

今年もご愛読ありがとうございました ― kizuna





そのポスターの画像そのものを掲載することができないのでテキストでの説明になってしまうのですが、クリスマスカラーの赤の地に白で書かれてある、"Link Link Christmas"というコピーにわずかな違和感を覚えたのです。"Link Link..."の"L"のアルファベットはベル(鈴)のような形に装飾されていました。まず思ったのは、これは"Ring, Ring..."の間違いではないのかということ。



でも、"Bond Bond Christmas"ではキャッチコピーとしては??ですし、口に出した時の響きの点でも、L-Rの発音の違いみたいな野暮なことは置いておいて、"Link Link..."の方が上だった(?)のかもしれません。


話が少し脱線しましたが、2011年最後にお届けする単語は、"kizuna"です。下記の引用は冒頭に触れた今年の漢字についての、New York Times紙からです。

At Kyoto’s Kiyomizu Temple this month, the head priest inked a robust rendition nearly his size of the character “kizuna.” The one-letter word means bonds or ties and had been voted character of the year in a poll conducted by an association known as Kanken that promotes character writing. The word kizuna went viral on Japanese lips after the earthquake and tsunami in March prompted people to appreciate family and friends. Numerous volunteer and aid organizations that sprung up around the country named themselves that word.
(Kumiko Makihara. Character Values. The New York Times. December 13, 2011.)



産科と婦人科 ― obgyn




About 40 minutes after winning her $1 million as the last survivor on "Survivor: South Pacific" Sunday night, Sophie Clarke seemed to realize her new reality.

“I’m 22 years old, a millionaire. I am the 1 percent now,” the Upstate New York reality cast member told TheWrap.

Clarke just finished her first semester of medical school this week, but she’s not dropping out.

“It’s nice to be able to have the freedom to choose my medical specialty based on what I really want to do," she said, "It’s taken the financial factor out. I want to be an OBGYN or a family doctor,”
(Mikey Glazer. 'Survivor' Millionaire Sophie Clarke: 'I Am the 1% Now.' Reuters. December 19, 2011.)




日本発の世界標準!? ― emoji


Say you wanted to invite a friend to happy hour. You could send a simple text message, but that would be boring. Instead, why not send a cartoony picture of two clinking beer mugs?

That’s the kind of thing Alicia Fernandez, a student in fashion marketing at Berkeley College in New York, likes to send to friends. “Instead of saying ‘I love you,’ I’ll just use a heart,” she said. “Or when I’m writing ‘LOL,’ I’ll put a laughing-crying face instead.”

Ms. Fernandez is talking about emoji, which are the more elaborate cousins of emoticons — those creative combinations of colons, parentheses and other punctuation that people use to drop a facial expression into a text message or e-mail.

But unlike emoticons, emoji don’t require tilting your head sideways to make sense of the image. They are a kind of pictorial alphabet stored on a phone that can be displayed in place of the regular keyboard, making it easy to tap out a visual message.
(Jenna Wortham. Whimsical Texting Icons Get a Shot at Success. The New York Times. December 6, 2011.)






get the snowball rolling




On reports that Europe’s central banks are considering resurrecting their individual currencies:

“I am not surprised. There are three possible outcomes. One is Europe succeeds in maintaining the current euro zone. Two is a smaller eurozone. Three, and hopefully this will never happen, is the total fragmentation of the euro zone with 17 countries introducing their own currency. That discussion about different scenarios is something that everyone should be having because there is a probability for each of these.”

“It is not about kicking the can down the road. Europe has been rolling a snowball down the hill. The snow ball gets bigger. The problems are getting bigger and bigger and the dynamics of the snowball gets more difficult to control. Europe has to stop rolling the snowball down the hill.”
(PIMCO’s El-Erian: ECB Waiting for IMF, Governments to ‘Step Up.’Wall Street Pit. December 8, 2011.)


“If we can get that snowball rolling and get it right, we can ride the momentum,” he said. “We’re going to give it a shot.”
(Jenna Wortham. Apple App Makers on Edge for Holidays. The New York Times. December 18, 2011.)




"C'est la vie."というあまりにも知られたフレーズのせいでしょうか?


Egypt's military, activists vie for public support

CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's ruling military and the revolutionaries who demand they immediately step down battled for a third day in the streets on Sunday — and competed fiercely for the support of a broader public that has grown tired of turmoil since the fall of Hosni Mubarak 10 months ago.

The generals appear to be winning the fight for the public, despite a heavy-handed crackdown on protesters around Cairo's Tahrir Square using a roughness that rivaled even that of Mubarak's widely hated police force.
(Hamza Hendawi. The Associated Press.)





一網打尽 ― net



A year-long undercover sting orchestrated by the Metropolitan Police Department and federal authorities netted $7.2 million in drugs, 161 weapons and 70 arrests.

Authorities from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives search a home where a defendant sold narcotics to undercover officers and agents in Hyattsville. Metropolitan Police and federal agents from the ATF, FBI and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement closed a year-long and risky undercover investigation which led to the arrests of 70 people, and the seizure of $7.2 million in cocaine, methamphetamines and other drugs, as well as 161 weapons.
(Marvin Joseph. 70 arrested in year-long D.C. undercover drug, gun sting. The Washington Post. December 19, 2011.)





Retail analysts yesterday predicted a last-gasp buying bonanza this week totalling £8BILLION as stores slash prices.

It came after shoppers went wild at the weekend, defying the economic gloom to spend an incredible £3.5BILLION in the high street.

A QUARTER of all over-15s in Britain went shopping in the past two days — that's 11million people.

Car parks in town centres and out-of-town complexes were full by midday. Coffee shops and eateries were packed to bursting.
(Jane Hamilton. £2.5m a minute - 6-day Xmas spending frenzy. The Sun. December 19, 2011.)



Ready-To-Bake Cookie Dough Is Germ Bonanza

Bake it, don't bite it. Health officials are advising people against eating ready-to-bake cookie dough after investigating a 2009 E. coli outbreak that left 35 people hospitalized. Experts suspect one of the ingredients used to produce the dough was contaminated. Their investigation didn't conclusively implicate flour, but it remains the prime suspect.
(SciTech Today. December 13, 2011.)



米南西部で寒波により交通網がマヒ ― snarl



TOPEKA, Kan. — A powerful winter storm blew across the Southwest and the Great Plains on Tuesday after dumping more than a foot of snow in places, causing deadly accidents and closing highways in five states.

Weather forecasters warned that the storm was likely to snarl holiday travel across the region. Hotels were filling up Tuesday along major roads from eastern New Mexico to Kansas.

About 10 inches of snow had fallen in western Kansas before dawn, and several more inches — along with strong wind gusts — were expected, said National Weather Service meteorologist Tim Burke in Dodge City, Kan.
(Snowstorm snarls travel in Plains, Southwest. The Seattle Times. December 20, 2011.)

2段落目に、"snarl"という単語が出てきます。"snarl holiday travel across the region"となっており、"snarl"の意味を知っていなくとも意味はほぼ明らかなのですが、"snarl"の意味を確認しようと辞書を引いてみてはたと気が付きました。








金正日総書記死去、後継は・・・ ― chip off the old block

12月19日月曜日の昼過ぎに飛び込んできた、北朝鮮の金正日総書記死去のニュースは間違いなく今年のトップニュースの1つでしょう。Google Newsでも主要メディアがトップニュースの扱いです。

核武装国家、ならず者国家、独裁主義者、悪の枢軸、など、さんざんに名指しで批判されてきた政権ですが、後継とされる金正恩氏(Kim Jong-un)についても色々と評されており、民主化への新たなかじ取りが期待されるというものから、中国やスイスでの留学経験も空しく路線転換は期待できない、というものまで様々です。

NORTH Korea last night dramatically marked the sudden death of its despot leader Kim Jong-il by firing a short range missile, putting nervous world leaders on nuclear alert.

His heir apparent, third son Kim Jong-un, 28, is a four-star general with little military experience who experts fear has similar "ruthless" traits to his father, who died at the weekend. Said one: "Jong-un is known to have the potential to become a strong, ruthless leader."


The apparent succession of Kim Jong-un - a "chip off the old block" in both his ideology and personality - threatens to trigger a perilous period for the Korean peninsula, where 1.7 million troops from the two Koreas and the US square off every day.
(Nuclear alert as 'Little Kim' to rule North Korea. News.com.au. December 20, 2011.)

