties for Sieurs de Villeroy and de Vitré, 1685 Feb. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Admiralty. Letter : Victtualing Office, to Lieut. James Cook, Grenville Schooner, 1765 Dec. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Sermones en poconchi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810. Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to His Excellency the Governour [John Hancock, Boston, Mass.], 1788 Mar. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Testimonio de autos seguidos en 1606 por Dn. Juan Tello de Guzmán, Teniente General de las Yndias Filipinas : en que condenó a ́muerte á Antonio Layton por haber muerto al Alferez Gregorio Alvarado, y por la Real Audiencia se mandó que no sele pagasen a Da. Margarita de Figueroa, muger de dho. Dn. Juan Tello sus encomiendas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Velázquez, Joseph. Diario hecho de correo por Joseph Velazquez soldado de cuera del Real Presidio delas Californias. Newberry Library
creatorOf Reyes, Antonio de los, 1729-1787. Breve descripción y relacion dela parte mas util y digna de atencion de esta America, en la gobernacion de Sonora y de las misiones que en esta remota provincia administran los PP. Misioneros del Colegio de Propaganda Fide de ls Santa Cruz de Queretaro. Newberry Library
creatorOf South Carolina. Committee on Accounts. Accounts : [Charleston, S.C.], 1757-1759. Newberry Library
creatorOf Le Netrel, Edmond. Voyage abord du Héros en 1826, 1827, 1828, & 1829, [between 1826 and 1829]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Maldonado, Francisco. Sermones super evangelia, que in sanctorum festivitatibus leguntur : cum eorumdem vitis, et transitis idiomathe Guatimalensi Cakchiquel / per fratrem Franciscum Maldonado, ordinis divi francisci predicatorem; olim que diffinitorem nominis Jesu. Guathemalensis provintie alumnum, licet matriti naturm : anno D.M. Lxxi. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Request for service records of officials serving as promotores fiscales in the alcaldía mayor of Cebu, 1865 Sept. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cacho, Alexandro, d. 1748. Letter : Pantabãngan, to Fr. Antonio del Campo, 1739 May 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alarcon, Baltasar de, fl. 1575. Sermones en lengua Cakchiquel / escritos por varios padres de la Orden de San Francisco y recogidos por el M.R.M. Padre Fr. Baltasar de Alarcon. Procurador General de la misma orden. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández de Córdoba, Fernando. Primer reconocimiento del Gran Rio Mindanao / por el comandante del cuerpo D. Fernando Fernandez de Cordoba en 1854. Newberry Library
creatorOf Magruder, Allan Bowie, 1775-1822. Letter : Opelousas, [La.], to Dear Sir, 1806 Mar. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter : Washington, D.C., to R.J. Walker, [Washington, D.C.], 1848 July 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Córdoba (Veracruz, Mexico). Subprefectura. Copia de la "Parte científica" del informe / producido por el Subprefecto de la ciudad de Córdova. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pertiería, Leandro. Letter : to Fr. Miguel Magallon, 1862 Oct. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wazon, A. Letter : [Paris?], to Debrie, 1885 Feb. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Comisión permanente de censura. Correspondence concerning activities of the commission on censorship, 1866 June 2-28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Arizmendi, Doctor. Petition seeking foreclosure to satisfy debt to the "obras pías" of Paria : La Plata [Argentina], 1775 Oct. 10-19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carruth, E. H. (Edwin H.). Letter : Camp on Grand River, [Indian Territory], to Col. W[illia]m G. Coffin, Superintendent of Indian Affairs, Southern Superintendency, 1862 July 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, Thomas, 1750-1825. Letter : Savannah, [Ga.], to Lord George Germaine, [London?, England], 1782 Apr. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Report on the status of tribute collection in the province, [after May 1863]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cretico, Giovanni Mattheo, 16th cent. Photostatic reproductions of three manuscripts describing Cabral's voyage from Lisbon to Calicut, 1500 March 8-1501 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cabredo, Rodrigo de, 1560-1618. Annual reports of the Jesuits in New Spain for 1615-1617 1616 May 1-[1618]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Instructions and orders to the alcalde mayor of Manila from the secretary of the Audiencia 1860 March 28-1862 April 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lamson, Caleb. Bill : Charlestown, [Mass.], to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1748 Apr. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mackal, J. B., lieutenant, fl. 1870. Military reservation of Fort Selden, N.M. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bowles, William Augustus, 1763 or 4-1805. Letter : Wekiva, [to President John Adams], 1799 Oct. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sergeant, John, 1747-1824. Letters : [New] Stockbridge and Vernon, N.Y., to Jedediah Morse, Charl[e]stown, [Mass.] and New Haven, Conn., 1797-1821. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Relacion expresiva de los principales acontecimientos de la titulada Cofradía del Señor San José : desde las primeras noticias oficiales adquiridas sobre ella, hasta su acabamiento y fin en 1o. de Noviembre de 1841. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saz, Antonio del, fl. 1662. [Libro de pláticas] / compuesto por el padre predicador Fray Antonio del Saz, hijo de esta Provinc̦ia del Sanctissimo Nombre de Jesus de Guatemala. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barber, John Warner, 1798-1885. Notes : New Haven, Conn., 1835-1878. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anza, Juan Bautista, 1735-1788. Diario de la expedicion que el infraescripto teniente coronel y comandante de la Provincia del Nuevo México practica de ella a la de Sonora a efecto de abrir transito para la comunicacion y comercio de una y otra con mayor rectitud que el que hasta el presente es conocido : con expresion de el numero y clases de individuos con que se efectua. Newberry Library
creatorOf Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872. An essay evenly discussing the present condition and interest of Barbadoes : and considerations for ye rendring peaceable to it selfe and usefull to this common wealth, without the hazard & ye charge of sending a fleet to reduce it, [1650?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Arana Xajilá, Francisco Hernández, ca. 1502-1581. [Memoria de Tecpán-Atitlán]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cavallero, Francisco. Testamento cerrado de Franco. Cavallero : abierto en Panamá en 26 de junio de 1556. Newberry Library
creatorOf Council of Trent (1545-1563). Traducción de los sagrados canones del Santo Concilio de Trento de la lengua Latina a la Castellana / hecha por el Padre Joseph Antonio Perez de Villa oslada, de la Compania de Jesus, para utilidad y alivio de los ocupados en su estudio, é inteligencia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1767-1787 : Sancho de Santa Justa y Rufina). Letter of endorsement on behalf of Joseph Farando : Manila, to the king, Charles III, 1770 Jan. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lavradio, Luís de Almeida Soares Portugal Alarcão Eça e Melo, Marquês do, 1727-1790. Portarias do expediente do governo do ilustrisimo, e excelentisimo s[e]n[o]r D. Luiz de Almeyda Soares, Portugal, Esa Alarcàm, Sylva, Mascarenhas, Marquez do Lavradio, V. Rey e Capitam General de Mar, e Terra do Estado do Brazil : ano de MDCC[LXXI-MDCCLXXIV]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Old Abraham. The Indians answer : present as before / Old Abraham speaker, [1776]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Loyard, Jean-Baptiste, 1678-1731. Memoire sur l'etat present des abnaquis, [ca. 1722]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797. Letter : Oswego, [N.Y.], to William Thomas, London, [England], 1760 July 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. Arte de la lengua matlaltzinga / compuesto por n[uest]ro P[adre] Maestro Fray Diego Basalenque de la Orden de nuestro Padre Sant Augustin y Padre de esta provincia de Michuacan de Sant Nicolas de Tolentino : anno de el S[eñ]or de 1640. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santo Thomás, Juan de. Agreement between Franciscans and Dominicans in Nagasaki, Japan, concerning lands of Antonio de Silva, 1612 March 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ashe, John Baptista, 1748-1802. Letter : New York [N.Y.], to His Excellency, Richard Caswell esquire, 1787 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf LaFontaine, Francois. Letter : Fort Wayne, [Ind.], to Joseph Oneille, Vincennes, [Ind.], 1808 Apr. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ohio Company (1786-1796). Ohio Company records, 1787-1800, bulk 1787-1793. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of the Interior. Letter : Washington, D.C., to Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, [Washington, D.C.], 1865 Sept. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villa Abrille, Faustino. Letter : Davao, to L.D., Manila, describing an expedition to Lake Buluan, 1878 April 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V). Cédula real : ordering nautical equipment to be shipped from Cavite in the Philippines to Acapulco rather than to Veracruz, 1726 Oct. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of, 1730-1782. Letter : to our right trusty and welbeloved counsellor Edmund Burke, Paymaster General of our guards garrisons & land forces, 19 Apr. 1782. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abraham, d. 1780. A speech of the Mohawks to the majestrates and committee of the town of Schenectady and major corporation and committee of the city of Albany & c / delivered by Little Abraham, 1775 May 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adda, Gerolamo, marchese d', 1815-1881. Letters : Milan, to Henri Harrisse, Paris, 1870 May 6-July 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barstow, C. H. (Charles H.), d. 1908. C. H. Barstow papers, 1870-1891. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Letter of commendation : Manila, to the alcalde mayor 2 ̊of Tondo [José Ramírez de Dampierre], 1849 Jan. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Picolo, Francesco Maria, 1654-1729. Copia de una carta que el P[adre] Francisco María Piccolo misionero de California escribió al P[adre] Juan Manuel de Bassaldua Rector del Colegio de Raum su fecha en Santa Rosalia a 10 de Enero del año de 1717. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. Province of New Hampshire in the House of Representatives ... : whereas John Thomlinson of London in Great Britain ... agent for this House, hath with great prudence, dilligence [sic], and industry pursued the instructions he hath from time to time received ... : resolution, 1739/40 Feb. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Samuel, of Groton (Mass.). The deposition of Samuell Davis aged about 36 years : [Groton, Mass.], 1666 Feb. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833. Letter : St. Louis, [Mo.], to Samuel Abbott, New York, 1822 Feb. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Judicial opinion on the intervention of the Tribunal de Comercio in the sale of the frigate "Margarita", 1867 May 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hatch, Edward, 1832-1889. Edward Hatch letters, 1867-1870. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. Map of Nicaragua. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. Isles of Socoro, St. Berto, and, Rocka Partida. Newberry Library
creatorOf Habersham, John, 1754-1799. Letters : Savannah, [Ga.], to Jared Irwin, governor of the state of Georgia, 1796 Apr. 4-13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Memorabilia pertaining to Chicago events commemorating the death of José Rizal, 1909 Dec. 30-31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Toyahwonah, Chickasaw Indian. This indenture made and entered into ... between To yah won ah ... of the Chickasaw Nation in the state of Mississippi of the one part and Joseph Caruthers of the other part ... : Marshall County, Miss., 1836 May 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jesuits. Philippine Province. Compilation of documents pertaining to the regulation of Jesuit missions in the Philippine province, 1724-1757. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a file of correspondence pertaining to the administration and maintenance of the new military establishment at Balabac [ca. 1859]. Newberry Library
creatorOf España, Bernabé. Letter to the governor on the inspection of prisoners in the fortress at Cavite, 1865 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico). Comandante General. Copy of a congressional decree concerning recruitment of army substitutes 1824 Sept. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Account book itemizing expenditures for the Philippine military expedition to Cochin China [1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Curuzelaegui y Arriola, Gabriel de, d. 1689. Letter : Manila, to the Duquesa de Abeyro Arcos y Maqueda, 1686 Aug. 16-Dec. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Weitzel, Casper, 1748-1782. Letter : Sunbury, [Pa.], to Jasper Yeates, Lancaster, [Pa.], 1773 Nov. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catlin, George, 1796-1872. An account of an annual religious ceremony practised by the Mandan tribe of North American Indians / by George Catlin, [ca. 1900]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pollard, Benjamin, 1696-1756. Letters : Boston, [Mass.], to John Thomlinson, London, [Eng.], 1738 Aug. 25-Dec. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Grierson, Benjamin Henry, 1826-1911. Benjamin Henry Grierson papers, 1865-1890. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ríos, Melchior de los. Letter : Mexico City, to D. Xptoval de Cardenas, Palma, 1618 Oct. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ashley, Jonathan, 1712-1780. Letter : [Deerfield, Mass.], to the Superior of the Jesuits in the College of Quebec [Jean Baptiste de Saint Pé], [1747 Dec.]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Le Moyne, Simon, 1604-1665. Letter : Residence de la Conception-aux-Hurons, to M. le curé St. Martin, à Beauvais [France], 1639 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Richard, Edouard, 1844-1904. Letter : Ottawa [Ont.], 56 rue Albert, to Mademoiselle [Agnes C. Laut?], 1903 March 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guajardo Messia, Alonso. Letter : Mexico City, to Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordova y Cardenas, 15 Oct. 1618. Newberry Library
creatorOf Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897. Memoirs of a life from my notebook and journal : with additions and relections, 1867. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Mémoire de Lxx Dxx officier ingénieur, contenant les evenements qui se sont passés à la Louisiane depuis 1715 jusqu'à present : ainsi que ses remarques sur les moeurs, usages, et forces des diverses nations de l'Amerique Septentrionale et de ses productions. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rosa Figueroa, Francisco Antonio de la. Bezerro general menologico y chronologico de todos los religiosos que de las tres parcialidades conviene : a saber padres de España, hijos de provincia, y criollos ha avido en esta sta. prova. del Sto. Evango. desde su fundacion hasta el presente año de 1764 y de todos los prelados assi n[uest]ros M. Rdos. Comissars. como Rdos. PP. Provinciales que la han governado / dispuesto y elaborado con la possible prolixidad y claridad por Fr. Franco. Antonio de la Rosa Figueroa, Predr. y Notario Appco., Notto. y Revisor por el Sto. Off., archivero de esta Sta. Prova. y bibliothecario en este convento de Mexico. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Ynformes sobre Cochinchina 1858 á 185[sic]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eayrs, George Washington, 1775-1855. Letters of George W. Eayrs, 1813-1815 : San Diego, California : typescript, [ca. 1910]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bourdas, Albert. Letter : Plouer [France], to Edmond Le Nétrel, 1858 Oct. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Penniman, Moses. We Moses Penniman of Brantrey [i.e. Braintree] in the county of Suffolk & province of Massachusetts Bay in N England cordwainer & Rebecca wife of the said Moses having this day rec[eive]d of Charles Apthorp of Boston : agreement, 1738 Dec. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cayuga Nation. In the matter of the application of the People of the State of New York, on relation of the Cayuga Nation of Indians, resident in the State of New York, of David Warrior, Elon Eels, and Ernest Spring, Chiefs and members of the Cayuga Nation of Indians, and of Adelburt Mort for a mandamus against the Commissioners of the Land Office : typescript, 1911 Sept. Newberry Library
creatorOf Douglas-Lithgow, R. A. (Robert Alexander), 1846-1917. Letter : Boston, Mass., to [Frederick Webb] Hodge, 1909 Jan. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Verwyst, Chrysostom, 1841-1925. Letters : Bayfield, Wisc., to Hon. Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1917. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lara Mogrobejo, Antonio de. Poder del ss. D. Antonio de Lara del qo. de Su Mag[esta]d y su oydor de la R[ea]l Audiencia de Mex[ic]o. Newberry Library
creatorOf Armstrong, John, 1755-1816. Letter : Fort Hamilton, to Sir, 1792 Jan. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Jacob, 1810-1885. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to Riggs & Co., Washington, [D.C.], 1857 July 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camargo, Juan de, fl. 1721-1727. Official letters concerning Muslim and Turkish prisoners on Spanish galleys, 1727 Feb. 10-1737 Jan. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sevier, John, 1745-1815. Letter : Knoxville [Tenn.], to Amos Stoddard, Major, Fort Columbus, New York harbor, 1810 Oct. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf San Buenaventura, Francisco Hermosa de. Letter : Convento de Santa Ana, Manila, to the Duquesa de Uceda and the Condesa de Aguilar, [Madrid, Spain], containing news from the Philippines, 1770 Dec. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zúñiga Ceballos, Juan de. Compilation of documents in support of Juan de Zúñiga's petition for special privileges for his son, Alonso Pérez de Zúñiga y Ontiveros 1652 Feb. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Maumesrau, George. To ye hon[or]ed County Court holden at Cambridge ... : the humble petition of George Maumesrau with severall of ye rulers of Natick ..., 1685 Apr. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. El sor. fiscal de este S. ofizio ca. Andres de Alegría mulato, vezino de Oaxaca : por sospechas de casado dos vezes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rhea, John, 1753-1832. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to John Armstrong, Washington, [D.C.], 1813 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1593-1596 : Pérez Dasmariñas). License issued by the governor authorizing Dominicans to evangelize the province of Cagayan 1595 June 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newhouse, Seth. Prediction of "De-ka-na-wi-dah" : of North American empire, the way it shall fall and be destroyed, [189-?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kanner, Phillip Jacob. Receipt : for a coffin, nursing and buring of Thomas Elicksander of Capt. Taplins Company, 1756 Nov. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nuñez, Juan. Sermones de doctrina en lengua chiapaneca / compuestos por el R.P. Fr. Juan Nuñez, dominico, recogidos en la familia del Sr. D. Esteban Nucamendi, gobernador que fue de Acalá de Chiapas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893. Letters : Cambridge, Mass., to Mr. Whicher or Whycher [i.e. George Meason Whicher?], 1891 Aug. 8-Dec. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Report on political and religious abuses in the Philippines. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Sobre el auto de cofradias y guachivales de 5 de dize. de 1741 [que] [h]a dado por esta Rl. Auda. con el motivo de la Rl. Zedula de 31 de enero de 1740 para su cumplimto. y la observancia de las leyes : que en el se citan tocantes a curas, y doctrineros sobre las raciones, sustentos, servicios personales y otras cosas que por costumbre han estado gozando y percibiendo de los Indios. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Legal papers concerning the estate of René d'Hodon, 1696 July 30-1701 Aug. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Buade de Frontenac, Antoine de, fl. 1594-1619. Mortgage contract on properties of Pontchartrain and Palluau, 1606. Newberry Library
creatorOf Baptista, Juan, d. 1702. Copy of the will of Juan Baptista, [ca. 1727]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. Letters : San Xavier del Bac, to Juan de Pineda, 1768 July 29-1769 July 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines Juzgado de Manila. Judicial decisions in two appeals cases in the court of Manila 1861 Nov. 20-23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Receipts issued by the alcalde to local officials for passports, salaries, and rations, 1863 May 8-1863 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez Romero, Hijos de. The despatches of the Spanish governors of Louisiana to the captains-general of Cuba 1766-1791 [microform] / photographed for the Carnegie Institution of Washington by Hijos de Pérez Romero, Seville. Northwestern State University of Louisiana, Watson Library
creatorOf Pelaez, Pedro, fl. 1862. Letter : Manila, to Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui, 1862 May 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. [Campement] de l'armée franc̦ois [devant u]n village des ennemis, las Chicachas le 26 [de Mais] 1736. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Mexican pictorial manuscripts in the British Library, [1590-1743]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. [Diccionario grande tarasco-castellano]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New France. Intendant (1748-1760 : Bigot). Tableau de toutes les seigneuries concédées et etablies dans l'etenduë de la Province de Québec : extrait des regîtres d'Intendance et du Conseil Supérieure, [between 1755 and 1760]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Henry, William. Indentures : know all men by these presents that I William Henry, County Judge, of the County of Mendocino, State of California ..., [192-?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ridgefield (Conn. : Town). Proprietors. Know all men by these presents that whereas we whose names are hereunto subscribed, propriet[or]s of ye town of Ridg[e]field in ye county of Fairfield and colony of Connecticut ... : release, 1734. Newberry Library
creatorOf Solano, Félix, fl. 1578. [Vocabulario en lengua castellana y guatemalteca que se llama Cak chi quel chi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clarke, George J. F. Plano del ataque de Fernandina el 17 de Marzo de 1812 / Jorge J.F. Clarke. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. [Map showing the Pacific Ocean routes of the merchant ship Rattler between the coasts of Peru and Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gálvez, José de, 1720-1787. Informe sobre el estado de Mexico, California, Sonora y provincias remotas de Nueva España. 1768-1778 / por don Jose de Galvez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martel de Gayangos, Antonio. Rio Pulangui ó Grande de Mindanao con los datos adquiridos por Don Antonio Martel Gayangos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fouts, William. Diary : overland to Oregon in 1850, [ca. 1900] Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1535-1550 : Mendoza). Ordenanc̜as hechas por el sr. visorrey don Antonio de Mendoc̜a sobre las minas de la Nueva España, año de M.D.L. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ludlow, Roger, 1590-1665?. Letter : Windsor, [Conn.], to [William] Pyncheon [i.e. Pynchon], [Springfield, Mass.?], 1639 Feb. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Etherington, G. (George), 1722 or 3-1802. G. Etherington letters, 1763. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Subsistence Dept. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to John A. Rawlins, Secretary of War, [Washington, D.C.], 1869 Mar. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Oliver Wolcott letters, 1795-1800. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Papers, 1827-1853 (bulk 1827-1832). Newberry Library
creatorOf Kentucky Board of War. Letter : Danville, [Ky.], to the commanding officer of Mason County, [Ky.], 1791 July 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blue Horse, ca. 1830-ca. 1900. Letter : to my friend Mr. Burbank, through his interpreter "Ista Tanka," [ca. 1900]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Big Warrior. Letter : Fort Strother, [Ala.], to Majr Genl. [Andrew] Jackson, Washington [D.C.], 1815 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Capitanía General. Estado Mayor. Letter concerning petition of Fermín González for retirement benefits, [1866?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Pernambuco account book 1796-1813. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beristáin de Souza, José Mariano, 1756-1817. Copies of documents relating to a debate over the legitimacy of a ritual dance performed by the Mexican Indians before a statue of Saint Gonc̜alo de Amarante in Mexico City [18--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf S., E. A. Letter : to [James Constantine] Pilling, [between 1883 and 1895]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, Alonso, b. 1629. Record of baptism for Alonso Pérez de Zúñiga y Ontiveros 1652 Feb. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Land documents from Ticul, Mexico, 1642-1761. Newberry Library
creatorOf Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas. Extracto y noticia yndividual del tiempo, y forma en que los Religiosos de la Compañía de Jesus, entraron á administrar en la ysla de Bohol, provincia de Zebu en Visayas, obispado del mismo nombre. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Arte de lengua quiche [o] utlatecat. Newberry Library
creatorOf López de Bonilla, Gabriel. Petition to officials of the Inquisition in Mexico City for license to publish an astronomical almanac 1655. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jennings, Samuel C. Diary : Moravia, N.Y., to Calif., Mar. 19 - [Dec.?], 1849, 1871. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Carta de Fr. Junipero Serra al guardian de Sn. Fernando. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vetch, Samuel, 1668-1732. Letter : Boston, to the severall Governours [of Conn., Pa., and R.I.], 1709 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Whitehouse, Joseph, ca. 1775-ca. 1860. Joseph Whitehouse, journal commencing at River Dubois [i.e. Wood River, Ill.] ..., 1804 May 14-1805 Nov. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1474-1566. Historia de las Yndias / por Fr. Bartolome de las Casas, obispo de Chiapas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Goicoechea, Mariano de. Memoria sobre la fortificacion y defensa de las Islas Filipinas / escrita de orden del Exmo. Sr. Gobernador y Capitan General de las mismas Don Luis de Lardizabal y presentada á esta autoridad superior por el Coronel de Ingenieros Don Mariano de Goicoechea en 22 de Noviembre de 1840. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé, 1814-1874. [Codex Zempoala]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coloma y Maceda, Francisco, 1617-1677. Receipts for papers and sums of money pertaining to the will of Francisco Coloma y Maceda of Manila : Madrid, Spain, 1681 May 6-1682 Oct. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pond, E. J. (Elnathan Judson), b. 1847. Letters : Shakopee, Minn., to H.M. Hitchcock, Minneapolis, Minn., 1929-1931. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833. Letter : Blandford, [Eng.], to Lord Melville, 1804 Sept. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Medicina maya : libro de Sotuta]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Diez de Bonilla, Manuel, 1800-1864. Letter : Mexico [City], to José Basilio Guerra, 1855 Apr. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stoner, Nicholas, b. 1762. Know all men by these presents that I Nicholas Stoner of the town of Johnstown county of Montgomery and state of New York, a Revolutionary pensioner, do hereby constitute and appoint Colo Ebenezer Irving of the city of New York my true and lawful attorney ... : power of attorney, 1825 Sept. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rogers, Daniel D. A schedule and catalogue of some Indian receipts & cures, together with other receipts : also a narative [sic] or memorandom [sic] of some matters of importance ..., 1828-1838. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fuentes, Manuel. Preguntas pa. administrar el santo sacramto. del matrimo. en mam conformes al manual que usamos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). Ordenanças de su mag. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ximénez, Francisco, 1666-ca. 1722. Arte de las tres lenguas kakchiquel, quiché y tzutuhil [manuscript] Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. The secretary of war, in answer to the resolution of the United States Senate, of February 19, 1869, has the honor to report, 1869 Mar. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Army. Ordnance Dept. Accounting statements, 1820. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. [Map of the Miacatlán region in Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico City (Mexico). Comisión de Salud Pública. Reglamento que deberá observarse en las casas de mugeres / aprobado por los facultativos encargados de la Comisión de Salud Pública. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williamson, Martha Burton Woodhead, Mrs., 1843-1922. California before the Jesuits (1540-1697) / written and read by Mrs. M. Burton Williamson, before the California Badger Club, Nov. 4, 1908 : typescript, [1908]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Baraga, Frederic, 1797-1868. [Letter] : Sau[l]t Ste. Marie, Mich., to Mr. [James B.] Kirker, New York [N.Y.], 1859 Oct. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burbank, E. A. (Elbridge Ayer), 1858-1949. E.A. Burbank Papers, 1897-1949. Newberry Library
creatorOf Petogkom, Simon. Testimony : [Groton, Mass.], [1666]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Notes : Cherokees Memos : to publish for an article on the Cherokees, 1843. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cavite Province (Philippines). Teniente Coronel Gobernador (1860 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Inventories of civil and criminal cases pending in the jurisdiction of Cavite 1860 March 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tennessee. Governor (1803-1809 : Sevier). Letter : Knoxville, Tenn., to his excellency the Governor of the State of Con[n]ecticut, 1806 Jan. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Army. Cavalry, 7th. A meeting of the officers of the Seventh U.S. Cavalry was held ... to take into consideration the untimely death of Captain Louis M. Hamilton ... who was killed in the battle of Washita ... : Canadian River, Indian Territory : resolution, 1868 Dec. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hill, Roscoe R., 1880-1960. Collection of photostatic reproductions of selected documents from the Papeles procedentes de la isla de Cuba in the Archivo General de Indias, 1768-1820. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lizaula, José María Silverio, b. 1806. Documents to support the claim of José María Lizaula to a pension granted to the heirs of the Emperor Moctezuma 1531-1885. Newberry Library
creatorOf Solano, Juan Francisco. Power of attorney for Juan Francisco Solano : Madrid, 1789 Sept. 10-11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fordham, Elias Pym. Extracts from letters written, on a journey to the western parts of the United States : and during a residence in the Illinois Territory / by an English farmer, 1818. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ara, Domingo de. Egregium opus fratris Dominici Dehara : de comparacionibus & similtudinibus. Newberry Library
creatorOf Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875. Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to C.W. Squires, 1873 Aug. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barker, Elizabeth F., 1809-1881. Letter : Shawonee Mission, Ind. Ter., to Rev. Francis Barker, South Hanson, Mass., 1852 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elorriaga, Miguel de. Letters : Manila, [Philippines], to Marcelo Angelita, [Mexico?], 1712 July 22-1714 July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sumner, Joseph, b. ca. 1832. Trip to the Far West : diary, 1856 Jan. 11-May 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. Order : St. Louis, to the President and Directors of the Bank of the Ut. States, 1808 Apr. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tello y Portugal, Isabel. Certified copy of five letters, submitted by Isabel Tello y Portugal for the audit of the estate of her late husband, Garci Tello de Sandoval 1662 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aragoneses, Francisco. Suceso espantoso acaecido en la erupción del volcan de Albay en la isla de Luzón una de las llamadas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Espedición española á Cochinchina. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nieto, Ladislao. Mindanao : páginas sueltas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Purdy, James H. New Mexico land grant papers, 1813-1891 (bulk 1885-1886). Newberry Library
creatorOf Cherokee Nation. A talk from the head men warriers of the Cherokey Nation at a meeting held at Ustinare ... : addressed to the Honorable Richard Winn Esquire, superintendent for the Southern Department in answer to a talk sent by him dated the 12th Octor. 1788, 1788 Nov. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Comisión permanente de censura. Letter concerning government censorship of the press : Manila, to Anastasio de Hoyos, censor of the Revista de administración, 1866 Aug. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda de Filipinas. Reports : Manila, to the Tribunal de Cuentas, [ca. 1854]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bartholomew, John. Letter : Valley, [Pa.?], to Mrs. Eliza Hodgdon, Philadelphia, [Pa.], 1793 July 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chaves, Melchor de. Power of attorney : to Teresa de Ribera, 1577 Feb. 15-March 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hawley, Gideon, 1727-1807. Letters : Mashpee, Mass., 1770-1775. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, baron de, 1666-1715?. Materials concerning La Salle's attempt in 1684 to establish a colony in Louisiana at the mouth of the Mississippi, including a travel report by Jean Cavelier, and two letters to the duque de Jovenazo from Baron de Lahontan in Lisbon, 1699-1700. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis de "Tumbao," en el delta del rio de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. Papers : pertaining to the history and antiquities of Chiapas, Mexico, 1897-1909. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. A collection of Christian & brotherly advices / given forth from time to time by the yearly meetings of Friends for Pennsylvania & New-Jersey held alternately at Burlington and Philadelphia : alphabetically digested under proper heads. Newberry Library
creatorOf McCarthy, Daniel. Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, to the honble. his Majesties Council : petition, [not after 1757 June 4]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martínez, Enrico, d. 1632. [Tracing of 1602 map of New Mexico and northern New Spain]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cox, Cornelius C., fl. 1848-1849. Notes and memoranda of an overland trip from Texas to California in the year 1849, 1849 April 14-1850 Feb. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Otto Lange (Firm),. Projet de colonisation à Texas, Etats-Unis d'Amerique, [between 1846 and 1847?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Diocese of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Estatutos da Santa Sé do Rio de Jan[ei]ro. : ordenados p[e] lo Illmo. Snr. D. Fr. An[ton]io de Guadalupe, bispo da mesma diecezi do Con[cel]ho de S. Magde, 1736 Sept. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Appy, John, 1725-1761. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Thomas Hancock, [Boston, Mass.], 1760 Mar. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Viana, Francisco de, d. 1609. [Sermones en poconchi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Council held with the Winnebagoes ... at Prairie du Chien, 1840 May 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sánchez de la Baquera, Juan. Modo breve de aprender á ler, escrevir, pronunciar, y ablar el idioma othomi : en el qual se cōtiene su ortographia, arte, y modo de conjugar, i un confecionario con examen de conciencia / dispuesto por Juan Sanchez de la Baquera, español natural y vezino de el pueblo de Tula, quien reberente lo dedica a los dulcicimos nombres de Jesus, Maria, y Joseph. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Logbooks : of ships Snow Pennie and Snow Mercury, 1765 Nov. 15 - 1766 Oct. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Foreman, Grant, 1869-1953. Needs of the restricted Indians of Oklahoma : speech, 1915 Oct. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ahuja, Francisco. Letter : Manila, to the mayor and city council of Manila, 1871 Aug. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831. Letter : Worcester [Mass.], to Isaac Beers, 1796 Feb. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Great Nemaha Agency. Account book, 1853-1877. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saz, Antonio del, fl. 1662. [Sermones y marial en la lengua quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1771-1779 : Bucareli y Ursúa). Letter : Mexico City, to Conde de Regla, 1774 December 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Getty, Henry H., fl. 1855-1912. A collection of articles by different authors on the discovery of America centuries before the expedition of Christopher Columbus / formed and translated from French and also transcribed from English by Henry H. Getty, [1912]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Arxó, Joseph Raymundo, 1659-1711. Letter : Lisbon, to Hermano Miguel Ferriz, Compañía de Jesus, Madrid, 1684 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Whiley, R. C., fl. 1803. Licenses : [Fort] Michilimackinac, [Mich], to all whom it may concern, 1802-1804. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. Relaciones historicas / de Don Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl interprete del supremo govierno de esta Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. Letters : New York, to Sir Wm. Johnson, 1766-1771. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pedroche, Cristóbal, 1645-1715. Letter : Manila, to Father Thomas Reluz, bishop of Oviedo, Spain, 1708 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779. Documents concerning a dispute between the bishop of Puebla and the dean and chapter of the cathedral over their respective powers and responsibilities 1774 June 18-1775 April 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-1886. Letter : Headquarters Department of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kas., to General Duncan S. Walker, Washington, D.C., 1867 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1716-1730 : Dummer). Order : Province of the Massachusetts Bay, instructions to Coll. Thomas Westbrook appointed commander in chief of the forces eastward, 1722 Jan. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ejército. Capitanía General de la Isla de Cuba. Army order-book, 1890 April 17-1891 Jan. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Moore, Carl M. Sulu Archipelago, Philippine Islands : history, resources and native people : volume V, part I / by Carl M. Moore, Governor. Newberry Library
creatorOf Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875. Indian incidents, [between 1873 and 1875] / in the handwriting of the late Sam[ue]l G. Drake, Indian historian & antiquary ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Breton, M. (Jean Baptiste Joseph). Travel accounts of journeys to the American Middle West by Jonathan Carver, and Sicily and Malta by Patrick Brydone, 1805-1806. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. Transcripts of selected Philippine documents collected by J.A. Robertson, with related notes and letters, [between 1898 and 1908]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Campement de l'armée à Tombecbe. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoffman, fl. 1872. [Map of the Fort Concho and Fort Chadbourne regions in west central Texas] / Hoffman, Mar. 20, [18]72. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Tesorero de Rentas Estancadas. Receipt : Binondo, to Manuel Amorín for 126 pesos in tax revenue from the sale of stamped paper, 1855 Dec. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnard, Ebenezer. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : know ye that we Ebenezer Barnard Jun and Enoch Perkins of Hartford ... do give, grant, bargain, sell ... : deed, 1795 Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1754-1756 : Morris). Report : Philadelphia, to the Governor of Pennsylvania [Robert H. Morris], 1756 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Turnbull, George. Passport and letter : Fort Michilimackinac, Mich., 1770-1771. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. Recollections of travels in Nicaragua [manuscript] [between 1866 and 1889]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Concession des Chaoüachas appartenante cy devant a Mgr. le Duc de Belleisle et associez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Gobernadorcillo's report of an attempted apprehension of a suspect by six armed guards, [18--?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Borunda, Joseph Ignacio. Documents concerning a request by Joseph Mariano Samper to build a church in the mining district of Real de Huautla 1780 Jan. 20-1782 May 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Solórzano, Manuel, 1649-1684. Letter : San Ignacio de Agadría [Mariana Islands], to Father Francisco García, [Spain], 1681 May 20 and 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 1855-1924. Letters : Indianapolis, Ind., to Edward Everett Ayer, [Chicago, Ill.], 1913 Feb. 7-12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805. Letter : Albany, [N.Y.], to Gen. [William] Johnson, Lake George, [N.Y.], 1755 Nov. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Valencia, Pedro Agustín de, 1711-1787. Memorial al Rey D Carlos III / Dn Pedro Agustin de Valencia vecino y thesorero de la Real Casa de Moneda de la ciudad de Popayan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Giesecke, Carl Ludwig, 1761-1833. Journal : translation D. Karl Ludwig Giesecke's report of his journey in Greenland in form of a journal sixth year 1811: Godhaven, Umanak, Noorsaak, Hare Island, Waigal [Vaigat], 1878. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguinaldo, Emilio, 1869-1964. Copias de las cartas que el Generalisimo Emilio Aguinaldo dirigio M.R. P[rincip]al. Fr. Tomas Espejo, cura párroco del pueblo de Pateros. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1734-1740 : Vizarrón y Eguiarreta). Real provisión concerning the establishment of a Jesuit college in Santa Fe Real y Minas de Guanajuato 1734 Nov. 15-1735 Feb. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez de Garayo, Juan Matheo, d. 1692. Copy of the last will and testament of Capt. Juan Matheo Pérez de Garayo 1698 March 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rada, Martín de, 1533-1578. Letter : Manila, to Father Alonso de la Vera Cruz, [Mexico], 1577 July 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vindel, Pedro. Documents pertaining to the appointment of Simón Anda y Salazar as captain-general of the Philippines during the British invasion of 1762 1762 Oct. 5-1764 Oct. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935. Letter : to E.E. Ayer Esq., Railway Exchange, Chicago, 1915 Dec. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1761-1776 : Amat). Relacion politica y civil del virreynato de Lima que hizo el S[en]or Amad con respecto al t[iem]po de su gobierno. Newberry Library
creatorOf Letter Butte des Morts, [Wis.], to Dear Father [U.S. President Franklin Pierce], 1854 Jan. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riddle, Jeff C., 1863-1941. History of the Modoc War, [ca. 1914] / Jeff C. Riddle. Newberry Library
creatorOf Segundo Pacheco, Leopoldo. Petition on behalf of Martín Madlanbayan concerning ownership of lands in Gasan, 1864 July 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). Letter : Pokepsie [i.e. Poughkeepsie], N.Y., to Edward Hand, Schenectady, [N.Y.], 1778 Nov. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912. Letter : Washington, D.C., to [Edward E.] Ayer, 1910 Dec. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. Letter : [San Xavier del Bac?], to Padre Guardián Diego Jiménez, [Querétaro, Mexico?], [ca. 1776]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vera, Honorato de. Da. Ynés Cuello de Garza y el príncipe Nicanor / por Honorato de Vera. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Sección Militar. Correspondence pertaining to finance, personnel, and supplies for the military expedition to Cochin China 1858 Sept. 27-1859 Feb. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Doty, James Duane, 1799-1865. Letter : Astor, [Wisc.], to J[a]q[ues] Porlier Jr., 1836 Feb. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1436. [La sfera], [ca. 1425]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Winsor, Justin, 1831-1897. Letter : Cambridge, Mass., to Henry Harrisse, Paris, France, 1891 Oct. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sinclair, Patrick, d. 1820. Order to Capt. Charles Langlade : [Michilimackinac, 1780]. Newberry Library
creatorOf De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822. Orders, 1778 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. In nomine domini incipiunt sermo[n]es dominicales per totum anni circutum in lingua mexicana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tollowo Micco, Creek Indian. Claim : Camp near Fort Mitchell, [Ga.], 1815 Jan. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ridout, Thomas, 1754-1829. [Sundry words of the Shawanese language]. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Army. Military Division of the Missouri. Fort Selden, N.M. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lykins, W. H. R. Letter : Kansas City, Mo., to the Director of the Bureau of Ethnology [John Wesley Powell], Washington, D.C., 1889 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beaubien, Jean Baptiste. Letters : Chicago, Ill., to Mr. O.N. Bostwick, St. Louis, 1823 Sept. 11-Oct. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Legoff, Laurent, 1840-1932. Letter : Montréal, to James C. Pilling, Esq., Washington, D.C., 1889 Sept. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Caja de Cuzco. Account book of taxes paid to the Royal Treasury in Cuzco for the year 1591 1591 Feb. 4-1595 Jan. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Frye, Joseph, 1712-1794. Orderly book : Fort Monckton, Nova Scotia, 1755 Nov. 26 - 1756 Mar. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Green Bay Agency. Indian agency at Green-Bay : to all whom it may concern---be it known, that Augustin Grignon ... is hereby licensed to reside at the Big Butte des Morts, and there trade with the Indians ... : license, 1836 Oct. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Southwell, Thomas. Copia del manifiesto que presentó Dn. Tomás Southuel â la Superioridad en el año de 1769 : proponiendo el establecimiento de pescas en las sondas de las Indias Occidentales ê Yslas como el medio mas seguro para poblar y conservarlas; y las costas adjacentes con algunas noticias que tal vez será util tenerlas presentes en los tratados de paz y comercio con los yngleses. El Pardo 8 de febrero de 1783. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Real Audiencia (Mexico City). Documents pertaining to cases heard in the Real Audiencia of Mexico 1663-1722. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kern, Richard H., 1821-1853. Letter : Santa Fe, N.M., to [Samuel George Morton, Philadelphia, Pa.], 1850 July 3-4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Board of Trade. Report : Whitehall, to the right Honourable the Lords of the Committee of His Majesty's most honourable Privy Council, 1739 Oct. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wigglesworth, Samuel. Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to Thomas Wigglesworth, Boston, Mass., 1839 Aug. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mayer, Frank Blackwell, 1827-1899. Diaries, 1851 May 7-July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del estero de Cácul que corre por el e[ste] de Cotabatto y une los brazos n[orte] y s[ud] del Rio de Mindanao verificado el 16 de diciembre de 1862. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1516-1556 : Charles I). Reissue of a merced to Diego de Carvajal for the sweepings and washings of gold and silver from smelters in New Spain 1534 Jan. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). [Map of the Eastern Hemisphere]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Dorothy R. (Dorothy Ragon), 1927-. Dorothy R. Parker D'Arcy McNickle research papers, 1863-1989 (bulk 1904-1989). Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Richard, d. 1780. Letter : Augusta, [Ga.], to [Benjamin] Lincoln, Charles Town [i.e. Charleston, S.C.], 1780 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1705-1782. Letters : New York [State], to Gov. [William] Denny, 1757 Jan. 1 - 1758 Jan. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mello, Duarte José de. Petitions concerning business and family matters of Duarte José de Mello 1816-[1845?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf St. John, Nathan, 1692-1749. Know all men by these presents that I Nathan Saintjohn of Ridgefield ... for and upon consideration of five acres of land granted to me by ye proprietors of Ridgefield : deed, 1721/22 Feb. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcaldía mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Correspondence pertaining to municipal affairs in towns of Camarines Sur province, 1863 Oct. 24-1864 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940,. Catessismo nathonate. Newberry Library
creatorOf Paso, Joan Lorenc̜o. Legal form book : containing forms and procedures for legal and judicial transactions in New Spain, [ca. 1550]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Espinosa y Tello, Manuel de. Escritura del poder otorgado por el coronel don Manuel Espinosa y Tello á favor de su hermano D. José Ma. Espinosa, brigadier de la Real Armada : ante D. Juan Francisco Cardeña escribano de la villa de Xalapa, de America, Nueva España, donde está acantonado dicho otorgante en el ejército de operaciones, en el día 19 del mes de junio de 1807. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguilar, José Hilario. Modo de administrar los sacramentos en castellano y tzendal : 1707. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. Proceedings : province of New Hampshire, clauses from four acts, 1749 June 13-1749 Aug. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. Revolución contra el emperador de China. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peronneau, Isaac. The publick to Isaac Peronneau ... : to entertaining 13 Cherokee Indians : bill, 1753 July 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Debo, Angie, 1890-1988. Angie Debo correspondence, 1975-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. Letter : Col: Schuyler['s, New York], to Davenport Williams, Longmeadow, Mass., 1756 Sept. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adams, Moses N. (Moses Newton), 1822-1902. [Transcripts of letters from missionaries among the Indians of Minnesota, Dakota, and Oregon, 1830-1878, [between 1928 and 1932?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stephen, Alexander MacGregor, d. 1894. Letter and catalog, [1884]-1893. Newberry Library
creatorOf Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933. Letter : Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology, to My dear Mr. [E.A.] Burbank, 1908 Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Remy, Jules, 1826-1893. Vocabulaire Français-Havaiien : recueilli dans l'archipel de Havaii pendant les années 1852-1855 / par Jules Remy. Newberry Library
creatorOf Albrizzi, Carlo. Letter : Quito [Ecuador], [to his father], 1756 May 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rand, Silas Tertius, 1810-1889. Sentences in Micmac : Ĕlĕnu wegădigŭn. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865. Letter : Saint Louis, to Mr. H. Moore, ou tout autre personne ayant charge des affaires de Mr. Rolette, Rivière St. Pierre, April 5, 1833. Newberry Library
