🌱Eimur og SSNE hafa nú lokið röð vinnustofa í tengslum við #RECET verkefnið sem snýst um orkuskipti í dreifðum byggðum. Sveitarfélög á Norðurlandi eystra fengu öll boð um þátttöku í þessari vinnu, sem hefur það markmið að efla getu þeirra til að takast á við orkuskipti og móta raunhæfar aðgerðaáætlanir. Þessar áætlanir munu síðan mynda grunn að aðgerðamiðaðri heildarstefnu fyrir Norðurland eystra. Nánar ⏩ https://lnkd.in/e7eVNhW8 EN // 🌱Eimur in collaboration with the Association of municipalities in Northeast Iceland (SSNE) has completed a series of workshops as part of the RECET project, which focuses on accelerating energy transitions in rural areas. Municipalities in Northeast Iceland were invited to participate, with the aim of strengthening their capacity to address the energy transition and develop actionable plans. These plans will form the foundation for a region-wide strategy for North-Eastern Iceland. The workshops, held in October and November, were tailored for municipal staff in environmental and planning departments, elected officials, mayors, and representatives from energy and utility companies. They explored how municipalities can leverage planning and governance to expedite the shift from fossil fuels to sustainable energy. The participants collaborated to identify actionable steps for facilitating the energy transition in their regions. By the end of this initiative, each municipality will have its own energy transition plan as part of an overarching climate strategy. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants and look forward for the next steps in this project! 🌱 #orkuskipti #lifeprogramme #RECETproject #LIFEproject #CleanEnergyEU #EU2050 #CleanEnergyTransition #Sjálfbærni #NorðurlandEystra Skúli Gunnar Árnason Kolfinna María Nielsdottir Ottó Elíasson Karen Mist Kristjánsdóttir SSNE - Samtök sveitarfélaga og atvinnuþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra #akureyrarbær #langanesbyggd #dalvíkurbyggd #eyjafjardarsveit #nordurthing #thingeyjarsveit #fjallabyggd #grýtubakkahreppur #svalbardsstrandarhreppur #hörgársveit