金正恩氏はイデオロギーも人格も親である金正日氏とそっくり(chip off the old block)ということだそうです。近隣国家には脅威であり、拉致問題も抱える日本としてはあまり考えたくないところですが、現実を直視せざるを得ません。


App開発者の書き入れ時 ― pull an all-nighter


爆発的にヒットしているiPhoneやiPad(どちらも持っていませんが)をプレゼントにするという人も多いかもしれません。あまり触ったこともないのでよく知らないのですが、iPhoneにしてもiPadにしても、自分の気に入ったアプリケーションを購入してダウンロードするのが定番ということで、これらのデバイスのためのアプリケーション開発者(App Developers)にとっても書き入れ時なんだそうです。

On Christmas morning, millions of people will unwrap new iPads, iPhones and iPod Touches — and immediately start downloading games and other applications for them. It is the biggest day of the year for app sales, which can mean big money for developers.
(Jenna Wortham. Apple App Makers on Edge for Holidays. The New York Times. December 18, 2011.)

書き入れ時なのは誰もおんなじだとは思いますが、この記事でなぜApp Developersを取り上げているのか(しかもApple製品向けのApp Developers)、というところがミソです。

That is, if they manage to get their apps through Apple’s review process and into the App Store before everyone at Apple goes on vacation.

Each year around Christmas, Apple stops accepting app submissions and updating its store for a while. This year the shutdown starts on Thursday and runs for eight days.

In the weeks leading up to the cutoff, developers often pull all-nighters so they can get their work to Apple in time.

“There’s a mad scramble for developers,” said Marc Edwards, lead designer at Bjango, an Australian app maker. “In terms of money, it can be a really big deal.”

何とApple社のアプリケーションダウンロードサイトであるApp Storeはクリスマスに時期は"freeze"するのだそうです。つまり更新が行われないということらしいのですが、App開発者は何とか書き入れ時のクリスマスに合わせるべく、開発したアプリケーションがApp Storeに掲載されるか否かがクリティカルな訳です。

App Storeの更新は今週木曜日から8日間ストップするらしく、App開発者はその前までに徹夜でがんばります。

今日取り上げる表現、"pull all-nighters"は”徹夜する”という意味の俗語表現です。



奇跡でも起きない限りは・・・ ― Hail Mary

今年9月半ばに始まった"Occupy Wall Street"(ウォールストリートを占拠せよ)のデモは、警察当局による強制的なデモ隊の排除によってほとんど終息してしまった感があります。


今日引用させていただくのは、アメリカの大衆紙New York Post紙が伝えている記事からなのですが、デモのあおりを受けて閉店せざるを得ない状況になってしまったカフェレストランの話です。

Milk Street Cafe, a popular downtown Manhattan eatery patronized by hungry Wall Streeters, will be shutting its doors for good Thursday after business slowed down due to the recent "Occupy Wall Street" protests.

"It's very sad, and were going to try to do it quietly," owner Marc Epstein told NewsCore. Epstein said the cafe's last day of business will be Thursday.


But the "Occupy" protests in nearby Zuccotti Park, which began in September, and the resulting police presence and barricades, soon began to affect business.

Epstein has said that the cafe's business fell by 30 percent after the protests began, The Post reported last month.

(Milk Street Cafe to close for good after 'Occupy' protests scare away customers. New York Post. December 14, 2011.)

デモの舞台となったズコッティ公園(Zuccotti Park)のそばにあるカフェレストランはデモの影響を被って売上が3割も落ち、やむなく閉店に至ったということです。

Even after the protesters were kicked out of the park in November, police barricades remained up around the restaurant, preventing customers from entering easily.

Epstein said he was frustrated that city officials had not responded to his complaints.

"Unless we get a Hail Mary, it's a matter of days, maybe a week or two," Epstein said.

カフェレストランのオーナーであるEpstein氏の発言が引用されていますが、"Hail Mary"という見慣れない表現です。

コンテクストからは何となくいわんとするところは分かります。でも、"Hail Mary"って何のことでしょう?

ランダムハウス英和辞書を引くと、"Ave Maria"を参照せよ、とあります。そして2番目の意味として、”(アメフトでの)エンドゾーンへのロングパス”とあります。

"Ave Maria"と言えばシューベルト、あるいはグノーのアヴェ・マリアの旋律がすぐに思い浮かぶのですが、それではEpstein氏の発言としてピンときません。ここはアメフトのロングパスという意味にヒントがある!?

ググったりして色々調べますと、"Hail Mary pass"という表現があることが分かりました。これがアメフトのパスのことなのですが、Wikipediaによれば、

refers to any very long forward pass made in desperation with only a small chance of success, especially at or near the end of a half




NYのエレベーターで痛ましい事故 ― vertical trip


It is a moment so automatic and routine that few remember it—a step into the elevator, a mindless task among many in a busy work day. As advertising executive Suzanne Hart took that step Wednesday morning in her Midtown office building, something went wrong.

Just as Ms. Hart crossed into the elevator at about 10 a.m., the cab jerked up suddenly. With the doors partially open, the elevator shot up two floors, dragging her into the elevator shaft and crushing her, according to law-enforcement officials.

The incident was so violent, her body remained trapped inside the shaft well into the evening. Two other elevator passengers received minor injuries and were treated at New York University Hospital.
(Elevator Mishap Is Fatal. The Wall Street Journal. December 15, 2011.)




It is a moment so automatic and routine that few remember it - a step into the elevator, a mindless task among many in a busy work day.


言いえて妙と言えば、下記の"vertical trips"という表現も面白いと思います。エレベーターでの移動を敢えてこのように表現するセンスはネイティヴならではでしょうか?

Across Manhattan, where vertical trips to work—at speeds of 500 to 700 feet a minute—are a way of life for millions of office workers, news of the accident spread quickly. Some workers said they paused before entering elevators, and others opted for the stairs.




脚色、歪曲から捏造、でっち上げ、まで? ― sex up

日本人だからでしょうか、この単語を避ける傾向にあると思いますが、ネイティヴのEnglish speakersにとってはあまり抵抗は無いのかもしれません。

A SENIOR News International executive accused Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger today of "sexing up" coverage of the phone-hacking scandal.

Richard Caseby, managing editor of The Sun, said the broadsheet's "false accusation" that a News of the World reporter deleted voicemails from Milly Dowler's phone had been directly responsible for the closure of the Sunday newspaper.

Giving evidence to the Lords Communications Committee, Mr Caseby said: "I would say it is now clear that Alan Rusbridger has effectively sexed up his investigation into phone hacking and the wider issue of wrongdoing in the media.
(James Tapsfield. Guardian 'sexed up' phone hacking scandal. Herald Sun. December 14, 2011.)

"sex up"という表現なのですが、ランダムハウス英和辞書によると、”性的に興奮させる”という日常にはあまり積極的には用いないであろう意味もありますが、2番目として、”・・・の魅力を増す、一層面白くする”という意味が載っています。

American Heritage Dictionaryではスラングとして、

To increase the appeal or attractiveness of. Often used with up.




The British Broadcasting Corp. said it had finished an internal disciplinary process stemming from the May 2003 report that quoted an anonymous source as saying Prime Minister Tony Blair's government had "sexed up" evidence on Iraqi weapons to justify war. The BBC said in a statement that it would keep disciplinary decisions about specific workers confidential.
(Associated Press. 2004.)


ここでの"sex up"は脚色や歪曲よりももっと強い、“でっち上げ”や”捏造”に相当するのではないかと思われます。



クッキー生地のつまみ食いは危険です! ― sneak bites of



If you’re one of the many who often sneak bites of cookie batter while forming little mounds of the sticky, sweet stuff for baking, government scientists have a message for you. Stop it now!

A new report shows there may be some nasty germs lurking in ready-to-bake cookie dough.

“What our report shows is that you shouldn’t eat cookie dough raw, no matter where it comes from,” said the report’s lead author Dr. Karen Neil, a medical epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “It’s supposed to be baked.”

Neil and her colleagues concluded that raw, ready-to-bake cookie dough was what caused 77 people in 30 states to become ill, 35 of whom became so sick that they needed to be hospitalized.
(Linda Carrol. Nasty germs lurking in raw cookie dough, scientist warns. MSNBC. December 9, 2011.)


今日取り上げる表現、”sneak bites of”はいわゆる“つまみ食い”と訳することが出来ると思います。”sneak”は動詞で、“こっそり~する”という意味、”bite”はここでは名詞で“ひとかじり”の意味です。



天体観測の週末でしたか? ― stargazing




Some local ABC staffers got a bit of shock on Saturday night when the second total lunar eclipse of the year took place after midnight.

Enjoying a Christmas Party, a few of revellers stepped outside and one of them was heard to exclaim, 'that's a really big cloud.'

Happily the confusion was soon cleared up and all enjoyed a few moments of silent star gazing before the lure of karaoke beckoned.