creatorOf Van Schaick, Holmes D. Journal March 13, 1852, 1852 Mar. 13-1854 Aug. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ciudad Real, Antonio de, 1551-1617. [Maya-Spanish and Spanish-Maya dictionary : the Diccionario de Motul]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Notes et traditions no. 2 : recueillies d'apres les auteurs Espagnoles et indigenes de l'Amérique Centrale, sur l'origine de sa première civilisation, laquelle prit naissance dans l'Yucatan et las Chiapas en même temps, plus de mille ans avant la naissance du Christ / Waldeck. Newberry Library
creatorOf Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. Arte de lengua Cakchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign. Cedulas reales dirigidas á estas Yslas Filipinas : copiadas fielmente de las originales, o authenticas que se guardan en el Archivo de la Real Audiencia de Manila, [17--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Peter Collinson, London, [Eng.], 1756 Apr. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Einhorn, Arthur. Arthur Einhorn Mohawk research collection, 1974-1980. Newberry Library
creatorOf Batice, Walter. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Wm. D. Barge, Chicago, 1919 Feb. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spooner, M. T. (Marion T.). Letter : Bull Head Issue Station, Standing Rock Agency, N.D., to Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Washington, D.C., 1901 May 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letters, 1818 Mar. 27-Oct. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Potts, John, Esq. Copies of letters and accounts from 1821-1831 concerning efforts by John Potts Esq. to seek compensation for himself and his sisters for Indian slaves freed in the British settlement of Honduras. Newberry Library
creatorOf Richardson, John Dunn, fl. 1866-1872. Journal of a journey down the Missouri River from Fort Benton, Mont. to St. Joseph, Mo., 1867 Sept. 2-Oct. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Millet, Pierre, 1635-1709. Account of his captivity among the Onneidas [i.e. Oneidas] in 1690-1691, 1890-1894 / by Pierre Millet of the Company of Jesus ; translated by Mrs. E.E. Ayer. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Philip III). Royal cédula ordering tighter controls on the use of substitutes for professors at the university in Mexico City 1599 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Orleans, Pedro de. Copia de una carta q[u]e. el P[adr]e. Pedro de Orleans escrivio a otro jesuita amigo suyo : y contiene noticias de la persecución q[u]e. se levantó en Siam contra los christianos al tiempo de las revoluciones. Newberry Library
creatorOf Reculon, Père, fl. 1840-1867. Letter : le Révérend Père Colomb, [Paris], [ca. 1840?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Selections from the Catholic prayer book in Micmac]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pénicaut, André. Relation ou annalle de ce qui s'est passé dans le paÿs de la Louisiane pendant vingt-deux années consecutives : depuis le commencement de l'establissement des françois dans ce paÿs, par Mr. Dhiberville, et Mr. le comte de Surgere en 1699, continué jusqu'en 1721 ... / dressé par François Boüet sur les mémoires d'André Pénicaut, [between 1860 and 1879?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perrault, Denis R. (Denis Romulus). La sténographie Duployé adaptée aux langues des sauvages de la Baie d'Hudson, des Postes Moose Factory, de New Post, d'Albany, de Waswanipi & de Mékiskan, Amérique du Nord / par Denis Romulus Perrault, [between 1889 and 1895]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). Royal cédulas concerning the Order of Saint Augustine in Spain and Mexico : Segovia and Madrid, 1565-1572. Newberry Library
creatorOf Menard and Valle (Firm). Letter : Kaskaskia [Ill.] to Mr. Ramsay Crooks, St. Louis, 1822 July 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anderson, William P. Letter : Nashville, [Tenn.], to George W. Campbell, Washington City, 1809 Jan. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Domingo, Damián, ca. 1795-ca. 1832. Colección de trages de Manila tanto antiguos como modernos, de toda clase de yndias [graphic] / dispuesta por D. Rafael Daniel Babon y dibujado p[o]r D. Damián Domingo, director de la Academia de Dibujo de la R[ea]l Sociedad de Man[il]a. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mouet de Langlade, Charles-Michel, ca. 1729-1801. Power of attorney : Fort Michilimackinac [Mackinaw City, Mich.], to Sieurs Rocheblave and Porlier, 1800 July 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. [Map of distances in the Trinity River region between Dallas and Magnolia, Texas]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Real Hacienda. Descubiertos que en fin de diziembre de 1769 tenia la R[ea]l Hacienda, segun lo calificado hasta el dia : a los que deberán agregarsse las cantidades que de hoy en adelante produzcan los libros y papeles que faltan por reconocer. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. Sumaria relacion de todas las cosas que han sucedido en la Nueva España : y de muchas cosas que los Tultecas alcanzaron y supieron desde la creacion del mundo hasta su destruccion, y venida de los terceros pobladores y chichimecas, hasta la venida de los españoles, sacada de la original historia de esta nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Financial records for the province of Camarines Sur, 1863 May-1864 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Yoccum, John. Petition : Stockbridge, Wis., to the Hon. the House of Representatives and Senate, Congress of the United States, 1844 Feb. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stobie, Charles Stewart, 1845-1931. Charles S. Stobie papers, 1866-1902. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lombardo, Natal. Arte de la lengua teguima llamada vulgarmte. opata / trabajo del P. Natal Lonbardo de la Compañía de Jhs. Misionero de mas de 24 años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Correspondence pertaining to tax delinquency in Caramoan 1862 Dec. 21-1863 Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pote, William, 1718-1755. Journal, 1745 May 17-1747 Aug. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Plan du vieux Fort du Billoxi, 2 etablissement. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ordóñez y Aguiar, Ramón de, d. ca. 1840,. Historia de la gentilidad americana traducida al castellano : libro primero, parte primera. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bravo, Antonio. Cuestionario y vocabulario de la lengua pampanga : dialecto / recogidas por el Sr. Fr. Antonio Bravo en el pueblo de Candaba el día 10 de agosto de 1886. Newberry Library
creatorOf Andrade y Cuellar, Antonio Lorenzo de, d. ca. 1775. Letter : Manila, to the conde de Aranda, 1772 Jan. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Legoff, Laurent, 1840-1932. Letter : Montréal, to Père André-Marie Garin, [Lowell, Mass.?], [1890]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Karrow, Robert W. Robert Karrow research papers, 1980-1990. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. Plan of Isles St. Felix & Ambrose on the coast of Chili. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrientos, Luis. Doctrina en lengua chiapaneca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coelho, W. J. Hawaiian lessons. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Genaro, 1867-1920. Letter : Mexico City, to Henry Harrisse, Paris, 1902 Oct. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dart, Benjamin. Order : Charles Town [i.e. Charleston], [S.C.], 1755 Jan. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Diocese of Chiapas (Mexico). Bishop (1769-1774 : García de Vargas). Relacion de los pueblos que comprehende el obispado de Chiapa : numero de gente que tiene cada uno de todas edades y castas, su caracter è inclinaciones, frutos y cosechas que cultivan, curatos que hay en el y ministros que los administran, remitida por el obispo de dicha diocesis el año de 1774. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bonnell's observations 1838-1839, 1844. Newberry Library
creatorOf Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-1891. Letter : Rose Hill, [Md.], to Brantz Mayer, [Baltimore, Md.], 1845 Dec. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Discalced Carmelites. Documents pertaining to the Discalced Carmelites in Spain and Latin America, 1638 Oct. 13-1796 Sept. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bencuchillo, Francisco, 1710-1776. Arte poetico tagalog / por el R.P.Fr. Francisco Bencuchillo de la Orden de nuestro gran padre S. Ag̃n. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copies of a royal order of Oct. 3, 1857 : concerning the implementation of new government accounting procedures in the Philippines, [1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letters : to Manuel Reyes Veramendi, Mexico, 1838 Aug. 5-1856 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Legal documents and municipal records from the district of Valladolid, Yucatán, Mexico, 1712-1866. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1692-1701 : Stoughton). Order : to Major Symonds Epps, Comander of the middle Regiment of Militia in the County of Essex, 1696 Feb. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jaureguí. Arguments disproving two misconceptions concerning the mita, or system of forced Indian labor in America, [between 1810 and 1813?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906. Letter : Omaha, Neb., to J.D. Cox, 1870 Oct. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Letter : London, to Sir R.I. Murchison, 1860 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vanden Bosh, Lawrence, fl. 1694. [Map of the lower Mississippi River, neighboring coast, and the country to the southwest]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tovar Godinez, Luis de, 17th century. Memorial de los hijos de conquistadores de esta Nueva España y Ciudad de Mexico que vibían el año de 1590 aos. en el primero govierno de el Exmo. señor don Luis de Velasco. marques de Salinas. virrey de esta Nueva Espa. y presidente de el Real Consexo de las Indias / fecho para el S[eñor]. Luis de Tobar Godinez. secretario de la governacion de este reyno. el año de 1622 aos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Farando, Joseph. Copy of a petition to the king from Joseph Farando, listing his merits and services and requesting promotion to rank of colonel [1769 or 1770]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guzmán, Pantaleón de, 1652?-ca. 1708. Libro yntitulado Compendio de nombres en lengua cakchiquel : y significados de verbos por ymperativo y aculativos reciprocos en doce tratados / por el Pe. Predicadr. F. Pantaleon de Guzman; cura doctrinero por el real patronato deesta doctrina y curato de Santa Maria de Jesus Pache; en veinte dias del mes de octubre, de mil setecientos y quatro años. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Cándido. Complaint brought by Cándido García against the parish priest of San Felipe Neri, 1888 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Carte du voyage de Mr. de Waldeck en 1832 : de la barre de Tabasco ou Grijalva, par rivières et par terre jusqu'aux ruines de Palenqué. Newberry Library
creatorOf Otis, Joseph Edward, 1867-1959. Report on Indian affairs, 1923. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tayloga, Yldefonso. Novena to the Archangel Saint Raphael, [18--?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Caswell, Harriet S., b. 1834. [Diary], [1866-1868]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New France. Governor (1636-1648 : Montmagny). Concession of the Ile d'Orleans in the St. Lawrence River by the directors of the Compagnie de la Nouvelle France to the governor of New France : Fort St. Louis, Québec, 1638 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf McDowell, Malcolm. Report on an Indian Field Service project to provide Indians in Arizona with jobs : Washington, D.C., to George Vaux, Jr. : typescript, 1923 Nov. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copies of royal orders pertaining to requests by treasury officials in the Philippines for supplementary credits to cover budget deficits 1859-1861. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aldana, Teodoro de. Copy of the legal proceedings brought by Francisco Espinosa de los Monteros against Pablo de Aduna for infringing on his parish jurisdiction 1689 June 15-June 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pozarenco, Juan. Doctrina christiana en lengua tzoque : seguida de un confessionario y del modo de dar el viatico á los enfermos en la misma lengua / obra del Rdo. Padre Maestro fray Juan Pozarenco, quien la acabo en veinte y dos de agosto del año de 1696. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kennedy, William, 1799-1871. Letters : Glasgow, to Dear Bollaert, 1847-1848. Newberry Library
creatorOf Melandreras, Fray. [Poesías inéditas de P. Melendreras]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Archivo General de Indias. [Map of the Gulf of Mexico coast showing river embouchures between the Tampico and Vera Cruz regions of Mexico between 1804-1807]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Dirección general de administración local. Presupuesto general de ingresos provinciales para el ejercicio del año económico de 1870 á 1871 / Administración local de Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Suárez de Olivera, Manuel. Documents concerning petition of Manuel Suárez de Olivera for repayment of a loan of 40,000 pesos, 1666 Nov. 26-1675 May 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perrault, Hyacinthe, fl. 1693-1694. Letter of protest against the bishop of Québec : Québec, 1694 July 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Continental Congress. Treaty proceedings : Easton, Pa., 1777 Jan. 30-Feb. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902. Gabriel Harrison letters, 1873-1883 Newberry Library
creatorOf Bourdon de Dombourg, Jean-François, 1647-1690. Approval of the transfer of title of the seigneurie de Dombourg to Jean-François Bourdon, and census of leases on the estate, 1668 Oct. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Plymouth Colony. The Sayings and doings of the Pilgrims : from the year 1623 to the year 1686 when Plymouth Colony was united to Massachusetts / from their own records kept by them : containing all their curious records, their fines of penalties, their curious laws in their own words with a copy Plymouth Colony Charter, their first grants of land, being one acre for each person in a family, their division of cattle, & persecution of the Friends with curious documents of almost every kind the greater part which have never been printed, the first twenty three pages is an index. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gattebled de Santa Coloma, Eloise. Letters : Manila, to a friend and to her mother, [La Rochelle, France?], 1847 Aug. 9-1848 May 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eaton, N. A. A. Letter : Wolf Creek, Sierra Co., Cal[if.], to Lute [Eaton], 1855 Dec. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Henríquez, Andrés. Explanations of the Passion of Jesus Christ in Quiché, 1803 March 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Salgado, Francisco, 1629-1689. Letter : Manila, to the Duquesa de Aveyra y Arcos y Maqueda, [Madrid, Spain?] concerning Jesuit missions in the Mariana Islands, 1682 June 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. President (1817-1825 : Monroe). James Monroe, President of the United States of America : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : land grant, 1821 Apr. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Creek Indians : substance of a "talk" between His Excellency Clement C. Clay, governor of the State of Alabama and Hopoethle Yoholo, Cheif [sic] of the Creek Nation in the presence of the following officers Major Genl. Patteson, Colonels John B. Hogan, John A. Campbell, Albert J. Pickett, & James E. Belser; Judge Benson; Majors T.J. Abbott & Donegan and other gentlemen : together with the undermentiond chiefs of Tuckabatchie town Young-King, Little Doctor, Yarja Sich-e, Colonels Mad Blue, Mad Deer, Osooche Fixico or Hatchee chubba Tom [crossed out] and others : on the 30th May 1836. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ringgold, T. Letter : Fort Dade, East Florida, to Westerlo Woodworth, Albany, N.Y., 1837 Mar. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jesuits. Copia autentica de los poderes otorgados por el Padre Bernardo Bruno dela Fuente, Regular de la Compañía como Procurador del Colegio Maximo de Sn. Ignacio : a favor del M.Y.S.D. Joseph Raon, Presidte. Governor. y Capñ. Gr̃al. de estas Yslas en calidad de Comisionado y de los q̃. adentro se expresan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gastaldi, Giacomo, ca. 1500-ca. 1565. [World map]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jones, R. W., Utah traveler. Letters : Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, to [his children] 1859 June 22-23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Quintero, Joaquín, fl. 1859. Letter : Cavite, to Sr. D. Antonio de Hoyos y Zendegui, 1859 June 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lewis, Asa K. Letter : Clarke [i.e. Clark] County, [Ky.], to Brig. Gen. Green Clay, Fort Meigs, Ohio, 1813 June 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wood, L. K. (Lewis Keysor), 1819-1874. Discovery of Humboldt Bay : a narrative : typescript, [ca. 1900?] / by L.K. Wood. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cebey, Francisco. Letters : Cádiz [Spain], to Sr. Dn. José de Azcárraga, Manila, 1828 May 10-12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Castillejo, Clemente. Frases en lengua zotzil : fragmentos / por el R.P.D. Clemente Castillejo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Digos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis del terreno donde está situado "Tamontaca." Newberry Library
creatorOf Lovely, William L. Letter : Tellico, [Tenn.], to Col. David Henley, Knoxville, [Tenn.], 1796 Apr. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mendoza, Antonio de, 1492?-1552. Documents pertaining to land grants and land sales in Jiquipilco and Ixtlahuacán, Mexico 1546-1668. Newberry Library
creatorOf Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823. John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder letters, 1790-1822. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. Letter : Mexico [City], to Charles V of Spain, 1537 Nov. Newberry Library
creatorOf Poole, Henry W. (Henry Ward), 1825-1890. Documents pertaining to community affairs of Cuitlahuac, Tlalmanalco de Velázquez, and Tláhuac in the province of Chalco, 1551-1858. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rojas y Orneta, Ramón de, d. 1799. Copies of documents pertaining to the disposition of the estate of Lt. Col. Dr. Ramón de Rojas of La Paz, Bolivia, 1806 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a royal decree of Jan. 31, 1855 and a royal order of June 30, 1855 concerning approval and payment of unbudgeted expenditures by government treasury and accounting offices in the Philippines, [ca. 1855]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Andreu y Ferraz, Antonio. Documents concerning use of district tax money for church expenses in Chalcatongo and Atoyaque in the diocese of Oaxaca 1748 Jan. 20-1777 Jan. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf McNary, Oliver Clarkson. O. C. McNary papers, 1873-1886, bulk 1882-1886. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Junta de Reales Almonedas. Notifications of and agendas for meetings of the Junta de Reales Almonedas to auction government contracts : Manila, to the fiscal, [Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui], 1867 July 19-Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1730-1741 : Belcher). Massachusetts-New Hampshire boundary dispute records,, 1740. Newberry Library
creatorOf Micmac Tribe. I do promise to bear faith and true allegiance to His Majesty King George : Menaguashe near Fort Howe [Saint John, N.B.], 1778 Sept. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gybbon Spilsbury, Joseph Henry. Religious beliefs of some native tribes in South America / J.H. Gybbon Spilsbury. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Summary of the facts and sentence in the criminal case against Mariano Alcántara for the murder of Engracia de los Santos, [18--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stone, Frederick D. (Frederick Dawson), 1841-1897. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to B.F. De Costa, New York, [N.Y.], 1882 Sept. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leeds, M. H., Captain, fl. 1849-1850. Log book of the schooner "Frances Helen" : from Philadelphia, Pa. to San Francisco, Cal. : October 24, 1849 to March 29, 1850 : typescript, [ca. 1900?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Veragua, Cristóbal Colón de la Cerda, duque de, 1837-1910,. Photographs of original Columbus documents in the archives of the Duke of Veragua, 1488-1537. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rolette, Joseph, 1781-1842. Letters and agreement : Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1813-1842. Newberry Library
creatorOf Charles III, King of Spain, 1716-1788. Documents pertaining to the rebellion of Tupac Amaru, and to other political and ecclesiastical affairs of Peru 1779-1791. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harwich (Mass. : Town). Selectmen. Indenture : to Eleazer [i.e. Eliezer] and Rebeckah Freeman, 1731 June 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Council. Minutes, 1745-1749. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning the petition of the residents of Malinalco to rebuild their chapel, Capilla del Calvario 1752 Nov. 8-Dec. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ormigo, Pedro Vicente. Report of judge Pedro Vicente Ormigo on official government actions following the death of customs and tax administrator Don Leonardo Temblador in San Martín Texmelucan 1796 Nov. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bermen de la Martinière, Claude, 1636-1719. Papers concerning titles of nobility of the Bermen family : Québec, 1717-1753. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Papers pertaining to the Junta Directiva de Obras Públicas under the leadership of José Ramírez de Dampierre, 1855 Jan. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). This is to inform you that the misfortune that has happened to the two American men on the main road from Kentucky ... : Big Rock, [Ohio], to Colonel W[illia]m Ward and Major Simon Kantun [i.e. Kenton] : letter, 1799 Aug. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Konkapot, Chief. Letter : Housatunuck [i.e. Housatonic], [Mass.], to Reverand Nehemiah Bull, Westfield, Mass., 1734/35 Feb. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lister, Christopher. Letter : [London, Eng.], to Samuel Pringle, 1709/10 Feb. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hind, Henry Youle, 1823-1908,. Letter from a Montagnais Indian : to the Hudson's Bay Company Post, Mingan [Québec], 1861. Newberry Library
creatorOf Muñoz de Bustamente, Pedro. Documents pertaining to the political and military service of Pedro Muñoz de Bustamente in the Philippines, 1724 Feb. 14-1736 Aug. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Young, Frederic. Oath : [Oneida County], N.Y., 1805 June 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Woodbridge, Timothy, 1709-1774. Letter : Stockbridge, [Mass.], to William Tryon, 1773 Dec. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, William, 1770-1838. Letter : St. Louis, [Mo.], to Brig. Genl. H[enry] Atkinson, Jefferson Barracks, [Mo.], 1833 Mar. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Heckman, Wallace, 1851-1927. Letter : Chicago, Ill., to Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1915 Dec. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Backhouse, Richard, d. 1793. Letter : Durham [Pa.], to Samuel Hodgdon, Esqr., 1793 June 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wanzopeah. Letter : [Kansas], to My Father [Abraham Lincoln], [1864 Feb.?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McFarlane, James, 1759-1812. Letter : Arkansas, to John Breck Treat, 1808 Dec. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villa Abrille, Faustino. [Map of the provinces of Davao and Cotabato on Mindanao Island, Philippines, accompanying Faustino Villa Abrille's letter to an unnamed correspondent in Manila, dated April 5, 1878]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807. Letter and memorandum, 1784-1797. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hadley, Lewis F. (Lewis Francis). Letter : Anadarko, Ind. Ter., to the Director of the Smithsonian Institute [John Wesley Powell], Washington, D.C., 1887 Aug. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Hacienda. Administración general de tributos. Instruccion para el gobierno y manejo del Subdelegado de Hacienda de la provincia de Misamis Dn. Francisco Hidalgo y Caballero, en la recaudacion, cuenta y razon de los intereses de la Hacienda que han de esta á su cargo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fort Union (N.M.). Requisitions : for subsistence stores ... Fort Union, New Mexico ..., 1866 Apr. 27-June 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. Letter : province of New Hampshire in New England, to John Thomlinson, Esqr., 1747 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859. Letters, 1820-1843. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning a request by the curate of Teposcolula for tax revenues to be used to rebuild the church destroyed by an earthquake 1750 June 1-1755 Nov. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stevenson, James, ca. 1765-1846. Know all men by these presents that whereas James Stevenson late of London ... sometime major in His Majesty's Sixtieth Regiment of Foot did by his last will and testament give and bequeath unto one James Stevenson of the Seneca Tribe of Indians warriour now residing and living near to Newark in the county of Lincoln in the province of Upper Canada the interest of a certain sum of three hundred pounds ... : Newark, Upper Canada, power of attorney, 1796 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1865-1866 : Lara e Irigoyen). Notice of appointment of José Keyser as teniente fiscal, 1865 May 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Franciscans. Provincia de San Francisco de Guatemala. Contiene algunas noticias de la conquista, y batalla que Dn. Pedro Alvarado ganó en El Pinar de Quesaltenango : el dia 13 de mayo de 1524, vispera de Pascua del Espiritu Santo segun la Cronica de la Prova. de Sn. Franco. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770. Letter : Williamsburg [Va.], to Governor [Robert Hunter] Morris, 1755 Nov. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. A journal of the House of Representatives of His Majesties province of New Hampshire in New England, began and held at Portsmouth ..., 1740 July 23-Aug. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rogers, Robert, 1731-1795. Letter and agreement, 1761-1764. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrera, Francisco. [Vocabulario castellano-quiché : preguntas de la doctrina christiana, confesionario]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pinckney, William, 1704-1766. These are to desire and require inhabitants of this province where these five Cherokee Indians may call at for provision in their way home to supply them with the same ... : order, 1755 July 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Meeker, Ezra, 1830-1928. Ox team days : speech, 1923 July. Newberry Library
creatorOf Juneau, Solomon, 1793-1856. Letter : Theresa, Dodge Co., Wis., to Mr. Louis B. Porlier, 1856 July 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. Report of a council meeting of bishops and priests in Mexico City to discuss their ministry to the Indians 1539 April 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reco[no]cimiento del fuerte de Mailad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chicago American Indian Oral History Pilot Project. Chicago American Indian oral history project records, 1982-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé, 1814-1874,. Platica de los principales misterios de la religion en poconchi : con unos actos de fe, esperanza, y caridad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Tamontaca en el brazo s[ud] del Rio de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. Letter : Montreal, to Monsr. L'anglade, 1763 July 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cavallero, Fernando. Carta de pago por don Fernando Cavallero : marido de doña Juana de Illescas Villarreal de 67.752 maravedis del 2o. 3cio. de venta del año de 1618 por la de un juro en el almojarifargo [sic] de Indias. Pasó ante Pedro del Carpio en Sevilla 2 de agosto de 1618. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. Id. of Cocos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez Romero, Hijos de. The despatches of the Spanish governors of Louisiana to the captains-general of Cuba 1766-1791 / photographed for the Carnegie Institution of Washington by Hijos de Pérez Romero, Seville. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816. Benjamin Hawkins letters, 1797-1812. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. Transcripts of selected documents pertaining to the history of the Philippines between 1493 and 1843, [between 1898 and 1908?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vargas, Dionisio de, b. 1568. Documents and letters pertaining to charges of bigamy against Dionisio de Vargas, 1608 July 29-1610 Nov. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Estaurille, Francisco Antonio. Viage hecho p[o]r el alferez de navío d[o]n Fran[cis]co Ant[oni]o Estaurille en la fragata de S.M. N[uest]ra S[eñor]a de Rosario (alias) la Princesa q[u]e salió de Manila el 24 de ag[os]to de 80, y llegó al puerto de S[a]n Blas en octubre de 81. Newberry Library
creatorOf Otazu, Lorenzo, 1759-1824. Diary 1795 Nov. 11-1804 Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700. Relation dela decouuerte de la Mer du Sud faite par les riuieres dela Nouvelle France : enuoyée de Québec par le pere Dablon, supr. general des missions dela Compagnie d Jesus, [1674 Oct. 10]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eastman, Charles Alexander, 1858-1939. Letters : Reserve, Wis., and Matotee Lodge, Desbarats, Ont., to H.M. Hitchcock, Minneapolis, Minn., 1927-1935. Newberry Library
creatorOf Helps, Arthur, Sir, 1813-1875,. This mss. book consists of many important letters relating to the Spanish conquest in America / copied from the Colección de Muñoz in the Royal Library at Madrid, AH. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guatemala. Audiencia. Coleccion de estampas copiadas de las figuras originales que que [sic] de medioy bajo reliebe se manifiestan en estucos y piedras en varios edificios de la poblacion antigua nuevam[en]te descuvierta en las inmediaciones del pueblo del Palenque en la Provincia de Ciudad Real de Chiapa una de las del Reyno de Goatemala en la America Septentrional ; Descripción del terreno, y población antigua nuevamente descubierta en las inmediaciones del pueblo del Palenque jurisdiccion de la Provincia de Ciudad Real de Chiapa, una de las del Reyno de Goatemala en la America Septentrional. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). We, the subscribers, do hereby agree to pay the sum placed opposite to our respective names : for the purpose of raising a fund to be distributed, as a bounty, among those whose patriotism may induce them to volunteer to march against the hostile Indians in Florida : agreements, [1836]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abbott, Samuel, d. 1851. Letter : Philadelphia, to Ramsay Crooks, New York, 1822 Apr. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marsac, Monsieur. Relation of the proceedings of Monsr. Marsac who was sent by order of Colo. Bradstreet to the falls of St. Marie to speak to the upper nations agreeably to his instructions, 1765 July 29 / taken from his own mouth in presence of us the subscribers, officers in garrison at this place, by order of Lieut. Colo. Campbell ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento de la isla de Tulayán. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816. Journal of the commissioners of the United States : appointed to hold conferences with the several nations of Indians south of the Ohio / commenced by Colo. Hawkins one of the commrs. on the 18th July. Newberry Library
creatorOf Laut, Agnes C. (Agnes Christina), 1871-1936,. [Transcripts of selected documents in the Hudson's Bay Company Archives], [1905]. Newberry Library
creatorOf España, Bernabé. Letters concerning misconduct of Luis Oraa, military governor of Cavite, 1865 Nov. 8-16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Account of the English expedition of Capts. Cooke and Malcolm against the Spanish fleet in the Philippines, [185-?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cotton, Josiah, 1680-1756. Indian sermon / by Josiah Cotton. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaston, Theron R. Reminiscences, 1903. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Diario del viaje del E.S. Gobernador Capitan General á las provincias de Capiz, Antique, y Cebu. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kirchoffer, Dr. [Map of the Houston region in Harris County, Texas] / sketch by Dr. Kirchoffer. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. [Doctrina en tarasca]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wentworth, Samuel. Samuel Wentworth papers, 1738-1742. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fuller, Alpheus G., 1822-1900. Correspondence : to Hon. Charles J. Faulkner, Chairman, Committee on Military Affairs, 1859 Jan. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Lieutenant Governor (1704-1710 : Ingoldesby). Proceedings : relating to Col. [Francis] Nicholson, 1709 May 18-June 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Duncan, William, 1832-1918. Letters : on board steamer Ancon and Metlakahtla [i.e. Metlakatla], Alaska, to Mr. [Edward E.] Ayer, 1889-1890. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1837-1839 : Gilmer). State of Georgia, by His Excellency George R. Gilmer, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this State, and of the Militia thereof : land grant, 1837 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Bocabulario de lengua quiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cárdenas, Rodrigo de, d. 1661. Discursso apologetico por el honor de los ministros evangelicos contra los hyperbolicos encarecimientos que contiene un discursso yntitulado Parennetica ympreso y diuulgado en las Yslas Philipinas [microform]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bostwick, O. N. (Oliver N.). Letter : Vincennes, [Ind.], to Samuel Abbott, Saint Louis, Mo., 1823 Nov. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1609-1616 : Silva). License issued by the governor authorizing Dominicans to evangelize the province of Ituy, 1609 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Matthews, W. W. Letter : Montreal, to Ramsay Crooks, New York, 1822 Mar. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cruz, Ramón de la, 1731-1794. Saynete del tramposo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sola, Magino, 1605-1664. Letter : Manila, to the Jesuit provincial of the province of Aragon, 1637 Aug. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Plutarco, Lino. Viages de un español pr. los Estados Unidos de America, empezando pr. su capital Filadelfia; donde escrivio barias cartas a su paysano establecido en dha ciudad : y despues continúa de las demas pr. donde transitó, explicando costumbres, creencia, cultos, industria, comercio, nabegacion, y demas particularidades obserbadas por el mismo a favor de la instruccion publica en su patria. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marsh, Moses, 1718-1796. Deed : to all people to whom these presents shall come ..., 1775 Jan. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sierra, Bernardo. Para ayudar a bien morir en lengua yucateca tradusida del Ramillete de divinas flores / y fue compuesto pr. Dn. Bernardo Sierra ; expurgado del Santo Oficio del Real Consejo de Castilla. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Superintendencia de Hacienda Pública. Superintendencia de los ramos de propios y arbitrios y cajas de comunidad. Concession of supplementary credit for the maintenance of prisoners in the province of Camarines Sur, 1863 Aug. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Langlade, Charlotte Ambroisine Bourassa, d. 1818. Letter : La Baye [Green Bay, Wis.], to Adhemar St. Martin, Makinac [Michigan], 1802 May 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dudley, Thomas P. (Thomas Parker), b. 1792. Papers, 1878-1945. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. [Vocabulario] mam i español. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Supreme Executive Council. The Supreme Executive Council of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : know ye that in consideration of the monies paid ... there is granted ... unto the said Samuel Pleasants a certain tract of land called Walnut Grove, 1787 June 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Derrotero y diario. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Tumbao en el vértice del delta del rio grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wiggin, Andrew. Letter : Stratham, N.H., to John Thomlinson, Esq. at London, 1742 Aug. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. Governor (1741-1766 : Wentworth). Letters : Portsmouth, [N.H.], to John Thomlinson, London, [Eng.], 1742-1754. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldo, Samuel, 1695-1759. Letters : Boston, [Mass.], to John Thomlinson, London, [Eng.], 1738-1742. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe of Indians. Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe of Indians records, 1789-1858. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rancio de Nuevo-Cuño, alias Don Merlin. Apologia contra maleficarum defensores : compuesta para reservativo de incautos, desengaño de incredulos, e instruccion de los que desean tener alguna noticia de esta materia / por uno que le llaman El Rancio de Nuevo-Cuño, alias Don Merlin. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pozarenco, Juan. Arte de lengua zoque para la mayor gloria de Dios nuestro señor. Newberry Library
creatorOf Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753. El pirata Koseng, 1663. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leandro de Viana, Franco. Demonstracion del misero deplorable estado de las Islas Philipinas : de la necessidad de abandonarlas o mantenerlas con fuerças respetables: de los inconvenientes de los primero y ventajas de lo segundo: de lo que pueden producir á la Real Hacienda: de la navegacion, extension, y utilidades de su comercio / por Don Francisco Leandro de Viana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Nombres de pájaros en lengua quic[he]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dominicans. Provincia del Santísimo Rosario de Filipinas. Expediente formado a representación del R.P. Procurador de la Prov[inci]a del S[antísi]mo. Rossario de estas Yslas sobre que se le satisfagan los gastos que han ocasionado la estada del M.R.P. Bernardo Pazuengos, pro[vinci]al de los regulares de la Compañía en el R[ea]l. Colegio de S. Juan de Letran 1769 Sept. 1-1771 Jan. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Documents granting Pedro Cortés permission to travel to New Spain with his wife and servants 1617 April 29-June 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Albornoz, Juan de. Arte de la lengua chiapaneca / compuesto por el padre Fray Juan de Albornoz de la Orden de Predicadores de la provincia de San Vicente de Chiapas y Guatemala. Newberry Library
creatorOf Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833. A list of licences granted by Thomas Forsyth, Indian agent, to sundry persons to trade with the different Indian nations, comg. 1st Sept. 1825 and ending the 1st Sept. 1826, 1822 Sept. 22-1827 Sept. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Goussoulin, Francisco. Plan del nuevo camino p[ar]a la capital que los habitantes del Puerto de Atakapas se proponen hacer : formado de orden de su Comand[ant]e D[o]n Fran[cis]co Caso y Luengo, por D[o]n Fran[cis]co Gousscolen , agrimensor, y uno de los sindicos del Puerto. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Cronica semi-historia [!] de Filipinas y en especial de las Yslas Bisayas desde 1877 á 1887. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. Arte de la lengua matlaltzinga mui copioso y assi mismo una suma y arte abreviado / compuesto todo por el padre maestro fray Diego Basalenque de la orden de nuestro padre S. Augustín de la provincia de Michoacán : anno 1640. Newberry Library
creatorOf Virginia. Lieutenant Governor (1751-1758 : Dinwiddie). Letter : Williamsburg, Virga. to [James Hamilton] 1754 Jan. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf D'Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian. Seeing Indian in Chicago exhibition records [graphic], 1958-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Receipt Buffalo, [N.Y.], 1830 June 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clarina, Eyre Massey, Baron, 1719-1804. Letter : Quebec, to Sir William [Johnson], 1767 Aug. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hotilles. Description of a journey through parts of New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., 1793. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alcazar, Phelipe del. Letter : Manila, to the Conde de Aranda, 1772 June 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. The life of Benjamin Franklin : an autobiographical manuscript, [1771-1789]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brasseur de Bourbourg, abbé, 1814-1874. Doctrina christiana abreviada en lengua zotzlem. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927. Treaty betwe[e]n the United States of America and the sachems, chiefs and warriors of the Wyandot, Ottawa, Chippawa, Munsee and Delaware, Shawanee and Pottawatima Nations : holden at Fort Industry on the Miami of the lake, 1805 July 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Laidlaw, William, ca. 1798-1851. Letter : Fort Pierre, [S.D.], to Pratte Chouteau & Co., Saint Louis, Mo., 1835 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gonzaga de Ibarrola, Luis. Petition on behalf of Antonio de Septien and statement of Estevan Velez de Escalante, concerning the transfer of 52,345 pesos from Velez to Septien, 1798 Feb. 14-15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mathevet, Jean Claude, 1717-1781. [Sentences in French and Nipissing]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). "En viaje" from Valparaiso to Tahiti. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kenton, Simon, 1755-1836. Know all men by these presents that we Simon Kenton and William Ward both of the eleventh range of the Miami purchase in the county of Green & state of Ohio are held and firmly bound unto John Cleves Symmes of Cincinnati in the county of Hamilton & said state of Ohio in the full and just sum of four thousand dollars ... : bond, 1804 Apr. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Smith, J. Jay (John Jay), 1798-1881. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to James Monroe, 1846 Oct. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nevill, Valentine, fl. 1758. The reduction of Louisbourg : a poem : inscribed to the hon[ora]ble Edward Boscawen : wrote on board his majesty's ship Orford in Louisbourg Harbour / by Valentine Nevill Esqr. of Greenwich in Kent, Secretary to the hon[ora]ble Admiral Townshend, 1758 Aug. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santo Domingo, Tomás de, fl. 1693. Vocabulario ẽ la lengua cakchicel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Book relative to Indian affairs journals to treaties, 1791-1794. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Vocabulario mazateco-castellano]. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letters, 1802-1807. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cutter, Irving Samuel, 1875-1945. Irving Samuel Cutter papers, 1884-1934. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Reports on the creation of a military command for Camarines Sur, 1864 Nov. 23-24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lowden, James. Bond : to the County Treasurer of Middlesex [Samuel Andrew], Middlesex County, [Mass.], 1683 May 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Christie, Emerson Brewer,. Misterios principales de nuestra Santa Feè. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kinzie, John Harris, 1803-1865. Life of the honbl. Hoo-wan-nee-kaw or Little Elk, [1912]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Samson, William Holland, 1860-1919. Claim of the Cayuga Indians ... : scrapbook, 1894-1896. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hazen, William Babcock, 1830-1887. Letter and order : Medicine Creek, I[ndian] T[erritory], 1865 Feb. 1-5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. Letter : St. Louis, to [Benson John Lossing], 1849 May 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jones, Griffith, fl. 1700. Petition : the humble address & petition of his maj[es]ties. loyall Protestant subjects living in the p[ro]vince of Pensilvania humbly sheweth, [1701]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McCay, Charles Francis, 1810-1889. Letter : Athens, Ga., to William McCay, Northumberland, Pa., 1836 May 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peselm, I. L. Letter : Homer, Jeff[erson], Ohio, to Rev. Sir, 1852. Newberry Library
creatorOf Connecticut. Governor (1708-1724 : Saltonstall). Gurdon Saltonstall esqr govr and commander in chief of His Majesties colony of Connecticut in New England to John Williams gentl., greeting : I do by these presents constitute and appoint you to be captain of a foot company consisting of English and Indians raised in this colony for defence of the frontiers against Indians ..., 1724 July 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martínez Sánchez de Araque, Diego de, ca. 1736-ca. 1786. Statera veritatis : en la respuesta que, alos figurados cargos de dn. Josef Basco y Vargas Governador, Capn. General, y Presidente actual dela Audiena. de Manila dá el Regte. de la misma Dn. Diego Mrz. de Araq. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Letters 1774-1777 (bulk 1774-1775) Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Audiencia (Lima). Notarized transcript of legal proceedings in the criminal case against Juan Sanchez de Espinosa and García Gutiérrez of Huancavelica, Peru, 1666 Sept. 24-1669 July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Doxtater, Mary. On the first of June next ensuing I promise to pay to John Tayler six dollars ... : promissory note : Albany, [N.Y.], 1823 Mar. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Astor, William B. (William Backhouse), 1792-1875. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to James Abbott, Detroit, [Mich.], 1832 July 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morvillo, Anthony. Letter : St. Joseph's Mission, Lewiston, Idaho, to James C. Pilling, Washington, D.C., 1888 Oct. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ramírez de Dampierre, José. Papers and documents pertaining to offices held by José Ramírez de Dampierre, 1845 Jan. 11-1859 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Neve, Felipe de, 1724-1784. Report on the missions of the California peninsula : Mexico [City], [to Viceroy Bucareli?] 1774 Sept. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Haupt, Herman. Map and section of sacred pipe stone quarries at Pipe Stone, Minnesota, A.D. 1892 / Haupt. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruiz Venegas, Hernando Bernabé. Report containing suggestions for revising the project to drain the lagoons around Huehuetoca in the valley of Mexico [ca. 1654]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Biencourt, Charles de, baron de Saint-Just, 1591 or 2-1623. [Pouvoir donnée au Sieur Franc̨ois de Vaux d'administrer certaines propriétés : Paris?] [1610?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Noticia delo acaecido enla Pr[ovinci]â de Son[or]a. enlos meses de sep[tiem]bre y oct[u]bre de este pres[ent]e. año de [17]73 conlos enemigos Apaches. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zaragoza, Justo, 1833-1896. Documentos y apuntes para la vida y obras del doctor Antonio Morga : sacados del Archivo de Indias, [1889]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruiz Huidobro, Pasqual. Dispatches : Montevideo, Uruguay, to Francisco Gil de Lemus, 1805 July 2-3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruiz, Narciso de los. Inventory of goods bought and sold by the Sultan : Mindanao, 1828 Feb. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf San Damián, Blas de, 1720-ca. 1783. Arte de la lengua de Masinloc / que escrivió el P. Fr. Blas de Sn. Damián : año de 1755. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fonseca, Domingo de. Copy of a promissory note in which Domingo de Fonseca promises to pay Pedro Ximenez de Enciso the sum of 24,000 reales, 1639 April 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ewing, George Washington, 1803-1866. Confidential suggestions as to how the treaty with the Pottowotamies may be made : Memorandum : to Hon. W.L. Marcy, Secy. of War and Hon. Wm. Medill, Com. Ind. Affairs, 1846 Mar. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Decker, George P. (George Palmer), 1861-1936. Letters, 1906-1907. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Doctrina cristiana y arte en Cakchiquel]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. Vocabulario de la lengua castellana, buelto en la matlaltzinga / por n[uest]ro P[adre] M[aestro] Fr[ay] Diego Basalenque Padre de esta provincia de Michuacan de San Nicolas de Tolentino, de la Orden de n[uest]ro P[adre] San Augustin, compuesto por S.P. anno de 1642 y trasladado anno de 1644 en esta villa de Charo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oveno y Rabago, Joseph de. Certified copy of a letter of recommendation from the Inquisitor General in Madrid to the tribunal of the Inquisition in Mexico concerning the appointment of Francisco Viana as adviser to the tribunal 1770 May 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Roxo, Florentín. Documents pertaining to an expedition against the Moro pirates in the Philippines, 1792 Sept. 5-1796 Feb. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ptolemy, 2nd cent. Scheda posterior. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oliz y Anastasio, Antonio. Cartello no. 4 riguardante l'elezione del priore del popolo fiorentino tutte quattro spettanti la persona d'Angiolo Sacchetti come priore eletto in quattro diversi tempi : a di 1 novembre 1511. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boyd, Robert K., 1845?-. Robert Knowles Boyd letters : Eau Claire, Wis., to Edith M. Smith, Aurora, Ill., 1925-1927. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Audiencia (Lima). Votos de los oydores del[a] au[dienci]a de los Reyes estando [so]bre un negocio de don Fr[ancis]co de T[oled]o. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Tribunal especial de las ordenes. Suscrición para aliviar las desgracias causadas por el terremoto de Manila, 1863 Sept. 17-1864 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguinaldo, Emilio, 1869-1964. Documents pertaining to the Philippine Revolution 1898 Aug. 27-1899 Feb. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández de Córdoba, Fernando. Primer reconocimiento del gran rio Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cuming, Alexander, Sir, 1690?-1755. Sir Alexander Cuming papers, 1734-1767. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. [Diccionario grande castellano-tarasco]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Staap, Caroline. Come you young people far and near : ballad, [18--?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1619-1629 : García Serrano). License from the archbishop of Manila authorizing Dominicans from the convent of Santo Rosario to evangelize the province of Ituy, 1625 April 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Records, 1790-1793. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Real Hacienda. Estracto delas existencias de polvora, salitre, azufre, y demas simples, como tambien delos caudales, que havia en fin de abril proximo passado : deducida delos documentos que se hallan en la Contaduria General dela Real Renta dela Polvora. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1618-1624 : Fajardo de Tença). Document from the governor approving the founding of the University of Santo Toḿas by the Jesuits in Manila, 1619 Nov. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, Albert. Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to "Dear Mother," [Groton, Mass.], [ca. 1921] Newberry Library
creatorOf Wright, Noah, 1716-1797. Letter : Deerfield, [Mass.], to Noah Wright, Fort Shirley, [Mass.], 1745 Oct. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rada, Martín de, 1533-1578. Relación del viage que se hizo a la tierra de la China : año de 1575. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kearny, Stephen Watts, 1794-1848. Letters : Fort Leavenworth, [Kan.] and St. Louis, Mo., to E.A. Hitchcock, St. Louis, Mo., and Fort Jesup, La., 1837-1845. Newberry Library
creatorOf Murphy, Timothy. Know all men by thees presance that I Timothy Murphy of the town of Worcester county of Otsego doe hear by constatute and appoint Eben G Foster of the town of Middleburgh and county of Schoharie ... : indenture, 1818 June 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Prévost, Augustine, ca. 1725-1786. Letters : Croghan's Forest, [i.e. Cooperstown, N.Y.], and New York, [N.Y.], to Sir William Johnson, 1772 Mar. 20-July 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldron, Richard, ca. 1615-1689. Letter and remonstrance, 1676 Sept. 2 - 1677 May 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909. Letter : New Rochelle, N.Y., to Chas. A. Woodruff, [between 1890 and 1909]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Canovas y Fajardo, Antonio. Diario de navegación q[u]e de la Bahía de Cádiz al puerto de Manila en la Ysla Luzon : una de las Filipinas, va a hacer Antonio Canovas agregado en la fragata de S.M. nombrada el "A Juno" del mando del cap[ita]n de d[ic]ho gra[d]o Dn. J[ua]n de Araoz. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chickasaw Nation. Memorandum : of the meddels in the box for the Chickasaw Chiefs, [ca. 1791]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879. Letter : Baltimore, [Md.], to F.J. Dreer, 1859 Nov. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1760-1770 : Bernard). To the gentlemen of the Council, and gentlemen of the House of Representatives ... : in regard to taking proper measures for defending the settlers against the Indians or rather for preventing the Indians attacking the settlers, 1764 June 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tripp, Samuel V. Samuel V. Tripp letters, 1849-1906, bulk 1849-1876. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Opinion of the state's attorney regarding home detention and local supervision of convicts [not before July 1861]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe, fl. 1613. El primer nueva coronica i bue[n] gobierno / compuesto por don Phelipe Guaman Poma de Aiala, S[eñ]or. i P[ri]n[c]ipe. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gelabert, Francisco de Paula. Plano de la bateria de S[an] Antonio y fuerte provincial de S[an] Carlos, en la entrada del pu[n]to de Panzacola [technical drawing] / Fran[cis]co de Paula Gelabert. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández Campoverde, Andrés. Documents concerning charges brought by Juan Alonso de Castaneda, alcalde mayor of León, against Esteban de Otalaro 1609 Feb. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. Petition of Luis de Tovar Godinez and Phelipe Morán de la Zerda and response by the Viceroy of New Spain 1647 [or 2?] Oct. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Lieutenant Governor (1704-1710 : Ingoldesby). Order and memorial, 1709 May 22-July 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hill, Leonard. Account book : Nauvoo, Ill., 1843-1869. Newberry Library
creatorOf Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Lewis [i.e. Louis] Le Couteulx, 1803 Feb. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dart, John. Order and account, 1741-1742. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Marriage contract : La Baie [Qué.], between Jean Baptiste Brunet and Catherine Grignon, [1789?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Capt. Dade and all his officers and men were murdered on the 18th Dec. 1835 about 15 miles from the Withlacoochee battleground ... : Fort Drane, E.F. : dispatch, 1836 Jan. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saint-Mesmin, Benigne Charles Fevret de, d. 1802. Journal d'un voyage fait avec mon fils en 1793 en Allemagne, en Hollande, en Angleterre : suivi d'un autre journal de notre navigation d'Angleterre a Halifax en Nouvelle Écosse : plus de celui de notre voyage de Halifax au Canada et a New York aux Etats Unis. Newberry Library
creatorOf Madison, James, 1751-1836. Letter : Montpellier [i.e. Montpelier, Va.], to Dear Sir [Richard Rush, London, Eng.], 1821 Apr. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hernández, Gerónimo Florencio. Letter : Tepetitan [i.e. Tepetitlán], to Federico Balde [i.e. Frédéric de Waldeck], Palenque, 1832 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vindel, Pedro. Dominicas doctrinales en lengua tagala / por un padre agustino de estas islas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922. Calling card : St. James House, [to J.C. Pilling], 1887 Oct. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Townsend, Isaac, ca. 1685-1765. Letter : Kingston in Louisbourg Harbour, [N.S.], to [Charles] Apthorp, [Boston, Mass.], 1746 June 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tum, Miguel. [Frases] en castellano y en lengua [quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McGaffey, J. M., fl. 1848-1849. [Journal of a voyage to California by sea and land], 1849 Feb. 24-June 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. Plan of the anchoring place at the island of Quibo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pizarro, Francisco, ca. 1475-1541. Affidavit concerning the dispute between Francisco Pizarro and Diego de Almagro over their respective domains in Peru 1537 Nov. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cuba. Audiencia (Havana). Appeal proceedings : testimonio de la t[ercera] pieza de los autos c[ontra] [Don] Luis Fran[cis]co de Aguero [y otros] vecinos del Puerto del [Príncipe] sobre ciertos bullicioso[s] : legajo 1-, año de 1782. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguilar, Francisco. Platica para que los ynd[io]s no digan al ministro Quando te bas? : año de 1822 : en pokonchi. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746. Copy of cédulas reales and related documents concerning collection of alms in New Spain and Peru for support of convents and churches in Mula and Málaga, Spain 1723 May 26-1724 March 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Palenque : plan rectifié des huit edfices [sic]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Navarrete, José. Derrotero de las costas del Estrecho de San Bernardino : ynstrucción sobre las corrientes, mareas, y vientos reinantes que se experimentan en él / por el Alfz. de Fragta. Graduado Primero Piloto de la Real Armada Don José Navarrete. Año de 1814. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Brantz Mayer, Baltimore, Md., 1845 Oct. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Christie, Emerson Brewer,. [Sermons in Iloko]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Baylies, Francis, 1783-1852. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to Theophilus Parsons, Taunton, Mass., 1823 Dec. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Buade de Frontenac, Antoine de, fl. 1594-1619. Contract for the sale of the lands and seigneury of Pontchartrain to Paul Phélypeaux by Antoine de Buade, 1609. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Juzgado de la alcaldía mayor 1a. Judicial arguments and decisions in the case of Serapio San Mateo and Tomasa del Castillo 1862 March 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chouteau, A. P. (Auguste Pierre), 1786-1838. Invoice of merchandise taken by A.P. Chouteau : to be traded with the several nations of the Osages and other Indians residing on the Osage and Arkansas rivers and dependencies, 1823 July 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Charles B., merchant. Charles B. Johnson papers, 1841-1888 (bulk 1859-1865). Newberry Library
creatorOf Guirnalda, Fernando. A history of the revolt at Candon, Il[ocos] Sur in 1898 : copied from the ms. of Don Fernando Guirnalda, ex-"President of the Republic of Candon.". Newberry Library
creatorOf Durán, Narciso, 1776-1846. Misa ã 4 vozes de Cataluña / nuevamente hago y firmo, hoy dia 1o. de dicbre. de 1842 Pacifico Capéna. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Oaxaca (Mexico). Documents concerning a petition to establish a Capuchin convent in the parish of San Mateo Jalatlaco 1743-1789. Newberry Library
creatorOf Juana, de Austria, Princess of Portugal, 1535-1573. Letter : Valladolid, Spain, to Alonso de Montufar, Archbishop of Mexico, [Mexico City], 1555 July 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Retana, W. E. (Wenceslao Emilio), 1862-1924. Apuntes históricos, geográficos y estadísticos de la provincia de Batangas y breve estudio etnográfico acerca de sus habitantes / por W.E. Retana, 1885-1887. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chester, Peter, ca. 1717-1799. Letter : to [Luis Unzaga], 1770 Aug. [12]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Norton y Nicols, Nicolás. Comercio de las islas Philipinas e conveniencias que pueden dar a S.M. Carlos III / por Dn. Nicolas Norton y Nicols. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. Recommendations of Father Morfi concerning pacification and settlement of New Mexico [between 1776 and 1778]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hamilton, J. A. Palmer. Letter : N.W. Indian Territory, Fort Union, [N.D.], to H[enry] Langstaff, London, 1833 Oct. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Meléndez y Bruna, Salvador. Diario del viage al puerto del Realejo para reconocer y levantar planos del troso de costa comprehedo. entre el puerto de Acapulco y el surgidero de Sonsonate : amas la exploración del golfo de Conchagua con el bergantin de Su Magestad el Activo. Año de 1794 / Comandante Dn. Salvador Melendez y Bruna. Teniente de navío. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico. Ejército. Inspección General de infantería y caballería permanente. Copy of a report to the President from the Inspector General's office concerning Colonel Castrillón's petition to have Lt. Col. José María Sandoval removed from the Aldama Battalion 1834 Dec. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Co, Basilio. Doctrina christiana en pokonchi : año de 1810. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Invasión nuestra en Joló. Newberry Library
creatorOf Frisbie, Levi, 1748-1806. Letter : Ipswich [Mass.], to Revd. Doctor [Eleazar] Wheelock, President of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, 1775 Dec. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kerwin, M. W. Diary and accounts, 1860 Apr. 16 - Dec. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. Letter : Cádiz, [Spain], to Tomás de Anda y Salazar, Madrid, 1772 Dec. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Church, Benjamin, 1639-1718. Proclamation : Boston, [Mass.], 1696 July 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Office of Indian Affairs. St. Louis Superintendency. William Clark, superintendent of Indian affairs, to all whom it may concern : whereas Pratte, Chouteau & Co. having applied for a license to trade for one year ... : license, 1836 Apr. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Sermonario con evangelia en lengua mexicana]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pilsberry, Joshua, 1743-1825. A detale [i.e. detail] of the towns thru which we traveled at the capture of Burgoyne in 1777 : Dracut, Mass., 1777 Nov. 8 / by J. Pilsberry. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del estero de Maguindanao ó de la Mundaya que corre por el o[este] de Cotabatto y une los brazos n[orte] y s[ud] del Rio Grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edwards, Ninian, 1775-1833. Ninian Edwards letters, 1813-1814. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. [Vocabulario tarasco-castellano]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Journal et nottes [sic] du voyage aux ruines del Palenque : années 1832,33 / par Jean Frederic Waldeck. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. President (1817-1825 : Monroe). James Monroe, President of the United States of America : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : land grant, 1822 Mar. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eminard, Jean Baptiste d'. Letter : Bogotá, to Mr. John Diston Powles, [London?], 1824 April 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter : [Washington, D.C.], to David Henley, [Knoxville, Tenn.], 1800 Nov. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Continental Army. New York Regiment, First. Muster roll : of Captain William Brown's Company in the first Regiment of Artillery commanded by Colonel Charles Harrison for July & August 1780, 1780 Sept. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Balboa, Faustino de. Estado general demostrativo que yo el abajo firmado presentó al s[eñ]or. superintendente subdelegado general de Real Hacienda de todos los intereses que tiene puestos en la Sociedad de Comercio de estas Yslas D. Lorenzo Calvo de París en los suplementos con que ha contribuido para el establecimiento de las cuatro fabricas de pólvora, fierro, hilados, y tintorería. Newberry Library
creatorOf Llisa, Pedro de. Confesionario en idioma del Choconate, Paya, Tapaliza / y se hecho en el Darién por el R.P. Fr. Pedro de Llisa de la orden de los P.P. Capuchinos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Hacienda. Fiscalía. Opinion concerning liability of Ygnacio, Fernandez de Castro y Compañía for loss of tobacco shipment, 1864 July 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bocalán y Vásquez, Joaquín, ca. 1780-1866. Estracto de la Navegacion del archipielago de Filipinas por el Br. de la Armada Nacional 2o. Gefe de Marina de dhas Islas en la revista de ynspeccion alos Apostaderos de Fuerzas Sutiles sobre la Lancha Ysabel 2a. armada de Goleta de tres palos y llevando siempre en su conserva dos Faluas o tres delos Apostaderos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Arco, Ventura del. Documentos datos y relaciones para la historia de Filipinas hasta hora ineditos : fielmente copiados de los originales existentes en archivos y bibliotecas por Ventura del Arco auditor de Marina oficial de la Contaduria General de Ejercito. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. Account by Father Morfi of his expedition to the Provincias Internas 1777 Aug. 4-1778 Nov. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stone, William L. (William Leete), 1792-1844. Letters : New York, [N.Y.], 1819-1841. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mendoza, Juan de, 1539-1619. Flos sanctorum : ó vidas de santos en lengua kachiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf García de León y Pizarro, Joseph, 1770-1835. Compendio histórico y cronológico que demuestra el descubrimiento del Mar del Sur y delas Californias, hecho por los españoles : y asimismo el fundamento que asiste a España, para excluir a todas las naciones dela navegación delos mares de Indias, y de establecerse y comerciar en ellas ... / formado de Rl. Orden por Don Jph. García de Leon y Pizarro ... a que le acompañó dn. Fernando Mangino ... aumentado considerablemente por el primero en el presente año de 1796. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916. Letters, 1872-1886. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fiske, John, 1842-1901. Letter : Edward E. Ayer, Esq., Old Colony Building, Chicago, 1900 Mar. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bird, Edwin R. [Journal and letters, 1854-1855], 1941. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Pintura del beneficio dela grana cochinilla en Mexico, [ca. 1775]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leandro de Viana, Franco. Demonstraciones delo que contribuien á S.M. los Naturales delas Yslas Philipinas : delo que se gasta en su adminison. espiritual : delo que el estado eccco. percive del Rey y delos Yndios : y delos diversos âhorros y âumentos que puede tener la Rl. Hacienda para mantener estos Dominios con Fuerzas respectables, sin necesidad del Real Situado que ânnualmente viene de Mexico, y conla ventaxa de que el Rl. Herario resarza enlo succesivo los gastos hechos enlos 202 años que han corrido desde la conquista dedhas Yslas / por D. Franco. Leandro de Viana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Hacienda. Tribunal de Cuentas. Certifications approving the financial accounts submitted by José Ramírez de Dampierre of tax monies collected in the provinces of Tondo and Bulacan, 1855 Aug. 29-1859 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel. Letter : Philadelphia, 1781 Sept. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aubin, J. M. A. (Joseph Marius Alexis), b. 1802. Cronica Mexicana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. Comienc̨a un exercicio en lengua mexicana sacado del Sancto Evango. y distribuido por todos los días de la semana : contiene meditaciones devotas muy provechosas para qualquier [christ]iano. que se quiere llegar a Dios. Newberry Library
creatorOf Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1474-1566. Historia de las Indias : libro segundo / Fr. B. de las Casas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Copia â la letra del informe, que en fha de 10 de diciembre de 1773, embio el R.P. Pro. Presidte. Fr. Franco. Paloù desde el Rl. Presidio de Monte Rei, al Exmô. Sor. Virrey Bucareli, dando noticia del estado de aquellas misiones. 1773. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. President (1841-1845 : Tyler). United States of America, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : whereas under the nineteenth article of the treaty entered unto at Dancing Rabbit Creek ... : letters patent, 1841 Oct. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rodríguez Gallardo, J. Rafael (José Rafael). Informe sobre Sinaloa y Sonora año de 1750. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Elijah, 1732-1815. Letter and bills, 1757-1775. Newberry Library
creatorOf Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859?. Letters : Oaxaca, to James C. Pilling, Washington [D.C.], 1891 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Onondaga Nation. We the Onondaga Nation do acknowledge to have received from the people of the state of New York by the hands of Jasper Parrish the sum of one thousand dollars : Buffalo, [N.Y.] : receipt, 1821 May 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zeisberger, David, 1721-1808. Letter : Goshen, [Ohio], to [John Gottlieb Ernestus] Heckewelder, [Gnadenhutten, Ohio], 1801 Sept. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881. The Indian girl, or, The dawn of Christianity by Palmer, [not after 1867] / by Alfred B. Street. Newberry Library
creatorOf Southwell, Thomas. Copia, del mapa de las Indias Occidentales : y del manifiesto que presentò D. Thomas Southuel, à la Superioridad, en el año de 1769, proponiendo el establecimiento de pescas en aquellas sondas, è Islas, como el medio mas seguro para poblar, y conservarlas, y las costas adyacentes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sinclair, Patrick, d. 1820. Order to Capt. Langlade to assist in the capture of St. Louis from the Spaniards : [Michilimackinac], [1780]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Doctrina christiana en la lengua utlateca, alias quiché : del uso de Fr. Jossef Anto. Sanchez Viscayno : año de 1790. Newberry Library
creatorOf W. H. T. Across Texas in the early eighties / by W.H.T., Oct. 1928. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, William, Sir, 1715-1774. Sir William Johnson letters, 1755-1773. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lambertye, marquis de. Histoire des Caraïbes : nation sauvage qui habite les Isles du Vent en Amérique et partie de la terre ferme ou continent. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cáncer, Luis, d. 1549. Varias coplas, versos é himnos en la lengua de Cobán de Verapaz sobre los misterios de la religión : para uso de los neofitos de la dicha provincia / compuestos por el Ven. Padre Luis Cancer, de la Orden de Santo Domingo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Araoz, Francisco de. Vocabulario mexicano. Newberry Library
creatorOf Browning, William. Letter : Niagara, [N.Y.], to Sir William Johnston [i.e. Johnson], Johnston [i.e. Johnson] Hall, [Johnstown, N.Y.], 1764 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II). Copies of royal orders pertaining to military jurisdiction and regulations, [ca. 1835]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johns, William Douglas, b. 1858. The early Yukon, Alaska and the Klondike discovery : as they were before the great Klondike stampede swept away the old conditions forever / by one who was there, Wm. Douglas Johns, 1895-ca. 1940. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Letter : Santa Fe, to Juan Agustín Morfi, 1778 April 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riveiro, Tomás. Explicación de la doctrina christiana en lengua quiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Fiscalía de Su Magestad en la Real Audiencia de Manila. Copies of a decree of May 11, 1858 authorizing use of sidearms in the provinces of Visayas, [ca. 1858]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Compañía de Filipinas. Letters : Madrid, to Martín Antonio de Huici, 1819 Oct. 11-1821 March 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1766-1771 : Croix). Licenses granted by the viceroy marqués de Croix to Father Juan Joseph Goebel for travel to Germany 1766 Oct. 8-1767 Sept. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Allaneguí, Miguel de. Documents pertaining to the transfer of the encomienda of Batangas to Captain Salvador Paez de Ledesma, 1720 June 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Valenciano, Antonio. Relación de los srres. que tienen carroages habitantes en esta ciudad de Nueva Caseres, 1863 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Copway, George, 1818-1863?. Letters, 1847-1858. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alger, Abby Langdon. Letter : Boston, to J.W. Powell, Washington, D.C., [1885] May 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Drayton, William Henry, 1742-1779. A talk from the Honorable Will[ia]m H. Drayton Esqr., one of the beloved men of South Carolina : to the beloved men, head men & warriors of the Cherokee Nation at the Congarees : speech, 1775 Sep. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. Siguense unos breves sermones en la lengua de Michuacan para cada domingo del año : fundados sobre un thema aunque por diversas materias / ordenados por el Pe. F. Mathurino Gilberti, fraile menor en la dicha provincia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo, 1702-1751. Nican y cuiliuhtica yninxi tlapoval catca mexica ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, John, 1800-1859. Account of his journey from Los Angeles to Monterrey during the Mexican War : typescript, [ca. 1925]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Illinois. Governor (1830-1834 : Reynolds). John Reynolds, governor of the state of Illinois : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : commission, 1834 Oct. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804. Letter : Philadelphia, to John Taylor, Albany, [N.Y.], 1792 Feb. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Castronuevo, marqués de. Letter : Madrid, to the conde de Paredes, [Mexico], 1687 April 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Paglayonan, Fabián. Ytonamay ang escrito nang Capitan Dn. Fabián Paglayonan sa Señor Alcalde mayor bagay sapag y va sacaniya ni Lorencio Mamili. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. Certificate : Taos, New Mexico, 1858 Nov. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Journal de poche de Natchan / J.F. Waldeck : nottes [!] de théogonie azteque et variété d'autres, pour servir en voyage. Palenque. No. 24 (Treis). Newberry Library
creatorOf Gafron, John, b. 1850. List of errata / furnished by Rev. John Gafron. Newberry Library
creatorOf Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. La verdad en campaña : relacion historica de la plaza, presidio, y puerto de Valdivia, su exsistencia militar y politica, clima; minas, frutos; y comercio : descripcion de la calidad, religion, caracter, y costumbres de los indios, que habitan su jurisdic[ci]on y continentes hasta el Estrecho : reflecciones criticas, politico historicas sobre Cesares, fundadas en la experiencia, manexo, y realidad injenua de su decantacion ... / D[o]n. Pedro de Usauro Martinez de Bernabè, infanzon de sangre y naturaleza del Reino de Aragon, Capitan del batallon fixo de la expresada plaza : en tres partes añadidas en esta copia al orijinal que se ascribio año de MDCCLXXXII. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morata, Antonio. Letters and documents pertaining to the proposal by Lt. Aureliano Saavedra y Meneses for a commission to prepare hydrographic charts for the Philippine archipelago, 1854 May 13-Aug. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morris, John, of Urbana, Ohio. Letter : Mackinac, [Mich.], to Robert Stuart, agent American Fur Co., 1824 Aug. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Crawford, Mazie. Letter : to Mr. W.M. Camp, Chicago, Ill., 1916 Feb. 18, 1919 Mar. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riordan, D. M. (Denis Matthew), 1848-1928. Report : Navajo Agency, Fort Defiance, Ariz., 1883 Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents pertaining to the Hacienda de Santa Inés, property of the Jesuits of the Colegio de Tepotztlán 1567-1745. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780. Journals of the travels of Jonathan Carver in the year 1766 and 1767, [1766 May 20-1768 July 21]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents concerning the encomiendas of Margarita de Legaspi and her sister Teresa Garcés in the pueblos of Izmiquilpa and Zumpango, 1589 April 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camp, Walter Mason, 1867-1925. Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to [Clara A.] Smith, Newberry Library, Chicago, [Ill.], 1914 Feb. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Diaz de la Vega, Joseph. Establecimiento y progresos delas misiones de la antigua California : y Memorias piadosas de la nacion indiana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820. Mason County state of Kentucky : the deposition of Daniel Boon [sic], 1799 Mar. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilkinson, James, 1757-1825. James Wilkinson letters, 1792-1818. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Hacienda. Administración General de Tributos. Ynstrucción del Real Haber espedida á favor del Sor. Dn. José Pérez y López. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mosher, John. Know all men by these presents that wee John Mosher & James Mosher both of the Town of Darthmouth [i.e. Dartmouth] ... being sons of Hugh Mosher ... : deed, 1714 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Documents pertaining to the Xiu family of Yucatán, Mexico, 1608 Feb.-1817 Oct 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820. Speeches : [Fort Mackinac, Mich.], 1796 Sept. 6-7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio, d. 1625. General history of the deeds of the Castilians in the islands and continent of the (western) ocean / written by Antonio de Herrera, chronicler-in-chief to His Majesty for the Indies and his chronicler for Castille. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mas, Sinibaldo de, 1809-1868. Viage por el ystmo desde Manila a Suez. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo). Inform[e]s sobre abilitacion á los Labrador[e]s por los Moliner[o]s y Panader[o]s en 14 de Septiembre de 1792. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cofradía de San Nicolás de Tolentino (Sacapulas, Guatemala). Account book of the Cofradía de San Nicolás de Tolentino in Sacapulas, Guatemala, 166[4] April 4-1857 Aug. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Frater, Jno. T. (John Taylor), b 1848. Diary [Leech Lake Agency, Onigum, Minn.], 1907 Oct. 9 - 1910 Nov. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Isle Massacre ou Dauphine. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). To all people to whome these presents shall come greet[in]g : whereas the Rev[eren]d Daniel Wadsworth of Hartford in the county of Hartford and colony of Connecticut in New England late dec[ease]d ... agreement, 1765 Aug. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vetch, Samuel, 1668-1732. Orders : [Boston, Mass.], to Capt. Pickering and instructions to be given to two Indians to be sent to Montreal & Quibeck, 1709 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dato de Patuan. Letter and passport : Sibugay [i.e. Sibuguey], 1826. Newberry Library
creatorOf Altamirano, Pedro Ignacio, 1693-1770. Legal brief concerning tithes owed by the Jesuits in Mexico to the king of Spain, [between 1746 and 1759]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Balboa, Faustino de. Papers pertaining to the employment of Faustino de Balboa in the Real Hacienda de Filipinas, 1830 Sept. 23-1833 Aug. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1778-1787 : Basco y Vargas). Fragment of a letter : Manila, from the judges of the Audiencia to the king, Charles III, concerning sale of lands confiscated from the Jesuits, 1783. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morán, Francisco, fl. 1625. Arte en lengua cholti que quiere decir lengua de milperos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Financial accounts of Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui relating to reimbursement of job-related expenses 1859 June 6-1863 May 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davis, Charles A., fl. 1900. Charles A. Davis papers, 1854-1901. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gándara y Navarro, José de la. Copy of the report of the commission on the conflicting naval, military, and civil jurisdictions responsible for the defense of Manila and the settlements outside the city limits 1868 Nov. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf South Carolina. Governor (1785-1787 : Moultrie). Message : Charleston, [S.C.], to Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, 1786 Feb. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Menard, Pierre, 1766-1844. Letter : Kaskaskia [Ill.] to Mr. P[ierre] Chouteau, St. Louis, 1840 Mar. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnard, D. J., Captain. Copy of a letter, with Spanish translation : Mexico City, to Don José Joaquín Herrera, 1848 June 2-3. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Timothy Pickering letters, 1795-1798, bulk 1795. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wheeler, Olin Dunbar, 1852-1925. Olin Dunbar Wheeler papers, 1892-1924. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brackenridge, H. M. (Henry Marie), 1786-1871. Letter : Cincinnati, [Ohio], to Richard Smith, Washington City, 1831 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Riquelme, Luis. Documents concerning purchase of supplies and equipment for the military expedition to Cochinchina, 1858 Aug. 2-17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Luthereau, J. G. A. (Jean Guillaume Antoine), b. 1810. Histoire des républiques centro-américaines, ou, Grey-Town devant l'Europe / par M.M.J.A.L. et Ch. de V. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Superintendencia General. Copy of a royal decree establishing sick leave policy for Spanish citizens employed in overseas colonies, [ca. 1855]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Granada. Viceroy (1789-1796 : Ezpeleta). Relacion del gobierno del ex[celentísi]mo señor don José de Ezpeleta, &, en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada : con expresion de su actual estado en los diversos ramos que abraza, de lo qe. queda por hacer, y de lo que puede adelantarse en cada uno. Formada en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto por las Leyes de Indias, para entregar al ex[celentísi]mo s[eño]r dn. Pedro Mendinueta, & . electo virrey gobernador y capitan general de dicho reyno. Año de 1796. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hartley, Thomas, 1748-1800. Letter : Yorke, [Pa.], to Brigadier General Edward Hand, Wyoming, [Pa.], 1779 June 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saavedra y Meneses, Aureliano. Report recommending the establishment of a commission to prepare a hydrographic survey of the Philippine archipelago, 1854 March 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir, 1763-1820. Note : Adelphi, [London, Eng.], to Messrs. Cadell & Davies, [London, Eng.], 1807 Feb. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Weltfish, Gene, 1902-1980. Gene Weltfish Pawnee field notes, 1935. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lauson de Charny, Charles de, c. 1629-ca. 1690. Charitable donation of land to benefit the poor of Québec, 1665 July 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). Message : Albany, [N.Y.], to the New York State Legislature, [Albany, N.Y.], 1794 Mar. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willett, Marinus, 1740-1830. Letters and history, 1778-[ca. 1782]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Diocese of Nueva Segovia (Philippines). Bishop (1604-1613 : Soria). License issued by the bishop of Nueva Segovia authorizing Dominicans to evangelize the province and valley of Ituy, 1609 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dinsmore, Silas. Silas Dinsmore papers, 1794-1796. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apthorp, Charles, 1698-1758. Charles Apthorp correspondence, 1738-1751, bulk 1738-1739. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Dirección General de Ultramar. Edict concerning salaries and allowances of military officers serving overseas in America and the Philippines, 1812 July 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sterling, Robert. Petition : West Florida, to Peter Chester, governor of West Florida, 1776 July. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter : [Washington, D.C.], to George W. Campbell, [Washington, D.C.], 1817 Jan. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parent, James L. Letter : Adamsville, Mich., to John A. Sweetman, Charlton, Saratoga Co., N.Y., 1837 Dec. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pareja y Alba, Carlos. Copies of two opinions concerning the appointments of Justo Mejillano and Leonardo Martín de Angeles to the position of notary clerk for the province of Cavite, [ca. 1864]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letters : to Jos ́Fernando Ramírez, Mexico, 1852 May 28-1862 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cabildo Eclesiástico de Manila (Manila, Philippines). Certified copy of a license authorizing the Dominicans to evangelize the province of Cagayan, 1595 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mansfield, Jared, 1759-1830. Letter : Cincinnati, [Ohio], to Joseph Larwell [i.e. Larwill], Zanesville, [Ohio], 1812 Jan. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Illinois Land Company (1835-1839). Records : 1832-1842. Newberry Library
creatorOf Quito (Audiencia). Presidente (1616-1636 : Morga). Title page and introductory note by Antonio de Morga to the second volume of his compilation of cédulas, Segundo tomo de recopilación de cédulas, 1633 June 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. Sumaria relacón de todas las cosas que an sucedido en la Nueva España : y de muchas cosas que los Tultecas alcanc̜aron y supieron desde la creacion del mundo asta su destruction y benida de los terceros pobladores chichimecas hasta la benida de los españoles sacada de la original istoria desta Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Neville, Presley, 1756-1818. Letter : Pittsburg to his excellency Thomas Mifflin Esqr., Governor of Pennsylvania, 1792 Aug. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benjamin Smith & Co. The public to Benj. Smith & Co ... : bill, 1756 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ascensión, Antonio de la, 1573?-1636. Relación de la jornada que hizo el general Sevastian Vizcayno d[e]l descubrimiento de las Californias el año de 1602 : por mandado del ex[celentísi]mo s[eñ]or conde de Monterey, virrey que era dela Nueva España / escrita por el r.p. Fray Antonio dela Ascensión dela Or[de]n Descalza de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, uno delos tres religiosos que fueron a d[ic]ha jornada. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico. Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. Cuadro general de la legion estrangera aucsiliar [1840?-1860?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Occom, Mary. Letter : Mohegan in New London, [Conn.], to [Eleazar] Wheelock, [Lebanon, Conn.], 1767 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eames, Wilberforce, 1855-1937. Letters, 1890-1892. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip I, King of Castile, 1478-1506. Ordenaçión. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revilla, Juan Baptista. Correspond[enci]a de los sen[or]es dn. Joseph Raon y dn. Domin[g]o Basaraz, con la Corte : num[er]o. 34. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. Letter : New York, to Honorable Lt. Governor Penn, 1766 July 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pound, Cuthbert Winfred, 1864-1965. Letter : Lockport, N.Y., to W.H. Samson, Rochester, N.Y., 1907 Feb. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mendoza, Andrés de. Letter : Lappari [Philippines], to the provincial, 1754 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mercer, W. A. (William Allen). Diary : Leech Lake Agency, headquarters at Walker, Minn., 1899 Feb. 25 - Apr. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thomas, Lucas, d. 1723. Copies of letters from Father Lucas Thomas in China and the Philippines to family members in Jumilla, Spain, [ca. 1772]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning the construction of a permanent church in Plan del Río in the diocese of Puebla, Mexico 1788 Aug. 20-1794 July 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gonzalez family. Gonzalez family papers, 1759-1914 (bulk 1850-1900). Newberry Library
creatorOf Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850. Letters, 1839-1842. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peters, William. Statement of Wm. Peters & J. Duché, 1757. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nah, José María. [Chilam Balam de Nah]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Campomanes, Pedro Rodríguez, conde de, 1723-1803. Reflexiones sobre el comercio español á Indias / por el Sr. Dn. Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillerbia (Manila). Fiscalbia de S.M. Opinion of the fiscal concerning the residencia of Francisco Olaguer Felin, 1863 July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf McCleary, Robert. Letter : Frederick, Okla., to Whitelaw Sanders, Wamego, Kan., 1917 Oct. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf James, George Wharton, 1858-1923. Letter : San Diego, Calif., to [Edward E.] Ayer, 1916 June 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mariner, Joan. Llibreta de cant pla de Fra Joan Mariner / enseÿnada per lo P. Nado en Gerona en lo ân 1769. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cozar, Prudencio de. Diario de lo ocurrido en la toma y destruccion de la isla Roatan pr. las armas españolas, al mando del mariscal de campo dn. Matias de Galvez, precidte. y capn. g[ene]ral. del reyno de Guatemala. Newberry Library
creatorOf Avendano y Loyola, Andres de. [Map of Lake Petén region in Guatemala]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV). Collection of órdenes and cédulas reales of Charles IV to the Real Audiencia in Mexico City 1800-1803. Newberry Library
creatorOf Campa, Miguel de la. Diario del viage, que con el fabor de Dios emprende hacer a bordo de la fragata del rey nombrada el Santiago : desde el puerto de San Blas al nuevo descubrimiento por la costa de Monterrey hasta el grado sesenta y cinco / por fr. Miguel de la Campa. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. [Map showing route of the merchant ship Rattler around South America]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Sermones en la lengua quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Real Hacienda de Filipinas. Resumen del presupuesto general de valores de las rentas y gramos : que se administran por dicha Contaduría. Newberry Library
creatorOf Canul, Joan. [Ritual of the Bacabs]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coloma y Maceda, Francisco, 1617-1677. Notarial copies of documents pertaining to the will and disposition of property of Francisco de Coloma and his wife María de Cuellar y Cisneros of Manila, 1675 Feb. 2-1685 Sept. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799. Letter : [Williamsburg, Va.] to George Wythe, 1777 May 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Incipiu[n]t Ep[isto]l[a]e et Eva[n]gelia, qu[a]e in diebus dominicis p[er] anni totius circulum legu[n]t[u]r : traducta in lingua[m] Mexicana[m]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Enmegahbowh, J. J. (John Johnson), 1812?-1902. Letter : White Earth, [Minn.], to Miss M.M. Johnston ... League of Ascension Church, 1900 Apr. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ballenger, Thomas Lee, 1882-1987. Thomas Lee Ballenger papers, 1730-1968 (bulk 1835-1968). Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilson, John, d. 1862. John Wilson letters, 1859-1865. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). An account of what I lost at the Fort Machushit, [1746]-1747. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Board of Trade. Letter : Whitehall, to the [Earl of Bellomont], 1700 June 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letter : Manila, from a Jesuit, describing the opposition of the Augustinians to the presence of the Jesuits on Panay Island, [ca. 1669]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Marina. Compendio historico de las navegaciones practicadas por oficiales, y pilotos en buques de la Real Armada, sobre las costas septentrionales de las Californias : con el objeto de descubrir, y determinàr la extension y posicion de sus distritos è islas adyacentes / ordenado por un oficial de la marina real española. Mèxico, año de 1799. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dionne, N.-E. (Narcisse-Eutrope), 1848-1917. Letter : Quebec, [Que.], to Justin Winsor, Harvard College, Cambridge, [Mass.], 1889 Nov. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Six Nations. Petition : Oneida [N.Y.], to the Secretary of War, 1823 June 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ibbotson, Henry. Diary : tour through the state of New York from its metropolis to the western extremity on Niagara River, 1829 July 21-29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilson, Benjamin Davis, 1811-1878. [Account of frontier life in New Mexico and California between 1833 and 1877] : typescript, [between 1901 and 1920?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Illinois. Governor (1838-1842 : Carlin). Thomas Carlin, governor of the state of Illinois : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : commission, 1839 Jan. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Ejecutoria del pleito seguido entre Religiosos de la Compañía de Jesus y el general Dn. Juan Tello de Guzman como marido de Da. Margarita Figueroa, sobre los bienes [de] su hermana Da. Juana : dada en Manila 23 de Junio de 1606. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Regulations and acknowledgments concerning tax collection in Camarines Sur, 1863 June 30-1864 Jan. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Watkins, Erwin C., 1839-1911. Erwin Watkins-Simeon Whiteley papers, 1863-1920, bulk 1863-1878. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [Spanish-Cuyunon vocabulary]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887. The prophet of the sun : a romance of history / by Mary H. Eastman. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). To the Kings most excellent majesty : the humble address of your majestys loyal subjects subscribers here of freeholders & inhabitants within your majestys province of New Hampshire: petition, [1740]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Documents pertaining to the lawsuit between Margarita de Figueroa and the Colegio de Santa Potenciana over possession of the encomiendas of the villages of Guas and Libon, 1611 July 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf McNulty, James Madison. Letter and history : [Santa Fe, N.M.?], to Brig Gen. W.A. Hammond, Washington, D.C., [1863?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kimball & Lawrence. Blotter #8 : commencing Novr. 11th 1872, ending June 5th 1873 : account book, 1872-1873. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Report on the Batallón de Inválidos y Dispersos de México [ca. 1840]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villanueva y Chavarri, Francisco Xavier de. Breve resumen y noticia del descubrimiento dela Nueva España, demarcacion y descripcion de aguellas provincias, divididas en las cinco audiencias que la goviernan; estado de sus iglesias; sus erecciones; noticia delos obispos que hasta aora las han governado : division de sus diezmos, bulas, de la concesion de estos, del patronato y de la America a los reyes catolicos; con otras noticias mui importantes de aquellos dominios / escrivialó Dn. Francisco Xavier de Villanueva y Chavarri, Oficial dela Secretaria de la Nueba Espana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Bishop (1578-1594 : Salazar). License granting the Dominicans permission to establish a convent in Manila, 1587 Aug. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Basseta, Domingo de. Vocabulario de lengua quiché de Fr. Domingo de Basseta : el qual empieza con lengua [quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sajat, Louis. Letter : [New York State?], to Monsieur Martain [Martin], Champguyon, Marne [France], 1823 Jan. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vindel, Pedro. Memorias concernientes ala expedicion que vajo de las hordenes del Exmo. Sor. Dn. Juan de Villalba. Newberry Library
creatorOf Placide, Tom. Essay on the Welsh Indians, [not before 1851] / written by Tom Placide. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lardizábal, Vicente de. Letters and promissory note : Idiazabal, Spain, to Martín Antonio de Huici, 1795 Feb. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf San Diego, Juan de. [Sermons, prayers, and confessional responses in Quiché, with a Spanish-Quiché vocabulary]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Braddock, Edward, 1695?-1755. Major-General Edward Braddock orderly books February 26th-June 11, 1755, and June 12th-June 17th, 1755 : typescript, [between 1889 and 1908?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pendleton, Brian, ca. 1599-1681. Know all men by these presents that wee Captaine Bryan Pendleton, Captaine Richard Waldren & Mr John Seely being agents for the Widdow Ebet Wootten ... : deed, 1656 Jan. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V). Order issued by Philip V of Spain concerning a request to designate the Beaterio de Santa Rosa in Puebla, Mexico as a convent 1717 June 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marin, Joseph Thomas. Letter : Aparri [Philippines], to the Provincial [Gerónimo Sanz Ortiz], 1752 Sept. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, Manuel, don. [Map of planned attack to recapture Fort San Marcos de Apalache, Saint Marks, Fla. in 1800]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willis, William, 1794-1870. Letter : Portland, [Me.], [not before 1840], Oct. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wellington, J. W. J.W. "Duke" Wellington slide collection, [ca. 1950]-1975. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cresap, Mary. Letter : to Col. John B. Howard, Near Joppa Cross Roads, Baltimore County, Md., [178-]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Erskine, Ebenezer, 1680-1754. [Documents concerning faith, duties, and clergy of the Associate Presbytery of Scotland], [1846-1860]. Newberry Library
creatorOf González, José María. Documents concerning the proposal to establish a Capuchin convent in Dolores 1809 Jan. 21-1810 April 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clemencín, Diego, 1765-1834,. Letters and documents concerning the Spanish American colonies during their struggle for independence 1809 Dec. 1-1829 Aug. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Esclavos del Sacramento. Constituciones de la mui ilustre Archicofradía del Santisimo Sacramento y Caridád : fundada con autoridád apostolica en esta santa iglesia metropolitana de México. Newberry Library
creatorOf Grover, Joel. Journal, 1850-1853. Newberry Library
creatorOf Enríquez, Antonio. Letter : [Manila], to Amigo Sr. Romero, [1867]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kirkland, Joseph, 1770-1844. Draft (financial) : Whitestown, N.Y., to Thomas Eddy, New York, N.Y., 1804 May 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hughes, John. Letter : Yreka, [Calif.], to R.C. Willi[a]mson and Carie [Eaton, Ohio?], 1856 July 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zárate Salmerón, Gerónimo. Relaciones de todas las cosas que en el nuevo Mexico se han visto, y sabido assi por Mar como por tierra desde el año de 1538 hasta el de 1626 / por el Padre Geronimo de Zarate Salmeron Predicador dela Orden de los menores de la Provincia del Santo Evangelio: Dirigidas a Nro. Rmo. Pe. Fr. Franco. de Apodaca Padre de la Provincia de Cantabria, y Comisario General de todas las de esta Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Page, John, of Groton (Mass.). Deposition : Groton, Mass., 1666 Jan. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Libro primero de la recopilacion de las cedulas, cartas, prouisiones, y ordenanzas reales, que en diferentes tiempos sean despachado para el gouierno de las Indias Occidentales / puesta en forma breve de leyes y reducida a titulos y materias por el doctor Ivan de Solorzano Pereira, oydor dela Real Audiencia de la Ciudad de los Reyes del Peru. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. Stephen Williams papers, 1716-1753. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pilling, James Constantine, 1846-1895. James Constantine Pilling letters, 1881-1894. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. [Map showing the Pacific ocean routes of the merchant ship Rattler off the coasts of Peru, the Galapagos Islands, and Central America]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Memoranda and papers, 1866 Jan. 9-1867 Dec. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Angeles, Juan de los. Letter of recommendation on behalf of Francisco de Montemayor y Mancilla 1665 June 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Ejemplos, discursos y vidas de santos]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Alexander Ramsay, 1793-1837. Seven days of the life of a soldier, or, Journal of a tour from Green Bay to Mackinac in a bark canoe [manuscript] / by Major Alex R. Thompson, U.S. Army, June 1831. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bureau, Marie Hubert. Voyage aux grandes Antilles et dans les Etats-unis d'Amérique pendant les années 1803 et 1804 / par Marie Hubert Bureau, chirurgien auxiliaire de la marine, 1805. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento de Cotabatto. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Letter : London, to My dear Sir, 1847 Mar. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mena, Pablo. [Medicina maya]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bliss, J. J. Map showing the present Colville Indian Reservation and the proposed addition of the Colville Valley W.T. / J.J. Bliss, Portland, Og. del. 1876. Newberry Library
creatorOf Crisp, D. H. (Downing H.). History of the Texas Navy, 1837-1843, [ca. 1843]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Visayan Islands (Philippines). Gobernador politico militar (1862 : Molto). File of documents pertaining to the creation of official civil registries in the Visayan Islands 1862 July 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1500-1558. Copies of lineage papers and coats of arms for the León Cardona family and for Josef María Martínez Zevallos 1783-1794. Newberry Library
creatorOf Steel, Henry. Letter : Lukfatu Chahta Yakne and Eagle Town, [Indian Territory], to Robert Steel, Abington, Pa., 1836 Mar. 22-29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Farando, Joseph. Copy of documents pertaining to Farando's request to the Manila town council for recommendations of his character and military service [1770?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jiménez de Enciso, Andrés. Power of attorney : to Diego and Pedro Jiménez de Enciso, 1596 July 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Petition seeking support for the appointment of Fernando Media Aldea as "alcalde mayor" for Camarines province, [1810?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Letter Pittsburgh, Pa., to Thomas Mif[f]lin, [Philadelphia], Pa., 1791 Apr. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leo S. Olschki (Firm). Relacion del viaje y jornada que larmada de su Mag. hizo del descubrimiento de las Yslas del poniente : que partio del puorto de la navidad delano 1564 de que fue por general el muy Illmo. señor Miguel Lopez de Legaspi. Newberry Library