It's the second time this year we've been treated to the spectacle - the first took place on June 15th and was previewed on video by our resident starman, Andrew Fitzgerald.

Andrew says the weekend's eclipse lasted around 50 minutes, (half the time of June's) and was much brighter.

"It was really a coppery colour," he says.
(Emma Sleath. Eclipse from Alice. ABC Alice Springs. December 12, 2011.)

引用した記事に"star gazing"という単語が出てきますが、これは”天体観測”という意味です。"gaze"は、じっと見つめる、凝視するという意味の動詞でいわゆるキホン単語ですが、空を仰いで天体を観察するのに使われるとは知りませんでした。普段天体観測などしない私には初めてみる単語(表現)でした。



語呂合わせ? ― fin


("Fin for a fin"という部分です。)

Fin for a fin: Opposition MP's bill would ban shark fin imports

OTTAWA — New Democrat MP Fin Donnelly introduced a private member's bill on Thursday to end shark fin imports to Canada.

Donnelly, who is the official Opposition fisheries critic, said he was introduced to the inhumane practice of shark finning after reading a United Nations report that discussed a steep decline in the world's shark population.

"Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the health of our ocean ecosystems so I wanted to do something to address that issue and thought a private member's bill banning the importation of shark fins to Canada would be an appropriate measure," said Donnelly, explaining how the legislation can help Canada take a lead role in shark conservation.

According to Humane Society International Canada, 73 million sharks are killed each year for their fins.
(Amy Chung. Fin for a fin: Opposition MP's bill would ban shark fin imports. Montreal Gazett. December 8, 2011.)



New Democrat MP Fin Donnelly introduced a private member's bill on Thursday to end shark fin imports to Canada.

ですが、"to end shark fin imports"という部分に着目しましょう。


説明すると野暮なようですが、"fin"は話題になっている"shark's fin"(つまりフカヒレ)、もう1つの"fin"は、"finish"(=the end)のことではないでしょうか?つまり、フカヒレ漁を止めさせる、ということで、以前から国際問題にもなっていて最近では運動家が過激な行動にも出ていると報じられている捕鯨や和歌山のイルカ漁を彷彿とさせます。


そうです、この問題提起を行った当の議員の名前、"Fin Donnelly"氏のファーストネーム、"Fin"にも掛けているような気がするのです。"Fin for a fin"を改めて見ると、前置詞"for"の感じからは、こちらの方が何となくありそうな気もします。






Los Angeles (CNN) -- Alec Baldwin's addiction to the cell phone game "Words with Friends" got him booted from an American Airlines plane parked at a Los Angeles International Airport gate Tuesday afternoon, the actor's spokesman said.

"He loves WWF so much that he was willing to leave a plane for it, but he has already boarded another AA flight," spokesman Matthew Hiltzik said in an e-mail to CNN.

It was unclear whether Baldwin was told to leave because he had refused to turn off a device.
(Alan Duke. Game addiction costs Alec Baldwin his airline seat. CNN. December 7, 2011.)


Baldwin used one of his other technology addictions, Twitter, to make sure the world knows he's not happy about it.


The first indication of trouble was posted on Twitter by Michael J. Wolf, a consulting firm executive who was a passenger on the flight.

"On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait," Wolf tweeted.

A short time later, Baldwin tweeted to his nearly 600,000 followers: "Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving."




"Flight attendant on American reamed me out 4 playing WORDS W FRIENDS while we sat at the gate, not moving."


American Heritage Dictionaryを参照すると、"to remove (material) by the process"という定義があり、これが近いですが、よく考えてみると工具としてのリーマで行う、”<不良の部分を>広げて取り除く”(ランダムハウス英和辞書)に相当する意味です。




今年もあと3週間ちょっと、残り僅かになってきました。世間一般的にも、またわたし個人的にも今年は本当に色々なことがあり、大変な年でした。"annus horribilis"(恐ろしい年)というラテン語がありますが、この言葉を彷彿とさせる年だったように思います。



The massive tsunami generated by the March 2011 earthquake off the coast of northeastern Japan was a "merging tsunami" — a type of tsunami long thought to exist, but seen now for the first time, scientists report.

The magnitude-9.0 Tohoku-Oki temblor, the fifth-most powerful quake ever recorded, triggered a tsunami that doubled in intensity over rugged ocean ridges, amplifying its destructive power at landfall, as seen in data from NASA and European radar satellites that captured at least two wave fronts that day.
('Merging tsunami' amplified the carnage in Japan. MSNBC. December 6, 2011.)






Add two names to the periodic table of elements, although you may want to write them in pencil for now.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry — the scientific body that is the keeper of the list of elements — unveiled Thursday the proposed names for elements 114 and 116: flerovium (atomic symbol Fl) and livermorium (atomic symbol Lv).

If you do not like them, now is the time to voice your objections. The chemistry union will have a five-month comment period open to anyone.
(Kenneth Chang. Names Proposed for 2 New Elements on Periodic Table. The New York Times. December 1, 2011.)

新たに加わる元素の名前は、"flerovium"と"livermonium"というのだそうです。ただし2つとも暫定(proposed names)であり、これに決まるかどうかはまだ分からないそうです。冒頭の、"although you may want to write them in pencil for now"という皮肉が利いています。

“We believe we have to let the world respond,” said Terry A. Renner, the chemistry union’s executive director. “It’s a desire to be fair and recognize everyone’s right to contribute as a scientist.”

The chemistry union, along with its physics counterpart, spent years checking data before finally accepting in June that the two elements had indeed been created in collaborative experiments by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif.

The process of coming up with what to call them was nearly as arduous.

Through all of human history, only 114 elements have been named, and the chemistry union has finicky rules about what is an acceptable name. For example, if the chemistry union rejects a name, that name cannot be proposed for any subsequent element discoveries, Dr. Renner said.


人類史上、元素周期表にあるのはたったの114の元素ですが、新たに加えられる元素についての命名については細かくてややこしいルール(finicky rule)があるのだそうです。






American Heritage Dictionaryでもこれは同じなのですが、"probably from fine"という解説があります。"fine"という形容詞が持つ、細かい、微妙な、繊細な、などの意味を考えると何となく納得できるところだと思います。



スタグフレーション ― stagflation



Economists use the term “stagflation” to describe an economy that experiences high inflation while its growth falters ― a paradoxical term, as inflation and economic growth are usually positively correlated. When it comes to China, the term is even more paradoxical as the country has been growing by leaps and bounds.

Statistics coming out of China recently confirm that the country may be heading to some sort of stagflation. Economic growth is slowing down, while inflation remains high. Last Saturday, The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) announced that nonmanufacturing sector slowed down sharply, with the non-service Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) dropped from 57.7 in October to 49.7 in November.
(Panos Mouroudoukoutas. China is heading for Stagflation. Forbes. December 4, 2011.)

中国経済はここ数年で飛躍的な成長("growing by leaps and bounds")を遂げてきました。日本はGDP(Gross Domestic Product; 国内総生産)で中国に抜かれてしまいましたが、中国経済も先行きが怪しいようです。

やはりこれからの時代は、GNH(Gross National Happiness; 国民総幸福量)重視ではないでしょうか!?


開業 ― hang a shingle


恐らく建築材料としての上記の意味から発展したのだと思われるのですが、”看板”という意味でも用いられます。ただ看板は看板でも、"one indicating a professional office" (American Heritage Dictionary)、ということであり、八百屋の看板を"shingle"とは言わないようで、医者や弁護士などのオフィスの看板を指すようです。

そして、"hang a shingle"は、(医師や弁護士が)開業する、という意味で用いられます。

For years, dentists relied on their good reputations to attract customers, figuring it was enough to hang a shingle, perform a valuable service and earn a trusted name.

That was before patients started skipping twice-a-year cleanings, postponing fillings and taking a pass on root canals.

Dentistry, once thought recession-proof, has become a casualty of the tough economy. Americans increasingly see dental care as a luxury, even though neglecting their teeth can lead to serious health hazards, including heart disease.
(Duke Helfand. Dentists turn to marketing after getting brush-off from patients. Los Angels Times. December 2, 2011.)


うまく立ち回る ― turn on a dime





McDonald’s has turned on a dime to get around San Francisco’s ban on fast-food meals containing free toys.

When the ordinance goes into effect on Thursday, parents buying Happy Meals in the city’s 19 restaurants can still get toys — by paying an extra 10 cents. The proceeds from those toys will support Ronald McDonald House of San Francisco, part of the national nonprofit group.

McDonald’s says that without the trinkets, the meals do not hold the same appeal for customers . “While we will fully comply with this law, we also have a responsibility to give our customers what they want,” Danya Proud, a spokeswoman for McDonald’s, said in a statement. “Parents have told us they’d still like the option of purchasing a toy separately for their child when they buy them a Happy Meal.”
(Stephanie Strom. Toys Stay in San Francisco Happy Meals, for a Charge. The New York Times. November 30, 2011.)