creatorOf Piomingo, Chickasaw chief, fl. 1791. A talk delivered [to] Genl Joseph Martin by Piamingo [sic] chief warrior of the Chickasaw Nation ... for His Excellency Samuel Johnson [i.e. Johnston] ... governor of the state of North Carolina : Long Island of the Holston, [Tenn.], 1789 Sept. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Payo Sanz, Joseph. Letters : Madrid, Spain, to Juan Antonio Archimbaud, [Manila?], 1774 Nov. 26-1775 March 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguilar, Francisco. Sermón de Ntra. Sra. del Stmo. Rosario : año de 1818 : poconchi. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adams, John, Lieutenant. United States to Leut. Adams ... : for expenses bring from Ft. Deposit to Nashville 44 public horses, by order of Genl. Jackson : bill and receipt, 1814 July 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Territory of Orleans. Superior Court. Indictment : of Joseph Solis by the grand jurors, 1809 Dec. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Plan du Fort des Yachoux, concession de Mgr. le Duc de Belle Isle et associez. Detruit 1729. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hernández Spina, Vicente. Apuntamto. del idioma kiché : junio 10 1854. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hammond, George, 1763-1853. Letter : Philadelphia, to Lieutenant Governor [John Graves] Simcoe, Niagara, [Ont.], 1792 Sept. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. [Nahuatl glyph map of Aztec migration from Aztlan to Tenochtitlán]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo). Documents concerning the administration of the viceroyalty of New Spain under the conde de Revillagigedo [microform] 1783-1794 (bulk 1790-1794) Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1678-1684 : Vargas Hurtado). Letter : Manila, to the duquesa de Arcos y Aveyra, [Spain], 1680 Jan. 15-June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tree, Lambert, 1832-1910. Letter and certificate, [ca. 1894]-1903. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vindel, Pedro. Ynforme sobre un nuevo plan de trabajos hidrograficos en Filipinas por D. Aureliano Saavedra, 1854 July 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Notes for a life of Wm. Kennedy, 1846-1851. Newberry Library
creatorOf Giles, Charles,. Kiowa Indian ledger drawings, [between 1880 and 1890]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tavarnier, Pedro. Documents concerning the role of the Jesuits of the Colegio de Santo Tomás in Manila in instigating a revolt by the natives of Silang, 1745 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnard, Timothy, 1745-1820. The following interrogatory's were put by the governor to Mr. Timothy Barnard : which produced the following answers : questionnaire, 1786 July 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. Documents pertaining to cases heard by Bishop Zumárraga as Apostolic Inquisitor of Mexico [between 1540 and 1543]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848. John Quincy Adams, President of the United States of America : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : land grant, 1828 May 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Meares, John, 1756?-1809. [Map of Nootka Sound, British Columbia]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mitchell, David Brydie, 1766-1837. David Brydie Mitchell papers, 1777-1843, bulk 1807-1822. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández del Pulgar, Pedro, d. 1697. Transcripts of selected documents from various archives in Spain, [between 1916 and 1929] Newberry Library
creatorOf Dios González, Juan de. Reconocimiento que se manifiesta por el adjunto plan de la provincia de Yucatan y parte de la costa de Honduras : desde Punta de Castilla pasando por el oeste, y Cavo de Catocha hasta la isla de Fris o presidio del Carmen ... / que de orden de Dn. Christoval de Sallas Governor. de aquella Provincia executo el año de 1766 el ingeniero Dn. Juan de Dios Gonzalez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blair, John. Dr. the United States in account with John Blair Cr. : account, [between 1812 and 1815]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875,. Brief account of a judicial inquiry into the case of doña Ana, accused of using witchcraft to persuade her Indian lover, don Andrés, to marry her [between 1530 and 1549]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, J. Robert. Journal of a trip across the plains of the U.S. from Mo. to Cal. / by J. Robert Brown, 1856 April 29-Oct. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cross, James, b. 1795. [Account and docket books] : Jackson County, Mich., 1835-1862. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ilustre, Benito. Salsaleta ti maysa a Baquit. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kennerly, James, 1792-1840. Skins from the Fort Osage & Prairie du Chien factories : list, 1822 June 25 / in Mr. Kennerlys hand. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. Summary of official recommendations and correspondence concerning the formation of volunteer militias for the defense of the Parral region of Mexico [ca. 1779]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Trevisani, Francesco Maria, 1764-1843. Miscellanea di opuscoli su di varie materia : che nella seguente indice si annotano. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Noticias de la nueva California. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catlin, George, 1796-1872. Letters, 1827-[1870]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Dirección General de Rentas. Instruccion gral. de rentas rles. de 1816. Newberry Library
creatorOf Muzquiz, Miguel de. Letter : [Palacio de] San Ildefonso, [Spain], to Miguel de Muzquiz, concerning the merits and services of Juan Francisco Solano, 1782 Aug. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pimentel, Juan Antonio. Notarial record of fines paid by Juan Antonio Pimentel, 1689 June 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pech, Nakuk, fl. 1562. Códice Nakuk-Pech. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Tarifa que señala las pensiones con que se asistirá en América a las familias de los yndividuos comprendidos en los beneficios del Monte Pío militar, [between 1770 and 1870?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico. Ministerio de Justicia y Negocios Eclesiásticos. Memorandum to criminal court judges from the Ministerio de Justicia concerning abuses in sentencing criminals 1849 Nov. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Watson, Elmo Scott, 1892-1951. Elmo Scott Watson papers, 1816-1951 bulk 1920-1951. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. General Assembly. Accounts, 1707-1709. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ellffryth, Daniell, fl. 1608-1640. To the right honorable Companye of Adventurers, of the cittye of Westminster for the island of Providence : yo[u]r humble servant wisheth all health and prosperitie in this life, & everlastinge happiness in the life to come, [ca. 1631]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gonzales de Mendoza, Francisco. Carta de pago / que otorgó el maestre de campo d[o]n. Francisco Gonzales de Mendoza de 9,293 pesos 6 tomines y 6 1/2 granos de plata ensayada en favor del maestre de campo Garci Tello de Sandoval pasó ante Franc[is]co de Mendoza en la ciudad de Saña del Perú 16 de marzo de 1639 : consta ademas otra carta de pago 13,730 pesos 3 tomines y 10 1/2 granos de plata. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hatch, Edwin A. C. (Edwin Aaron Clark), 1825-1882. Diary, 1855-1856. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1876-1879 : Payo). Letter : Manila, to the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo [Spain], [1876?] May 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1770-1776 : Anda y Salazar). Letters : Manila, to the Conde de Aranda, 1772 July 21-July 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ramírez, José Fernando, 1804-1871,. [Vocabulario otomi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perkins, Joshua Newton, 1804-1876. Letters regarding the Illinois Central Railroad Company : Chicago and Bourbonnais, Ill., 1853 Jan. 9-1929 Jan. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Richard W. (Richard Wigginton), 1809-1900. Memorandum : Washington, [D.C.], 1852 July 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beebe, William Sully, 1841-1898,. The sacred book. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. [Map of the ruins at Palenque, Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878. Calendario de los indios de Guatemala : 1685 : Cakchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas. Documents pertaining to the administration and liquidation of the obras pías of the Jesuits following their expulsion from the Philippines 1743 Nov. 6-1804 Jan. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ridley, William, 1836-1911. Letters : Metlakatla, B.C., 1887-1892. Newberry Library
creatorOf Talotuskee, Cherokee Indian. Know all men by these presents that we Talotuskee, Colomiskee, and Nelly of the Cherokee Nation of Indians ... do ordain, nominate, constitute, and appoint Gideon Morgan of the county of McMinn in the state of Tennessee our true and lawful attorney ..., 1825 Nov. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. [Sermones en la lengua tarasca]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Howard, Dresden W. H., b. 1817. Letter : Wauseon, O[hio], to A.P. Edgerton, Washington, D.C., [ca. 1920]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, John, Sir, 1742-1830. Letter : [Montreal, Que.?], to Lord Sydney, [London, Eng.?], f 1785 Feb. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1874-1877 : Malcampo). Government order of Sept. 30, 1875 concerning reforms in the administration of the agricultural reform colony on Balabac Island, 1875. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cosher, Thomas. Invoice : the publick to Thos. Cosher, 1755. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Diario de la expediccion qe. pr. mar se hizo el año pasado de [17]74 : con destino de reconocer las costas de la California septentrional hasta la altura de 60 grados de latitud al norte. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gibbon, John, 1827-1896. Letter : Fort Shaw, M[ontana] T[erritory], to Bishop [Daniel Sylvester] Tuttle, 1877 Sept. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867. Letter : Neuwied [Germany], to H.L. Brönner, 1818 July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Balboa, Faustino de. Copies of documents pertaining to Faustino de Balboa's employment in the accounting office of the Ministries of the Army and the Treasury 1831 July 12-Oct. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harrison, Richard, 1750-1841. Letter : Philadelphia, to Manuel de Gayoso [i.e. Manuel Gayoso de Lemos], Natches, 1792 Feb. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mayhew, Thomas, 1593?-1682. The 9th day of January 1670 agreed by my self and Kochanomin that the town of Mannitootan in Takemmy shall remain for ever in the possession of the praying men : [Martha's Vineyard, Mass.], [between 1694 and 1710]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boturini Benaducci, Lorenzo, 1702-1751,. [Codex Tepotzotlán]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jones, James Athearn, 1791-1854. Warfare of the North American Indians / by James Athearn Jones, 1830. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thomlinson, John. Petition : to the King's most excellt. Majesty in Council, 1749 Jan. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Juana, la Loca, Queen of Castile, 1479-1555. Documents concerning concessions and privileges granted to the Tlaxcalan Indians by the Spanish monarchs 1732-1808. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chavez family. Chavez family papers 1704-1929 (bulk 1830-1929). Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguirre, Domingo de. Testymono. ala letra de la real executoria de hydalguía y filiazion armas, timbres, y blazones, y mandamto. de amparo de nobleza perthenezte. al señor don Vizente Manuel de Sardaneta y Legaspi rexidor capitular alce. provl. de la Sta. Hermd. y ordinario de primera eleccion de la ciudad de Guanaxuato. Newberry Library
creatorOf Solís y Rosales, José Vicente, 1820?-1879. Vocabulario de la lengua maya / compuesto y redactado por el Dr. Don José Vicente Solis y Rosales de Mérida para el uso del Sr. abate Brasseur de Bourbourg, quien le da aquí las gracias. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rojo del Río y Vieira, Manuel Antonio, 1708-1764. Relacion de las operaciones del Arzobispo de Manila, Governador y Capitan Gral. de las Philipinas del tiempo de su Govierno, de las expedidas en tiempo del sitio o asedio de los Ingleses á la Capital de Manila, de su toma por assalto, y de las qe. subsiguieron á este desgraciado sucsso : para defenza de su fama, y nombre, ajados y atropellados de la emulacion por sus calumnias, injurias, y contumelias de palabra y por escrito en cartas y libelos famosos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcaldía mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Form reports listing municipal revenues deposited in the royal treasury, 1863 Nov. 14-Nov. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ives, Benjamin. Bill : Albany, N.Y., to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1756 Dec. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blount, William, 1749-1800. William Blount papers, 1794-1796. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Attorney General's Office. Before the Commissioners of the Land Office of the state of New York in the matter of the memorial of the Cayuga Nation of Indians : report, 1906 Mar. [29] / respectfully submitted Julius Mayer, attorney general. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Histoire du Mexique par figures / traduction du méxicain en espagnole et en français par moi : les peintures sont diffuse et contradictoires et ne sont que des copies très inéxactes postérieures à la conquèste : le tracé no. 127 que je possède est le seul guide avec lequel on peut établir les vraies dattes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Copway, George, 1818-1863?. Letter : New York, to H.B. Hurst [i.e. Hirst], Philadelphia, 1851 June 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gagnon, Philéas, 1854-1915. Letter and tracings : Saint-Roch de Québec, to J.C. Pilling, Esq., [Washington, D.C.], 1888 Dec. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. Bocabulario dela lengua cakchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Havana (Cuba). Governor (1765-1770 : Bucareli). Letter : Havana, Cuba, to the conde de Aranda, Madrid, Spain, 1770 May 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Consultas sobre Cochinchina. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morga, Antonio de, 1559-1636. Relación de las Islas Filipinas y de sus naturales, antiguedad, costumbres y govierno, asi en tiempo de su gentilidad como despues que los Españoles las conquistaron, con otras particularidades : capitulo octavo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fordham, Elias Pym. Range X, township II east of 3rd meridian. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, Daniel. Letters, 1783-1784. Newberry Library
creatorOf Haupt, Herman. Herman Haupt papers, 1897-1921. Newberry Library
creatorOf Croix, Carlos Francisco de Croix, marqués de, 1699-1786. Documents concerning the expulsion of the Jesuits from Mexico in 1767 1767-1781. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martel de Gayangos, Antonio. Croquis de la laguna de Lanao ó Ganasi segun datos adquiridos por Don Antonio Martel de Gayangos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Diario para los puertos de Sn. Diego y Monte Rey por tierra, que para maior honrra y gloria de Dios, y conversion de los infieles a nra. sta. fee catholica emprehendio dho. R.P. Presidte. Fr. Junipero Serra desde su mision, y real presidio de Na. Sa. del Loreto en la California : (despues de aver visitado las misiones del sur; y alli concurrido y communicado largamte. sobre esta expedicion con el Illusmo. Sr. Dn. Joseph de Galvez del Consejo y Camara de su Magd., visitadr. gral. de esta Nueva España y principal director y commandante de estas conquistas) dia 28 de marzo, 3o. dia de Pascua de Resurección del año de 1769. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Legal documents from Cacalchén, Mexico, 1646-1826. Newberry Library
creatorOf Alexander, W. D. (William De Witt), 1833-1913. Letter : Honolulu, to Henry C. Carter, New York, concerning the Hawaiian Historical Society, 1899 May 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cabello Valboa, Miguel, ca. 1530-1608?. Miscelánea antártica. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Oficios sobre Cochinchina 1858 á 185. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. Hojas de servicio de los empleados en el Ministerio de Ultramar, 1865 Dec. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Willard, Jonathan. The province dr to Jona[than] Willard by order of the selectmen ... : Sheffield, [Mass.], 1756 Oct. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rosecrantz, N. Memorandum and account : New York State, 1788 July 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Folch, Vicente. Encenada y entrada del Rio de Apalache / Vizte. Folch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Strong, William Emerson, 1840-1891. Glimpses of travel in the West : with the lieutenant general of the army, [1888]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bravo, Antonio. Cuestiones gramaticales : sus contestaciones. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hamm, David L. Moro manuscripts, [18--?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Langan, Patrick. Letter : Montreal, to Sir John Johnson, 1784 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Taviran en el brazo s[ud] del Rio Grande de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gascoigne, Stephen. Whāmē mēäurnmē tāmäsh : John 3 ch.: 16 vr., Genesis 1 ch., Mark 1 ch. to 5 ch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Malcolm, John. Bill : [Albany, N.Y.], to Mr. Livermore and Mr. Troy , 1756 Oct. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867. Letter : Neuwied [Germany], to Mr. H.E. Lloyd, 1841 Feb. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Captain General (1844-1849 : Clavería). Classified letters : Manila, to the alcalde mayor 1 ̊of the province of Tondo [Pedro Encina], 1849 Feb. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dana, James J. (James Jackson), d. 1898. James J. Dana papers, 1841-1890. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ximénez, Francisco, 1666-ca. 1722. Empiezan las historias del origen de los indios de esta provincia de Guatemala / traduzido de la lengua Quiche en la Castellana para mas commodidad de los ministros de el Sto. Evangelio por el R.P.F. Franzisco Ximenez ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Phillips, Henry E. When the first ship landed in Alaska / Henry E. Phillips, Sitka, Alaska, [1922]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Denney, Louis. Petition : to the Honorable the Legislature of the state of New York in Senate and Assembly convened, 1802 Mar. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rueda, Mathías de. Documents concerning the transfer of former Jesuit property to the Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Manila 1792 May 9-10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Louisiana. Governor (1769 : O'Reilly). Reports pertaining to the establishment and administration of Spanish rule of the province of Louisiana under Governor Alejandro O'Reilly 1771-1772. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824. Orders : 1791 Sept. 15-21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pueyo, Antonio Ignacio de. Letter : Palma [Mallorca], to Juan Ribera, 1805 Sept. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tapia Zenteno, Carlos de. Noticia de la lengua Huasteca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum de Zacapulas]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gybbon Spilsbury, Joseph Henry. Notes and drafts for Quechua-English and Quechua-Spanish dictionaries, 1886-1896. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abbott, James, 1776-1859. Letters, 1822-1824. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pedroche, Cristóbal, 1645-1715. Letter : Manila, to Father Thomas Reluz, bishop of Oviedo, Spain, 1708 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chartier de Lotbinière, René-Louis, 1641-1709. Restoration of land to the Recollects : Québec, 1670 Oct. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copies of a royal order of Feb. 29, 1856 : regulating payments of authorized expenditures from state, special, and Navy funds, [1857]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. Derrota hecha, en descubrimiento de los decantados Cesares desde Rio Bueno : hasta la altura de 45 gr[ado]s de latitud, marcados los parajes por el Condestable Pedro Jph. Alvarez / he hecho esta mapa, el año de 1777. Newberry Library
creatorOf Huici, Martín Antonio de. Letter : Madrid, to the directors of the Compañía de Filipinas, 1821 April 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apostol, Joana Bernarda. Certified copy of the disposition of the estate of María Bernarda Apostol by her executrix, Joana Bernarda Apostol 1799 July 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lee, Rebeckah. To ye honoured County Court now sitting in Charlestown ... : the humble petition of Rebeckah Lee, 1684 Apr. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Ejeŕcito. Cuerpo de Sanidad Militar. Memorandum : Manila, to the Contador General de Ejército y Hacienda, Agustín de la Cavada, concerning packing of biscuits for the Cochin China expedition, 1858 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. El texto de la doctrina christiana. Newberry Library
creatorOf Theus, Simeon, fl. 1754-1755. Accounts : South Carolina, to Simeon Theus for Indian provisions, 1754-1755. Newberry Library
creatorOf Littleman, Peter D. Know all men by these presents that I Peter D. Littleman of the town of Stockbridge county of Calumet and state of Wisconsin for and in consideration of the sum of five dollars to me in hand paid by the Stockbridge tribe of Indians ... : promissory note, 1848 Aug. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wilbor, John B. Cashbook : Huron, [Ohio], 1837 June 1 - Aug. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf González, Joseph, 1704-1762. Letter : Busay, Philippines, to Fr. Manuel deel Río, 1739 Sept. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. Voucher : The United States to Theodore Mignault, Dr., 1859 Mar. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Murray L. Wax papers Newberry Library
creatorOf Soranzo, Giacomo. Relatione di Germania / del clarissimo Giacomo Soranzo. Comentari del regno di Francia / del clarissmo. Michele Suriani Ambasciatore Veneto al Christianissimo Re Carlo nel 1562. Relatione di Spagna / fatta dall' illmo. et eccmo. Sr. Lunardo Moro Amb[asciato]re. Ord[ina]rio. per la serenissima republica di Venetia dell'anno 1627. Newberry Library
creatorOf Benteen, Frederick William, 1834-1898. Benteen-Goldin letters : letters written by Brevet Brigadier General Frederick W. Benteen, U.S.A., retired, to Sergeant Theodore W. Goldin, 7th U.S. Cavalry, 1891-1896 [and others, 1932-1933], 1934. Newberry Library
creatorOf Le Boulanger, Jean Baptiste, 1685-1740. [French and Miami-Illinois dictionary]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leandro de Viana, Franco. Judicial opinions concerning cases before the fiscal, Francisco Leandro de Viana, [ca. 1767] Feb. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dubois Davaugour, Pierre, d. 1664. Memoire sur la colonie de Quebec, Plaisance, Gaspé et Cap Breton. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1737-1789. Letter : Philadelphia, to his excellency Governor [Samuel] Huntington, 1789 Apr. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mott-Smith, John, 1824-1895. Journal of adventures to California, 1849-1851. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a royal order of Feb. 25, 1857 concerning authorization of non-budgeted government expenditures, [ca. 1857]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vogel, Virgil J. Virgil J. Vogel research and personal papers, 1941-1993. Newberry Library
creatorOf Urrutia, Bernardino. Relazion del tumulto de Mex[i]co. de 15 de henero de 1624. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. [Nahuatl glyph map of Tetlama region in Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tobler, John, 1696-1765. The public of South Carolina to John & Ulrick Tobler : accounts, 1758-1760. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Copy of legal documents pertaining to church-state conflicts in the administration of the Santa Cruzada in the Philippines, 1667 July 25-26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817. Journal, 1802. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Auer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). [Nahuatl land ownership map of property in the Teocaltitlán barrio of Mexico City]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shabni, ca. 1775-1859. Deed of conveyance : this indenture, made this first day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-five between Shab-eh-nay, a chief of the United Bands of Chippewas, Ottawas & Pattawatamis [sic] ... and A[n]sel A. Gates ... 1845 Dec. 1-5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pierce, John. Letter : Albany, N.Y., to [Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill.], 1915 Oct. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Plano del pueblo de Davao (Vergara), cabeza del 4o. distrito de la isla de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881. Letter : Albany, [N.Y.], to Col. E.S. Parker, 1838 [i.e. 1868?] Sept. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ximénez, Francisco, 1666-ca. 1722. [Historia de la provincia de San Vicente de Chiapa y Guatemala de la Orden de predicadores] Newberry Library
creatorOf Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805. Briefen deutscher Auswanderer aus Nordamerika, 1833-1834. Newberry Library
creatorOf Torres y Vargas, Diego de, 17th cent. Reports on the history, organization, and status of various Catholic dioceses of New Spain and Peru 1620-1649. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fordham, Elias Pym. Plan of Cincinnati. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. Letter : LM [Longmeadow, Mass.], to the Revd. Mr. J. Sergeant, 1743 Apr. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carlos Montezuma papers Newberry Library
creatorOf Parker, J. N. (John N.). Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to Elizabeth Parker, Boston, Mass., 1838 Dec. 3, [ca. 1921]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Testimonial letter : Gustavia, Saint-Barthélemy [Guadeloupe], to Baron de Stackelberg, Governor of Saint-Barthélemy, 1816 Oct. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bell, Adam. Incidents at and near Fall Hill : death of Warner Dygert & Nicholas Bell, 1851. Newberry Library
creatorOf Galán, Bartolomé. Informe, sobre la provincia de Tayabas / por Fr. Bartolome Galan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ilustre, Benito. Copies of unpublished chronicles of the Ilocos provinces and the Ilocos town of Candon, 1911 Dec. 7-14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1720-1752. Warrant : the Province of Massachusetts Bay, to Daniel Gookin, 1748 Nov. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Hampshire. Governor (1741-1766 : Wentworth). Letter : Portsmouth, N.H., to the Lords Commissioners of His Majestys Treasury, [London, Eng.], 1749 June 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. Letter : Observatoire de Paris, 1811 Dec. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez de los Cobos, Francisco. Cartas de frai Francisco Pérez de los Cobos y Guardiola, religioso del Orden de Descalzos de S[a]n Fran[cis]co de la provincia de S[a]n Juan Bautista y natural de Jumilla : quien tomó el abito el día 13 de julio de 1777, y luego que professó se fue a la misión de Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). Copy of a cédula granting mercedes to members of the Moctezuma family [16--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf South Carolina. Governor (1719-1921 : Moore). Message : [Charleston, S.C.], to Mr. Speaker and Gentl[eme]n, [ca. 1720]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barton, Thomas, 1730-1780. Letter : Redding [i.e. Reading, Pa.], to Richard Peters, [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1756 Feb. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Otero, Alejandro. Letter and inventory of artillery, arms, and ammunition in Fort Cabusao, 1863 June 13-16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. [Map showing routes of the merchant ship Rattler around the Falkland Islands, Tierra del Fuego, and Patagonia]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cañada, marqués de la. Letter : Puerto de Santa María, Spain, to Sr. Dn. Juan Archimbaud, 1774 July 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Atkinson, George, d. 1792. A copy of the correspondence carried on at East Main by Mr. George Atkinson in the years 1784 & 85 : letterbook. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kilby, Thomas, 1699-1746. Rec[eive]d into His Majesties stores of provisions for this garrison of Mr. Jacob Sheafe commissary to the province of New Hampshire the several provisions hereafter mentioned ... : Louisbourg, [N.S.], receipt, 1746 May 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II). Real orden no. 362 de 18 de abril de 1857 : mandando se dicten las disposiciones oportunas para que se proceda inmediatamente a preparar los trabajos necesarios para la redacción de los presupuestos, que han de regir desde 1 ̊de enero a 31 de diciembre de 1859. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gray, Edwin, b. 1743. Dr. the Nottoway Indians in acct. with Henry Taylor, John Thomas Blow, Thomas Blunt, & Edwin Gray, their trustees : account, 1774 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fiske, N. W. (Nathan Welby), 1798-1847. Notes : Savannah, Ga., 1824. Newberry Library
creatorOf Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1901 Dec. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pinart, A. L. (Alphonse Louis), 1852-1911,. Noticia brebe de los vocablos mas usuales de la lengua cakchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Superintendencia de Hacienda Pública. Record of opinions, advice, and actions proposed during 1848 by Juan Ignacio Berriz to the superintendent of the treasury for the administration and operation of the Philippine state tobacco monopoly, [ca. 1848]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kimball, Solon Toothaker. Solon Toothaker Kimball papers, 1902-1981. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carbonell de Valenzuela, Esteban. Relacion del biaxe dela California, hecho por el cappn. Francisco de Horttega cabo dela fregatta nombrada la Madre Luissa de la Ascención y el cappn. Esteban Carbonel, piloto deella y deel dho. viaje. Este año de 1632 : haciendo la desde su principio y ssalida desta ciudad de Mexco. con horden del exmo. sr. don Rodrigo Pacheco Ossorio marques de Cerralbo, birrey de esta Nueba España y cappn. general de estos reynos y fue en esta manera. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. Ruling concerning right of promotores fiscales sustitutos to practice law privately, 1865 Nov. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). A short discourse on the present state of the colonies in America with respect to the interests of Great Britain, [between 1760 and 1765]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Roberts, John Montgomery, 1807-1886. Diaries : Morton, Ill., 1830-1886. Newberry Library
creatorOf Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. Diario para los puertos de Sn. Diego y Monte Rey por tierra, que para maior honrra y gloria de Dios, y conversion de los infieles a nra. sta. fee catholica emprehendio dho. R.P. Presidte. Fr. Junipero Serra desde su mision, y real presidio de Na. Sa. del Loreto en la California : (despues de aver visitado las misiones del sur; y alli concurrido y communicado largamte. sobre esta expedicion con el Illusmo. Sr. Dn. Joseph de Galvez del Consejo y Camara de su Magd., visitadr. gral. de esta Nueva España y principal director y commandante de estas conquistas) dia 28 de marzo, 3o. dia de Pascua de Resurección del año de 1769. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Documents and papers pertaining to nobility titles of the Cordero Sarmiento family, 1607-1679. Newberry Library
creatorOf C. B. R. Curiosidades aztecas : 1881. Newberry Library
creatorOf Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865. Letter : New York, to Charles P. Chouteau, Esq. in St. Louis, Mo., 1852 May 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wharton, Samuel, 1732-1800. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to [John Baynton and George Morgan, Philadelphia, Pa.], 1765 Mar. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brookin, William. Petition : to ye honoured governor and council now sitting in Portsmouth [N.H.] in New England, 1692 Oct. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Natonamage, James, fl. 1663. Indictment : Cambridge [Mass.], James Natonamage against Nathaniel Mott for selling liquor to Indians, 1663 Oct. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Penn, William, 1644-1718. This indenture made the six and twentieth day of October ... between William Penn of Worminghurst ... and William Jenkins of the towne of Tenby ..., 1681 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). We inhabitance of St. Johns Bay ... have this day requested ... St. Ovide de Broueland ... to accorde us ... the ransom of ower goods as mentioned in the artukells as undar written : St. Johns, Nfld., [1709 Jan. 27]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ottawa Tribe. To all whom it may concern the chiefs of the Ottawa Tribe of Indians at L'Arbre-Croche, Little Traverse and elsewhere & of the Chippewas residing near Mackinac in council assembled : to Augustin Hamelin Jr. greeting : appointment, 1835 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, William, 1770-1838. Letters : St. Louis, [Mo.], to Col. J[osiah] Snelling, St. Peters and Fort St. Anthony, [Minn.], 1823-1825. Newberry Library
creatorOf Borja, Antonio de. Documents concerning visits in 1698 to parishes in Tabuco and Balayan by archbishop Diego Camacho, 1699. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. An historical account of the doings and sufferings of the Christian Indians in N. England in the years 1675, 1676, 1677 Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1754-1756 : Morris). Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to [William] Shirley, 1755 Aug. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1785-1786 : Elbert). Letter : to the kings, head men and warriors of the Creek Nation, [1785 or 1786]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte de, 1832-1916. Calling card : to Mr. Pilling, [Washington, D.C.], [1891]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vives, Juan Bautista, 1545-1632. Letter : Rome, to the Patriarca de las Indias, [Madrid?], 1607 Jan. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Payne, John Howard, 1791-1852. John Howard Payne papers, 1794-1841, 1814-1841. Newberry Library
creatorOf Preston, Leander A., 1838-1907. Items of travel of the Carner families and others across the Plains in 1860 and 1861 : from Strawberry Point, Iowa, to Yuba City, California : typescript, [1927]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Maryland. Governor (1731-1732 : Ogle). Letter : Annapolis, [Md.], to [Patrick Gordon, Philadelphia, Pa.], 1732 May 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gibson, John, 1740-1822. Letter and payment order, 1772-1781. Newberry Library
creatorOf Haskell, Daniel Hale. Journal, [ca. 1855]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newcomb, Silas, b. 1822. Journal, 1850 April 1-1851 March 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cherokee Nation. Letter : Washington City, to Luke Lea, Comr. Indn. Affairs, 1852 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Thomas, 1766-1826. Account : for payment of an express carried by Thomas Simmons, 1814 Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Casa de Contratación (Spain). Certification by Juan Bruno Tello de Guzmán of a royal order of amnesty for persons who have illegally exported precious stones and metals from the Indies 1681 March 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Escobar, Sebastián de. [Handbook of sermons, letters, and devotional material in Otomi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Folch, Vicente. Plano de la reconquista del Fuerte de S[an] Marcos de Apalache por el teniente Coronel D[o]n Vicente Folch y Juan, Gobernador de Panzacola, en 23 de Junio de 1800 / Vizte. Folch. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico. Ejército del Norte. Memorandum from the office of the general of the Ejército del Norte outlining duties of the War Division of the Treasury Department [between 1841 and 1860]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Doctrina y confesionario en lengua ixil : precedidos de un corto modo para aprender la lengua y ritual de matrimonio / por [el] cura parroco de Nebah. Newberry Library
creatorOf Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. Petition : [San Felipe del Real, Mexico?], to Charles III, [1777 Oct. 26?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. Notes and other related papers pertaining to Los popolocas, 1905-1906. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1841-1843 : Oraá Lecumberri). Apolinario de la Cruz : relación en que se da cuenta de haber estallado la conspiracion de Apolinario en Tayabas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zepeda, Manuel. Informe de S[an]ta M[ari]a Magdalena : inició en 3 de abril de 1810, y finó en 14 de setiembre de 1816. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pereli, Joseph Miguel. Documents concerning a request by the curate of Tempoal that tax revenues be allocated for the construction of a new church 1752 Nov. 13-1754 March 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. President (1899-1901 : Aguinaldo). Aviso de justicia / Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, Presidente de la Republica Filipina, Capitan General y en Jefe de su Ejército. Newberry Library
creatorOf Piña y Mazo, Pedro de. Respuesta fiscal / que en vista del IV concilio provincial de Mexico dio en su aprovacion Dn. Pedro de Piña y Mazo fiscal del Peru en agosto de 1774. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1550-1564 : Velasco). [Register of viceregal orders issued between May 7, 1552 and December 2, 1553]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Tarifa de las comisiones que para el regimen del tráfico de esta plaza ha acordado y establece la Junta de Comercio de la misma : con aprobación del Superior Gobierno, y á las que han de arreglarse, no solo las que procedan de las operaciones puramente mercantiles, sino también de todos aquellos actos ó negocios asi judiciales como extrajudiciales que por su trabajo y responsabilidad demandan un premio o recompensa segun práctica generalmente reconocida. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Códice de Calkiní. Newberry Library
creatorOf Quiroga, Vasco de, 1470-1565. Testimonio del proceso de residencia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mattison, Ray H., 1903-1980,. Records of the Creek Trading House letter book, 1795-1816, [ca. 1940]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Logement de l'autheur a la Nlle. Orleans. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. Gallapagoes Isles. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández de Córdoba y Guzmán, Martín de, d. 1618. Copia del testamento cerrado / que en 19 de mayo de 1618 otorgó d. Martín Fernandez de Cordova y Guzman, capitan a guerra y alcalde mayor de la villa de Guadalcazar, provincia de Tequantepeque, en Mexico, Nueva España ; ante Baltazar del Castillo, escribano publico de dicha villa. Fue abierto ante dicho escribano publico en dicha villa a 25 de mayo del mismo año de 1618. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Legal documents from Abiquiu, New Mexico 1759-1894 (bulk 1800-1818). Newberry Library
creatorOf Franquet, Louis, 1697-1768. Voyage du Canada 1752 : memoire des remarques faites sur les principaux endroits que jay parcourús dans ma tournée de Montreal, du Lac Champlain et autres lieux despuis le 24 juillet jusqu'au 23 aoust 1752, 1752 Dec. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Copy of a merced to Capt. Alexandro Mauro Chesalo for 400 escudos, with confirmation of payment, 1604 Jan. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1862-1865 : Echagüe). Copy of a royal order concerning compensation of Marceliano Hidalgo, 1864 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf McKelvey, William, fl. 1755. Invoice : the publick to Wm. McKelvey, Dr., 1755 Dec. 3-1756 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Consejo de Guerra Ordinario de Plaza. Votos delos once compreendidos enel proceso formado con motibo dela rendición de la Plaza dela Havana alas tropas de S.M. Britanica el dia de Agto. de 1762 : fundados en los motivos y juicios que acompañan deel Exmo. Sor. Conde de Aranda Presidente que fue del consejo de Guerra. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calvo de Castro, Rafael. Letter : Nueva Caceres, to Anastasio de Hoyos y Zendegui, 1863 May 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1831-1835 : Lumpkin). State of Georgia, by his excellency Wilson Lumpkin, Governor : land grant, 1833 Mar. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lergue, Cornelio. Draft of an opinion on Danish claims for ships seized in the Canary Islands and the Philippines, [18--]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Jones, Captain. Notes : on the Six Nations, [ca. 1800]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Codex Santa María Ocelotepec. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guichart de Kersident, Vincent Fleuri, d. 1793. 20 dimanche après la pentecoste : sur le bon usage des maladies. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hrdlička, Aleš, 1869-1943. Letter : [Washington, D.C.], to [Frederick Webb] Hodge, 1909 Sept. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Campbell, J. (John). Letter : Society Hall, Edinburgh, to Rev. Dr. Morse, 1819 Apr. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Montero Ríos, Eugenio, 1832-1914. Consulta sobre el Colegio-Universidad de Santo Tomás de Manila, y dictamen emitido por los Sres. Montero Rios, Gamazo y Maura. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morvillo, Anthony. [Sample of 2 pages of Nez Percé dictionary sent to Bureau of Ethn. for inspection]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Crooks, Ramsay, 1787-1859. Ramsay Crooks correspondence, 1822-1836, bulk 1822. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hunt, Samuel, d. 1799. Account : [Mass.], posting account, 1747 Feb. - July. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colorado. Governor (1869-1873 : McCook). Letter : Denver, Colo., to E[ly] S[amuel] Parker, Washington, D.C., 1870 Nov. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Lists of provisions and supplies pertaining to the military expedition from the Philippines to Cochin China, 1858 May 17-1859 Jan. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Copy of two letters concerning explorations and missions in California [ca. 1772]. Newberry Library
creatorOf De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822. Orders, 1778 May 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Scammell, Alexander, 1747-1781. Letter : Ti[conderoga, N.Y.], to Ebenezer Thompson, Exeter or Durham, [N.H.], 1777 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Some account of a visit paid to the Friends at Junesassa, and the Indians living on Allegany and Cataraugus Rivers agreeably to an appointment of the Committee on Indian affairs in the 8th month, 1806 : typescript, 1929 Jan. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Moreno, Francisco. Libro donde se asientan los que se mueren en este pueblo de Tepexic desde marc̦o de 1605 en adelante. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vives, Juan Bautista, 1545-1632. Letter : Rome, to the Supremo Consejo de la General Inquisición, 1609 23 May. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Board of Trade. Plantation reports, 1717-1722. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. River Pasquiel, Nicaragua. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Situations plan der Ruinen einer alten Mexicanichen Stadt bekannt unter dem Namen von los Edificios de la Quemada / aufgenommen in Gemeinschaft mit Hr. Jos: Burkart 1830, und durch speciaellere Vermessungen & Untersuchungen ergänzt in den Jahren 1833 & 1834 von C. de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cerda Sandoval Silva y Mendoza, Gaspar de la, conde de Galve, 1653-1697. Documents concerning collection of donativos or gifts to the royal treasury from residents of various towns in Mexico 1696 March 22-Dec. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Great Britain. Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III). Orders : additional instruction for our trusty and well beloved Robert Monckton Esqr., our Captain General and Governor in Chief of our Province of New York, 1761 Dec. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Cabildo. Minutes of the town council of Manila 1733 April 20-1734 March 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Polo, Eusebio. Carta de la defensa y defensa de la carta del R. Pe. Maestro Theologo : en la que se hace demonstracion de la justicia, y equidad de las ce[n]suras, en la trutina de la verdad / por El Menor De sus Discipulos. Quien la dedica y ofrece a el dulcissimo, Smo., Austismo Nombre de Jesus, Dios de la verdad, y la misma verdad. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pratte, Bernard, 1803-1886. Letter : Boonville, Mo., to Peter [i.e. Pierre] Chouteau Jr., St. Louis, [Mo.], 1836 Apr. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. Siguense veynte y seis addiciones desta postilla : las quales hizo el auctor della despues de muchos años que la avía hecho, ante que se imprimiese / oquimochi huilli yn fray Bernardino de Sahagun. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gálvez, Bernardo de, 1746-1786. Noticias y reflesiones sobre la guerra que se tiene con los indios Apaches en las provincias de Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. [Vocabulario de la lengua cakchiquel]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clapp, Daniel, 1746-1817. Diary and accounts, 1779 June 9-Sept. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Corbett, Henry W. (Henry Winslow), 1827-1903. Bills of lading 1863 Apr. 29-1870 Aug. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Compañía de Filipinas. Documents pertaining to the Compañía de Filipinas : Madrid, Spain, 1785 July 27-1793. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pañete, Anselmo. En desagravio del Sr. Hoyos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, Thomas, of Kingston. Letter : Kingston, [Tenn.], to George W[ashington] Campbell, Washington City, 1813 Dec. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Torre Pardo, Antonio. Correspondence between the Audiencias of Manila (Philippines) and Granada (Spain) concerning criminal charges against Rafael Villanueva, 1867 Aug. 7-Oct. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875,. [Map of the Temascaltepec region in Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cadillac, Antoine Laumet de Lamothe, 1658-1730. Relation du Sieur de la Motte Cadillac : capitaine en pied aiant une compagnie de la marine en Canada, cy devant commandant de Missilimakinak et autres postes eloignée ou il a eté pendant trois annees : ouvrage tres curieux, tiré sur l'original de l'auteur et non encore imprimé / par D ... D. Newberry Library
creatorOf León, Diego de. [Zakicoxol : baile de la conquista en lengua quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harrison, Joseph P., 1812?-1839. Letter : Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Mrs. Frances Roberts, Cahawba, Dallas County, Ala., 1834 Dec. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Junta General de Estadística. 1872 Memoria general. Newberry Library
creatorOf Salcedo, Luis. Documents pertaining to the struggle between Spain and Portugal for control in the Río de la Plata region 1775-1778. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lyman, Aaron. Bill : to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1747 May 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Plan de Pensacolle. Newberry Library
creatorOf Denonville, Jacques René de Brisay, marquis de, 1637-1710. Letters : Québec, from the marquis de Denonville, to M. Arnoul, Intendant de la Marine, Rochefort, [France] 1686 May 8-1686 Nov. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Petition : to his excellency Daniel D. Tompkins, Governor of the State of New York, [ca. 1810]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Asumpción, Diego de la, d. 1690. Obras predicables en idioma tagalog / por Fr. Diego de la Asumpcion de la Orden Seraphica. Newberry Library
creatorOf Meyer, Louis. Letter : Dresden, to the German consul, Buenos Aires, 1857 March 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bréze, Jean-Armand de Maillé, duc de, 1619-1646. Concession of whaling and sealing rights in the North Atlantic : Paris, 1644 Aug. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lawrence, Thomas, 1689-1754. Letters : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Messrs. Storke & Gainsborough, [London, Eng.?], 1736/37 Mar. 20-1737 May 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Encina, Pedro. Copies of letters regarding pension and tax matters of Pedro Encina, [ca. 1856]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1850-1853 : Urbiztondo y Eguía). Receipt : Manila, to the alcalde mayor of Bulacan [José Ramírez de Dampierre], 1852 April 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dousman, Hercules L. (Hercules Louis), 1800-1868. Hercules L. Dousman papers, 1808-1857, bulk 1840-1857. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apostol, Ana. Relación delos meritos, y servicios Ded[o]n. Juan Francisco Solano : hechos a S[u]. M[agestad]. desde el año de 1753, en que fue empleado al uso y exercicio de ellos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aguilar, Francisco. Platica en lengua pokomchi / por Fr. Francisco Aguilar, cura de Tactic. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaona, Juan de, 1507-1560. Colloquios de la paz y tranquilidad christiana : interlocutores: un religioso y un collegial. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Attorney General's Office. Report : Albany, N.Y., to Charles E. Hughes, governor, 1907 Oct. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Haliburton, R. G. (Robert Grant), 1831-1901. Letters, 1884-1889. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV). Carta ejecutoria de la sentencia pronunciada por los del Consejo Real de las Indias en el pleyto de demanda que Luis de Tovar Godinez escribano mayor de la governacion de la Nueva Espana a seguido contra el Marques de Cadereyta Virrey que fue della sobre daños que le causo en el uso del dicho oficio en el tiempo de su govierno depedimiento del dicho Luis de Tovar Godinez. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1816-1822 : Fernández de Folgueras). Letter : Manila, to Joaquín Blasquez y Vargas, 1819 Aug. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Archivo Nacional de Cuba. Collection of transcripts of documents from the Archivo Nacional de Cuba concerning the politics, defense, and administration of the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Florida, and Louisiana, 1770-1830. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sánchez Griñán, Pedro. Breve relación del Presidio de la Florida y Apalache / formada en 1756 por D. Pedro Sanchez Griñán : typescript, [1926]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Castro y Amoedo, Pedro Andrés de. Carta edificante, ó, Viaje a la provincia de Taal, y Balayan : historia de sus pueblos, y naciones : relacion de su volcan, de sus frutos, y producciones: de su comercio, industria, fortuna, é interess. y de todo quanto hay allí de bueno, y de malo / por el abate don Pedro Andres de Castro, y Amoedo, Presbytero Beneficiado de la Rebusca, Ministro Volante de las Filipinas: y Socionato de la Real Sociedad de la Bañeza. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cozar, Prudencio de. Plano ò cocris de la Ysla, su puerta y baterias / Cozar. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1770-1776 : Anda y Salazar). Letter and documents concerning the confiscation of anti-Jesuit pamphlets by Domingo Blas de Basaraz 1772 Jan. 18-July 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Valencia, Miguel de. File of documents concerning the transfer of two haciendas formerly owned by the Jesuits to the Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Manila 1771 Dec. 31-1774 May 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Columbus, Christopher. Letters, 1493-1502. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Letters : to Mariano Otero, Mexico, 1848 July 31-1850 May 1 (bulk 1848). Newberry Library
creatorOf Wood, Joseph Warren, fl. 1849-1854. Diary, 1849 April 9-1854 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adam, Lucien, 1833-1918. Letter : Rennes, to [J.C. Pilling], 1894 Aug. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Christie, Emerson Brewer. [Folk songs and folklore in Iloko]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gálvez, José de, 1720-1787. Descripcion de la Provincia de Jucatan con informe de su govierno secular y eclesiastico, comercio, cultivo, amenidad, situacion f[inancie]ra. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico. Ejército Republicano del Norte. General-in-Chief (1813 : Gutiérrez). Commission of Miguel Menchaca as colonel in the Ejército Republicano del Norte, 1813 June 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Tesorero General de Ejército, Hacienda y Marina. Receipt : Manila, for payment of land rents by Atanasio Lisboa on behalf of José Ramírez de Dampierre, 1854 June 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Junta especial para las reformas de administración y gobierno de las Yslas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gray, John S. (John Stephens), 1910-1991. John S. Gray research papers, 1942-1991. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mutul, Baltasar. [Pasión de Jesucristo en la lengua maya]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Doherty, David J. (David Jessup), 1850-1908. Letter : Chicago, [Ill.], to [Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill.], 1904 Jan. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ramírez de Dampierre, José. Report : Casa Real de Bulacan, to the Administrador General de Tributos y Rentas [Venancio Avella], 1851 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zapater y Gómez, Francisco. Cédulas, ordenes, etc. espedidas desde el año de 1620 hasta el de 1841, referentes en su mayoria a las Islas Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez Flores, Juan. Pruebas de la genealogía y limpieza de el maestro fr. Jno. de Tapia de la orden de S. Augustin, natural de Toledo. Comisso. de los frayles de Filipinas para Calificador, 1624 Feb. 26-1626 Sept. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Robison, John, 1739-1805. Letter : Edinburgh, to Hon[ora]ble Sir, 1790 Feb. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. Despachos del Cappn. don Jno. de Natera Altamirano serca de su linpieza [sic] fenesida : y sele despacho titulo de familiar, año de 1629. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marquette, Jacques, 1637-1675. Recit des voyages et des découuertes du P. Jacques Marquette de la Compagnie de Jesus, en l'année 1673 et aux suivantes, [1674 Oct. 25-ca. 1678]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787. Historia de la antigua ó Baja California / obra postuma de D. Francisco Xavier Clavijero : traducida del italiano. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum : yndustriacion de los yndios en la fe en la qual se trata vida y milagras]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis de "Libungan," en el brazo n[orte] del rio de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Forbes, W. Cameron (William Cameron), 1870-1959. Letter : S.S. "Lapland" en route to Liverpool, to Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1914 Nov. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. Letter : San Phelipe el Real de Chiguagua [San Felipe del Real, Mexico], to Charles III, 1777 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Seignelay, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de, 1651-1690. Memorandum : Sceaux (Hauts-de-Seine), 1683 29 July. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ashley, Algeline Jackson, b. 1830. Diary of Mrs. Algeline Jackson Ashley crossing the Plains in 1852, [ca. 1930?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mussio, Fernando. Letter : Manila, to Anastasio de Hoyos, [Nueva Caceres], 1863 Nov. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Van Schaack, Henry, 1733-1823. Henry Van Schaack papers, 1734-1896, bulk 1756-1809. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apostol, Ana. Petition of Doña Ana Apostol : Madrid, to the king on behalf of her husband, Juan Francisco Solano, [1777?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Medrano, Miguel de. Carta de pago : que otorgó Miguel de Medrano de 2225 pesos afavor de Miguel Ramos. por ante Francisco de Carlos en San Felipe de Puerto Velo 23 de julio del 1634. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pimentel, Juan Antonio. Certified copies of three petitions requesting an extension of Juan Antonio Pimentel's term of office as alcalde mayor of Tondo 1689 June 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Communications to Hoyos from the Real Audiencia in Manila concerning judicial matters 1860 Oct. 11-1862 Mar. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villacorta C., J. Antonio (José Antonio Villacorta Calderón), b. 1879. Traducción parafrástica del Popol-vuh. Newberry Library
creatorOf Morris, Thomas, b. 1732?. Letter : La Prairie des Mascoutins, [Ohio], to Colonel John Bradstreet, Detroit, [Mich.], 1764 Sept. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Durán, Narciso, 1776-1846. Old mission music : from Santa Barbara, Cal. Records. Newberry Library
creatorOf Simerwell, Robert, 1786-1868,. [Catechisms and hymns in the Potawatomi language]. Newberry Library
creatorOf McGillycuddy, Julia B. (Julia Blanchard). McGillycuddy, agent / by Julia Mcgillycuddy, [ca. 1940]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shirley, William, 1694-1771. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Henry Fox, [England], 1756 Jan. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf San Jacinto, Juan de. Petition : to Capt. García de Aldana, requesting certification of the exclusive rights of the Dominicans to evangelize the province of the Igorots, 1620 March 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Laisné, Edouard. Le vieux savant : (poésie dédiée à Mr. le docteur Spilsbury, professeur du Collège National de Concepcion del Uruguay), 1895 Jan. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Temporal, Bartolomé. Libro de comparaciones y de moral cristiana en lengua tzendal / escrito por el P. Fr. Bartholome Temporal. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. Plaza or great square, of San Antonio. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gordon, David. Journal of the siege of Louisbourg in 1758, [between 1772 and 1791]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Habitation de l'autheur sur le fleuve. Newberry Library
creatorOf Perry, Henry. Henry Perry letters, 1849-1850. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ross, William P. (William Potter), 1820-1891. Bill : Tahlequah, Okla., to Isaac M. Ashton, 1851 Nov. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Letters 1912 Mar. 6-May 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1516-1556 : Charles I). Cédula containing ordinances regulating repartimientos, tax collection, and the treatment of Indians in New Spain 1543 May 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ramos, Miguel. Obligación que otorgó Migl. Ramos de pagar 3420. pesos de a 8 r[eale]s. de plata afavor de los capitanes Dn. Baltasar de Espinosa y Fernando de Saavedra : pasó ante Francisco de Carlos en San Felipe de Puerto Velo 27 de agosto de 1633. Newberry Library
creatorOf Singer, Ira K. Informacion dada por Manuel Maximiliano Ramirez Acebedo y Molina y demas consortes : sobre la propriedad de una casa y su sitio q[u]e se halla frente dela pila del varrio de S[an] Pablo de esta corte, 1778 Dec. 7-1779 Aug. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, 1828-1897. Nobiliario genealogico de varias casas de España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1786-1787 : Telfair). Letter : Augusta, [Ga.], to Brig. Gen. [Elijah] Clark[e]. 1786 Sept. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. Carte maritime dv Micissipy. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pulido. Memorandum : Manila, to the Ministerio de Hacienda, 1843 Jan. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1732-1757 : Phips). Letter : Boston, Mass., to John Stoddard [Northampton, Mass.?], 1745 Sep. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547. Carta tercera de relacion / embiada por Fernando Cortez, Capitan y justicia maior del Yucatan, llamado la Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf García, A. Corrido ó romance en idioma ilocano de lo sucedido á Dn. Teodorico (n.l.) en una ciudad [de] Europa en España [sic] : obsequio al D.W.E. Retana, mandado copiar por su ato. s.s. el cura parroco de Agoo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beede, A. McG. (Aaron McGaffey), 1859-1934. Western Sioux cosmology and "Letting go of the ghost" / by A. McG. Beede ; original document in the North Dakota Historical Museum, [1919 Aug. 26]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dillon, H. C. Mexican rule in California 1824-'48 : paper read before the Badger Club, Los Angeles, March 3rd 1909 : typescript, [1909] / by H.C. Dillon, Esq. Newberry Library
creatorOf Osado, Ricardo, d. 1770. Medicina domestica : y descripción de los nombres y virtudes de las llérvas indígenas de Yucatán y las enfermedades a que se aplican / que dejó manuscrito, el famoso Médico Romano Dn. Ricardo Ossado (a) El Judío, que vivió en el pueblo de Valladolid en el siglo diez y siete [sic]. Siendo esta copia fiel del original, manuscrito que dejó la Señora Doña Petrona Carrillo de Valladares ; del pueblo de Ticul ; aquien Dios guarde, por muchos años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Ministerio Público. Legal opinion concerning appeals by four public officials accused of fraud, [1867?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dean, James, 1748-1823. Letter : Dartmouth College, [Hanover, N.H.], to Stephen Williams, Springfield, [Mass.], 1774 Nov. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872,. Copies of documents relating to the ecclesiastical history of Mexico for the years 1614-1773. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1905. Letters : Chicago, Ill., 1855 Nov. 5-Dec. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Innes, Harry, 1752-1816. Papers, 1784-1808. Newberry Library
creatorOf Andruss, William B. (William Benajah). William B. Andruss diary and commissions, 1855-1876. Newberry Library
creatorOf Letters and documents 1834-1851. Newberry Library
creatorOf Croghan, William, 1752-1823. Order : to John Kean, cashier of the Bank of the United States, 1791 Dec. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Comyn, Tomás de. Estado de las Yslas Filipinas en el año de 1810 / descrito brevemente por D. Tomás de Comyn, factor 1 ̊de la Real Compañía de dichas Yslas en Manila. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878. Colección de pláticas doctrinales y sermones en lengua maya por diferentes autores / copiados en Mérida de Yucatan, 1868. Newberry Library
creatorOf Luthereau, J. G. A. (Jean Guillaume Antoine), b. 1810. Ville Libre de Grey-Town, Amérique Centrale : Ordre américain de San-Juan, 1857. Newberry Library
creatorOf Occom, Samson, 1723-1792. Letter : Mohegan, [Conn.], to Eleazar Wheelock, [Hanover, N.H.], 1774 Mar. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918. Letter : The Bancroft Library, to My dear Mr. Ayer, 1890 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton). Letter : New York, N.Y., to the Wolfe Tribe of the Oneida Nation, 1790 Nov. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Compañía General de Tabacos de Filipinas. Anonymous critique of Manuel del Castillo's ordinances for the management of a proposed almshouse in Manila : [Manila, Philippines], [1780]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, 1558?-1629. Libro dela descripzion poblacion y conquista de las provinzias del Paraguay y Rio de la Plata : desde su descubrimiento asta el año de 1573 en que feneze la historia con la entrada de el Adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zarate al govierno de dhas. provinzias. Newberry Library
creatorOf Victoria, José. Letters to Father José Victoria, Augustinian provincial, concerning diocesan authority and episcopal visitation, 1771 Oct. 16-18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Resurrección, Primitivo. Metodo para enseñar a los jovenes la gramatica castellana por medio del idioma ilocano / su autor Primitivo Resurrección. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marin, Joseph Thomas. Letter : Misión de San Antonino de Mandayas [Mindanao Island, Philippines], to the Provincial [Gerónimo Sanz Ortiz], 1741 July 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ingalls, George W., b. 1838. True stories of Indians, wild and civilized / told by George W. Ingalls ... ; written by Vernille DeWitt-Warr ; pen & ink sketches by Ralph du Maurier : beautifully illustrated. Newberry Library
creatorOf Atwater, Caleb, 1778-1867. Letter : Circleville, Ohio, to Parker Cleveland, Bowdoin College, Me., 1818 Nov. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Phelps, Oliver, 1749-1809. Account, 1809 Jan. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shillaber, John. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to Mrs. [Phoebe Ann] Rush, Phil[adelphia, Pa.], 1849 Mar. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. Letter : Guadalupe Hidalgo, to Mr. James C. Pilling, Washington [D.C.], 1895 Feb. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Comano, Pedro. Letter : Mariana Islands, to Mariana, the Queen Regent of Spain, reporting on the Jesuit mission in the Mariana Islands, [ca. 1674]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Croquis de "Taviran." Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Miscellaneous letters : concerning political and military matters of the Mexican Republic, 1847 March 7-1860 Nov. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guild, Rufus. Letter : Shabbona's Grove, Ill., to Asa Guild, Milford, N.H., 1854 July 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Quadros, García de. Testamento q. otorgo el Sr. Capn. García de Quadros el año de 1621 as. Newberry Library
creatorOf Foster, Anthony. Letter : [Nashville, Tenn.], to Colo. [Andrew] Haynes, 1795 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Boüet, François. Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Missisipy sur la Relation d'Andre Penicaut / par F.B. Newberry Library
creatorOf Estorgo Gallegos, Francisco Xavier. Copies of a letter and notarized statements concerning delivery to the governor of the Philippines of orders for the expulsion of the Jesuits 1768 July 18-Nov. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1743-1753 : Clinton). Order : [New York, N.Y.], to Colonel William Johnson, 1746 Dec. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Young, John D. (John David), 1839-1898. A trip to the gold regions of the Rocky Mountains in the summer of 1860, [1860]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lucke, Jacob. Bill : [Albany, N.Y.?], to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1756 Nov. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Irving, John T. (John Treat), 1778-1838. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Thomas K. Jones & Co., Boston, Mass., 1815 Nov. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Delacroix de Constant, Charles, 1741-1805. Letter : Paris, le Ministre des Relations Exterieurs au Citoyen Ministre de la Marine, le 11 ventôse an 4 [i.e 1 Mar. 1796]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Buckner, Washington P. Account of a voyage on the U.S.S. Constitution leaving New York May 30, 1844, and arriving at Manila Bay Sept. 12, 1845 : : journal, 1844-1845. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV). Communication to the viceroy of Peru of a royal order prohibiting military officers from holding political positions 1799 Aug. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Millán, Pedro. Petition of Pedro Millán on behalf of Juan Manuel Ramírez de Arellano, concerning restoration of his suspended salary, and payment of all wages accumulated during the suspension [1770]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Villebeuvre, Jean Louis Fidel Farault de la, chevalier de Garrois, 1731-1797. Journal d'un voyage faite par ordre de Mr. le Gouverneur a la nation Choktas et de ce qu'il c'est passe du dite pais : Baye Saint Louis [Mississippi], [1787 Nov. 24]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley). Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to Benning Wentworth, 1746 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abbott, Samuel, d. 1851. Order : territory of Michigan, district of Michilimackinac, to the marshall of the district, 1810 July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zúñiga Ceballos, Juan de. List of documents establishing services and merits of Juan de Zúñiga Ceballos and his ancestors 1652 Feb. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Indian petition to the general assembly : to the honourable house of representatives of ,̲̲̲̲̲̲̲ 1747 Apr. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ross, Lewis, d. 1869. Letter : Cherokee Agency, [Calhoun, Tenn.], to H.A. Wise, Washington, [D.C.], 1838 June 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Documents concerning tax collection in Pili and Sipocot, 1863 June 12-Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Six Nations. Speech : Oneida [N.Y.], delivered to the Oneidas, by Skenodoa and Petrus, to his excellency General Schuyler, 1783 July 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Joseph, 1751?-1777. Letter and petition, 1764-1775. Newberry Library
creatorOf Onderdonk, Henry, 1804-1886. Life and times of Tecumseh / by Henry Onderdonk Jr., Jamaica, L.I., 1842. Newberry Library
creatorOf Young, Capt., fl. 1720. Map of Canço Harbour, the eastmost land of Nova Scotia / by Captn. Young. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pérez, Cándido. Documents concerning petition of Cándido Pérez to build a church in the mining district of Chachiltepeque 1754 Apr. 29-Nov. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Georgia. Governor (1827-1829 : Forsyth). State of Georgia, by his excellency John Forsyth, Governor : land grant, 1828 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Zashin, Elliot M. Elliot Zashin papers, 1960-1962. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ochoa de Villanueva, Melchior. Account book of the Real Caja in Verapaz, Guatemala for 1606, 1606 March 31-1606 Sept. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burillo, José Antonio. Copies of documents relating to matters of inheritance and succession of the Moctezuma family, 1787 December 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. Documents pertaining to the reorganization of parishes in Mexico City : Mexico City, 1623 June 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Woodward, Charles Lowell, 1832?-1903. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to [John Fletcher] Hurst, 1890 Dec. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Heath, Joseph. Bill : to the Province of Massachusetts Bay, 1750 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Venegas, Ambrosio. Special power of attorney granted by Ambrosio Venegas to Jesuit Fathers Juan Basilio Loche and Juan Martínez de Ripaldi, 1708 June 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1865-1866 : Lara e Irigoyen). Letter concerning jurisdiction of a complaint concerning tax collection : Manila, to the Regente of the Real Audiencia [Emilio García Triviño], 1866 Feb. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1709-1717 : Gookin). Letter : Philadelphia, to Coll. [Francis] Nicholson and Coll. [Samuel] Vetch, 1709 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Almagro, Diego de, d. 1538. Photostatic reproduction of original power of attorney of Diego de Almagro, accepting Francisco de Bobadilla as arbitrator in his boundary dispute with Francisco Pizarro, 1537 Nov. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893. Letters : Boston, [Mass.], 1879-1892. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fisk, James Liberty, 1835-1902. Report of expedition (North Western) to Montana in 1864 for the protection of emigrants under his command / James L. Fisk, Captain & A.2M, 1865 Jan. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Sketchbook, [between 1825 and 1852]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Commissioners of Indian Affairs. Letter : Albany, [N.Y. to Gov. William Cosby, New York, N.Y.], 1733/4 Mar. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf British Library. Ynforme anonimo al governador de Yucatan y Campeche / de un sugeto que con la experiencia de treinta y ocho años de avecindado en aquella provincia, manifiesta las vejaciones conque los curas seculares y regulares destruyen y despueblan a los indios con las quantiosas contribuciones que a titulo de limosnas han introducido. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891. Letter : Fort Leavenworth, to Adjutant General of the Utah forces, 1858 July 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Mexico City (Mexico). Cabildo. Copia paleográfica de los antiguos libros de cabildo del exmo. ayuntamiento de esta capital. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Letters : Fort Stansbury, [Fla.], and Jefferson Barracks, Mo., to Samuel Hitchcock, Burlington, Vt., 1843 Jan. 15 - Sept. 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Abstract of Petition of Juan Velázquez de Salazar : Madrid, 1578. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cambridge (Mass.). Writ : to the Marshall Gen[era]ll or the Constable of Cambridg[e], or either of their Deputys, 1665 Nov. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bermejo, Julián, 1777-1851. Arte de la lengua zebuana de los naturales bisayas en Pililipinas [sic]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878. Calendario de los indios de Guatemala : 1722. Kiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, William, 1770-1838. Letter : Superintendency of Ind[ian] Affairs, St. Louis, [Mo.], to Nicholas Biddle, President Bank of the U[nited] States, Philadelphia, [Pa.], 1831 June 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. Siguense unos sermones de dominicas y de santos en lengua mexicana : no traduzidos de un sermonario alguno, sino co[m]puestos nuevamente a la medida de la capacidad de los indios. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Copy of petitions and testimony given in Mexico City between 1547 and 1695 to establish the nobility of the Contreras Villegas families of Mexico 1695. Newberry Library
creatorOf Scott, Jonathan, fl. 1757. Account : South Carolina, to 39 Tommy Hawks with pipes for the Cherokee Indians, 1757 Feb. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795. Deed and maps, 1762-1774. Newberry Library
creatorOf Araoz, Juan de. Letter and enclosed documents : Havana, to Juan de Lángara, Aranjuez [Spain], 1797 Sept. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saz, Antonio del, fl. 1662. Marial sacro y santoral : sermones en la lengua qijche / escritos por varios autores, principalmte. por un yndio, por lo qual hay mucho que correjir ó enmendar en todos los textos latinos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wade, Ferrell. Letter : Osswigachey [i.e. Oswegatchie, N.Y.], to Sir William Johnson, Johnson Hall, [N.Y.], 1772 Aug. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Castro, Henri, 1786-1865. Contract : Paris, France, between Henry Castro and Joseph Emmenecker, 1843 Sept. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Letter : Point Boss, [Wis.], to W[illiam] H. Bruce, [Green Bay, Wis.], 1850 Jan. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Tribunal y Audiencia de Cuentas. Informe acerca de los presupuestos y rentas de Filipinas redactado de orden de la Junta Superior de Autoridades por el ministro decano del Tribunal mayor de cuentas D. Luis de Estrada, 1851 Oct. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Real Hacienda de Filipinas. Report on tax revenues in the Philippines for 1840, [ca. 1844]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Administración General de Rentas Estancadas. Dirección General de Fábricas y Colecciones de Tabaco. Ynforme del director de Fábricas y Colecciones sobre el mal estado del tabaco elaborado ecsistente en los almacenes de estancadas de Cavite y medios de remediar en lo posible este daño. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stinson, Thomas. Letter : Glasgow, [Mass.], to Elias Blanford, 1755 Dec. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ortiz de Padilla, Luis. Transcripts of documents pertaining to the history of the Philippines between 1522 and 1659, [18--?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Louis McLane Hamilton collection, 1867-1869. Newberry Library
creatorOf Roberts, Benjamin. Letter : London, Eng., to Sir William Johnson, Johnson Hall, N.Y., 1770 Apr. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. Petition concerning income from a charitable investment fund in the estate of Crispín Riverio : Manila, to the Junta Administradora de las Obras Pías, 1866 May 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barge, William D. Notes on Shabni and Billy Caldwell collected by William D. Barge, [1922?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Canto, Ernesto do, 1831-1900. Letter : Ile St. Michel [São Miguel Island (Azores)], to Henry Harrisse [in Paris?], 1884 March 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Meneses, Felipe de. Tratado de la doctrina / por Fray Felipe Meneses ; vertido al idioma de Michoacan pr. Fray Maturino Gilberti y dedicada al Sor. Obispo de Michoacan, Yllmo. Sor. Doctor Don Antonio Morales de Molina. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shirley, William, 1694-1771. Letters, 1755-1756. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lafuente, Casímiro. Carta e ynforme sobre el ympuesto de carruajes, carros y caballos / que el Padre Cura Fr. Casímiro Lafuente, parroco de Santa Barbara provincia de Pangasinan dirige al Señor Alcalde mayor de dicha provincia. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Plan de la Nlle. Orleans, ville capitalle de la Louissianne. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779-1813. Letter : Sacketts Harbor, [N.Y.], to Major General Henry Dearborn, Albany, [N.Y.], 1813 Apr. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dick, John, Captain. Letter : Wioming [i.e. Wyoming, Pa.], to Lewis Gordon, Easton, [Pa.], 1771 Aug. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. Hojas de servicio de los empleados en el Ministerio de Ultramar, 1865 May 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vásquez de Terreros, Juan, d. 1735. Testim[onio] a la lettra de los autos de imbentarios, aprezios, Quenttas de Aluaseasgo y juicio divisorio de los vienes que quedaron por fallesim[ien]to de Don Juan Vasquez de Therreros [microform] : desde que fue de estta ciudad, contado lo prosezado a zerca de ellos en virtud del testam[en]to y cobdizilo que ôttorgô y so cuia deposizion fallezio, que van por principio. Newberry Library
creatorOf Oroz, Pedro de, 1521-1597. [Sancturale hiemale]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rodríguez, Manuel. Letter : to King Charles II, recommending measures to assure Spanish control of the Mariana Islands, [ca. 1686?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. Nabe tihonic. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. Autobiography : [Taos, N.M.], 1856. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz (Totonicapán, Guatemala). Ordenanzas de la Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz de San Miguel de Totonicapán. Newberry Library
creatorOf Taylor, Augustus Fitz Randolph, 1809-1889. Copy of a diary of Dr. Augustus F. Taylor on trip to California by sailing vessel in 1849 : typescript, [between 1917 and 1936?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. Copia de una carte del P. Fr. Franco. Palou en que extrata el diario formado pr. el P. Crespi â bordo de la fragata Sntiago., de la expedyn. de mar â las costas del norte del año de 1774 : copia delo particular qe. vio la expedicion demar, enlas costas del norte, sacada del diario origl. qe. seformo a bordo dela fragata por los P.P. Fr. Juan Crespi y Fr. Thomas de la Peña, qe. iban en dha expedicion. Newberry Library
creatorOf Newnham, Jervois Arthur, 1852-1941. Letter : Colwyn Bay, [Wales], to Henry N. Stevens, 1901 June 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Eleazar, 1688-1742. Letter : Mansf. [Mansfield, Conn.], Dear Brother [Stephen Williams], 1734 Feb. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Reconocimiento del fuerte de Libungan en el brazo n[orte] del Rio de Mindanao. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vindel, Pedro,. Relation de la Louisianne, [ca. 1735]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berendt, C. Hermann (Carl Hermann), 1817-1878. Confesionario en castellano y poconchi. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910. Sébastien Cabot, pilote-major de Charles Quint 1512-1547 : [Paris] / par Henry Harrisse, 1909 July 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ouilmette, Antoine, 1760-1841. Letter : Racine, [Wis.], to John [Harris] Kinzie, [Chicago, Ill.], 1839 June 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaither, Henry, 1751-1811. Letter : Fort Fidius, State of Georgia, to Sir, 1793 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Belden, Josiah, 1815-1892. Letters : Monterey and Santa Cruz, Calif., to Mrs. Eliza M. Bowers, Upper Middletown, Conn., 1841-1845. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Dirección General de Ultramar. Memorandum : Madrid, to the president and members of the Consejo de Ministros, 1853 May 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Converse, Sherman, 1790-1873. Letter : London, [Eng.], to Henry Stephenson, 1843 July 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Glen, John. Order : Schenectady [N.Y.], to Arent Schermerhorn, 1764 Dec. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Langlade, Charlotte Ambroisine Bourassa, d. 1818. Letter : Montréal, to Sir Frederick Haldimand, 1780 May 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marsh, John, 1799-1856. Letter : Prairie du Chien, W[isconsin] T[erritory], to D.P. Campbell, New York, [N.Y.], 1831 Apr. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818. Warrant : the Commonwealth of Virginia, to George Rogers Clark, 1780 Ja. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1765-1770 : Raon). Letter of endorsement on behalf of Joseph Farando : Manila, from the Audiencia of Manila to the king, Charles III, 1769 Dec. 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eddy, John H. (John Hartshorne), 1782-1817. [Diary describing a tour of inspection of the commissioners appointed in 1810, to examine into the navigation of the western parts of the state of New York between the Hudson River and Lakes Ontario and Erie], 1810 June 30-July 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796. Letters and appointment, 1792-1795. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía de S.M. Drafts and notes on judicial matters of the Audiencia of Manila 1837 Oct. 13-1868 Jan. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thompson, Harlow Chittenden, 1837-1905. Across the continent on foot in 1859 : a record of personal experiences, [1902] / by H.C. Thompson. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). [Map of irrigated lands adjacent to the Hacienda de Sant Inés (Mexico)]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo). Instrucción reservada [microform] / del Ex[celentísi]mo S[eñ]or Virrey Conde de Revillagigedo a su subcesor el Ex[celentísi]mo Señor Marqués de Branciforte, en el año de 1794. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Libro que contiene el todo de las ynstrucciones vigentes de la Real Renta de Vinos de Filipinas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cherokee Nation. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to George Graham, Dept. of War, 1816 Mar. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Messler, Abraham, 1800-1882. The Indians of the Raritan, [ca. 1840]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Atkinson, Henry, 1782-1842. Letter ; Louisville, Ky., to W.S. Hamilton, St. Francesville, La., 1825 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1804-1807 : Lewis). Memorandum : Albany [N.Y.], to Gentlemen, 1807 Mar. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf McIntyre, Donald, fl. 1771. Petition : of the several subscribers : to his excellency William Tryon esquire, captain, general & governor in chief in & over the Province of New:York and the territories depending thereon; chancellor & vice admiral of the same, 1771 Aug. Newberry Library
creatorOf Yruretagoyena, G. de. Letter : Macao, to Lorenzo Calvo, 1830 May 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Indian land deeds, 1639-1787. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leslye, William. Order : Michilimackinac, [Mich.], to Monsieur L'anglade [i.e. Langlade], 1761 Sep. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Aird, William. [Road map of the central Canadian River Valley in Oklahoma]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Eggin, Florence. The following is a true relation of ye long sufferings of Godfrey Harding and Florence Eggin and two others being taken prisoners by the French in 1739/40 : theire maner of being taken the usage they receid. and their long confinement ... : Prison Royal, Brest, [France], 1746 Dec. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carochi, Horacio, d. 1662. [Camino del cielo]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía de S.M. Petition by attorneys of the Audiencia for a salary increase, 1863 Feb. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1763-1771 : Penn). Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to Sir William Johnson, 1765 May 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bermúdez y Castro, Juan. Copy of reports on the expedition of Capt. Martín Bueno y Sancho to reconnoiter the territory inhabited by the Choco Indians and surrounding areas 1629 Jan. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizal, José, 1861-1896. Agenda de bufete o libro de memoria : diario para 1884 con noticias y guia de Madrid. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines Ministerio Público. Draft of a recommendation concerning legal malpractice by Leopoldo Pacheco, 1866 March 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Colt, Miriam Davis, b. 1817. Letters : Albion, Mich., and Winthrop, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., to F.G. Adams, [Topeka, Kan.], 1884-1899. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1793-1806 : Aguilar). Letter : Manila, from the president and oidores of the Audiencia of Manila, to the king, Charles IV, acknowledging receipt of a royal decree, 1796 Jan. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Nicollet, Jean, 1598-1642. Legal documents concerning the inventory of the estate of Jean Nicollet : Fort St. Louis [Québec, Québec], 1642 Nov. 27-1643 April 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ridge, John, 1803-1839. Letters, 1821-[ca. 1835]. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Commissioners of Indian Affairs. Resolution, 1789 Feb. 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf St. Clair, John, Sir. Letter : Williamsburg, [Va.], to Governor [Robert Hunter] Morris, [Philadelphia, Pa.], 1755 Feb. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Accounts : a return shewing the value of stores forwarded the undermentioned tribes of Indians under the superintendency of his excellency William Henry Harrison, 1806 May - 1811 June. Newberry Library
creatorOf Walker, Tandy. Letter : Executive Dept., Choctaw Nation, Skullyville, [Indian Territory], to Hon. Henry A. Wise, 1858 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Adler, Cyrus, 1863-1940,. Tarih-i Yeni Dünya, el-musemma be hadis-i nev, [ca. 1600]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779. Documents concerning a request by the bishop of Puebla to build a church in Plan del Río in the territory of Jalapa 1772 Feb. 8-1777 March 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. Plano de la ciudad de S[a]n Salvador. Newberry Library
creatorOf Abella, Francisco Antonio,. [Sermones y doctrina]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Jimmy, 1774-1854. A translation of the speech made by Jimmy Johnson at the Grand Council of the Confederacy of Iroquois held at the Indian village of Tonawanda ... : this speech is an abridgement of his annual speech or a repetition in brief of their religious precepts pretended to have been communicated from heaven, 1845 Oct. / translated by Ely S. Parker. Newberry Library
creatorOf Davenport, James, 1716-1757. Letter : Longmeadow, [Mass.], to Stephen Williams, Stockbridge, [Mass.], 1749/50 [i.e. 1750] Jan. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Herrera, José Joaquín de, 1792-1854. Compilation of documents relating to charges of misconduct against Colonel Tomás de Castro, commander of the Cuerpo de Inválidos f 1834 June 3-1834 Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sketch of a trip to the wilderness in the month of August 1843 [ca. 1843] / by E. Parkinson. Newberry Library
creatorOf Beleña, Eusebio Buenaventura, 1736-1794. Informe de Dn. Eusebio Bentura Beleña al Exmo. Sor. virrey Marques de Croix : con descripción delas provincias de Sonora y Cinaloa, parajes donde se cobra el tributo, fundamentos legales para su exacción, repartimiento de tierras, y otros various puntos de consideración. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1584-1590 : Vera). License to establish the Convento de Santo Domingo de María in Manila, 1587 Aug. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Royce, Samuel. Oneida Indian documents, 1787-1833. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edgerton, Alfred P. (Alfred Peck), 1813-1897. Why Indians are now to be permitted to vote under certain conditions : in the land, erstwhile, of the Miamis and of the Pottawatomies letter, [1881?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Contaduría General de Rentas Estancadas. Refutación al proyecto del contador mayor de Filipinas D. Luis Estrada sobre redución [!] de Mindanao y Yoló referente á rentas de tabacos. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pensoneau, Laurant. Letter : Kickapoo Trading House, [Kan.], to John B. Sarpy, St. Louis, Mo., 1836 Aug. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Costansó, Miguel. [Diary of Miguel Costanso, 1769-1770]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pavón, José M., fl. 1838-1839. Las antiguas leyendas de la Ysla de Negros : se cuenta curiosides y supersticiones de los Yndios de esta Ysla de Negros ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Constitución de 1837. Newberry Library
creatorOf Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848. Legal document : New York, 1827 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hopkins, Rufus. Bill : Albany, N.Y., to the commissioners for the province of Massachusetts, 1756 Aug. 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Merian, G., fl. 1863. Letter : Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. to My Dear Mr. Brewster, 1863 Nov. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cochrane, Gavin. Treatise on the Indians of North America : written in the year 1764, 1764. Newberry Library
creatorOf Partridge, Samuel, 1645-1740. Account : Hatfield [Mass.], account of expenses on the publique service, 1724. Newberry Library
creatorOf Teed, Matthew, 1828-1904. Life of Matthew Teed : Los Angeles, Calif., 1900. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wheeler, Leonard Hemenway, 1811-1872. Notes for a grammar of the Chippewa language [1842-1866]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788. Diario de la ruta y operaciones que yo el infraescripto capitán de cavallería deel real presidio de Tubc. enla prova. de Sonora practico en solicitud de abrir comunicasión de d[ic]ha prova. ala California setemptrional por los rios Gila y Colorado : acuia expedición soi comisionado por el ex[cenlentísi]mo señor thente. general don Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursua, virrey governador y capitán general dela Nueba España como consta desu superior orden del dies y siete de septiembre de mill setesientos setenta y tres años. Newberry Library
creatorOf Watson, S. M. (Stephen Marion), 1836-1920. Legend of the mayflower / by Stephen Marion Watson, [not after 1920]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Peters, Richard, 1704-1776. Letter and order, 1757 Apr. 15-1760 Feb. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Smith, Rudolph Van Dyke, d. 1852. An Ojibway tale : Mineral Point, Wis., 1852 / by R.V.D. Smith. Newberry Library
creatorOf Van Schaick, Goose, 1736-1789. Minutes & proceedings of the Onondaga expedition : Fort Schuyler, [N.Y.], 1779 Apr. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williams, Eleazer, 1787-1858. Eleazar Williams papers, 1758-1858. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Vocabulario de la lengua castellaña y quiché]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). A list of the names of the men that go in pursute of the enemy from Deerfield, 1748 May 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rizal, José, 1861-1896. Clinica medica. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bogaert, Léon. Letter : Paris, to [J.A. Robertson], 1903 Mar. 7. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bonavía y Zapata, Bernardo. Documents concerning the suspension of construction work on the church of San Felipe Neri in Querétaro, Mexico 1791 Jan. 26-1793 May 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pizarro, Pedro, 16th cent. Letter from Pedro Pizarro to his cousin Gonzalo Pizarro, 1546 Dec. 8 [i.e. 1547]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ilarreguí, José Salazar. Report to the Minister of Development concerning the establishment of a shipyard in the port of Campeche 1864 March 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. An hytorical [sic] [acco]unt of the doing[s] & sufferings of [the] Christian Indians in New England, in the yeares 1675: 1676/1677 / impartialy drawne by one wel aquainted with that affayre and presented unto the Right Honble the Corporation residing in London appointed by the Kings most exelent matie for promoting the gospel among the Indians in America. Newberry Library
creatorOf M. A. H. Historical traditions of Tennessee : the captivity of Jane Brown and her family, 1851 Dec. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dubois Davaugour, Pierre, d. 1664. Plan de la ville de Quebec / envoyé par le Baron Dubois d'Avaugour, le 4 aoust 1663. Newberry Library
creatorOf Grunewald, Eduard. Grammatik der Moskito Indianer Sprache / von Eduard Grunewald. Newberry Library
creatorOf Duane, James, 1733-1797. Letter : Philadelphia, [Pa.], to His Excellency Governor [George] Clinton, 1779 June 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Governor (1861-1862 : Lemery). Letter : Manila, to the Gobernador Civil Corregidor de Manila, 1861 April 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Gobernador-General (1862-1865 : Echagüe). Regulations concerning the salary allowances of judicial employees, [1864?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Weiser, Conrad, 1696-1760. A journal of the proceedings of Conrad Weiser : on his journey to Ohio with a message & present from the government of Pensilvania to the Indians there, 1748 Aug. 11 - Oct. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Nottes [sic] sur différens points qui dépendent de mon ouvrage de Mexico : et de continuation de mes recherches a mon départ pour le Yucatan 1834. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Plan topografico de los cimientos de una villa antigua mexicana cerca de Sombrerte en el Estado de Zacatecas / CDB. Newberry Library
creatorOf Potter, Reuben M. (Reuben Marmeduke), 1802-1890. The fall of the Alamo : being a revision of an article published in July 1860, and now addressed to the Historical Society of Texas, 1875 July 19 / by Capt. R.M. Potter, U.S. Army. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coram, Thomas, 1668?-1751. Letter : London, to the Hon[ora]ble the Society for Propagating of Gosple [sic] among the Indians in New England, 1745 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Carballo Nuñez de Castro, Joseph Ignacio. Sermons and other documents in Spanish, Tagalog, and Latin, 1770-1821. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Dirección General de Renta Nacional del Tabaco de Manila. Ynstrucciones sobre el cultivo del tabaco : ms. paleográfico. Newberry Library
creatorOf Revillagigedo, Juan Vicente Güémez Pacheco de Padilla Horcasitas y Aguayo, conde de, 1740-1799. Documents concerning petition of Father Cayetano Jacinto Sotomayor for funds to complete the construction of the church in Metepec 1755 April 5-1756 Nov. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV). Cédula real : ordering the viceroy of New Spain to facilitate the embarkation of the archbishop of Manila and the bishop-elect of Nueva Segovia to the Philippines, 1651 Sept. 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). [An account of a visit lately made to the people called Quakers, in Philadelphia, by Papoonahoal, an Indian chief and several other Indians, chiefly of the Minisink tribe] : [with the substance of their conferences on that occasion], 1760. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Judicial sentence in the appeal of Rafael Calvo de Castro, [1863 May?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barbastro, Francisco Antonio, 1734-1800. [Discursos en Opata]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Petitot, Emile Fortuné Stanislas Joseph, 1838-1917. Chants indiens du Canada Nord-Ouest / recueillis, classés et notés par Emile Petitot, prêtre missionnaire au Mackenzie, de 1862-1882, 1889. Newberry Library
creatorOf Molina, José de. Receipts, letters, and bank drafts pertaining to the subscription sales and shipments to the Philippines of copies of Pedro Chamorro y Baqueizo's Estado mayor general del ejército espańol, 1853 Aug. 4-1856 April 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lucenilla y Torres, Francisco de. Report of the voyage of Captain Francisco de Lucenilla to the Californias in 1668. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ilchester, William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, Earl of, 1795-1882. Letter : to Frédéric de Waldeck, [London], 1838 July 18. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dearborn, Henry G. R.,. [Shawnee-English vocabulary]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Karl W. Hiersemann (Firm). Vocabulario hispano-hyaqui. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Map Collection (Newberry Library). Fractional township no. 5 south range, no. 13 west, San Bernadino meridian. Newberry Library
creatorOf Iragorri, Juan Francisco, 1728-1783. [Vocabulario y notas gramaticales]. Newberry Library
creatorOf González Alarcón, Joseph. Letters concerning shipments of wheat to the Belén (N.M.) flour mill 1775 June 10-1776 Apr. 10 (bulk 1775 Aug.-Dec.). Newberry Library
creatorOf Rawson, Grindal, 1659-1715. Letter : Mendon, Mass., to Welstead Meritt, Boston, [Mass.], 1712/13 Feb. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Capillas, Francisco Fernández de, 1607-1648. Letter : Fungan [Fogang xian], China, to Father Juan de los Angeles, Manila, Philippines, 1647 Nov. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Middlesex County (Mass.). Treasurer. In obediance to your honors order and desire to me to give your honors accoumpt what will be necessary for the defrayment of the county of Midlsex charges for this insueing yeare : estimate, 1696 June 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. Copy of a merced to Dr. Antonio de Morga for 500 ducats, with confirmation of payment, 1604 Jan. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Valera y Jiménez, Pedro, 1757-1833. Letters and papers relating to Pedro Valera y Jiménez, Archbishop of Santo Domingo 1804-1820 (bulk 1810-1811). Newberry Library
creatorOf New Spain. Viceroy (1688-1696 : Galve). Orden de Su Exa. para que D. Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora fuese a registrar la bahía y puerto de Pansacola en el seno Mexico y la relacion que de el haze : Dn. Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora Mexco. cathedratico de mathematicas, contador de la Rl. Unibersidad, examinador general de astilleria, corrector general de el Sto. Officio, capellan del rey nro. sr. en el hospital Rl del amor de Dios, 1693 May 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Bocabulario en lengua quiche y castellana : tomo primero. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Guy, ca. 1740-1788. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to Sir W[illia]m Johnson, 1772 [i.e. 1773] Mar. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Office of Indian Affairs. St. Louis Superintendency. William Clark, superintendent of Indian affairs, to all whom it may concern : under authority vested in me by the president of the United States to grant permission to citizens or other persons to pass into and through the Indian county, &c., permission is hereby granted to M. Baron Braunsberg to pass through the Indian country by the Missouri River to the Rocky Mountains for the purpose of making observations in zoology and botany ... and to take with him Charles [i.e. Karl] Bodmer and David Dreydopple [i.e. Dreidoppel] ... : passport, 1833 Apr. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Baptista, Pedro. Letter of recommendation on behalf of Francisco de Montemayor y Mancilla 1665 June 9. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Letters : Zuni, New Mexico, 1775 Nov. 7-1776 May 6. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley). William Shirley esqr. captn. general and governeur in chief ... : whereas Mr. John Hawks with an attendant has undertaken to proceed on a journey from Deerfield within this province to Canada to redeem out of the hands of the French or the Indians one Samuel Allen ... passport, 1747 Dec. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf García Icazbalceta, Joaquín, 1825-1894. Letters : Mexico City, to James C. Pilling, Washington, D.C., 1888 May 18-1888 Aug. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sabin, Frank T.,. An account of the Indians in Virginia : and of some remarkable things in that country / collected out of some letters from a minister in Virginia : some few things are inserted concerning the English there, & the bucaniers in some places of America. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. Board of Treasury. Resolution : whereas in consequence of certain intelligence that a combination of numerous tribes of hostile Indians had actually commenced war on the western frontier ..., 1786 Nov. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Order to local officials to receive the visiting bishop with all due courtesies, 1863 June 27. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Noticia del principio y progresos del establecimiento de las missiones de gentiles en el Río Orinoco por la Compa. de Jesus, con la continuacion y oposiciones que hicieron los Carives, hasta el año de 744 en que seles aterro y atemorizo con la venida de unos cabres traydos que se havecindaron en Cabruta : lo que para mejor inteligencia iremos contando por los años en que se establecieron dhas missiones y lo que en cada año passo y como passo / la qual relacion haze un testigo de vista, q. lo ha andado todo por si mismo muchas vezes, religioso dela misma compa. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bernardus Albingaunensis. Explanatio super cosmographia Ptolemei, 1497 March 20-1506 May 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tyron County (N.Y.). Court of Common Pleas. Barnabis Cain vs Arent Van Pattin : special bail, 1774 Sept. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calderón y Serrano, Diego, d. 1687. Letter : Manila, to Diego Feri de Nalda, 1684 June 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. Letter : Smithsonian Institution, Washington, to [Edward E.] Ayer, [Chicago, Ill.], 1901 Sept. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888. Letter : New York, [N.Y.], to [John Russell] Bartlett, 1870 Dec. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf No Ears, John, fl. 1912. Chronology of the Ogalalla Sioux from 1759 to 1912 / compiled by an old Pine Ridge policeman named John No Ears, and his brother ; and translated by Charles Nines, 1916. Newberry Library
creatorOf Foster, J. Edwards, fl. 1835-1841. Papers, 1835-1841. Newberry Library
creatorOf La Fort, Abram, ca. 1794-1848. Great Father, your children the Onondagas have sent me to you and they ask you to open your ears to me and hear the talk which they have sent by me to you ... : Albany, [N.Y.], speech, 1844 Apr. 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Testimony of witnesses concerning the interrogation of Adriana Capuquian, 1864 Nov. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV). Documents issued by Philip IV concerning viceregal affairs in New Spain 1642 July 3-1651 March 5 (bulk 1649). Newberry Library
creatorOf France. Sovereign (1814-1824 : Louis XVIII). Lettres de chevalier de l'Ordre militaire de Saint-Louis en faveur del Sr. Le Netrel, 1814 Sept. 23. Newberry Library
creatorOf Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. Carta pastoral : alos subditos de su obispado sobre la deuida y necessaria paga de los diezmos y primicias / del Illmo. y Rmo. señor don Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles, del Consejo de Su Magestad y del Rl. de las Yndias. Vissitador general desta Nueva España. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brainerd, John, 1720-1781. Letters : Eggharbour and Princeton [N.J.], to Eleazer Wheelock, 1767 June 23 - 1774 Apr. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Olmedo, Bernardino. Letter in response to a memorandum concerning alleged abuses in sentencing criminals 1849 Nov. 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Del ser de Dios]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Thwing, Nathaniel, 1703-1768. Letter : Boston, [Mass.], to Col. John Thomas, [Nova Scotia], 1760 Jan. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Clark, William, 1770-1838. Instructions : St. Louis, [Mo.], to Mr. Turcotte, 1815 May 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burke, Lemuel. Diary : Fort Belknap, M[ontana] T[erritory], 1876 Sept. 12 - Oct. 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547. Carta de relación ; Carta tercera de relacion ; Memorial dado a la Magestad del Cesar dn. Carlos Quinto / Fernando Cortés. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruano Suárez, Alberto. [Estudios y vocabularios : pokoman y chorti]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barabé, Nicolas. [Petition to the intendant of New France to appoint a guardian for the children of his deceased wife], 1754 June 20. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Announcement of the arrival in Cádiz, Spain from Manila, Philippines of the ship Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, [between 1820 and 1834?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ogden, Peter Skene, 1790-1854. Ogden's track 1829. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vizcaino, Juan. Diario del P. Vizcaino. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Observaciones que en mi sentir se deberán hacer al Ministerio de R[ea]l Haz[ien]da contra varios de los treinta y cinco artículos de las instrucciones de chinos : para que elevadas a la Superintend[enci]a obtengan su sanción. Newberry Library