冒頭に出てくる、"turn on a dime"という表現に注目してください。

早速ランダムハウス辞書を引いたのですが、“(米話)小円を描いて回転する”となっていました。??? 意味が分かりません。




American Heritage Dictionaryでは、"on a dime"という成句で、"at a precise point; within a narrowly defined area"と定義されています。

引用記事での意味を考えますと、規制をかいくぐる、もしくはルール違反になるのを回避するために、無料提供していたおもちゃを有償にするという、“方針転換”(転回)を図った、と解釈することができ、"turn on a dime"が意味するところは何となく理解できます。

ところで、"dime"とは米国の通貨で10セントコインのことです。 “狭い場所でも転回できる”という意味は、10セントコインほどの小さなスペースでも、という含意によるということです。 こうして色々と考察していますと、"turn on a dime"は、“うまく立ち回る”というような意味がふさわしく思われてきます。つまりルールや規制で何ともやりにくい状況に置かれている中で、何とか自らの利益を確保すべく、限られた範囲の中でうまく切り抜ける、立ち回る、ということではないでしょうか。


記事の冒頭で、"turn on a dime"という成句を用いたのは、記事のレポーターのしゃれのセンスでしょうか?考え過ぎかも?


「シモ」のお話 ― nether parts



(Reuters Health) - The digital age has left men's nether parts in a squeeze, if you believe the latest science on semen, laptops and wireless connections.

In a report in the venerable medical journal Fertility and Sterility, Argentinian scientists describe how they got semen samples from 29 healthy men, placed a few drops under a laptop connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi and then hit download.

Four hours later, the semen was, eh, well-done.

A quarter of the sperm were no longer swimming around, for instance, compared to just 14 percent from semen samples stored at the same temperature away from the computer.

And nine percent of the sperm showed DNA damage, three-fold more than the comparison samples.
(Frederik Joelving. Laptop Wi-Fi said to nuke sperm, but caveats abound. Reuters. November 28, 2011.)

冒頭、“下ネタ”と書きましたが、デリケートな器官について直言を避けるのは英語でも同じと見えて、"nether"(下の、下部の; Netherlandsにおける"nether"に同じ)という形容詞が用いられています。これはやはり"euphemism"(婉曲語法)の類ですが、"nether region"とされる場合もあるようです。

さて、記事ではラップトップコンピューターでワイヤレス通信を使っている場合に男性の生殖機能に影響が出るという報告書が権威ある科学誌“Fertility and Sterility”で発表されたと報じています。





禁煙成功の秘訣は”しつこさ” ― nag, nudge



You won't find the word "nagging" in the study.

But scientists at the University of Minnesota have found that smokers are more likely to kick the habit if a counselor calls them every month for a year with helpful tips and nicotine patches.

Typically, stop-smoking programs only last about eight weeks. But Dr. Anne Joseph, a professor of medicine, and her colleagues found that they could boost the success rate as much as 75 percent by extending treatment to 12 months.

As part of the program, counselors stayed in touch with patients for a full year, calling some patients as many as 50 times. The counselors adopted what they called a "chronic disease" model of care, which meant they didn't give up if the smoker relapsed.
(Maura Lerner. Nagging vs. smoking. Star Tribune. November 28, 2011.)





Most smokers relapse within three months of treatment. U researchers found they could help more folks stay smoke-free with frequent phone nudges.

末尾の"phone nudges"という部分なのですが、"nudge"という動詞にも、うるさくせがむ、しつこく言う、などの同じような意味があります。

"nag"と"nudge"、どちらもNで始まる単語でありなんとなく似ていますが、語源は"nag"が古ノルド語(Scandinavian origin)、"nudge"がイディッシュ語ということで異なっています。

さらにややこしいのですが、"nudge"にはもう1つありまして、小突く、軽く押すという意味の動詞なのですが、これは上記の"nudge"(イディッシュ語源)とは別の単語として、そしてScandinavian originとされています。(この"nudge"については、”少しずつ動かす、押す”という意味でも用いられ、2009年7月に取り上げました。)

Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書、そして研究社の大英和では、”しつこく言う”という意味での"nudge"はエントリがなく、”小突く”という意味の"nudge"のみです。(ちなみに語源欄は、研究社大英和ではクエスチョンマーク付きでScandinavianですが、Merriam Websterでは、"origin unknown"です。)



“超”がつくほどの・・・ ― uber


Maybach gets the axe Mercedes-Benz is set to kill off its top-end brand, report claims.



Mercedes-Benz will kill off its underperforming uber-luxury Maybach brand in 2013, a report claims. The article, published by US news site Autoweek, quotes a “high ranking Mercedes-Benz source” as saying that the brand thinks it better to “cut our losses with Maybach than to continue into an uncertain future with a brand that has failed to live up to original sales expectations”.
(Matt Campbell. Maybach gets the ax. The Sydney Morning Herald. November 28, 2011.)








Definition of ÜBER-
1: being a superlative example of its kind or class : super- <übernerd> 
2: to an extreme or excessive degree : super- <übercool> 


一説によりますと、"uber"が使われ始めたのは、ドイツの哲学者であるFriedrich Nietzscheが著書の中で用いた、"Übermensch"(邦訳では超人とされています)という単語をGeorge Bernard Shawが劇作のなかで用いたのに端を発するそうです。ランダムハウス英和辞書では、この"Übermensch"のエントリは見えます。


こんな意味もあったの? ― stagger




Dangers Of Staggered Overdose Of Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol)

Repeatedly taking marginally too much paracetamol (acetaminophen, Tylenol) over time can cause a dangerous overdose that is hard to detect and can lead to death, because patients usually don't report an overdose when they visit the hospital, rather that they feel unwell. Clinicians need to be able to detect these cases rapidly so that they can provide prompt and effective treatment, as these patients are in greater danger compared with those who have taken a single overdose.
(Dangers Of Staggered Overdose Of Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol). Medical News Today. November 24, 2011.)



では、単なる"overdose"と、"staggered overdose"の違いは何でしょうか?

答えは上記の引用にも、また記事を読んでいただければ分かるのですが、いわゆる"overdose"を1回の大量服用とするならば、"staggered overdose"は数回に分けて大量服用することを指しているようです。

People experiencing pain who repeatedly take slightly more paracetamol than they should are in danger of suffering a so-called "staggered overdose". According to Dr. Kenneth Simpson's recent research project published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology:

"They haven't taken the sort of single-moment, one-off massive overdoses taken by people who try to commit suicide, but over time the damage builds up, and the effect can be fatal."


(時間などを)ずらす; 時間差を設ける

といった意味があります。これらの意味で用いられることすら知らなかったので不勉強の誹りを免れませんが、"staggered dose"という用例はこれらの意味を汲んでいると考えられます。

ちなみに時差出勤(制度)のことは、"stagger system"というのだそうです。ご存知でした?


倹約、倹約、倹約・・・ ― economize; cut corners; make do


一方、アメリカではThanksgiving holidaysに突入しました。各メディアがこぞってトップニュースで伝えています。

ところで経済の低迷と失業問題に喘いでいるアメリカ国内にあっても、このThanksgivingだけは特別なもの、大切な人と過ごすために民族の大移動が起きている、という話です。しかし旅行というのはお金がかかるもの。ホリデーシーズンの航空運賃は高めに設定されますし、ガソリン価格も高騰しています。そんな逆境の中で涙ぐましくもある倹約のストーリーをChicago Sun Timesに見つけました。

CHICAGO — Undeterred by costlier gas and airfare, millions of Americans set out Wednesday to see friends and family in what is expected to be the nation’s busiest Thanksgiving weekend since the financial meltdown more than three years ago.

Many people economized rather than stay home.

“We wouldn’t think of missing it,” said Bill Curtis, a retiree from Los Angeles who was with his wife at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank, Calif. “Family is important and we love the holiday. So we cut corners other places so we can afford to travel.”
(Nomaan Merchant. Poor economy no speed bump for Thanksgiving travelers. Chicago Sun Times. November 23, 2011.)

記事のタイトル、"Poor economy no speed bump for Thanksgiving travelers"、が面白いと思いませんか?経済の低迷(poor economy)も旅行客にとっては旅行を控える要因(speed bump)にはなっていない、ということです。大切な人と過ごすために目的地へのはやる気持ちには、経済の低迷など"speed bump"にはならないのです。

もちろん全ての人が、飛行機のファーストクラスでリッチに旅行できるわけではありません。旅行費用をねん出するために、倹約の知恵が必要です。"cut corners"は節約する、切り詰める、という意味の成句です。



Lucretia Verner and her cousin set out on a drive from Tulsa, Okla., to Atlanta. They said they wouldn't stop to eat on the way, making do with the water, juice, lunch meat and bread they took with them. Colette Parr of Las Vegas took flights with connections and switched airlines to save almost $200 on her trip to Newark, N.J.