creatorOf Galphin, George, d. 1780. George Galphin letters, 1778-1780. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. Map topografico del partido de Cojutepeque. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Carte du Pouldu avec ses environs et la côte de la mer : ou on y voit la disposition de nos batteries, et corps de garde, avec l'endroit ou les Anglois, ont faits leur descente, le premier octobre mil sept cent quarente six, dans l'esperance ou ils estoient de se rendre maistres de l'Orient et par cette conqueste, s'emparer de la Bretagne ; mais ou ils ont perdûs leurs peines. Newberry Library
creatorOf Sis, Bartolomé. Vocabulario de las lenguas qiche y kahchiquel. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guido, Pedro. Copia del escripto presentado a esta R[eal] A[udiencia] en 26 de mayo de [17]72. Newberry Library
creatorOf Muñoz Camargo, Diego, ca. 1529-1599. Fragmentos de la Historia de Tlaxcala de Diego Muñoz Camargo. Newberry Library
creatorOf Laboybre, Bannos. [French university lecture notes in Latin based on readings of ancient authors of rhetoric, geography, and astronomy], [between 1580 and 1599?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Du Ru, Paul, 1666-1741. Journal d'un voyage fait avec Mr. d'Iberville de la rade de Bilocchis dans le haut du Mississippi : avec un detail de tous ce qui sest fait depuis ce temps jusquau depart du vaisseau, 1700 Feb. 1-May 8 / par le R.P. Du Ru Jesuité. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). The importance of attaching the Indian tribes to the British interest : essay, [ca. 1760]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Eulogies of Jesuits Manuel Solorzano and Balthasar Dubois, martyrs of the Jesuit mission in the Mariana Islands, [ca. 1684]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Arébalo, Joseph de. Certified copy of documents pertaining to the appointment of Ambrosio Venegas as notary for the Alcaicería Parián, outside of Manila, 1708 June 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Shepard, Jeremiah, 1648-1720. Letter : Lyn [Lynn, Mass.], to Major Stephen Sewell in Salem [Mass.], 1708 Sept. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. General Land Office. Deeds : the United States of America, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting, 1846-1848. Newberry Library
creatorOf Urbano, Alonso, ca. 1522-1608. Arte breve de la lengua otomi / compuesto por el pe. fray Alonso Urbano de la Orden de N.P.S. Augustin. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Council. Proceedings : at a meeting of the Commiss[ione]rs for the Indian Affairs at the Council Chamber in Boston, 1734 Aug. 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. Journal de notes no. 1 : relevées des différens ouvrages que j'ai le temps de lire entre mes autres occupations. par renvoy de numéro / Waldeck. Newberry Library
creatorOf Saint-Ange de Bellerive, Louis Groston de. Transcript of a 1768 petition to prohibit sale of alcohol to Indians in Illinois country, [ca. 1876]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blackburn, Gideon, 1772-1838. Letter : Maryville, T[enn.], to Jedediah Morse, Charlesto[w]n, Mass., 1808 Dec. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santa Barbara Mission. Collection of photostatic reproductions of letters concerning the California missions, 1768 Sept. 14-1844 Oct. 22. Newberry Library
creatorOf Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. Borrador para la formación del vocabulario de lengua kiché. Newberry Library
creatorOf Farnham, Russell, 1784-1832. Letters, 1823-1826. Newberry Library
creatorOf New York (State). Governor (1807-1817 : Tompkins). Letter : Albany [N.Y.], to His Excellency Elbridge Gerry, 1812 Apr. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter and decision, 1816 Feb. 12-May 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Le Claire, Antoine, b. 1797. Letter : Davenport, Iowa, to Mr. P. Cheauteau Jr., St. Louis, 1841 Nov. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. David Tilden Brown Papers, 1848-1866 (bulk 1849). Newberry Library
creatorOf Butler, David, 1792-1842. Letter : Troy, [N.Y.], to Lt. Gov. [John] Tayler, Albany, [N.Y.], 1818 Mar. 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. Libro de cuentas de la Cofradía del Rosario en el pueblo de Suchiapa desde 1796 hasta 1821 : en lengua chapaneca. Newberry Library
creatorOf Víctores de la Cueba, Pedro. Diseño ô mapa que manifiesta la Misión de S[an]to Tomás de Tucupido : con la feligresía que se le ha hagregado los sitios prinsipales de ella. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barnes, H. S. Letter : California, to Alpheus Barnes, 1858 Sept. 1. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gadea, Alonso de. Notarial documents from Huancavelica, Peru 1652 March 15-1654 Oct. 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. Plano de Pollok. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. [Chilam Balam de Tekax]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cuoq, J. A. (Jean André), 1821-1898. J.A. Cuoq letters, 1879-1894. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calderón y Serrano, Diego, d. 1687. Letter : Manila, to the marqués de Canales, 1684 June 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gano, John Stites, 1766-1822. Letter : Columbia [Ohio], to Genl. [James] Wilkinson, 1792 Feb. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf León y Gama, Antonio de, 1735-1802. Fragment d'un copie au Codex de 1576 : commençant à la page 83 (25eme. ligne) de l'exemplaire, nouvellement imprime chez M. Graff, [1775-1850]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pinilla, Joseph. Letter : to Senor dn. Melchor de Peramas, [1773]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Velez de la Madriz, Juan Joseph de. Apuntes que ofrece a L.R.P. del Rey N.S. Dn. Carlos III el Sabio : el r.y. Patricio Amor y Deseos / de Dn. Juan Joseph Velez de la Madriz. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Sermones en lengua achi ó tzutuhil compuestos para el uso de los padres de la Orden de Santo Domingo de Guatemala á principios del siglo XVII conforme al estilo del Ven. P. Fr. Domingo de Vico. Newberry Library
creatorOf Kanter, Gustav,. [Sermones, oraciones en lengua poconchi]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ashley, Joseph, 1709-1797. Letter : Fort Dummer, [Vt.], to Jonathan Ashley, Deerfield, [Mass.], 1746 June 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Blake, Wilson Wilberforce, 1850-1918. [Map of Teotihuacán, Mexico]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Seagrove, James. Letter : Point Peter [Ga.], to James Jackson, Governor of Georgia, 1799 June 17. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1756-1759 : Denny). Report : Philadelphia, to the Governor of Pennsylvania [William Denny], 1757 Jan. 25. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849. Correspondence : to Governor [Israel] Pickens, Alabama, 1825 July 4. Newberry Library
creatorOf Parish, Jasper, 1767-1836. Letter : Canandaigua, [N.Y.], to Morris F. [i.e. S.] Miller, Utica, [N.Y.], 1819 June 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Barrientos, Ginés, abp. of Troya, d. 1698. Ynforme de Dn. Fray Gines Barrientos, obispo auxiliar de Troya, p[ar]a. Su M[a]g[esta]d., en que da q[uen]ta. de lo obrado en Filipinas por su persona, y en la estrañeza del arçobispo D[o]n. Frai Phelipe Pardo etc. Newberry Library
creatorOf Senn, Nicholas, 1844-1908. Tahiti : the island paradise / by Nicholas Senn. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Manila mal governada, [between 1700 and 1768?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gardner, Fletcher, b. 1869. Bamboo rolls and fragments containing songs in the Hanunoo Mangyan dialect and texts in Tagbanua, 1904-1905. Newberry Library
creatorOf Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. Letter : Berlin, to Honorable Jefferson Davis, U.S. Senator & late Secretary of War, 1857 Mar. 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749. Letter and memorandum : Albany, [N.Y.], to Messrs. Storke & Gainsborough, [London, Eng.?], 1734 Nov. 20-28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Todd, Charles Stewart, 1791-1871. Letter : Chillicothe, [Mo.], to Gov. [Isaac] Shelby, 1815 Mar. 2. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santelis, Domingo Matías, d. 1750. Legal documents in Quiché pertaining to property of Domingo Matías Santelis, 1750 Dec. 4-1777 Dec. 15. Newberry Library
creatorOf Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Copy of a royal order concerning accounting procedures in the treasury department of the Philippines [1860?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. Papers, 1825-1831. Newberry Library
creatorOf Choate, Joseph Hodges. Letter : New York, N.Y., to John H. Stephens, Chairman, Committee on Indian Affairs, House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. April 3, 1916. Newberry Library
creatorOf Claus, Daniel, 1727-1787. Letter : Montreal, to Sir W[illia]m Johnson, 1761 Mar. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letter : War Dept., Washington, [D.C.], to Brvt. Brig. General E.A. Hitchcock, Comm. Pacific Division, 1851 May 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dumont de Montigny. Fort St. Louis ou Nouveau Billoxy, 3me eablissement. Newberry Library
creatorOf Greenwood, Thomas J., 1908-1988. Tom Greenwood papers, 1960-1986, bulk 1960-1961. Newberry Library
creatorOf Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America. Circular letter : Boston, [Mass.], to Josiah Cotton, Plimouth, [Mass.], 1712/13 [i.e. 1713] Feb. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Biblioteca Nacional (Peru),. Relación delo subcedido enesta provincia de piru. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. [Theologia indorum en tzutuhil]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Bocabulario en lengua cakchiquel y quiche o tlatecas. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bourdas, Albert. Letter : St. Malo, France, to Monsieur Wazon, St. Michel, 1864 March 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Padilla y Estrada, José Ignacio, bp. of Yucatán, 1696-1760. Visita del obispado de Yucatan hecha por su obispo el Ilustrisimo Sr. Dn. Fr. Ignacio Padilla : y noticia del estado de cada pueblo y de la capital, distancia de unos a otros y numero de personas a ̀quienes administro la confirmacion. Año de 1757. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calapiz, Francisco. Contracts pertaining to the property at No. 1 Calle de Corchero in Mexico City, 1824 Sept. 9-1850 Feb. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Catholic Church. [Prières, etc. en la langue Algonkin], [between 1860 and 1879]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Atkinson, Theodore, 1697-1779. Letters, 1738-1740. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guyasuta, ca. 1720-ca. 1795. Speech of Gayashuta an ancient chief of the Seneca Nation on the borders of Pennsylvania : as given in charge by him to one of the Sachems of that nation ... to be delivered to the Friends of Philadelphia, 1790. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. Vae rucam ru vuhil nimac vutz Theologia Indorum : ru binaam, tihobal quichim yndio cristiano, pa ru chabal Dios Nimac Ahau pa cacchequel chico vi / auctore P. Fr. Dominico de Vico. Newberry Library
creatorOf Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823. A narrative of the United Brethren among the Delaware & Mohegan Indians : from its commencement in the year 1740 to the close of the year 1808 : comprising all the remarkable incidents which took place at their missionary stations during that period : interspersed with anecdotes, historical facts, speeches of Indians & other interesting matter / by John Heckewelder, who was many years in the service of that mission. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rich, Virtulon, b. 1809. Journal and memoir, 1832-1850. Newberry Library
creatorOf Scholes, France V. (France Vinton), 1897-1979. Transcripts of selected documents from various archives in Mexico : [between 1910 and 1929]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie, 1903-1988. Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin papers, 1934-1985. Newberry Library
creatorOf Coto, Thomás, d. ca. 1656. Vocabulario de la lengua cakchiquel u guatimalteca / nuevamente hecho y recopilado con summo estudio, travajo y erudicion por el Pe. F. Thomas Coto, predicador y padre de esta Provia. de el SSmo. Nōbre de Jesus de Guatimala. En que se contiene todos los modos y frases elegantes con que los naturales la hablan, y d.q. se pueden valer los ministros estudiossos para su mejor educacion y enseñanza. Newberry Library
creatorOf Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779. Documents concerning the use of additional funds by the town of Guanajuato for the celebration of the feast of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 1776 Nov. 20-Dec. 10. Newberry Library
creatorOf Melvin, Eleazar, fl. 1725. Account : of Capt. Lovewell's fight at Pigwacket, 1725 May 8. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Copy of some conferences held with the Indians : Philadelphia, 1756 Apr. 19-23. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. War Dept. Letters, 1797-1799. Newberry Library
creatorOf Leandro de Viana, Franco. Demonstracion del misero deplorable estado de las Islas Philipinas : de la necessidad de abandonarlas o mantenerlas con fuerças respetables: de los inconvenientes de los primero y ventajas de lo segundo: de lo que pueden producir á la Real Hacienda: de la navegacion, extension, y utilidades de su comercio / por Don Francisco Leandro de Viana ... Newberry Library
creatorOf Tait, Charles, 1768-1835. Letter : Washington, [D.C.], to David Brydie Mitchell, Creek Agency, Ga., 1818 Mar. 21. Newberry Library
creatorOf Dixon, Joseph Kossuth. Letter : Philadelphia, Pa., to Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, Ill., 1914 Feb. 11. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gunn, Moses. Legal documents, [ca. 1800]-1807. Newberry Library
creatorOf Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II). Official copy of royal cedulas from the real cedulario of the Audiencia de Guatemala [ca. 1559]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. Documents concerning the appointment of Diego Beltrán Vicente as interim commissary of the Inquisition for the town and district of Colima, Mexico 1731 Sept. 11-1733 Jan. 19. Newberry Library
creatorOf Stoddard, Amos, 1762-1813. Letter : Fort Columbus, New York Harbor, to John Sevier, 1810 Aug. 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gregg, John. Letter : Augusta, N.Y., to John Tayler, Albany, N.Y., 1819 Jan. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Martin, William, of South Carolina. The publick to William Martin : to expenses had by William Cardd [i.e. Carde] for the Cherekees Indens [sic] going up from Charles Town : bill, 1747 July 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Williamson, Charles, 1757-1808. Charles Williamson papers, 1775-ca. 1940s, bulk 1790-1810. Newberry Library
creatorOf J. W. J. The education of humanity : as seen in its most ancient civilizations / written on the prairies of Illinois in 1840 by J.W.J., 1840. Newberry Library
creatorOf Rinfret, Antoine, 1756-1814. Pour le st. jour de Paques sur le mystère du jour. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. President (1861-1865 : Lincoln). Abraham Lincoln President of the United States of America : to all who shall see these presents, greeting : appointment, 1861 May 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gates, William, 1863-1940. Wills and documents relating to the sale of property in Totonicapan, Guatemala, 1689-1808. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. Letters, 1775 Aug. 18-1776 July 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Royer, D. F. Letter and list, 1890. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marsh, Edgar T. Letter : Chattanooga, Tenn., to "Dear Friend", [Kalamazoo, Mich.?], 1864 May 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gillis, S. H. Letter : Papeete, Tahiti, to Rear Admiral Thomas H. Stevens, 1881 June 13. Newberry Library
creatorOf Norgate, Elias, 1798-1833. Letters : W. Norwich and Westminister [England], to J.T. Pettigrew, 1824 Dec. 22-1826 May 24. Newberry Library
creatorOf Vidaburu, Antonio Joseph. Copia del escripto q[ue] se presento en 19 de Oct[ubr]e de 771 en el pleyto q[ue] sigo con Marrugat en el R[ea]l Consulado de esta Corte sobre p[es]os. Newberry Library
creatorOf Franquet, Louis, 1697-1768. Voyage du Sieur Franquet au port La Joye : au havre de St. Pierre, au port destrois Rivieres de l'Isle St. Jean, a la Baye Verte, a Beauséjour, au fort de Gasparéau sur le continent du Cánádá et au port Toulouze de l'Isle Royalle : avec des remarques sur les endroits de l'etat actuel des postes qu'on y a etably, des forts qu'on y a construits, des augmentations dont ils sont susceptibles pour les meure en etat de deffense, de leux qu'on y projette et des avantages qu'on peut tirer de les differens etablissements. Newberry Library
creatorOf United States. President (1797-1801 : Adams). John Adams, President of the United States of America, : to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting : land grant, 1799 Mar. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Guatemala. Audiencia. Títulos dela hazienda de S[a]n. Juan Bautista Chiche en terminos del pueblo de S[ant]a Cruz del Quiche. Newberry Library
creatorOf Apthorp, Charles, 1698-1758. Bills of lading : provisions sent to Louisbourg in 5 sloops, 1746 Aug. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Charles II, King of Spain, 1661-1700. Documents pertaining to the appointment of Juan Bruno Tello de Guzmán as governor of the province of Yucatán 1682 May 15-1683 July 14. Newberry Library
creatorOf Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849. Correspondence : to Br. Genl. H. [Henry] Atkinson, Fort Atkinson, Missouri, 1822 June 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, William, Sir, 1715-1774. [Receipt for ten thousand dollars by Indians of the Six Nations for land sold to proprietors of Pennsylvania], 1769 July 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández Cabeza de Vaca, José. Documents concerning power of attorney extended by José Fernández Cabeza de Vaca to certain members of the Jesuit order, 1690-1692. Newberry Library
creatorOf Buelna, Eustaquio, 1830-1907. Letter : Mexico [City], to James C. Pilling, Washington, D.C., 1894 June 16. Newberry Library
creatorOf L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. [Carte d'une Mer de l'Ouest]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lochry, Archibald, d. 1781. Letter : [Pa.], to Gen. Edward Hand, Fort Pitt, Pa., [1777 May]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Avendano y Loyola, Andres de. Relación delas dos entradas que hize ala conversión de los gentiles Itzaex y Cehachez : yo Fr. Andres de Avendaño y Loiola predicador conventual del convto. grande de Mérida, ministro de la be. orden terza de penitenza, y comisso. missiono. app[ostóli]co pa. dhas missiones en conpañia de mis pp. y preres. Fr. Anto. Perez de S. Roman, notaro. appco. del primer viaje ; Fr. Joseph de Jesús María notaro. appco. del segundo viaje y Fr. Diego de Echabarría, la qual prima. entrada himos el día 2 de juno. del año pasado de 1695, y la segunda en que entramos en la nazión de los Itazex fue a 13 de dize. de dho año y volvimos a esta ciudad de Mérida el día de abril deste año de 1696. Newberry Library
creatorOf Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui). Receipts for payments to crew members of ships employed against the Moro pirates, 1863 May 31-Dec. 31. Newberry Library
creatorOf Massachusetts. Council. The convention of the governour and councill and representatives of the Massachusetts Colony in New England : commission, 1689 Aug. 29. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fordham, Elias Pym. [Map of Pittsburgh, 1817]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). James Indians answere to his Mr Carrs reasons of appeale : to be delivered to Mr Rawson sect. to be pr[e]sented to ye Court of Assistants, 1672 Mar. 5. Newberry Library
creatorOf Harmer, Alexander Francis, 1856-1925. Old mission music : from records at Santa Inés Mission, Cal. Newberry Library
creatorOf Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, 1478-1557. Libro XX de la segunda parte de la general historia de las Indias / escripta por el capitan Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes Alcayde de la fortaleza y puerto de Sancto Domingo d'la isla Española. Cronista d'su Magestad. Que trata del estrecho de Magallanes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. Carte über die Richtung u: Reste der Azteken : auf jhrer Einwanderung nach Mexico durch den gegenwärtigen Freistaat von Zacatecas nach örtlichen Forschungen / aufgestellt von C. de Berghes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pina Castelbranco, Miguel Carlos Caldra. del, Dr. Juiz de Fora. Relaçao do q'obrou o Dr. Juiz de Fora Miguel Carlos Caldra. de Pina Castelbranco na uniaó de 18 Aldeyas, evarias Malocas, e Indios dispersos deque estabelecao as Villas seguintes. Newberry Library
creatorOf Pickens, Andrew, 1729-1817. Letter : Long Cane, [S.C.], to Elijah Clark[e], in Gen. Wayne's camps near Savannah, [Ga.], 1782 Apr. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Lyon, Lucius, 1800-1851. Prospectus and map, 1836. Newberry Library
creatorOf Marure, Alejandro. Papers, 1689-1876 (bulk 1810-1850). Newberry Library
creatorOf Johnson, Zachary, d. 1787. Letter : Mohegan [Conn.], to Honbl. Richd. Law, Esq., 1781 May 30. Newberry Library
creatorOf Third Order Secular of St. Francis. Magasin : libro de informs. años de 651=652=653=654=655=656=657=658. Siendo los ya dhs. Newberry Library
creatorOf Ruette d'Auteuil de Monceaux, François-Madeleine-Fortuné, 1657-1737. Proces verbal d'assemblée des trois estats habitans ce pays qui depute Mrs. D'Auteuil, Juchereau et Pacaud sur le castor : Québec, 1699 Oct. 3. Newberry Library
creatorOf Calle, de la, Sieur, fl. 1670-1674. Relation du S. de la Calle : sur ce qui s'est passé a l'attaque du Fort Royal de la Martinique par la flote de Ruiter, [1674?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Santisteban, Manuel de. Letter : Manila, to his cousin Lorenzo de Santisteban, Spain, seeking his cousin's continued help in securing a governorship, 1730 Jan. 28. Newberry Library
creatorOf Edward E. Ayer Manuscript Collection (Newberry Library). Treaty with the Pen-e-tegh-ca Band of the Nē-ūm, Wich-i-tas, Ca-do-Ha-da-chos, Hue-cos, etc. ... : Albert Pike, Commissioner of the Confederate States to the Indian Nations west of Arkansas, 1861 Aug. 12. Newberry Library
creatorOf Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. Letter : Chiguagua [San Felipe del Real, Mexico], to Joseph de Galvez, 1777 Oct. 26. Newberry Library
creatorOf Magalona, Praxedes. Letters : Molo and Jaro, Philippines, to Juan Bautista Guidi, 1903 Jan. 12-Feb. 7. Newberry Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbott, James, 1776-1859. person
associatedWith Abbott, Samuel, d. 1851. person
associatedWith Abbott, Samuel, d. 1851. person
associatedWith Abercromby, James, 1706-1781. person
associatedWith Abraham, d. 1780. person
associatedWith Adam, Lucien, 1833-1918. person
associatedWith Adams, John, Lieutenant. person
associatedWith Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848. person
associatedWith Adda, Gerolamo, marchese d', 1815-1881. person
associatedWith Aguilar, Francisco. person
associatedWith Aguilar, Francisco. person
associatedWith Aguilera, Hippolito de. person
associatedWith Aguinaldo, Emilio, 1869-1964. person
associatedWith Ahuja, Francisco. person
associatedWith Aird, William. person
associatedWith Albany Committee of Correspondence (N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Albornoz, Juan de. person
associatedWith Albrizzi, Carlo. person
associatedWith Alcazar, Phelipe del. person
associatedWith Alexander, J.W.S. (John Washington S.), 1823-1863. person
associatedWith Alexander, W. D. (William De Witt), 1833-1913. person
associatedWith Alger, Abby Langdon. person
associatedWith Almagro, Diego de, d. 1538. person
associatedWith Altamirano, Pedro Ignacio, 1693-1770. person
associatedWith Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. person
associatedWith Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. person
associatedWith Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650. person
associatedWith Alvares, Pedro. person
associatedWith Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio, 1737-1799. person
associatedWith Amador Verissimo de Aleteya. person
associatedWith Amera, Charles, 1870-1897. person
associatedWith American Fur Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Amherst, Jeffery Amherst, Baron, 1717-1797. person
associatedWith Anderson, William P. person
associatedWith Andrade y Cuellar, Antonio Lorenzo de, d. ca. 1775. person
associatedWith Andrews, C. C. (Christopher Columbus), 1829-1922. person
associatedWith Andruss, William B. (William Benajah) person
associatedWith Angeles, Juan de los. person
associatedWith Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. person
associatedWith Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. person
associatedWith Angel, Fray, fl. 1775. person
associatedWith Anoosamaye, John. person
associatedWith Antelope, Faustinus W. person
associatedWith Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782. person
associatedWith Anza, Juan Bautista, 1735-1788. person
associatedWith Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788. person
associatedWith Anza, Juan Bautista de, 1735-1788. person
associatedWith Apostol, Ana. person
associatedWith Apostol, Joana Bernarda. person
associatedWith Appy, John, 1725-1761. person
associatedWith Apthorp, Charles, 1698-1758. person
associatedWith Apthorp, Charles, 1698-1758. person
associatedWith Ara, Domingo de. person
associatedWith Ara, Domingo de. person
associatedWith Aragoneses, Francisco. person
associatedWith Araoz, Francisco de. person
associatedWith Araoz, Juan de. person
associatedWith Archivo Nacional de Cuba. corporateBody
associatedWith Ariola, Andrés de. person
associatedWith Arizmendi, Doctor. person
associatedWith Armstrong, John, 1755-1816. person
associatedWith Armstrong, Moses K. (Moses Kimball), 1832-1906. person
associatedWith Arxó, Joseph Raymundo, 1659-1711. person
associatedWith Ascensión, Antonio de la, 1573?-1636. person
associatedWith Ashe, John Baptista, 1748-1802. person
associatedWith Ashley, Algeline Jackson, b. 1830. person
associatedWith Ashley, Jonathan, 1712-1780. person
associatedWith Ashley, Joseph, 1709-1797. person
associatedWith Associação Comercial da Bahia. corporateBody
associatedWith Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848. person
associatedWith Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848. person
associatedWith Astor, William B. (William Backhouse), 1792-1875. person
associatedWith Asumpción, Diego de la, d. 1690. person
associatedWith Atkinson, George, d. 1792. person
associatedWith Atkinson, Henry, 1782-1842. person
associatedWith Atkinson, Theodore, 1697-1779. person
associatedWith Atwater, Caleb, 1778-1867. person
associatedWith Audubon, John James, 1785-1851. person
associatedWith Augur, Christopher Columbus, 1821-1898. person
associatedWith Avendano y Loyola, Andres de. person
associatedWith Avendano y Loyola, Andres de. person
associatedWith Ayer, Edward Everett, 1841-1927. person
associatedWith Backhouse, Richard, d. 1793. person
associatedWith Bader, Rev., fl. 1751-1798. person
associatedWith Balboa, Faustino de. person
associatedWith Balboa, Faustino de. person
associatedWith Balboa, Faustino de. person
associatedWith Ballenger, Thomas Lee, 1882-1987. person
associatedWith Bancroft, Hubert Howe, 1832-1918. person
associatedWith Baptista, Juan, d. 1702. person
associatedWith Baptista, Pedro. person
associatedWith Barabé, Nicolas. person
associatedWith Baraga, Frederic, 1797-1868. person
associatedWith Barbastro, Francisco Antonio, 1734-1800. person
associatedWith Barber, John Warner, 1798-1885. person
associatedWith Barker, Elizabeth F., 1809-1881. person
associatedWith Barnard, D. J., Captain. person
associatedWith Barnard, Ebenezer. person
associatedWith Barnard, Timothy, 1745-1820. person
associatedWith Barnes, H. S. person
associatedWith Barrera, Francisco. person
associatedWith Barrientos, Ginés, abp. of Troya, d. 1698. person
associatedWith Barrientos Lomelín, Pedro de, d. 1658. person
associatedWith Barrientos, Luis. person
associatedWith Barstow, C. H. (Charles H.), d. 1908. person
associatedWith Bartholomew, John. person
associatedWith Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886. person
associatedWith Barton, Thomas, 1730-1780. person
associatedWith Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. person
associatedWith Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. person
associatedWith Basalenque, Diego, 1577-1651. person
associatedWith Basseta, Domingo de. person
associatedWith Basseta, Domingo de. person
associatedWith Bates, Frederick, 1777-1825. person
associatedWith Batice, Walter. person
associatedWith Baylies, Francis, 1783-1852. person
associatedWith Beall, Thomas B., 1832-1921. person
associatedWith Beaubien, Jean Baptiste. person
associatedWith Beauchamp, William Martin, 1830-1925. person
associatedWith Beavis, Sarah. person
associatedWith Beede, A. McG. (Aaron McGaffey), 1859-1934. person
associatedWith Belden, Josiah, 1815-1892. person
associatedWith Beleña, Eusebio Buenaventura, 1736-1794. person
associatedWith Bell, Adam. person
associatedWith Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859? person
associatedWith Belmar, Francisco, b. 1859? person
associatedWith Benavides, Alonso de, fl. 1630. person
associatedWith Bencuchillo, Francisco, 1710-1776. person
associatedWith Benezet, Anthony, 1713-1784. person
associatedWith Benjamin Smith & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Benteen, Frederick William, 1834-1898. person
associatedWith Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858. person
associatedWith Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. person
associatedWith Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. person
associatedWith Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. person
associatedWith Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. person
associatedWith Berghes, Carl de, 1792-1869. person
associatedWith Bermejo, Julián, 1777-1851. person
associatedWith Bermen de la Martinière, Claude, 1636-1719. person
associatedWith Bernardus Albingaunensis. person
associatedWith Biencourt, Charles de, baron de Saint-Just, 1591 or 2-1623. person
associatedWith Big Warrior. person
associatedWith Bird, Edwin R. person
associatedWith Blackburn, Gideon, 1772-1838. person
associatedWith Blair, John. person
associatedWith Blanco y Erenas, Ramón, 1833-1906. person
associatedWith Blaney, William. person
associatedWith Bliss, J. J. person
associatedWith Blount, William, 1749-1800. person
associatedWith Blue Horse, ca. 1830-ca. 1900. person
associatedWith Blumentritt, Ferdinand, 1853-1913. person
associatedWith Bocalán y Vásquez, Joaquín, ca. 1780-1866. person
associatedWith Bogaert, Léon. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bollaert, William, 1807-1876. person
associatedWith Bonnell, George W. (George William) person
associatedWith Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820. person
associatedWith Bostwick, O. N. (Oliver N.) person
associatedWith Boüet, François. person
associatedWith Boulet, J. B. (Jean Baptiste), d. 1919. person
associatedWith Bourdas, Albert. person
associatedWith Bourdas, Albert. person
associatedWith Bourdon de Dombourg, Jean-François, 1647-1690. person
associatedWith Bowles, William Augustus, 1763 or 4-1805. person
associatedWith Boyd, Robert K., 1845?- person
associatedWith Brackenridge, H. M. (Henry Marie), 1786-1871. person
associatedWith Braddock, Edward, 1695?-1755. person
associatedWith Bradstreet, John, 1711-1774. person
associatedWith Brainerd, John, 1720-1781. person
associatedWith Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807. person
associatedWith Bravo, Antonio. person
associatedWith Bravo, Antonio. person
associatedWith Bréze, Jean-Armand de Maillé, duc de, 1619-1646. person
associatedWith Brodhead, John Romeyn, 1814-1873. person
associatedWith Brodie, John Pringle, 1807-1869. person
associatedWith Brookin, William. person
associatedWith Brooks, Alden Finney, 1840-1932. person
associatedWith Brown, Alexander, 1843-1906. person
associatedWith Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. person
associatedWith Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. person
associatedWith Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. person
associatedWith Brown, D. Tilden (David Tilden), 1822-1889. person
associatedWith Browning, William. person
associatedWith Brown, John, 1800-1859. person
associatedWith Brown, J. Robert. person
associatedWith Brown, Thomas, 1750-1825. person
associatedWith Brown, Thomas, of Kingston. person
associatedWith Buade de Frontenac, Antoine de, fl. 1594-1619. person
associatedWith Buade de Frontenac, Antoine de, fl. 1594-1619. person
associatedWith Buckner, Washington P. person
associatedWith Buelna, Eustaquio, 1830-1907. person
associatedWith Burbank, E. A. (Elbridge Ayer), 1858-1949. person
associatedWith Burbeck, Henry, 1754-1848. person
associatedWith Bureau, Marie Hubert. person
associatedWith Burke, Lemuel. person
associatedWith Burr, Aaron. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Burriel, Juan Nepomuceno. person
associatedWith Butler, David, 1792-1842. person
associatedWith Caballero, Lucas, d. 1711. person
associatedWith Cabello Valboa, Miguel, ca. 1530-1608? person
associatedWith Cabezas, Protacio. person
associatedWith Cabildo Eclesiástico de Manila (Manila, Philippines) corporateBody
associatedWith Cacho, Alexandro, d. 1748. person
associatedWith Cà da Mosto, Alvise, 1432-1488. person
associatedWith Cadillac, Antoine Laumet de Lamothe, 1658-1730. person
associatedWith Calderón y Serrano, Diego, d. 1687. person
associatedWith Calderón y Serrano, Diego, d. 1687. person
associatedWith Calle, de la, Sieur, fl. 1670-1674. person
associatedWith Calvo de Castro, Rafael. person
associatedWith Calvo, Tomás, fl. 1726. person
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcalde mayor (1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcaldía mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Camarines Sur (Philippines). Alcaldía mayor (1863-1864 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Cambridge (Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Campa, Miguel de la. person
associatedWith Campbell, J. (John) person
associatedWith Campomanes, Pedro Rodríguez, conde de, 1723-1803. person
associatedWith Camp, Walter Mason, 1867-1925. person
associatedWith Cañada, marqués de la. person
associatedWith Cáncer, Luis, d. 1549. person
associatedWith Canovas y Fajardo, Antonio. person
associatedWith Canto, Ernesto do, 1831-1900. person
associatedWith Capillas, Francisco Fernández de, 1607-1648. person
associatedWith Carbonell de Valenzuela, Esteban. person
associatedWith Cardenas, Tomás de, 1534-1580. person
associatedWith Carruth, E. H. (Edwin H.) person
associatedWith Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. person
associatedWith Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. person
associatedWith Carson, Kit, 1809-1868. person
associatedWith Carver, Jonathan, 1710-1780. person
associatedWith Casa de Contratación (Spain) corporateBody
associatedWith Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1474-1566. person
associatedWith Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1474-1566. person
associatedWith Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. person
associatedWith Castillejo, Clemente. person
associatedWith Castro, Henri, 1786-1865. person
associatedWith Castronuevo, marqués de. person
associatedWith Castro y Amoedo, Pedro Andrés de. person
associatedWith Caswell, Harriet S., b. 1834. person
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Durango (Mexico) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1619-1629 : García Serrano) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1767-1787 : Sancho de Santa Justa y Rufina) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Archbishop (1876-1879 : Payo) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Manila (Philippines). Bishop (1578-1594 : Salazar) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Oaxaca (Mexico) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Diocese of Chiapas (Mexico). Bishop (1769-1774 : García de Vargas) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Diocese of Nueva Segovia (Philippines). Bishop (1604-1613 : Soria) corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Diocese of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) corporateBody
associatedWith Catlin, George, 1796-1872. person
associatedWith Catlin, George, 1796-1872. person
associatedWith Cavallero, Francisco. person
associatedWith Cavite Province (Philippines). Coronel Gobernador (1859 : Ozcariz) corporateBody
associatedWith Cavite Province (Philippines). Teniente Coronel Gobernador (1860 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Cayuga Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith C de O., un incognito. person
associatedWith Cebey, Francisco. person
associatedWith Charencey, Hyacinthe, comte de, 1832-1916. person
associatedWith Chartier de Lotbinière, René-Louis, 1641-1709. person
associatedWith Chastellux, François Jean, marquis de, 1734-1788. person
associatedWith Chaves, Melchor de. person
associatedWith Chavez family. family
associatedWith Cherokee Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Cherokee Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Cherokee Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Chester, Peter, ca. 1717-1799. person
associatedWith Chicago American Indian Oral History Pilot Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Chickasaw Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Chimalpahin Cuauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón, 1579-1660. person
associatedWith Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917. person
associatedWith Chouteau, A. P. (Auguste Pierre), 1786-1838. person
associatedWith Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865. person
associatedWith Chouteau, Pierre, 1789-1865. person
associatedWith Church, Benjamin, 1639-1718. person
associatedWith Ciudad Real, Antonio de, 1551-1617. person
associatedWith Clapp, Daniel, 1746-1817. person
associatedWith Clarina, Eyre Massey, Baron, 1719-1804. person
associatedWith Clark, Daniel. person
associatedWith Clarke, George J. F. person
associatedWith Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818. person
associatedWith Clark, William, 1770-1838. person
associatedWith Clark, William, 1770-1838. person
associatedWith Clark, William, 1770-1838. person
associatedWith Clark, William, 1770-1838. person
associatedWith Claus, Daniel, 1727-1787. person
associatedWith Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, 1731-1787. person
associatedWith Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828. person
associatedWith Coalter, George. person
associatedWith Cochrane, Gavin. person
associatedWith Coelho, W. J. person
associatedWith Cofradía de la Santa Vera Cruz (Totonicapán, Guatemala) corporateBody
associatedWith Cofradía de San Nicolás de Tolentino (Sacapulas, Guatemala) corporateBody
associatedWith Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Colnett, James, 1755?-1806. person
associatedWith Coloma y Maceda, Francisco, 1617-1677. person
associatedWith Coloma y Maceda, Francisco, 1617-1677. person
associatedWith Colorado. Governor (1869-1873 : McCook) corporateBody
associatedWith Colt, Miriam Davis, b. 1817. person
associatedWith Columbus, Christopher. person
associatedWith Comano, Pedro. person
associatedWith Compañía de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Compañía de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the Parts Adjacent in America. corporateBody
associatedWith Comyn, Tomás de. person
associatedWith Comyn, Tomás de. person
associatedWith Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. corporateBody
associatedWith Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary. corporateBody
associatedWith Connecticut. Governor (1708-1724 : Saltonstall) corporateBody
associatedWith Contaduría General de Rentas Estancadas. corporateBody
associatedWith Converse, Sherman, 1790-1873. person
associatedWith Copway, George, 1818-1863? person
associatedWith Copway, George, 1818-1863? person
associatedWith Coram, Thomas, 1668?-1751. person
associatedWith Corbett, Henry W. (Henry Winslow), 1827-1903. person
associatedWith Córdoba (Veracruz, Mexico). Subprefectura. corporateBody
associatedWith Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547. person
associatedWith Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547. person
associatedWith Cosher, Thomas. person
associatedWith Costansó, Miguel. person
associatedWith Coto, Thomás, d. ca. 1656. person
associatedWith Cotton, Josiah, 1680-1756. person
associatedWith Council of Trent (1545-1563) corporateBody
associatedWith Cox, Cornelius C., fl. 1848-1849. person
associatedWith Cozar, Prudencio de. person
associatedWith Cozar, Prudencio de. person
associatedWith Crawford, Mazie. person
associatedWith Cresap, Mary. person
associatedWith Crespí, Juan, 1721-1782. person
associatedWith Crisp, D. H. (Downing H.) person
associatedWith Croghan, George, d. 1782. person
associatedWith Croghan, William, 1752-1823. person
associatedWith Crooks, Ramsay, 1787-1859. person
associatedWith Cross, James, b. 1795. person
associatedWith Cuming, Alexander, Sir, 1690?-1755. person
associatedWith Cuoq, J. A. (Jean André), 1821-1898. person
associatedWith Curuzelaegui y Arriola, Gabriel de, d. 1689. person
associatedWith Curuzelaegui y Arriola, Gabriel de, d. 1689. person
associatedWith Cusick, James N. person
associatedWith Cutter, Irving Samuel, 1875-1945. person
associatedWith Dablon, Claude, 1619-1697. person
associatedWith Dana, James J. (James Jackson), d. 1898. person
associatedWith D'Arcy McNickle Center for the History of the American Indian. corporateBody
associatedWith Dart, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Dart, John. person
associatedWith Dati, Gregorio, 1362-1436. person
associatedWith Dato de Mindanao. person
associatedWith Dato de Patuan. person
associatedWith Davenport, George, 1783-1845. person
associatedWith Davenport, James, 1716-1757. person
associatedWith Davis, Charles A., fl. 1900. person
associatedWith Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. person
associatedWith Davis, Jefferson Columbus, 1828-1879. person
associatedWith Davis, Samuel, of Groton (Mass.) person
associatedWith Dean, James, 1748-1823. person
associatedWith Debo, Angie, 1890-1988. person
associatedWith Decker, George P. (George Palmer), 1861-1936. person
associatedWith Delacroix de Constant, Charles, 1741-1805. person
associatedWith Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935. person
associatedWith Denison, Daniel, 1613-1682. person
associatedWith Denney, Louis. person
associatedWith Denonville, Jacques René de Brisay, marquis de, 1637-1710. person
associatedWith De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822. person
associatedWith De Peyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822. person
associatedWith De Richebourg, fl. 1714-1718. person
associatedWith Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, 1558?-1629. person
associatedWith Dick, John, Captain. person
associatedWith Diez de Bonilla, Manuel, 1800-1864. person
associatedWith Dillon, H. C. person
associatedWith Dinsmore, Silas. person
associatedWith Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770. person
associatedWith Dionne, N.-E. (Narcisse-Eutrope), 1848-1917. person
associatedWith Dios González, Juan de. person
associatedWith Discalced Carmelites. corporateBody
associatedWith Dixon, Joseph Kossuth. person
associatedWith Doherty, David J. (David Jessup), 1850-1908. person
associatedWith Domingo, Damián, ca. 1795-ca. 1832. person
associatedWith Dominicans. Provincia del Santísimo Rosario de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Doty, James Duane, 1799-1865. person
associatedWith Douglas-Lithgow, R. A. (Robert Alexander), 1846-1917. person
associatedWith Dousman, Hercules L. (Hercules Louis), 1800-1868. person
associatedWith Doxtater, Mary. person
associatedWith Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875. person
associatedWith Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875. person
associatedWith Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-1891. person
associatedWith Drayton, William Henry, 1742-1779. person
associatedWith Duane, James, 1733-1797. person
associatedWith Dubois Davaugour, Pierre, d. 1664. person
associatedWith Dubois Davaugour, Pierre, d. 1664. person
associatedWith Dudley, Thomas P. (Thomas Parker), b. 1792. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Dumont de Montigny. person
associatedWith Duncan, William, 1832-1918. person
associatedWith Dunn, Jacob Piatt, 1855-1924. person
associatedWith Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844. person
associatedWith Durán, Narciso, 1776-1846. person
associatedWith Du Ru, Paul, 1666-1741. person
associatedWith Eames, Wilberforce, 1855-1937. person
associatedWith Eastman, Charles Alexander, 1858-1939. person
associatedWith Eastman, Mary H. (Mary Henderson), 1818-1887. person
associatedWith Eaton, N. A. A. person
associatedWith Eaton, William, 1764-1811. person
associatedWith Eayrs, George Washington, 1775-1855. person
associatedWith Eddy, John H. (John Hartshorne), 1782-1817. person
associatedWith Edgerton, Alfred P. (Alfred Peck), 1813-1897. person
associatedWith Edwards, Henry, Captain. person
associatedWith Edwards, Ninian, 1775-1833. person
associatedWith Eggin, Florence. person
associatedWith Einhorn, Arthur. person
associatedWith Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. person
associatedWith Elgueta, Manuel García, b. 1846. person
associatedWith Ellffryth, Daniell, fl. 1608-1640. person
associatedWith Elorriaga, Miguel de. person
associatedWith Eminard, Jean Baptiste d'. person
associatedWith Encina, Pedro. person
associatedWith Enmegahbowh, J. J. (John Johnson), 1812?-1902. person
associatedWith Enríquez, Antonio. person
associatedWith Esclavos del Sacramento. corporateBody
associatedWith España, Bernabé. person
associatedWith España, Bernabé. person
associatedWith España, Bernabé. person
associatedWith Espinosa y Tello, Manuel de. person
associatedWith Espinosa y Tello, Manuel de. person
associatedWith Estaurille, Francisco Antonio. person
associatedWith Estelric, Joseph. person
associatedWith Etherington, G. (George), 1722 or 3-1802. person
associatedWith Ewing, George Washington, 1803-1866. person
associatedWith Fabreguez y Santander, José. person
associatedWith Farando, Joseph. person
associatedWith Farando, Joseph. person
associatedWith Farando, Joseph. person
associatedWith Farnham, Russell, 1784-1832. person
associatedWith Father Santos, bp. of Cebu. person
associatedWith Faulk, Andrew Jackson, 1814-1898. person
associatedWith Faxardo, Juan Isidro. person
associatedWith Fernández Cabeza de Vaca, José. person
associatedWith Fernández Cabeza de Vaca, José. person
associatedWith Fernández de Córdoba, Fernando. person
associatedWith Fernández de Córdoba y Guzmán, Martín de, d. 1618. person
associatedWith Fernández de Córdoba y Guzmán, Martín de, d. 1618. person
associatedWith Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo, 1478-1557. person
associatedWith Fishbourne, Benjamin, d. 1819. person
associatedWith Fiske, John, 1842-1901. person
associatedWith Fiske, N. W. (Nathan Welby), 1798-1847. person
associatedWith Fisk, James Liberty, 1835-1902. person
associatedWith Folch, Vicente. person
associatedWith Folch, Vicente. person
associatedWith Fonseca, Domingo de. person
associatedWith Forbes, W. Cameron (William Cameron), 1870-1959. person
associatedWith Fordham, Elias Pym. person
associatedWith Fordham, Elias Pym. person
associatedWith Fordham, Elias Pym. person
associatedWith Foreman, Grant, 1869-1953. person
associatedWith Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833. person
associatedWith Forsyth, Thomas, 1771-1833. person
associatedWith Fort Union (N.M.) corporateBody
associatedWith Foster, Anthony. person
associatedWith Foster, J. Edwards, fl. 1835-1841. person
associatedWith Fouts, William. person
associatedWith France. Conseil d'Etat. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Sovereign (1610-1643 : Louis XIII) corporateBody
associatedWith France. Sovereign (1814-1824 : Louis XVIII) corporateBody
associatedWith Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790. person
associatedWith Franquet, Louis, 1697-1768. person
associatedWith Franquet, Louis, 1697-1768. person
associatedWith Frater, Jno. T. (John Taylor), b 1848. person
associatedWith Frisbie, Levi, 1748-1806. person
associatedWith Frye, Joseph, 1712-1794. person
associatedWith Fuentes, Manuel. person
associatedWith Fullam, Francis. person
associatedWith Fuller, Alpheus G., 1822-1900. person
associatedWith Gafron, John, b. 1850. person
associatedWith Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. person
associatedWith Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. person
associatedWith Gage, Thomas, 1721-1787. person
associatedWith Gagnon, Philéas, 1854-1915. person
associatedWith Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849. person
associatedWith Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849. person
associatedWith Gaither, Henry, 1751-1811. person
associatedWith Galán, Bartolomé. person
associatedWith Galphin, George, d. 1780. person
associatedWith Gálvez, Bernardo de, 1746-1786. person
associatedWith Gálvez, José de, 1720-1787. person
associatedWith Gano, John Stites, 1766-1822. person
associatedWith Gaona, Juan de, 1507-1560. person
associatedWith Gaona, Juan de, 1507-1560. person
associatedWith Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. person
associatedWith Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. person
associatedWith Garcés, Francisco Tomás Hermenegildo, 1738-1781. person
associatedWith García, Cándido. person
associatedWith García de Gómez, Nicolás. person
associatedWith García, Genaro, 1867-1920. person
associatedWith García Icazbalceta, Joaquín, 1825-1894. person
associatedWith García, Manuel, don. person
associatedWith Gasca, Pedro de la, 1493-1567. person
associatedWith Gaston, Theron R. person
associatedWith Gattebled de Santa Coloma, Eloise. person
associatedWith Gelabert, Francisco de Paula. person
associatedWith Genova e Iturbe, Jose. person
associatedWith Georgia. Governor (1785-1786 : Elbert) corporateBody
associatedWith Georgia. Governor (1786-1787 : Telfair) corporateBody
associatedWith Georgia. Governor (1827-1829 : Forsyth) corporateBody
associatedWith Georgia. Governor (1831-1835 : Lumpkin) corporateBody
associatedWith Georgia. Governor (1837-1839 : Gilmer) corporateBody
associatedWith Gibbon, John, 1827-1896. person
associatedWith Gibbons, William, 1726-1800. person
associatedWith Gibson, John, 1740-1822. person
associatedWith Giesecke, Carl Ludwig, 1761-1833. person
associatedWith Gilbert, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gilberti, Maturino, 1498-1585. person
associatedWith Gillis, S. H. person
associatedWith Gioson. person
associatedWith Glen, John. person
associatedWith Goicoechea, Mariano de. person
associatedWith Gonzales de Mendoza, Francisco. person
associatedWith Gonzalez family. family
associatedWith González, Joseph, 1704-1762. person
associatedWith Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. person
associatedWith Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. person
associatedWith Gookin, Daniel, 1612-1687. person
associatedWith Gookin, Daniel, 1720-1752. person
associatedWith Gordon, David. person
associatedWith Gordon, Eleanor Lytle Kinzie, 1835-1917. person
associatedWith Gorges, Ferdinando, 1629-1718. person
associatedWith Gray, Edwin, b. 1743. person
associatedWith Gray, John S. (John Stephens), 1910-1991. person
associatedWith Great Britain. Admiralty. corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Board of Trade. corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Board of Trade. corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Board of Trade. corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II) corporateBody
associatedWith Great Britain. Sovereign (1760-1820 : George III) corporateBody
associatedWith Greenwood, Thomas J., 1908-1988. person
associatedWith Gregg, John. person
associatedWith Grierson, Benjamin Henry, 1826-1911. person
associatedWith Grignon, Augustin, 1780-1860. person
associatedWith Grover, Joel. person