上記の引用にある、"make do"も、(不十分な物や状態で)なんとかしのぐ、間に合わせる、という意味の成句で、節約、倹約のコンテクストで用いられます。



Kmartのこの下着、あなたなら買う? ― sleazy

今年の4月のことですが、“おっぱいは卑猥か?“という記事で、アメリカで”I ♥ boobies.”というテキストをあしらったブレスレット(リストバンド)が卑猥だと学校で問題になったものの、裁判所の判断で問題なしに至ったというニュースを引用しましたが、似たような”事件”は絶えないもので、今回はオーストラリアのKmartが”I ♥ rich boys”などのテキストをあしらったパンツを販売したところ消費者から猛反発を食って、あわてて販売を取り止めたという記事を引用します。

Kmart pulls 'disgusting, sleazy' girls underwear off shelves

The retail chain Kmart has been forced to withdraw a line of underwear for young girls that carries slogans such as "call me" and "I ♥ rich boys" after the store was accused of sexualising teenagers.

Kmart has confirmed that it will remove the underwear, which is part of its popular Girl Xpress range, after it was the target of a Twitter campaign led by outraged parents, who described the slogans as "disgusting" and "sleazy".


American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を借りますと、

Dishonest or corrupt; disreputable


ちなみに記事 では問題になったパンツ(underwear; 別の記事ではknickersとも)の画像もありますが、一体誰が好き好んでこんなものを買うだろうか、あるいは自分の娘に買い与えるだろうかと思わざるを得ません。そういう意味では、消費者の大反発というのはある意味納得ではありますが、黙殺してもいいようなレベルの話にも思えてきます。

さて、”sleazy”の語源ですが、American Heritage Dictionaryでは”Origin unknown.”となっているのですが、ランダムハウスでは、“Silesiaにちなむ”とあります。”Silesia”は何かと言うと、ヨーロッパ中部の地方都市の名前のようですが、なにゆえ一地方都市の名前がこのような形容詞に発展したのか分かりません。

インターネット上を色々と検索したところ、ある説によれば、”Silesia”は高級な綿織物の産地として有名だったそうですが、その高級な布地は(おそらくは高級品であるが故に)薄く、破れやすく、次第にその面が強調され、薄っぺらで破れやすい、さらに材質が悪いというような意味へと変化したということです。形容するところの意味が正反対になってしまった例ということになりますが、American Heritage Dictionaryはこの説を採用していないのは何故だろうかと別の関心が湧いてきます。(研究社の大英和も見てみましたが、語源不詳となっていました。)



Pizza(ピザ)は野菜か? ― sloppy joe


一体何の話かと言いますと、学校給食(school lunch)のメニューについての話です。ご存知の方も多いと思いますが、肥満児の増加などの社会問題を受けて、アメリカでは炭酸飲料の自動販売機を学校から撤去したり、塩分摂取の目安を政府が推奨したり、果てはソフトドリンクへの課税が提案されたりと様々な取り組みが昔からされてきています。こうした動きはアメリカに留まらず、例えばデンマークでは”脂肪税”なるものが導入されたりもしています。

さて、件の給食メニューの一連の騒動ですが、米政府は当初ピザ(pizza)やフライドポテト(french fries)などをメニューから無くしたかったようなのですが、学校給食のメインディッシュ(the staples of most school lunches)でもあるこれらのメニューの排除には関連業界や団体が激しく反発したようで、結局はピザもフライドポテトも野菜であるとしてと法案に盛り込むことになったようです。何とも可笑しな話です。

ST. LOUIS, MO (KPLR)— Nutritionists will tell you that the more vegetables you eat, the healthier you will be. So I used to eat salads for lunch, but not anymore! Now I eat pizza and french fries. By now you've heard the good news. Pizza and french fries are going to become vegetables. Really, congress wants to make it a law and everything. Tentatively titled by most kids, "The most awesome law ever."

Think how easy it will be to get your kids to eat vegetables now. Heck, my kids might become vegetarians.

If you haven't heard this is what happened. Following the first ladies lead to fight childhood obesity. The agriculture department wrote new standards for school lunches to make them healthier. The new standards called for easy things like less salt, fewer potatoes, less starch and more vegetables.

So some schools talked about getting rid of french fries and pizzas, which along with sloppy joes are the staples of most school lunches.

Ah, but not so fast. You know who got upset about this. The frozen food industry that makes the pizza, the salt industry and potato farmers. You see those school lunches that make kids fat and unhealthy. Also make food companies fat and rich.

So they sent their lobbyists to Washington with plenty of money and congress members welcomed them with open pockets and a promise to not to worry about it. We'll fix everything. Presto-change-o. French fries and pizza are now vegetables!
(Larry Mendte. Mendte - Congress Magically Turns Pizza Into A Vegetable. KPLR11. November 21, 2011.)

ところで、4段落目に"sloppy joes"という表現が出てきます。これは何でしょうか?

American Heritage Dictionaryによりますと、

A bun filled or covered with ground beef cooked in a spicy tomato sauce.


語源については、Sloppy Joe'sというレストランで提供されていたから、とか、Joeという名前の人が作り始めた、とか諸説あるようです。



閑話休題 ― 未成年の方はご遠慮ください。



が、内容が内容だけにちょっと取り上げ辛く・・・。当ブログをご愛読いただいている方々の中に青少年の方がいらっしゃるのかどうか知る由もないのですが、今日は先々月(9月)の記事(the Big "O")と同じく、“未成年の方はご遠慮ください”ということで・・・。



Female orgasm captured in series of brain scans


Scientists have used brain scan images to create the world's first movie of the female brain as it approaches, experiences and recovers from an orgasm. The animation reveals the steady buildup of activity in the brain as disparate regions flicker into life and then come together in a crescendo of activity before gently settling back down again.
(Ian Sample. Female orgasm captured in series of brain scans. The Guardian. November 14, 2011.)


To make the animation, researchers monitored a woman's brain as she lay in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner and stimulated herself. The research will help scientists to understand how the brain conducts the symphony of activity that leads to sexual climax in a woman.

MRI(magnetic resonance imaging)を使ったことが分かります。そんなことではない!?

そうです。"as she lay in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner and stimulated herself"という部分です。

"stimulated herself"??




ラテン語 stimulatus (stimulare「突き棒で突く」の過去分詞)



記事末尾では、このような研究は単に"the Big O"の仕組みの解明にとどまらず、不安症やうつ病、その他精神疾患の治療へも新たな知見をもたらすものになるということで、その意義があることについても触れられており、なるほど、とは思いましたが。


I had an orgasm in an MRI scanner

Kayt Sukel went to extraordinary lengths to help researchers learn more about the neuroscience of the female orgasm
(The Guardian. November 16, 2011.)

リードを読むと、この実験に協力したのは、Kate Sukelさんという人であることが分かります。この記事はそのKate Sukelさんという実験に参加した女性(a science and travel writerと紹介されています)によるものなのですが、核心部分が明らかにされています。

The first question, invariably, is, "Excuse me? You had a what where?" It's not a surprise, really. People may not be shocked if you tell them you managed a wank on, say, the train or even in a public restroom. But when you announce that you took part in an orgasm study and managed to reach climax in a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanner as it recorded the blood flow in your brain? Well, that's not something one hears every day.




イギリスのガーディアン紙(The Guardian)は決して下品な大衆紙の部類ではなくむしろ高級紙ということなので、日本だったら駅売店で買える夕刊のアヤシイ記事のようなこの話題と内容はちょっとギャップがありますが皆さんはどうお思いになるでしょうか?

おとり捜査 ― sting

1970年代にアカデミー賞を受賞した、ポール・ニューマン主演の有名なアメリカ映画に、"The Sting"(邦題: スティング)というものがあります。私は観たことはないのですが、詐欺師の巧妙な手口を描いた映画として有名です。


そして、今日取り上げる表現ですが、“おとり捜査”という意味もあります。American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を引用しますと、

Slang. A complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care, especially an operation organized and implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals.

とあります。"undercover agents"はおとり捜査官のことです。


More than 50 professional shoplifters arrested in stings, prosecutor says

Organized groups focus on Michigan Avenue, Orland Square and Woodfield Mall, offcials say

More than 50 professional shoplifters were arrested in an undercover operation targeting criminal crews before holiday shoppers hit the malls, Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez announced Sunday.