associatedWith Grunewald, Eduard. person
associatedWith Guajardo Messia, Alonso. person
associatedWith Guamán Poma de Ayala, Felipe, fl. 1613. person
associatedWith Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. person
associatedWith Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. person
associatedWith Guardia y Fernández, Francisco, marqués de los Castillejos. person
associatedWith Guatemala. Audiencia. corporateBody
associatedWith Guichart de Kersident, Vincent Fleuri, d. 1793. person
associatedWith Guido, Pedro. person
associatedWith Guild, Rufus. person
associatedWith Guirnalda, Fernando. person
associatedWith Gunn, Moses. person
associatedWith Gus, fl. 1878-1885. person
associatedWith Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. person
associatedWith Gutiérrez y Ulloa, Antonio. person
associatedWith Guyasuta, ca. 1720-ca. 1795. person
associatedWith Guzmán, Pantaleón de, 1652?-ca. 1708. person
associatedWith Gybbon Spilsbury, Joseph Henry. person
associatedWith Gybbon Spilsbury, Joseph Henry. person
associatedWith Habersham, John, 1754-1799. person
associatedWith Hadley, Lewis F. (Lewis Francis) person
associatedWith Haliburton, R. G. (Robert Grant), 1831-1901. person
associatedWith Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. person
associatedWith Hall, R. D. person
associatedWith Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804. person
associatedWith Hamilton, J. A. Palmer. person
associatedWith Hammond, George, 1763-1853. person
associatedWith Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-1886. person
associatedWith Hanks, Jane Richardson, 1908- person
associatedWith Harrison, Gabriel, 1818-1902. person
associatedWith Harrison, Joseph P., 1812?-1839. person
associatedWith Harrison, Richard, 1750-1841. person
associatedWith Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910. person
associatedWith Hartley, Thomas, 1748-1800. person
associatedWith Harwich (Mass. : Town). Selectmen. corporateBody
associatedWith Haskell, Daniel Hale. person
associatedWith Hatch, Edward, 1832-1889. person
associatedWith Hatch, Edwin A. C. (Edwin Aaron Clark), 1825-1882. person
associatedWith Haupt, Herman. person
associatedWith Haupt, Herman. person
associatedWith Havana (Cuba). Governor (1765-1770 : Bucareli) corporateBody
associatedWith Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816. person
associatedWith Hawks, John, 1707-1784. person
associatedWith Hawley, Gideon, 1727-1807. person
associatedWith Hazen, William Babcock, 1830-1887. person
associatedWith Heath, Joseph. person
associatedWith Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823. person
associatedWith Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823. person
associatedWith Heckman, Wallace, 1851-1927. person
associatedWith Henríquez, Andrés. person
associatedWith Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799. person
associatedWith Henry, William. person
associatedWith Hernández, Gerónimo Florencio. person
associatedWith Hernández Spina, Vicente. person
associatedWith Herrera Ravachero, Felix de. person
associatedWith Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio, d. 1625. person
associatedWith Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, d. 1625. person
associatedWith Hiché, Henri. person
associatedWith Hill, Leonard. person
associatedWith Hill, Robert C. person
associatedWith Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. person
associatedWith Hodgdon, Samuel, 1745-1824. person
associatedWith Hodge, Frederick Webb, 1864-1956. person
associatedWith Hoffman, fl. 1872. person
associatedWith Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933. person
associatedWith Hooke, Francis, d. 1695. person
associatedWith Hopkins, Rufus. person
associatedWith Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-1893. person
associatedWith Houghton, C. B. (Cornelius Briggs), b. 1823. person
associatedWith Houghton, Timothy. person
associatedWith Howard, Dresden W. H., b. 1817. person
associatedWith Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. person
associatedWith Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. person
associatedWith Hoyos y Zendegui, Anastasio de. person
associatedWith Hrdlička, Aleš, 1869-1943. person
associatedWith Huggins, E. L. (Eli Lundy), 1842-1929. person
associatedWith Hughes, John. person
associatedWith Huici, Martín Antonio de. person
associatedWith Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. person
associatedWith Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. person
associatedWith Hunter, John Dunn, 1798?-1827. person
associatedWith Hunt, Samuel, d. 1799. person
associatedWith Hunt, Thomas, d. 1808. person
associatedWith Huske, Ellis, 1700-1755. person
associatedWith Ibbotson, Henry. person
associatedWith Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556. person
associatedWith Ilchester, William Thomas Horner Fox Strangways, Earl of, 1795-1882. person
associatedWith Illinois. Governor (1830-1834 : Reynolds) corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois. Governor (1838-1842 : Carlin) corporateBody
associatedWith Illinois Land Company (1835-1839) corporateBody
associatedWith Ingalls, George W., b. 1838. person
associatedWith Innes, Harry, 1752-1816. person
associatedWith Iragorri, Juan Francisco, 1728-1783. person
associatedWith Irving, John T. (John Treat), 1778-1838. person
associatedWith Irwin, John, 1753-1808. person
associatedWith Ives, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835. person
associatedWith James, George Wharton, 1858-1923. person
associatedWith Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771. person
associatedWith Jennings, Samuel C. person
associatedWith Jesuits. corporateBody
associatedWith Jesuits. Philippine Province. corporateBody
associatedWith Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860. person
associatedWith Jiménez de Enciso, Andrés. person
associatedWith Johnson, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1905. person
associatedWith Johnson, Charles B., merchant. person
associatedWith Johnson, Guy, ca. 1740-1788. person
associatedWith Johnson, Jimmy, 1774-1854. person
associatedWith Johnson, John, Sir, 1742-1830. person
associatedWith Johnson, Joseph, 1751?-1777. person
associatedWith Johnson, Thomas, 1766-1826. person
associatedWith Johnson, William, Sir, 1715-1774. person
associatedWith Johnson, Zachary, d. 1787. person
associatedWith Johnston, Joseph E. (Joseph Eggleston), 1807-1891. person
associatedWith Johns, William Douglas, b. 1858. person
associatedWith Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700. person
associatedWith Joliet, Louis, 1645-1700. person
associatedWith Jones, Captain. person
associatedWith Jones, Griffith, fl. 1700. person
associatedWith Jones, James Athearn, 1791-1854. person
associatedWith Jones, R. W., Utah traveler. person
associatedWith Juana, de Austria, Princess of Portugal, 1535-1573. person
associatedWith Juneau, Solomon, 1793-1856. person
associatedWith J. W. J. person
associatedWith Kanner, Phillip Jacob. person
associatedWith Karrow, Robert W. person
associatedWith Kearny, Stephen Watts, 1794-1848. person
associatedWith Keating, Edward. person
associatedWith Kelly, John L. (John Lincoln), fl. 1897-1923. person
associatedWith Kennedy, William, 1799-1871. person
associatedWith Kennerly, James, 1792-1840. person
associatedWith Kenton, Simon, 1755-1836. person
associatedWith Kentucky Board of War. corporateBody
associatedWith Keokuk, Sauk chief, 1780?-1848. person
associatedWith Kern, Richard H., 1821-1853. person
associatedWith Kerwin, M. W. person
associatedWith Kilby, Thomas, 1699-1746. person
associatedWith Kimball & Lawrence. corporateBody
associatedWith Kimball, Solon Toothaker. person
associatedWith Kinzie, John Harris, 1803-1865. person
associatedWith Kirchoffer, Dr. person
associatedWith Kirkland, Joseph, 1770-1844. person
associatedWith Konkapot, Chief. person
associatedWith Kunstmann, E. person
associatedWith Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1663-1738. person
associatedWith Laboybre, Bannos. person
associatedWith Lacombe, Albert, 1827-1916. person
associatedWith La Corne, Luc de, 1711-1784. person
associatedWith LaFontaine, Francois. person
associatedWith La Fort, Abram, ca. 1794-1848. person
associatedWith Lafuente, Casímiro. person
associatedWith Laidlaw, William, ca. 1798-1851. person
associatedWith Laisné, Edouard. person
associatedWith Lambertye, marquis de. person
associatedWith Lamson, Caleb. person
associatedWith Langan, Patrick. person
associatedWith Langlade, Charlotte Ambroisine Bourassa, d. 1818. person
associatedWith Langlade, Charlotte Ambroisine Bourassa, d. 1818. person
associatedWith Lanman, Charles, 1819-1895. person
associatedWith Lara Mogrobejo, Antonio de. person
associatedWith Lardizábal, Vicente de. person
associatedWith Larwill, Joseph H. (Joseph Hart), 1788-1867. person
associatedWith Lauson de Charny, Charles de, c. 1629-ca. 1690. person
associatedWith Lavradio, Luís de Almeida Soares Portugal Alarcão Eça e Melo, Marquês do, 1727-1790. person
associatedWith Lawrence, Thomas, 1689-1754. person
associatedWith Leandro de Viana, Franco. person
associatedWith Leandro de Viana, Franco. person
associatedWith Leandro de Viana, Franco. person
associatedWith Leandro de Viana, Franco. person
associatedWith Le Boulanger, Jean Baptiste, 1685-1740. person
associatedWith Le Claire, Antoine, b. 1797. person
associatedWith Leeds, M. H., Captain, fl. 1849-1850. person
associatedWith Lee, Rebeckah. person
associatedWith Legoff, Laurent, 1840-1932. person
associatedWith Legoff, Laurent, 1840-1932. person
associatedWith Le Moyne, Simon, 1604-1665. person
associatedWith Le Netrel, Edmond. person
associatedWith León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. person
associatedWith León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. person
associatedWith León, Nicolás, 1859-1929. person
associatedWith Leslye, William. person
associatedWith Lewis, Asa K. person
associatedWith Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel. person
associatedWith Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. person
associatedWith Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810. person
associatedWith Lining, John, 1708-1760. person
associatedWith L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726. person
associatedWith Lister, Christopher. person
associatedWith Little Billy, Seneca chief, fl. 1794-1830. person
associatedWith Littleman, Peter D. person
associatedWith Livingston, Peter Robert, 1766-1847. person
associatedWith Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749. person
associatedWith Lizaula, José María Silverio, b. 1806. person
associatedWith Llisa, Pedro de. person
associatedWith Loaiza, Baltasar Xavier, 1608-1672. person
associatedWith Lochry, Archibald, d. 1781. person
associatedWith Logan, James, 1674-1751. person
associatedWith Lombardo, Natal. person
associatedWith Long, Richard. person
associatedWith López de Bonilla, Gabriel. person
associatedWith Lossing, Benson John, 1813-1891. person
associatedWith Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 1705-1782. person
associatedWith Louisiana. Governor (1769 : O'Reilly) corporateBody
associatedWith Louisiana. Governor (1799-1801 : Casa Calvo) corporateBody
associatedWith Lovely, William L. person
associatedWith Lowden, James. person
associatedWith Loyard, Jean-Baptiste, 1678-1731. person
associatedWith Lucenilla y Torres, Francisco de. person
associatedWith Lucke, Jacob. person
associatedWith Ludlow, Roger, 1590-1665? person
associatedWith Luthereau, J. G. A. (Jean Guillaume Antoine), b. 1810. person
associatedWith Luthereau, J. G. A. (Jean Guillaume Antoine), b. 1810. person
associatedWith Lykins, W. H. R. person
associatedWith Lyman, Aaron. person
associatedWith Lyon, Lucius, 1800-1851. person
associatedWith Macanaz, Melchor Rafael de, 1670-1760. person
associatedWith Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir, 1763-1820. person
associatedWith Madison, James, 1751-1836. person
associatedWith Madre de Dios, Juan de la, 1616-1685. person
associatedWith Magalona, Praxedes. person
associatedWith Magruder, Allan Bowie, 1775-1822. person
associatedWith M. A. H. person
associatedWith Malcolm, John. person
associatedWith Maldonado, Francisco. person
associatedWith Mamangquat. person
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Alcalde mayor 1° (1860-1863 : Hoyos y Zendegui) corporateBody
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Cabildo. corporateBody
associatedWith Manila (Philippines). Juzgado de la alcaldía mayor 1a. corporateBody
associatedWith Mansfield, Jared, 1759-1830. person
associatedWith Margry, Pierre, 1818-1894. person
associatedWith Mariner, Joan. person
associatedWith Marin, Joseph Thomas. person
associatedWith Marin, Joseph Thomas. person
associatedWith Marquette, Jacques, 1637-1675. person
associatedWith Marsac, Monsieur. person
associatedWith Marsh, Edgar T. person
associatedWith Marsh, John, 1799-1856. person
associatedWith Marsh, Moses, 1718-1796. person
associatedWith Martel de Gayangos, Antonio. person
associatedWith Martel de Gayangos, Antonio. person
associatedWith Martínez, Enrico, d. 1632. person
associatedWith Martínez Sánchez de Araque, Diego de, ca. 1736-ca. 1786. person
associatedWith Martínez Sánchez de Araque, Diego de, ca. 1736-ca. 1786. person
associatedWith Martin, William, of South Carolina. person
associatedWith Marure, Alejandro. person
associatedWith Maryland. Governor (1731-1732 : Ogle) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. General Court. corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1702-1715 : Dudley) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1730-1741 : Belcher) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1741-1757 : Shirley) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor (1760-1770 : Bernard) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1692-1701 : Stoughton) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1716-1730 : Dummer) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1716-1730 : Dummer) corporateBody
associatedWith Massachusetts. Lieutenant Governor (1732-1757 : Phips) corporateBody
associatedWith Mathevet, Jean Claude, 1717-1781. person
associatedWith Matthews, W. W. person
associatedWith Maumesrau, George. person
associatedWith Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879. person
associatedWith Mayer, Frank Blackwell, 1827-1899. person
associatedWith Mayhew, Thomas, 1593?-1682. person
associatedWith McCarthy, Daniel. person
associatedWith McCay, Charles Francis, 1810-1889. person
associatedWith McCleary, Robert. person
associatedWith McDowell, Malcolm. person
associatedWith McFarlane, James, 1759-1812. person
associatedWith McGaffey, J. M., fl. 1848-1849. person
associatedWith McGillycuddy, Julia B. (Julia Blanchard) person
associatedWith McIntyre, Donald, fl. 1771. person
associatedWith McKelvey, William, fl. 1755. person
associatedWith McKenney, Thomas Loraine, 1785-1859. person
associatedWith McKenzie, Kenneth, 1797-1861. person
associatedWith McNary, Oliver Clarkson. person
associatedWith McNickle, D'Arcy, 1904-1977. person
associatedWith McNulty, James Madison. person
associatedWith Medrano, Miguel de. person
associatedWith Meeker, Ezra, 1830-1928. person
associatedWith Melandreras, Fray. person
associatedWith Meléndez y Bruna, Salvador. person
associatedWith Mello, Duarte José de. person
associatedWith Melvin, Eleazar, fl. 1725. person
associatedWith Menard and Valle (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Menard, Pierre, 1766-1844. person
associatedWith Mendoza, Andrés de. person
associatedWith Mendoza, Juan de, 1539-1619. person
associatedWith Meneses, Felipe de. person
associatedWith Mercado, Ignacio, d. 1698. person
associatedWith Mercer, W. A. (William Allen) person
associatedWith Merian, G., fl. 1863. person
associatedWith Messler, Abraham, 1800-1882. person
associatedWith Mexico City (Mexico). Cabildo. corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico City (Mexico). Comisión de Salud Pública. corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico. Ejército del Norte. corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico. Ejército. Inspección General de infantería y caballería permanente. corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico. Ejército Republicano del Norte. General-in-Chief (1813 : Gutiérrez) corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico. Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. corporateBody
associatedWith Mexico. Ministerio de Justicia y Negocios Eclesiásticos. corporateBody
associatedWith Meyer, Louis. person
associatedWith Micmac Tribe. corporateBody
associatedWith Middlesex County (Mass.). Treasurer. corporateBody
associatedWith Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. person
associatedWith Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. person
associatedWith Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo, b. 1713. person
associatedWith Millán, Pedro. person
associatedWith Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912. person
associatedWith Millet, Pierre, 1635-1709. person
associatedWith Mitchell, David Brydie, 1766-1837. person
associatedWith Montezuma, Carlos, 1866-1923. person
associatedWith Moore, Carl M. person
associatedWith Moore, Nathaniel Fish, 1782-1872. person
associatedWith Morán, Francisco, fl. 1625. person
associatedWith Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo, Mexico). Comandante General. corporateBody
associatedWith Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. person
associatedWith Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. person
associatedWith Morfi, Juan Agustín, d. 1783. person
associatedWith Morga, Antonio de, 1559-1636. person
associatedWith Morgan, George, 1743-1810. person
associatedWith Morris, John, of Urbana, Ohio. person
associatedWith Morris, Thomas, b. 1732? person
associatedWith Morvillo, Anthony. person
associatedWith Morvillo, Anthony. person
associatedWith Mosher, John. person
associatedWith Mott-Smith, John, 1824-1895. person
associatedWith Mouet de Langlade, Charles-Michel, ca. 1729-1801. person
associatedWith Muñoz Camargo, Diego, ca. 1529-1599. person
associatedWith Muñoz de Bustamente, Pedro. person
associatedWith Muñoz, Gabriel. person
associatedWith Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753. person
associatedWith Murphy, Timothy. person
associatedWith Mussio, Fernando. person
associatedWith Natonamage, James, fl. 1663. person
associatedWith Navarrete, José. person
associatedWith Neve, Felipe de, 1724-1784. person
associatedWith Neville, Presley, 1756-1818. person
associatedWith Nevill, Valentine, fl. 1758. person
associatedWith Newberry, F. D. person
associatedWith Newcomb, Silas, b. 1822. person
associatedWith New France. Governor (1636-1648 : Montmagny) corporateBody
associatedWith New France. Governor (1685-1689 : De Brisay) corporateBody
associatedWith New France. Intendant (1748-1760 : Bigot) corporateBody
associatedWith New Granada. Viceroy (1789-1796 : Ezpeleta) corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. General Assembly. corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. Governor (1741-1766 : Wentworth) corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. Governor (1741-1766 : Wentworth) corporateBody
associatedWith New Hampshire. Lieutenant Governor (1701-1702 : Partridge) corporateBody
associatedWith Newhouse, Seth. person
associatedWith Newnham, Jervois Arthur, 1852-1941. person
associatedWith New Spain. Ejército. corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Real Audiencia (Mexico City) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Real Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Real Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1535-1550 : Mendoza) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1550-1564 : Velasco) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1688-1696 : Galve) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1734-1740 : Vizarrón y Eguiarreta) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1766-1771 : Croix) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1771-1779 : Bucareli y Ursúa) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo) corporateBody
associatedWith New Spain. Viceroy (1789-1794 : Revillagigedo) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Attorney General's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Attorney General's Office. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Commissioners of Indian Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Commissioners of Indian Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Council. corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1743-1753 : Clinton) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1777-1795 : Clinton) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1804-1807 : Lewis) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Governor (1807-1817 : Tompkins) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Lieutenant Governor (1704-1710 : Ingoldesby) corporateBody
associatedWith New York (State). Lieutenant Governor (1761-1775 : Colden) corporateBody
associatedWith Nicollet, Jean, 1598-1642. person
associatedWith Nieto, Ladislao. person
associatedWith No Ears, John, fl. 1912. person
associatedWith Norgate, Elias, 1798-1833. person
associatedWith Norton, John, b. ca. 1760. person
associatedWith Norton y Nicols, Nicolás. person
associatedWith Nuñez, Juan. person
associatedWith Nuñez, Juan. person
associatedWith Occom, Mary. person
associatedWith Occom, Samson, 1723-1792. person
associatedWith Ogden, Peter Skene, 1790-1854. person
associatedWith Ohio Company (1786-1796) corporateBody
associatedWith Old Abraham. person
associatedWith Olmedo, Bernardino. person
associatedWith Onderdonk, Henry, 1804-1886. person
associatedWith Onondaga Nation. corporateBody
associatedWith Orleans, Pedro de. person
associatedWith Orleman, L. H. person
associatedWith Ormigo, Pedro Vicente. person
associatedWith Oroz, Pedro de, 1521-1597. person
associatedWith Ortega, Gaspar de. person
associatedWith Ortiz, Marcos. person
associatedWith Osado, Ricardo, d. 1770. person
associatedWith Oshkosh, Menominee Chief, 1795-1858. person
associatedWith Otazu, Lorenzo, 1759-1824. person
associatedWith Otero, Alejandro. person
associatedWith Otis, Joseph Edward, 1867-1959. person
associatedWith Ottawa Tribe. corporateBody
associatedWith Ouilmette, Antoine, 1760-1841. person
associatedWith Oveno y Rabago, Joseph de. person
associatedWith Oweneco, d. 1715. person
associatedWith Owen, James P. person
associatedWith Padilla y Estrada, José Ignacio, bp. of Yucatán, 1696-1760. person
associatedWith Page, John, of Groton (Mass.) person
associatedWith Paglayonan, Fabián. person
associatedWith Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. person
associatedWith Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. person
associatedWith Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659. person
associatedWith Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. person
associatedWith Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. person
associatedWith Palóu, Francisco, 1723-1789. person
associatedWith Pañete, Anselmo. person
associatedWith Parent, James L. person
associatedWith Parish, Jasper, 1767-1836. person
associatedWith Parker, Albert. person
associatedWith Parker, Dorothy R. (Dorothy Ragon), 1927- person
associatedWith Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-1895. person
associatedWith Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-1895. person
associatedWith Parker, J. N. (John N.) person
associatedWith Parker, Moses. person
associatedWith Parker, Richard, d. 1780. person
associatedWith Parkinson, E. person
associatedWith Parkman, Francis, 1823-1893. person
associatedWith Parrish, John, 1729-1807. person
associatedWith Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1737-1789. person
associatedWith Partridge, Samuel, 1645-1740. person
associatedWith Pavón, José M., fl. 1838-1839. person
associatedWith Payne, John Howard, 1791-1852. person
associatedWith Payo Sanz, Joseph. person
associatedWith Pech, Nakuk, fl. 1562. person
associatedWith Pedroche, Cristóbal, 1645-1715. person
associatedWith Pedroche, Cristóbal, 1645-1715. person
associatedWith Pelaez, Pedro, fl. 1862. person
associatedWith Peñaranda, José María. person
associatedWith Pendleton, Brian, ca. 1599-1681. person
associatedWith Penhallow, Samuel, 1665-1726. person
associatedWith Pénicaut, André. person
associatedWith Penniman, Moses. person
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1709-1717 : Gookin) corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1754-1756 : Morris) corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1754-1756 : Morris) corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1756-1759 : Denny) corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Lieutenant Governor (1763-1771 : Penn) corporateBody
associatedWith Pennsylvania. Supreme Executive Council. corporateBody
associatedWith Penn, Thomas, 1702-1775. person
associatedWith Penn, William, 1644-1718. person
associatedWith Pensoneau, Laurant. person
associatedWith Pérez, Cándido. person
associatedWith Pérez de Garayo, Juan Matheo, d. 1692. person
associatedWith Pérez de los Cobos, Francisco. person
associatedWith Pérez de Ribas, Andrés, 1576-1655. person
associatedWith Pérez de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, Alonso, b. 1629. person
associatedWith Pérez, Juan Pío, 1798-1859. person
associatedWith Périnault, Joseph, 1732-1814. person
associatedWith Perlas, Conde de. person
associatedWith Peronneau, Isaac. person
associatedWith Perrault, Denis R. (Denis Romulus) person
associatedWith Perrault, Hyacinthe, fl. 1693-1694. person
associatedWith Perry, Henry. person
associatedWith Pertiería, Leandro. person
associatedWith Peru. Viceroy (1681-1689 : Navarra y Rocafull) corporateBody
associatedWith Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Audiencia (Lima) corporateBody
associatedWith Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Audiencia (Lima) corporateBody
associatedWith Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Caja de Cuzco. corporateBody
associatedWith Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1761-1776 : Amat) corporateBody
associatedWith Peselm, I. L. person
associatedWith Peters, Richard, 1704-1776. person
associatedWith Peters, William. person
associatedWith Petogkom, Simon. person
associatedWith Petter, Rodolphe Charles, 1865-1947. person
associatedWith Phelps, Oliver, 1749-1809. person
associatedWith Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Administración General de Rentas Estancadas. Dirección General de Fábricas y Colecciones de Tabaco. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Capitanía General. Estado Mayor. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Captain General (1844-1849 : Clavería) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Comisión permanente de censura. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Comisión permanente de censura. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda de Filipinas. Hacienda Militar. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Hacienda. Sección Militar. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Real Hacienda de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Contaduría General de Ejército y Real Hacienda de Filipinas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Dirección general de administración local. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Dirección general de administración local. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Dirección General de Renta Nacional del Tabaco de Manila. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Ejeŕcito. Cuerpo de Sanidad Militar. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Fiscalía de Su Magestad en la Real Audiencia de Manila. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador (1861-1862 : Lemery) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador-General (1850-1853 : Urbiztondo y Eguía) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador-General (1862-1865 : Echagüe) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador-General (1862-1865 : Echagüe) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador-General (1865-1866 : Lara e Irigoyen) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobernador-General (1865-1866 : Lara e Irigoyen) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Gobierno revolucionario. President (1898 : Aguinaldo) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1584-1590 : Vera) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1593-1596 : Pérez Dasmariñas) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1609-1616 : Silva) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1618-1624 : Fajardo de Tença) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1678-1684 : Vargas Hurtado) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1770-1776 : Anda y Salazar) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1770-1776 : Anda y Salazar) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1816-1822 : Fernández de Folgueras) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1841-1843 : Oraá Lecumberri) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1861-1862 : Lemery) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1871-1873 : Izquierdo) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Governor (1874-1877 : Malcampo) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Junta de Reales Almonedas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Junta General de Estadística. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines Juzgado de Manila. person
associatedWith Philippines. Juzgado de Manila. Promotoría Fiscal. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines Ministerio Público. person
associatedWith Philippines. Ministerio Público. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. President (1899-1901 : Aguinaldo) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillerbia (Manila). Fiscalbia de S.M. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía de S.M. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Fiscalía de S.M. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1765-1770 : Raon) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1778-1787 : Basco y Vargas) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Audiencia Chancillería (Manila). Presidente (1793-1806 : Aguilar) corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Hacienda. Administración general de tributos. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Hacienda. Administración General de Tributos. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Hacienda. Fiscalía. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Hacienda. Tribunal de Cuentas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Tribunal y Audiencia de Cuentas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Real Tribunal y Audiencia de Cuentas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Superintendencia de Hacienda Pública. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Superintendencia de Hacienda Pública. Superintendencia de los ramos de propios y arbitrios y cajas de comunidad. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Superintendencia General. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Tesorero de Rentas Estancadas. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Tesorero General de Ejército, Hacienda y Marina. corporateBody
associatedWith Philippines. Tribunal de Mestizos. corporateBody
associatedWith Phillips, Henry E. person
associatedWith Pickens, Andrew, 1729-1817. person
associatedWith Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817. person
associatedWith Pickering, John, ca. 1640-ca. 1721. person
associatedWith Picolo, Francesco Maria, 1654-1729. person
associatedWith Pierce, John. person
associatedWith Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 1779-1813. person
associatedWith Pilling, James Constantine, 1846-1895. person
associatedWith Pilsberry, Joshua, 1743-1825. person
associatedWith Pimentel, Juan Antonio. person
associatedWith Pimentel, Juan Antonio. person
associatedWith Pimentel, Juan Antonio. person
associatedWith Pimentel, Juan Antonio. person
associatedWith Piña y Mazo, Pedro de. person
associatedWith Pinckney, William, 1704-1766. person
associatedWith Pinilla, Joseph. person
associatedWith Piomingo, Chickasaw chief, fl. 1791. person
associatedWith Piquette, Baptiste. person
associatedWith Pizarro, Francisco, ca. 1475-1541. person
associatedWith Pizarro, Pedro, 16th cent. person
associatedWith Placide, Tom. person
associatedWith Pli, Pierres, d. 1565. person
associatedWith Plocher, Johannes. person
associatedWith Plummer, Frances H. person
associatedWith Plutarco, Lino. person
associatedWith Pollard, Benjamin, 1696-1756. person
associatedWith Polo, Eusebio. person
associatedWith Pond, E. J. (Elnathan Judson), b. 1847. person
associatedWith Pote, William, 1718-1755. person
associatedWith Potter, Reuben M. (Reuben Marmeduke), 1802-1890. person
associatedWith Potts, John, Esq. person
associatedWith Pound, Cuthbert Winfred, 1864-1965. person
associatedWith Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805. person
associatedWith Pozarenco, Juan. person
associatedWith Pozarenco, Juan. person
associatedWith Pozarenco, Juan. person
associatedWith Pratte, Bernard, 1803-1886. person
associatedWith Preston, Leander A., 1838-1907. person
associatedWith Prévost, Augustine, ca. 1725-1786. person
associatedWith Pueyo, Antonio Ignacio de. person
associatedWith Pulido. person
associatedWith Purdy, James H. person
associatedWith Quadros, García de. person
associatedWith Quintero, Joaquín, fl. 1859. person
associatedWith Quiroga, Vasco de, 1470-1565. person
associatedWith Quito (Audiencia). Presidente (1616-1636 : Morga) corporateBody
associatedWith Rada, Martín de, 1533-1578. person
associatedWith Rada, Martín de, 1533-1578. person
associatedWith Ramírez de Dampierre, José. person
associatedWith Ramírez de Dampierre, José. person
associatedWith Ramos, Miguel. person
associatedWith Ramsey, Frank DeW., fl. 1889. person
associatedWith Rancio de Nuevo-Cuño, alias Don Merlin. person
associatedWith Rand, Silas Tertius, 1810-1889. person
associatedWith Rawson, Grindal, 1659-1715. person
associatedWith Reculon, Père, fl. 1840-1867. person
associatedWith Reed, Earl H. (Earl Howell), 1863-1931. person
associatedWith Remington, Frederic, 1861-1909. person
associatedWith Remy, Jules, 1826-1893. person
associatedWith Remy, Jules, 1826-1893. person
associatedWith Resurrección, Primitivo. person
associatedWith Retana, W. E. (Wenceslao Emilio), 1862-1924. person
associatedWith Revilla, Juan Baptista. person
associatedWith Reyes, Antonio de los, 1729-1787. person
associatedWith Rhea, John, 1753-1832. person
associatedWith Rhodes, James. person
associatedWith Richard, Edouard, 1844-1904. person
associatedWith Richardson, John Dunn, fl. 1866-1872. person
associatedWith Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861-1938, person
associatedWith Richman, Irving Berdine, 1861-1938, person
associatedWith Rich, Virtulon, b. 1809. person
associatedWith Riddle, Jeff C., 1863-1941. person
associatedWith Ridgefield (Conn. : Town). Proprietors. corporateBody
associatedWith Ridge, John, 1803-1839. person
associatedWith Ridley, William, 1836-1911. person
associatedWith Ridout, Thomas, 1754-1829. person
associatedWith Rinfret, Antoine, 1756-1814. person
associatedWith Ringgold, T. person
associatedWith Riordan, D. M. (Denis Matthew), 1848-1928. person
associatedWith Ríos, Melchior de los. person
associatedWith Riquelme, Luis. person
associatedWith Riveiro, Tomás. person
associatedWith Rizal, José, 1861-1896. person
associatedWith Rizal, José, 1861-1896. person
associatedWith Rizal, José, 1861-1896. person
associatedWith Roberts, Benjamin. person
associatedWith Roberts, John Montgomery, 1807-1886. person
associatedWith Robertson, B. H. (Beverly Holcombe), 1827-1910. person
associatedWith Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. person
associatedWith Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. person
associatedWith Robison, John, 1739-1805. person
associatedWith Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, Marquis of, 1730-1782. person
associatedWith Rodríguez Gallardo, J. Rafael (José Rafael) person
associatedWith Rodríguez, Manuel. person
associatedWith Rogers, Daniel D. person
associatedWith Rogers, Robert, 1731-1795. person
associatedWith Rojas y Orneta, Ramón de, d. 1799. person
associatedWith Rojo del Río y Vieira, Manuel Antonio, 1708-1764. person
associatedWith Rolette, Joseph, 1781-1842. person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. person
associatedWith Rosa Figueroa, Francisco Antonio de la. person
associatedWith Rosecrantz, N. person
associatedWith Ross, John, 1790-1866. person
associatedWith Ross, Lewis, d. 1869. person
associatedWith Ross, William P. (William Potter), 1820-1891. person
associatedWith Royer, D. F. person
associatedWith Ruano Suárez, Alberto. person
associatedWith Ruiz Huidobro, Pasqual. person
associatedWith Ruiz, Narciso de los. person
associatedWith Ruiz Venegas, Hernando Bernabé. person
associatedWith Saavedra y Meneses, Aureliano. person
associatedWith Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. person
associatedWith Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. person
associatedWith Sahagún, Bernardino de, d. 1590. person
associatedWith Saint-Mesmin, Benigne Charles Fevret de, d. 1802. person
associatedWith Sajat, Louis. person
associatedWith Salazar, Eugenio. person
associatedWith Salgado, Francisco, 1629-1689. person
associatedWith Samson, William Holland, 1860-1919. person
associatedWith San Buenaventura, Francisco Hermosa de. person
associatedWith Sánchez, Adelaide F. de, person
associatedWith Sánchez de la Baquera, Juan. person
associatedWith Sánchez del Avandero, Thomas. person
associatedWith Sánchez Griñán, Pedro. person
associatedWith San Damián, Blas de, 1720-ca. 1783. person
associatedWith San Jacinto, Juan de. person
associatedWith Santelis, Domingo Matías, d. 1750. person
associatedWith Santisteban, Manuel de. person
associatedWith Santo Domingo, Tomás de, fl. 1693. person
associatedWith Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820. person
associatedWith Saz, Antonio del, fl. 1662. person
associatedWith Scammell, Alexander, 1747-1781. person
associatedWith Schieffelin, Jacob, 1757-1835. person
associatedWith Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. person
associatedWith Scott, Jonathan, fl. 1757. person
associatedWith S., E. A. person
associatedWith Seagrove, James. person
associatedWith Segundo Pacheco, Leopoldo. person
associatedWith Seignelay, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de, 1651-1690. person
associatedWith Seler, Eduard, 1849-1922. person
associatedWith Senn, Nicholas, 1844-1908. person
associatedWith Sergeant, John, 1710-1749. person
associatedWith Sergeant, John, 1747-1824. person
associatedWith Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. person
associatedWith Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. person
associatedWith Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. person
associatedWith Serra, Junípero, 1713-1784. person
associatedWith Sevier, John, 1745-1815. person
associatedWith Shabni, ca. 1775-1859. person
associatedWith Shepard, Jeremiah, 1648-1720. person
associatedWith Shillaber, John. person
associatedWith Shirley, William, 1694-1771. person
associatedWith Shirley, William, 1694-1771. person
associatedWith Sibley, Henry Hastings, 1811-1891. person
associatedWith Sierra, Bernardo. person
associatedWith Sinclair, Patrick, d. 1820. person
associatedWith Sinclair, Patrick, d. 1820. person
associatedWith Six Nations. corporateBody
associatedWith Six Nations. corporateBody
associatedWith Skiuhushu, Red Fox. person
associatedWith Smith, A., of Point Boss (Wis.) person
associatedWith Smith, J. Jay (John Jay), 1798-1881. person
associatedWith Smith, Rudolph Van Dyke, d. 1852. person
associatedWith Snelling, Henry Hunt, 1816-1897. person
associatedWith Sola, Magino, 1605-1664. person
associatedWith Solano, Félix, fl. 1578. person
associatedWith Solano, Juan Francisco. person
associatedWith Solís y Rosales, José Vicente, 1820?-1879. person
associatedWith Solórzano, Manuel, 1649-1684. person
associatedWith Soranzo, Giacomo. person
associatedWith South Carolina. Committee on Accounts. corporateBody
associatedWith South Carolina. Governor (1719-1921 : Moore) corporateBody
associatedWith South Carolina. Governor (1785-1787 : Moultrie) corporateBody
associatedWith Southwell, Thomas. person
associatedWith Southwell, Thomas. person
associatedWith Spain. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Consejo de Guerra Ordinario de Plaza. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Dirección General de Rentas. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Dirección General de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Dirección General de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Ejército. Capitanía General de la Isla de Cuba. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Ministerio de Ultramar. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign. corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1516-1556 : Charles I) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1516-1556 : Charles I) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Philip III) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1621-1665 : Philip IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1788-1808 : Charles IV) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Sovereign (1833-1868 : Isabella II) corporateBody
associatedWith Spain. Tribunal especial de las ordenes. corporateBody
associatedWith Spooner, M. T. (Marion T.) person
associatedWith Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888. person
associatedWith Standage, Henry, 1818-1899. person
associatedWith Starr, Frederick, 1858-1933. person
associatedWith St. Clair, John, Sir. person
associatedWith Steel, Henry. person
associatedWith Stephen, Alexander MacGregor, d. 1894. person
associatedWith Sterling, Robert. person
associatedWith Stevenson, James, ca. 1765-1846. person
associatedWith Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795. person
associatedWith Stinson, Thomas. person
associatedWith St. John, Nathan, 1692-1749. person
associatedWith Stobie, Charles Stewart, 1845-1931. person
associatedWith Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe of Indians. corporateBody
associatedWith Stoddard, Amos, 1762-1813. person
associatedWith Stone, Frederick D. (Frederick Dawson), 1841-1897. person
associatedWith Stoner, Nicholas, b. 1762. person
associatedWith Stone, William L. (William Leete), 1792-1844. person
associatedWith Stone, William L. (William Leete), 1835-1908. person
associatedWith Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881. person
associatedWith Street, Alfred Billings, 1811?-1881. person
associatedWith Strong, William Emerson, 1840-1891. person
associatedWith Suárez de Olivera, Manuel. person
associatedWith Sumner, Joseph, b. ca. 1832. person
associatedWith Tait, Charles, 1768-1835. person
associatedWith Talotuskee, Cherokee Indian. person
associatedWith Tapia Zenteno, Carlos de. person
associatedWith Taraval, Sigismundo, 1700-1763. person
associatedWith Tayler, John, 1742-1829. person
associatedWith Tayloga, Yldefonso. person
associatedWith Taylor, Augustus Fitz Randolph, 1809-1889. person
associatedWith Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850. person
associatedWith Techtama, Cherokee chief. person
associatedWith Teed, Matthew, 1828-1904. person
associatedWith Tello de Guzmán, Francisco, d. 1603. person
associatedWith Tello y Portugal, Isabel. person
associatedWith Tello y Portugal, Isabel. person
associatedWith Temporal, Bartolomé. person
associatedWith Tennessee. Governor (1803-1809 : Sevier) corporateBody
associatedWith Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864. person
associatedWith Territory of Orleans. Superior Court. corporateBody
associatedWith Thayer, John M. (John Milton), 1820-1906. person
associatedWith Theus, Simeon, fl. 1754-1755. person
associatedWith Third Order Secular of St. Francis. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831. person
associatedWith Thomas, Lucas, d. 1723. person
associatedWith Thomlinson, John. person
associatedWith Thompson, Alexander Ramsay, 1793-1837. person
associatedWith Thompson, Harlow Chittenden, 1837-1905. person
associatedWith Thompson, Jacob, 1810-1885. person
associatedWith Thompson, Richard W. (Richard Wigginton), 1809-1900. person
associatedWith Thwing, Nathaniel, 1703-1768. person
associatedWith Tobler, John, 1696-1765. person
associatedWith Todd, Charles Stewart, 1791-1871. person
associatedWith Tollowo Micco, Creek Indian. person
associatedWith Tonti, Henri de, d. 1704. person
associatedWith Tooker, William Wallace, 1848-1917. person
associatedWith Tosetti, Urbano, 1714-1768. person
associatedWith Townsend, Isaac, ca. 1685-1765. person
associatedWith Toyahwonah, Chickasaw Indian. person
associatedWith Tree, Lambert, 1832-1910. person
associatedWith Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. corporateBody
associatedWith Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. corporateBody
associatedWith Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. corporateBody
associatedWith Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. corporateBody
associatedWith Tribunal de la Inquisición en México. corporateBody
associatedWith Tripp, Samuel V. person
associatedWith Tum, Miguel. person
associatedWith Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 1810-1889. person
associatedWith Turnbull, George. person
associatedWith Twitchell, Ralph Emerson, 1859-1925. person
associatedWith Tyron County (N.Y.). Court of Common Pleas. corporateBody
associatedWith Ulloa, León. person
associatedWith United States. Army. Cavalry, 7th. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Army. Ordnance Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Board of Indian Commissioners. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Board of Treasury. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Continental Army. New York Regiment, First. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Continental Congress. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Interior. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of the Treasury. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. General Land Office. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Great Nemaha Agency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Indian Affairs. Green Bay Agency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Indian Affairs. St. Louis Superintendency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Office of Indian Affairs. St. Louis Superintendency. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1797-1801 : Adams) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1817-1825 : Monroe) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1817-1825 : Monroe) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1841-1845 : Tyler) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. President (1861-1865 : Lincoln) corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. War Dept. Subsistence Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Urbano, Alonso, ca. 1522-1608. person
associatedWith Urrutia, Bernardino. person
associatedWith Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. person
associatedWith Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. person
associatedWith Usauro Martínez de Bernabé, Pedro de, 1733-1789. person
associatedWith Valenciano, Antonio. person
associatedWith Valencia, Pedro Agustín de, 1711-1787. person
associatedWith Valera y Jiménez, Pedro, 1757-1833. person
associatedWith Vanden Bosh, Lawrence, fl. 1694. person
associatedWith Van Schaack, Henry, 1733-1823. person
associatedWith Van Schaick, Goose, 1736-1789. person
associatedWith Van Schaick, Holmes D. person
associatedWith Vargas, Dionisio de, b. 1568. person
associatedWith Vargas, Melchor de. person
associatedWith Vasquez, Benito. person
associatedWith Velasco, Pedro, 1706-1769. person
associatedWith Velázquez, Joseph. person
associatedWith Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. person
associatedWith Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. person
associatedWith Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. person
associatedWith Vélez de Escalante, Silvestre, d. 1792. person
associatedWith Velez de la Madriz, Juan Joseph de. person
associatedWith Venegas, Ambrosio. person
associatedWith Veragua, Cristóbal Colón de la Cerda, duque de, 1837-1910, person
associatedWith Vera, Honorato de. person
associatedWith Verwyst, Chrysostom, 1841-1925. person
associatedWith Vetch, Samuel, 1668-1732. person
associatedWith Vetch, Samuel, 1668-1732. person
associatedWith Viana, Francisco de, d. 1609. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Vico, Domingo de, d. 1555. person
associatedWith Víctores de la Cueba, Pedro. person
associatedWith Vidaburu, Antonio Joseph. person
associatedWith Vignaud, Henry, 1830-1922. person
associatedWith Villa Abrille, Faustino. person
associatedWith Villa Abrille, Faustino. person
associatedWith Villacorta C., J. Antonio (José Antonio Villacorta Calderón), b. 1879. person
associatedWith Villanueva y Chavarri, Francisco Xavier de. person
associatedWith Villebeuvre, Jean Louis Fidel Farault de la, chevalier de Garrois, 1731-1797. person
associatedWith Vincent, citoyen. person
associatedWith Virginia. Lieutenant Governor (1751-1758 : Dinwiddie) corporateBody
associatedWith Visayan Islands (Philippines). Gobernador politico militar (1862 : Molto) corporateBody
associatedWith Vives, Juan Bautista, 1545-1632. person
associatedWith Vives, Juan Bautista, 1545-1632. person
associatedWith Vizcaino, Juan. person
associatedWith Vogel, Virgil J. person
associatedWith Wade, Ferrell. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldeck, Frédéric de, 1766-1875. person
associatedWith Waldo, Samuel, 1695-1759. person
associatedWith Waldron, Richard, ca. 1615-1689. person
associatedWith Walker, Tandy. person
associatedWith Wanzopeah. person
associatedWith Warren, T. Robinson (Thomas Robinson), 1828-1915. person
associatedWith Washington, George, 1732-1799. person
associatedWith Watkins, Erwin C., 1839-1911. person
associatedWith Watson, Elmo Scott, 1892-1951. person
associatedWith Watson, S. M. (Stephen Marion), 1836-1920. person
associatedWith Wattson, Robart. person
associatedWith Wax, Murray Lionel, 1922- person
associatedWith Wayne, Anthony, 1745-1796. person
associatedWith Wazon, A. person
associatedWith Weiser, Conrad, 1696-1760. person
associatedWith Weitzel, Casper, 1748-1782. person
associatedWith Wellington, J. W. person
associatedWith Weltfish, Gene, 1902-1980. person
associatedWith Wentworth, Samuel. person
associatedWith Wharton, Samuel, 1732-1800. person
associatedWith Wheeler, Leonard Hemenway, 1811-1872. person
associatedWith Wheeler, Olin Dunbar, 1852-1925. person
associatedWith Wheeler-Voegelin, Erminie, 1903-1988. person
associatedWith Whiley, R. C., fl. 1803. person
associatedWith Whiley, R. C., fl. 1803. person
associatedWith Whitehouse, Joseph, ca. 1775-ca. 1860. person
associatedWith W. H. T. person
associatedWith Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867. person
associatedWith Wied, Maximilian, Prinz von, 1782-1867. person
associatedWith Wiggin, Andrew. person
associatedWith Wigglesworth, Samuel. person
associatedWith Wilberforce, William, 1759-1833. person
associatedWith Wilbor, John B. person
associatedWith Wilkinson, J. A., fl. 1859. person
associatedWith Wilkinson, James, 1757-1825. person
associatedWith Willard, Jonathan. person
associatedWith Willett, Marinus, 1740-1830. person
associatedWith Williams, Eleazar, 1688-1742. person
associatedWith Williams, Eleazer, 1787-1858. person
associatedWith Williams, Elijah, 1732-1815. person
associatedWith Williams, John, 1664-1729. person
associatedWith Williamson, Charles, 1757-1808. person
associatedWith Williamson, Martha Burton Woodhead, Mrs., 1843-1922. person
associatedWith Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. person
associatedWith Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. person
associatedWith Williams, Stephen, 1693-1782. person
associatedWith Willis, William, 1794-1870. person
associatedWith Wilson, Benjamin Davis, 1811-1878. person
associatedWith Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875. person
associatedWith Wilson, John, d. 1862. person
associatedWith Winsor, Justin, 1831-1897. person
associatedWith Woodbridge, Timothy, 1709-1774. person
associatedWith Wood, Joseph Warren, fl. 1849-1854. person
associatedWith Wood, L. K. (Lewis Keysor), 1819-1874. person
associatedWith Woodward, Charles Lowell, 1832?-1903. person
associatedWith Woodward, Samuel L., b. 1840. person
associatedWith Worcester, S. A. (Samuel Austin), 1798-1859. person
associatedWith Wright, Noah, 1716-1797. person
associatedWith X. de C., F. person
associatedWith Ximénez, Francisco, 1666-ca. 1722. person
associatedWith Ximénez, Francisco, 1666-ca. 1722. person
associatedWith Yeates, Jaspar, 1745-1817. person
associatedWith Yell, Archibald, 1797 or 9-1847. person
associatedWith Yoccum, John. person
associatedWith Young, Capt., fl. 1720. person
associatedWith Young, Frederic. person
associatedWith Young, John D. (John David), 1839-1898. person
associatedWith Young King, Seneca chief. person
associatedWith Yruretagoyena, G. de. person
associatedWith Zamora, Joceh Ladislao. person
associatedWith Zapater y Gómez, Francisco. person
associatedWith Zaragoza, Justo, 1833-1896. person
associatedWith Zárate Salmerón, Gerónimo. person
associatedWith Zárate Salmerón, Gerónimo. person
associatedWith Zashin, Elliot M. person
associatedWith Zeisberger, David, 1721-1808. person
associatedWith Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. person
associatedWith Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548. person
associatedWith Zúñiga Ceballos, Juan de. person
associatedWith Zúñiga Ceballos, Juan de. person
Place Name Admin Code Country

Corporate Body

Active 1783

Active 1794

Active 1804

Active 1816

Active 1750

Active 1755

Active 1749

Active 1750

Active 1501

Active 1514

Active 1714

Active 1741

Active 1849

Active 1851

Active 0185

Active 1757

Active 1758

Active 1745

Active 1747

Active 1723

Active 1724

Active 1678

Active 1781

Active 1837

Active 1845

Active 1760

Active 1765

Active 0018

Active 1835

Active 1862

Active 1834

Active 1835

Active 1712

Active 1866

Active 1525

Active 1550

Active 1873

Active 1883

Active 1772

Active 1791

Active 1704

Active 1729

Active 1770

Active 1771

Active 1821

Active 1835

Active 1742

Active 1754

Active 1884

Active 1889

Active 1863

Active 1870

Active 1888

Active 1936

Active 1850

Active 1885

Active 1772

Active 1781

Active 1500

Active 1501

Active 1912

Active 1922

Active 0018

Active 1784

Active 1797

Active 1858

Active 1859

Active 1910

Active 1920

Active 1862

Active 1863

Active 1910

Active 1929

Active 1870

Active 1891

Active 1860

Active 1879

Active 1934

Active 1985

Active 1849

Active 1854

Active 1846

Active 1847

Active 0192

Active 1681

Active 1682

Active 1620

Active 1649

Active 1802

Active 1807

Active 1827

Active 1853

Active 1738

Active 1742

Active 1616

Active 1618

Active 1824

Active 1834

Active 1530

Active 1549

Active 1690

Active 1692

Active 1702

Active 1750

Active 1846

Active 1860

Active 1884

Active 1893

Active 1676

Active 1677

Active 1717

Active 1722

Active 1888

Active 1911

Active 1863

Active 1989

Active 1960

Active 1986

Active 1850

Active 1851

Active 1755

Active 1756

Active 1837

Active 1868

Active 1936

Active 1975

Active 1791

Active 1793

Active 1902

Active 1908

Active 1869

Active 1919

Active 1797

Active 1812

Active 1724

Active 1736

Active 1768

Active 1820

Active 1778

Active 1779

Active 1942

Active 1991

Active 1885

Active 1887

Active 1897

Active 1909

Active 1733

Active 1734

Active 1838

Active 1868

Active 1898

Active 1908

Active 1775

Active 1778

Active 1663

Active 1715

Active 1902

Active 1981

Active 1739

Active 1743

Active 1812

Active 1815

Active 1880

Active 1890

Active 1590

Active 1743

Active 1787

Active 1833

Active 1608

Active 1817

Active 1853

Active 1877

Active 1731

Active 1733

Active 1750

Active 1777

Active 1580

Active 1856

Active 1777

Active 1843

Active 1810

Active 1813

Active 1766

Active 1768

Active 1855

Active 1856

Active 1745

Active 1749

Active 1822

Active 1834

Active 1824

Active 1826

Active 1887

Active 1892

Active 1770

Active 1821

Active 1795

Active 1804

Active 1917

Active 1936

Active 1795

Active 1800

Active 1852

Active 1862

Active 1752

Active 1754

Active 1819

Active 1841

Active 1813

Active 1842

Active 1863

Active 1864

Active 1580

Active 1599

Active 1879

Active 1894

Active 1838

Active 1841

Active 1564

Active 1820

Active 1727

Active 1737

Active 1777

Active 1778

Active 1794

Active 1796

Active 1840

Active 1860

Active 1862

Active 1870

Active 1759

Active 1894

Active 1578

Active 1596

Active 1890

Active 1891

Active 1608

Active 1610

Active 1734

Active 1896

Active 1826

Active 1829

Active 1769

Active 1771

Active 1775

Active 1776

Active 1761

Active 1764

Active 1755

Active 1760

Active 1758

Active 1760

Active 1890

Active 1892

Active 1853

Active 1856

Active 1866

Active 1889

Active 1816

Active 1845

Active 1746

Active 1751

Active 1746

Active 1747

Active 1771

Active 1789

Active 1758

Active 1858

Active 1823

Active 1826

Active 1858

Active 1880

Active 1746

Active 1759

Active 1757

Active 1775

Active 1813

Active 1891

Active 1878

Active 1945

Active 1488

Active 1537

Active 1812

Active 1819

Active 1675

Active 1685

Active 1927

Active 1935

Active 1855

Active 1859

Active 1772

Active 1777

Active 1689

Active 1808

Active 1674

Active 1678

Active 1846

Active 1851

Active 1861

Active 1862

Active 1935

Active 1968

Active 1638

Active 1796

Active 1842

Active 1866

Active 1652

Active 1654

Active 1872

Active 1873

Active 0016

Active 1825

Active 1837

Active 1755

Active 1773

Active 1788

Active 1815

Active 1772

Active 1773

Active 1833

Active 1834

Active 1888

Active 1896

Active 1792

Active 1795

Active 1845

Active 1859

Active 1845

Active 1846

Active 1778

Active 1780

Active 1808

Active 1830

Active 1840

Active 1850

Active 1831

Active 1838

Active 1607

Active 1679

Active 1883

Active 1899

Active 1901

Active 1920

Active 1785

Active 1793

Active 1806

Active 1811

Active 1790

Active 1793

Active 1805

Active 1806

Active 1825

Active 1852

Active 1765

Active 1766

Active 1929

Active 1931

Active 1767

Active 1774

Active 1974

Active 1980

Active 1851

Active 1869

Active 1894

Active 1903

Active 1975

Active 1985

Active 1738

Active 1751

Active 1567

Active 1745

Active 1794

Active 1841

Active 1849

Active 1870

Active 1716

Active 1753

Active 1879

Active 1892

Active 1859

Active 1861

Active 1859

Active 1865

Active 1854

Active 1901

Active 1900

Active 1911

Active 1712

Active 1714

Active 1743

Active 1804

Active 1788

Active 1811

Active 1804

Active 1820

Active 1796

Active 1813

Active 1828

Active 1894

Active 1884

Active 1899

Active 1841

Active 1888

Active 1757

Active 1760

Active 1689

Active 1876

Active 1704

Active 1929

Active 1792

Active 1796

Active 0189

Active 1867

Active 1870

Active 1738

Active 1740

Active 1838

Active 1856

Active 1734

Active 1767

Active 1788

Active 1794

Active 1813

Active 1814

Active 1801

Active 1803

Active 1663

Active 1722

Active 1775

Active 1777

Active 1820

Active 1834

Active 1802

Active 1804

Active 1860

Active 1862

Active 1849

Active 1850

Active 1797

Active 1821

Active 1770

Active 1830

Active 1847

Active 1848

Active 1799

Active 1859

Active 1905

Active 1906

Active 1848

Active 1850

Active 1904

Active 1905

Active 1763

Active 1770

Active 1982

Active 1985

Active 1666

Active 1669

Active 1863

Active 1920

Active 1771

Active 1772

Active 1785

Active 1788

Active 1928

Active 1932

Active 1925

Active 1927

Active 1774

Active 1775

Active 1892

Active 1924

Active 1770

Active 1870

Active 1941

Active 1993

Active 1907

Active 1910

Active 1771

Active 1774

Active 1867

Active 1878

Active 1724

Active 1757

Active 1732

Active 1808

Active 1859

Active 1863

Active 1800

Active 1807

Active 1817

Active 1818

Active 1699

Active 1700

Active 1825

Active 1867

Active 1822

Active 1824

Active 1646

Active 1826

Active 1666

Active 1675

Active 1754

Active 1755

Active 1890

Active 1894

Active 1757

Active 1759

Active 1825

Active 1830

Active 1779

Active 1791

Active 1888

Active 1895

Active 1825

Active 1831

Active 1822

Active 1827

Active 1843

Active 1869

Active 1830

Active 1886

Active 1886

Active 1896

Active 1859

Active 1878

Active 1717

Active 1753

Active 1827

Active 1870

Active 1694

Active 1710

Active 1546

Active 1547

Active 1866

Active 1902

Active 1897

Active 1921

Active 1778

Active 1782

Active 1775

Active 1940

Active 1809

Active 1810

Active 1624

Active 1626

Active 0178

Active 1814

Active 1831

Active 1774

Active 1777

Active 1852

Active 1854

Active 1767

Active 1781

Active 1853

Active 1929

Active 1819

Active 1821

Active 0017

Active 1884

Active 1934

Active 1897

Active 1949

Active 1551

Active 1858

Active 1540

Active 1543

Active 1743

Active 1789

Active 1839

Active 1842

Active 1846

Active 1848

Active 1849

Active 1906

Active 1830

Active 1833

Active 1860

Active 1861

Active 1700

Active 1768

Active 1775

Active 1850

Active 1958

Active 1985

Active 1762

Active 1774

Active 1916

Active 1929

Active 1844

Active 1845

Active 1734

Active 1746

Active 1736

Active 1737

Active 1911

Active 1912

Active 1764

Active 1775

Active 1797

Active 1799

Active 1565

Active 1572

Active 1531

Active 1885

Active 1828

Active 1838

Active 1493

Active 1502

Active 1894

Active 1896

Active 1546

Active 1668

Active 1770

Active 1775

Active 1824

Active 1850

Active 1832

Active 1842

Active 1642

Active 1643

Active 1783

Active 1784

Active 1834

Active 1851

Active 1750

Active 1753

Active 1792

Active 1818

Active 1895

Active 1940

Active 1877

Active 1879

Active 1980

Active 1990

Active 1808

Active 1857

Active 1762

Active 1764

Active 1734

Active 1735

Active 1866

Active 1868

Active 1913

Active 1986

Active 1795

Active 1798

Active 1873

Active 1886

Active 1780

Active 1782

Active 1816

Active 1951

Active 1822

Active 1836

Active 1688

Active 1689

Active 1889

Active 1890

Active 1766

Active 1767

Active 1841

Active 1860

Active 1790

Active 1822

Active 1850

Active 1853

Active 1770

Active 1789

Active 1832

Active 1850

Active 1804

Active 1805

Active 1712

Active 1713

Active 1823

Active 1825

Active 1800

Active 1803

Active 1850

Active 1856

Active 1780

Active 1911

Active 1881

Active 1894

Active 1768

Active 1769

Active 1866

Active 1867

Active 1591

Active 1595

Active 1748

Active 1777

Active 1889

Active 1908

Active 1960

Active 1962

Active 1784

Active 1808

Active 1766

Active 1771

Active 1890

Active 1909

Active 1763

Active 1764

Active 1917

Active 1918

Active 1787

Active 1800

Active 1642

Active 1761

Active 1835

Active 1878

Active 1820

Active 1843

Active 1855

Active 1876

Active 1944

Active 1992

Active 1872

Active 1886

Active 1847

Active 1858

Active 1841

Active 1890

Active 1642

Active 1651

Active 1497

Active 1506

Active 1789

Active 1858

Active 1696

Active 1701

Active 1707

Active 1709

Active 1759

Active 1914

Active 1835

Active 1841

Active 1841

Active 1845

Active 1741

Active 1742

Active 1873

Active 1875

Active 1734

Active 1737

Active 1785

Active 1844

Active 1809

Active 1829

Active 1776

Active 1778

Active 1898

Active 1899

Active 1806

Active 1816

Active 1923

Active 1936

Active 1640

Active 1726

Active 1639

Active 1787

Active 1848

Active 1866

Active 1768

Active 1844

Active 1730

Active 1968

Active 1867

Active 1869

Active 1950

Active 1975

Active 1862

Active 1871

Active 1682

Active 1683

Active 1889

Active 1895

Active 1847

Active 1860

Active 1906

Active 1907

Active 1791

Active 1794

Active 1865

Active 1890

Active 1883

Active 1895

Related Descriptions