The stings, which began in mid-October, were conducted in stand-alone stores in the suburbs, stores along Michigan Avenue and in shops at Orland Park's Orland Square Mall and Schaumburg's Woodfield Mall.

The brazen crews of "boosters," or professional shoplifters, targeted by the investigation are sophisticated and organized, working in groups to steal electronics, razors, over-the-counter medicine, baby formula and brand-name clothing, authorities said. They carry tools to open boxes and line their bags with duct tape to prevent security sensors from activating.
(Becky Schlikerman. More than 50 professional shoplifters arrested in stings, prosecutor says. Chicago Tribune. November 21, 2011.)

万引き集団を一網打尽にするおとり捜査が実施され、50人以上が逮捕されたということです。記事のタイトルでは"in stings"となっていますが、本文中では"in an undercover operation"とされています。また、引用の第2段落目でも"stings"は使われています。

さて、なぜ"sting"がおとり捜査のことを意味するようになったのでしょうか?興味を引かれたので手持ちの辞書をあたりましたが、語源や背景に関する説明は見当たりません。それどころか、“おとり捜査”の意味自体を載せている辞書があまりないことが不思議です。(ランダムハウス英和辞書には掲載されていました。研究社の大英和にはなぜか掲載されていません。Oxford Advanced Learnersの英英辞書にもエントリはありません。)

こうなると益々気になってくるのですが、ウィキペディアやインターネットのスラング関係のオンライン辞書にも説明が見当たらず、本日のブログ記事では”語源不詳”ということにしようかと思っていたところ、ようやく1つの解説に行き当たりました。The Times of Indiaによる説明を下記に引用させていただきます。

Why is a sting operation called so?

A sting operation most likely owes its etymological origin to the bee. Typically, a sting operation involves an investigative agency such as the police or the media, who lure a criminal to commit a crime in order to trap them red-handed. They might pose as a criminal themselves, and thereby set up a trap in terms of an alluring offer, often known as a honey trap. Once the target takes the bait, the trappers "sting" them by way of arrest or publication, the way a bee would sting someone who tries to take honey from a beehive.
(The Times of India. December 18, 2005.)


Wikipediaもそうですが、単に"sting"ではなく、"sting operation"となっています。


風邪をひいたら無理せず休みましょう ― presenteeism



Motreal Gazzett紙の記事によれば、さる大学の研究で、無理して出社するよりも家で静養した方が生産性の観点から望ましいという報告が出たとのことです。

Your colleague in the next cubicle has provided a symphony of sneezing and hacking all day and you are on your third bottle of hand sanitizer as you curse the “conscientiousness” of employees who feel compelled to work when they’re sick.

You have just witnessed presenteeism – code word for working when sick – and a new study out of Concordia University shows that it may be even more costly to the workplace than absenteeism.

The Concordia study by Gary Johns, a management professor at the John Molson School of Business, comes on the heels of another study out of Queen’s University that also shows the costly repercussions of presenteeism.
(Karen Seidman. Staying home can help productivity. Montreal Gazzett. November 17, 2011.)




記事にもありますが、"code word for working when sick"とあります。つまり、体調を崩してしんどいのに働く、ということですね。しかし、この記事を読んでいますと、“働く”というよりも、“出勤する”、という方が正確であるような気がします。"present"とはある場所に存在しているということを意味する形容詞ですが、ここではオフィスなどの勤務先に居る状態のことを指しているわけで、もちろんオフィスにいるということは働きに来ているわけですが、“働く”という行為そのものよりも、その場に居るということに焦点が当てられているように思えます。こう言ってしまうのはやや躊躇されることですが、休んでも全く差し支えないのに、無理を押して出勤するという“ポーズ”、あるいは出勤しなくてはならないというような強迫的な観念のようなものがあって、"presenteeism"につながっているのではないでしょうか。





相乗り ― carpool



How would you feel if the government told you that you couldn’t smoke in your own car?

Perhaps you’d endorse the idea that public health officials were trying to make it harder for people to maintain a habit that increases their risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and a host of other problems. Maybe you’d rejoice that you’d never again be forced to carpool to a meeting with a chain-smoking colleague. You might even breathe a sigh of relief for all the children of smokers who would be able to ride to school, soccer practice and piano lessons without being forced to inhale clouds of secondhand smoke.

And some of you – smokers or not – might be more than a tad annoyed at the prospect of Big Brother dictating what you can and cannot do in the privacy of your own vehicle.
(Karen Kaplan. Should it be illegal to smoke in your own car? Los Angels Times. November 16, 2011.)



驚いたことには、"motor pool"という表現は英語で存在するのですが、駐車場の意味は無く、"carpool"と同様、相乗りを意味します。さらに分かったのですが、”モータープール”を駐車場を意味するのは日本でも主に関西地方に限られるということですが、果たして本当かと思います。




“人工肉”は普及するのか? ― catch on


 FEATURE-Petri dish to dinner plate, in-vitro meat coming soon というものです。

オランダ、マーストリヒト大学のMark Post教授らによる研究成果ですが、いわゆる“人工肉”がついにお目見えするという話です。 

“Petri dish”(ペトリ皿)なんて、中学時代(?)の理科の実験室に戻ったような気分ですが、人工培養した肉が食卓に載るのもそう遠くない!?いえいえ、記事を読んでいただくとそんなにたやすい話でないことが分かります。 

LONDON, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Scientists are cooking up new ways of satisfying the world's ever-growing hunger for meat. 

"Cultured meat" -- burgers or sausages grown in laboratory Petri dishes rather than made from slaughtered livestock -- could be the answer that feeds the world, saves the environment and spares the lives of millions of animals, they say. 

Granted, it may take a while to catch on. And it won't be cheap. 
(Kate Kelland. FEATURE-Petri dish to dinner plate, in-vitro meat coming soon. Reuters. November 11, 2011.) 

 引用にありますように、人工肉の普及によって何百万頭という家畜を殺さずに済みますし、餌代や飼育の手間など、その他にも色々とメリットがあるようです(エコにも良いということなのですが、それは記事の中で・・・)が、それはそうとして(granted)、普及するのにはもう少しかかりそうですよ(it may take a while to catch on)、というのが最後の段落にあります。続く記事を読んでいただければと思いますが、人工肉のハンバーガーを提供しようと思ったら25万ユーロ(およそ345,000米ドル)にもなるのだそうです。とてつもない値段です。 

さて、ここで使われている動詞句、"catch on"ですが、 


などの色々な意味があるのですが、ここでは“定着する”、もしくは辞書には載っていませんが、“普及する”という訳語が適当でしょう。"catch on"の用例をコーパスなどで見ますと、“流行する”、“受ける”、といった意味での用例が多いようなのですが、ここではファッションやトレンドといった話ではありませんので、“流行する”、“受ける”は当たらないと思われます。 

なお、人工肉の話題に戻ると、件の教授によれば、試験管培養による人工肉を使った世界で初めてのハンバーガーは来年の8月か9月頃にはお目見えするそうですが、味は保証の限りではない("a long way from a mouth-watering meal")ということです。 

私はやっぱり和牛がいいなあ・・・。“ステーキを売るな。シズルを売れ!”(Don't sell the steak―sell the sizzle! -- Elmer Wheeler)という言葉を何故か思い出しました。


もう年末商戦? ― up the ante


アメリカでは、クリスマスの前に大きなイベントがあります。そう、Thanksgiving holidayです。

Thanksgiving holidayは11月の第4木曜日ですが、Thanksgivingが終わるとクリスマスまでのカウントダウンが始まると言います。つまり年末商戦のスタートです。


As stores up the ante with earlier holiday hours that creep into Thanksgiving night, Black Friday is turning into Black Thursday, and some shoppers and employees aren't happy about it.

Toys R Us said Monday that it will open at 9 p.m. on Thanksgiving, an hour earlier than last year and the earliest of any retailer so far this year.

•Walmart will open at 10 p.m., two hours ahead of last year's midnight opening.

•Other stores, including Target, Macy's, Best Buy and Kohl's, will open at midnight.

Anthony Hardwick, a cart attendant at a Target in Omaha, started a campaign to protest the decision to open at midnight, four hours earlier than last year. His petition, on Change.org, calls for Target to push its opening to 5 a.m. Friday. The petition had 62,000 signatures as of late Monday.

"With the midnight open, you're going to cut into a lot of people's family time because you have to rest up if you're going to be working overnight," says Hardwick, 29. He says he'll be in bed by 2 or 3 p.m on Thanksgiving.
(Hadley Malcolm. Toys R Us, Walmart plan to open earlier on Thanksgiving. USA Today. November 14, 2011.)

さて、Thanksgiving holidayとBlack Fridayという日付のおさらいになりますが、Thanksgivingは11月の第4木曜日ですので、今年は11月24日がそれにあたります。そしてBlack Fridayとはその翌日、11月25日になる訳です。(Black Fridayについては2年前に一度取り上げましたので詳しくはそちらもご覧ください。)

記念日や祝日を大切な人と過ごすというのはごく当たり前の気持ちですが、年末商戦に過熱する百貨店や小売業は売り上げを伸ばすために店を開けなければなりません。他店に先駆ける傾向には拍車がかかり、ストアの開店時間が徐々に早くなってきているそうなのですが、遂にThanksgiving当日の夜にまで食い込んで来ており、従業員から不満の声が挙がっているというのです。従業員は休日返上せざるを得ません。もはやBlack Fridayではなく、Black Thursdayである、というのはこのような背景を皮肉っているものです。

今日は冒頭の、"up the ante"という表現を取り上げました。"ante"とは、ギャンブル、特にトランプのポーカーでの掛け金、という意味です。"up the ante"で掛け金をつり上げる、という意味なのですが、ここでのコンテクストでは、年末商戦に賭けて開店時間を早めるなどしている取り組みを、ギャンブルで掛け金や出資金をつり上げることになぞらえた表現であると解釈できるでしょう。


私腹を肥やす ― pad one's own pocket




Washington, D.C. is a town that runs on inside information - but should our elected officials be able to use that information to pad their own pockets? As Steve Kroft reports, members of Congress and their aides have regular access to powerful political intelligence, and many have made well-timed stock market trades in the very industries they regulate. For now, the practice is perfectly legal, but some say it's time for the law to change.
(Congress: Trading stock on inside information? CBS News. November 13, 2011.)


pad their own pockets


line one's pockets


"pad one's own pocket"という表現を解釈してみますと、"pocket"とはいわゆる上着やズボンのポケットですが、比喩的には財布や貯蓄など個人の持つ財力、つまり懐具合のことです。


つまり、"pad one's own pocket"とは、個人の財力、懐具合を示すメタファーとしての”ポケット”を膨らませることである、ということになり、これすなわち、私腹を肥やすの意であると解釈しても間違いではないでしょう。


Last October, after a three-week trial, a Chicago jury found both Amerigroup Illinois and the parent company liable under the federal False Claims Act. Amerigroup's total bill -- damages plus civil penalties -- is $334 million, or more than three times its 2006 net income. Judge Harry Leinenweber, who oversaw the case, called Amerigroup's behavior "egregious and calculated." The company "pilfered money from Medicaid coffers to pad its own pockets," he wrote.
(Fortune. 2007.)

シソーラスの辞書も見たのですが、"enrich"の項に"line one's pocket"はあるのに、"pad one's own pocket"はやはりありませんでした。


今日は1が6つ並ぶ日です! ― palindromic



さて、このような商魂たくましさは日本人に限らず、海外でも例外ではありません。シカゴ発、マクドナルドの事例について、Chicago Tribune紙の記事からの引用をご覧ください。

McDonald's Corp. restaurants are using Friday's numerical palindromic date to promote its french fries.

Playing on the 11/11/11 digital version of Nov. 11, McDonald's franchisees in metro Chicago will offer small orders of fries for 50 cents for the day. That's half the usual price for the portion.

“We hope Chicagoland residents will take advantage of this unique offer to enjoy, what are considered by many, as the ‘Best Fries on the Planet,'” said Ron Lofton, franchisee and president of McDonald's Owner Operators of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana, in a statement.
(Kate MacArthur. McDonald's commandeers 11/11/11 as 'Fryday.' Chicago Tribune. November 9, 2011.)



"palindrome"という単語はギリシャ語源であり、ギリシャ語の"palin"(英語で言うと"again")と"dromos"(同じくrunning)、つまり"running back again"という意味です。

今日は1が6つ並ぶ日、上から読んでも下から読んでも、"11/11/11"ということになりますが、厳密にいえば西暦の4ケタは2ケタに省略していますので、記事においても、"digital version of Nov. 11"という表現になっています。


オリンパス不祥事、上場廃止の可能性 ― delisting






Olympus Corp. (7733)’s admission that it hid losses by overpaying advisers may lead to its delisting by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and is sparking criticism of corporate-governance standards in the world’s third-largest stock market.

Olympus, the world’s biggest maker of endoscopes, earlier this week said it concealed losses by paying $687 million to advisers on a 2008 acquisition. The TSE said it’s considering moving the Tokyo-based company to a watch list for possible delisting because of accounting fraud.
(Olympus Scandal Means ‘Japan Way’ No Longer Excuse. Bloomberg. November 10, 2011.)


上場企業の一覧のことを英語で、"a list"と呼びます。リストそのものです。また、上場企業は、"a listed company"と表現されます。"delist"は、分離や離脱を意味する接頭辞の"de-"と、"list"が結合したものです。

さて、おまけでもう1つ。上記の引用の2段目に、"a watch list"という表現が出てきますが、これは何を指しているのでしょうか?


Under Tokyo exchange rules, a company found to have falsified earnings statements is first placed under the “watch list” post, where it is kept for a month. During that period, the exchange will review the magnitude of the wrongdoings, including whether the falsification was done in an organized manner.

Should the falsification be considered malicious, the exchange may decide to delist the company. Once that decision is made, a monthlong waiting period commences before the stock is formally delisted.




こんな意味もあったの? ― cheat




A lucky school-bus driver cheated a fiery death yesterday when he was clipped by an SUV at a busy Brooklyn intersection and slammed into a day-care center, authorities said.

Fortuneately, there were no children on board during the 8:20 a.m. crash on Rockaway Parkway at Avenue N in Canarsie, and the four youngsters and three adults inside the basement day-care center at 1918 Rockaway Parkway escaped the solid brick building unharmed.
(School bus in fiery smash-up. The New York Post. November 8, 2011.)

American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を参照しますと、

to elude; escape





過失致死罪 ― involuntary manslaughter

2009年の6月に亡くなったポップ界の大スター、Michael Jackson。彼の死に関与したとして、主治医であった医師のConrad Murray氏の裁判が続いていましたが、有罪判決が下りました。罪状は、"involuntary manslaughter"(過失致死)。トップニュースになっています。

Michael Jackson's doctor was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter in the pop star's death for supplying an insomnia-plagued Jackson with a powerful operating-room anesthetic to help him sleep as he rehearsed for his big comeback.

Dr. Conrad Murray sat stone-faced, his chin held high, as he heard the verdict that could send him to prison for up to four years and cost him his license to practice medicine. He was handcuffed and immediately led off to jail without bail to await sentencing Nov. 29.
(Linda Deutsch. Jackson Doctor Convicted in Star's Drug Death. ABC News. November 8, 2011.)

引用したABC Newsの記事はまるで映画のワンシーンでも見ているようで、一気に読ませられました。


A shriek broke the silence in the packed courtroom when the jury's decision was read, and the crowd outside the courthouse erupted in cheers. Jubilant Jackson fans sang "Beat It" and held signs that read "Guilty" and "Killer." Drivers honked their horns.


In Las Vegas, a former Murray patient and current friend, Donna DiGiacomo, sobbed and said the jury was under "overwhelming pressure to convict."

"This man didn't deserve this. They needed a scapegoat," said DiGiacomo, a former Long Island, N.Y., teacher's aide who said she didn't believe Murray did anything to intentionally harm Jackson.

Michael Jackson氏は不眠に悩まされていたそうですが、Murray医師は強力な麻酔剤を処方し、その直後にわずかな時間目を離した隙に亡くなったようです。このあたりが謎ですが、判決では処方後の適切な監視と助命のための措置を講じていなかったことを重過失(gross negligence)とし、これに関しては他の医師も同様のスタンスのようです。

There is no law against administering propofol or the other sedatives. But expert witnesses for the prosecution said that using propofol at home without lifesaving equipment on hand was an egregious deviation from the standard of medical care. Prosecutors called it gross negligence, the legal basis for an involuntary manslaughter charge.



Chickenpox partyとは? ― lunacy

"Chickenpox party"というものをご存知でしょうか?



Chicken Pox Parties Is "Middle Ages Vigilante Vaccination"

If you think buying a lollipop contaminated with saliva from senders whose children are infected will protect your kids from chicken pox, think again - because it probably won't. More likely, you will be exposing them to more serious infections, such as hepatitis. A US attorney in Nashville, Jerry Martin, said not only is it unsafe to mail such contagious items, it is also illegal.
(Medical News Today. November 6, 2011.)




One of the Facebook pages called "Find A Pox Party In Your Area" was found to be a place where parents can purchase viruses. By making a 'charitable donation' they can buy contaminated saliva, often carried on sweets or other goodies children like, or washcloths and Q-tips. On that web page you can also trade and sell such stuff.


Some people are under the mistaken idea that by doing this they will expose their children to chicken pox virus, thus bypassing the need for the formal vaccine. The parents, virtually all of them lay people, believe that this method is more effective and safer than receiving a vaccination. There have been other similar parties in the past for such diseases as measles. If a child has the disease earlier in life, there is a smaller risk of complications, compared to adults who get the diseases. This is true for hepatitis A, mumps and chicken pox, and some other diseases.

The problem with 'inoculation parties' organized by lay people without any public health authority cooperation or supervision is quality control (e.g. accidental risks from shipping), lack of efficacy statistics, and the likelihood of unexpected infections. Pediatricians say children exposed to such practices have a higher risk of developing encephalitis and group A strep.

Most health care professional see this as utter lunacy. Other scientists say it is simply a scam for making money and taking advantage of gullible people.

"lunacy"はラテン語の"luna"(月)に由来しています。月の満ち欠けが精神病の発症と関連があると信じられていた時代があったのです。現代にそのようなことを信じている人はいません。水疱瘡感染者の唾液がついたキャンデーを1つ50米ドルも出して買い求めるアメリカ人も、記事のタイトルにあるように中世(Middle Ages)のサイエンスの信奉者だろうかと皮肉を述べたくもなります。


バーグ=ハンバーグではありません!? ― berg

南極のPine Island Glacier (PIG)という、南極大陸でも最大級の突出部に約30 kmに渡るひび割れが観測され、巨大氷山が形成されることになりそうだと報道されています。

Major berg forming in Antarctica

A rift has formed in the shelf of floating ice in front of the Pine Island Glacier (PIG).

The surface crack in the PIG runs for almost 30km (20 miles), is 60m (200ft) deep and is growing every day.

US space agency (Nasa) researchers expect the eventual berg to cover about 880 sq km - an area the size of Berlin. It should break away towards the end of the year or early in 2012.

Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest and fastest-moving tongues of ice on the White Continent and drains something like 10% of all the ice flowing out of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet into the ocean.
(Jonathan Amos. Major berg forming in Antarctica. BBC News. November 3, 2011.)


さて、今日は"berg"という単語を取り上げました。カタカナにすると“バーグ”かも知れませんが、ハンバーグのことではありませんよ!?これはつまり、"iceberg"(氷山)のことです。辞書を引くと、"berg" = "icerberg"とありますのでそれまでですが、語源に目を向けると興味深いものがあります。











12 charged with bilking Medicare of $95 million

(CNN) -- Federal authorities have charged 12 people in connection with billing schemes that involved more than $95 million in fraudulent Medicare claims, the U.S. Justice Department said Wednesday.

The suspects, including four doctors, were charged with health care fraud and money laundering after allegedly attempted to bill Medicare for "services that were medically unnecessary and never provided," the statement said.

Eleven of the suspects were arrested or surrendered in New York. All 11 have pleaded not guilty.
(CNN. November 2, 2011.)


本文中では、"billing scheme"、"fraud"、"fraudulent (claims)"などの表現が用いられていますが、ほぼ同じ意味で使われていると言ってよいでしょう。





動詞+目的語(人など、詐取の対象)+"out of"+目的語(お金など)

という形式を取ることです。"out of"の代わりに、"of"だけのこともあります。

... bilk amateur investors of their savings
... federal charges for allegedly bilking the state out of millions



ジョブズ氏がん治療の是非: 下衆の後知恵 ― 20/20 hindsight




Was Steve Jobs a smart guy who made a stupid decision when it came to his health?

It might seem so, from the broad outlines of what he did in 2003 when a CT scan and other tests found a cancerous tumor in his pancreas. Doctors urged him to have an operation to remove the tumor, but Mr. Jobs put it off and instead tried a vegan diet, juices, herbs, acupuncture and other alternative remedies. 

Nine months later, the tumor had grown. Only then did he agree to surgery, during which his doctors found that the cancer had spread to his liver, according to the new biography by Walter Isaacson. Cancer eventually killed him.

The sequence of events has given rise to news articles and blogs based on 20/20 hindsight, speculating that if only Mr. Jobs had had the surgery right away, doctors could have caught the cancer early, before it spread, and saved him.

But there is no way in this life to know what might have been — not in politics, baseball, romance or the stock market, and certainly not in sickness and health. Mr. Jobs’s wish to avoid or delay surgery was not unusual. And given the type of tumor he had and the way it was found, his decision to wait may not have been as ill considered as it seems at first blush.
(Denise Grady. A Tumor Is No Clearer in Hindsight. The New York Times. October 31, 2011.)

引用記事の中ほどに出てくる、"20/20 hindsight"という表現に注目して下さい。見慣れない表現ですね?




以上のことから、"20/20 hindsight"を解釈するとどうなるでしょうか?



"20/20 hindsight"という表現は、一種の皮肉だと思います。つまり、後から振り返って色々評するのは誰でもできる、結果が分かっていることについては視力1.0も当たり前、ということではないでしょうか?



ハロウィーンの日はお産が減る!? ― sway

週末はどのように過ごされましたか?私はハーフマラソンを走りましたが、ハロウィーンの仮装で走るランナーをたくさん見ました。この時期はパンプキンやら蝙蝠やら、そして子供にとってはTrick or treatを合言葉にお菓子にありつくことのできる、日本でも今や恒例になってしまったお祭り騒ぎです。


Fewer women give birth on Halloween than on Valentine's Day, finds a new study. But this may not be a mere calendar coincidence. Researchers at the Yale School of Public Health suggest that pregnant women appear to be swayed by the cultural symbolism of the two holidays -- skeletons versus cherubs -- and this might influence their baby's arrival date. They speculate that mothers-to-be may avoid delivering on the October holiday associated with death and witches. But scientists suspect that women have a more favorable view of Valentine's day, which is linked with love and romance, and may try for a Feb. 14 delivery.
(Cari Nierenberg. Are women spooked about giving birth on Halloween? MSNBC. October 30, 2011.)



jack-o'-lanternraven(蝙蝠)、その他お化けなど、死のイメージに彩られたハロウィーンは、あたかも日本人にとっての忌日のようなものなのかも知れません。 逆にバレンタインデーなどにはお産が増えるという統計があるということです。


アメリカ北東部で大雪 ― wallop



Heavy rain, snow and winds walloped the northeast this weekend, leaving 3.2 million people without power from Virginia to Maine and many more wondering: What happened to fall?

“It’s only October,” said Melissa Mack, a resident of Hartford, Conn. “We haven’t even finished the kids’ soccer season.”

Trees with their leaves colored by autumnal glory turned white from snow and became dangerous. The leaves gave the wet snow a landing pad, making branches so heavy that many of them came crashing down, bringing down tens of thousands of power lines with them.

The storm is being blamed for five deaths, including that of a Bronx grandmother who relied on an oxygen machine that shut down when her house lost power.
(More than 3 million without power after East Coast storm. Los Angels Times. October 30, 2011.)


この聞き慣れない単語ですが、"gallop"という単語と関係があります。スペルもよく似ている2つの単語ですが、"gallop"の語源をたどると、"well leap"(よく走る)と言う意味の、"walhlaup"(もしくは、wala hlaupen)というフランク語の表現に遡るそうです。"walhlaup"は、"wal"(戦場)を"hlaup"(駆ける)、すなわち戦場を駆けまわる馬のイメージであり、まさしく”ギャロップ”のイメージと重なります。



ダイエット失敗? ― wind up

"wind up"という表現をご存知でしょうか?敢えて和訳すると、”結局~になる”、”結局~する羽目になる”という表現です。




As if Americans needed any reminder that weight loss is hard and maintaining weight loss even harder, a study has found that for at least a year, subjects who shed weight on a low-calorie diet were hungrier than when they started and had higher levels of hormones that tell the body to eat more, conserve energy and store away fuel as fat.

The report, published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine, helps explain why roughly 4 in 5 dieters wind up gaining back lost pounds within a year or two of losing them — and, sometimes, pack on a few extra pounds for good measure.
(Melissa Healy. Why dieters tend to regain weight. Los Angels Times. October 26, 2011.)

構文的な話をしますと、"wind up"に続くのは動詞の現在分詞形(いわゆる~ing)が、コーパスなどで見ても圧倒的に多いです。しかしながら、"wind up as"という形で後ろに名詞を伴うこともあります。

General Motors CEO Jack Smith ran GM of Canada for two years in the 1980s on his way to the top of the largest company in the USA, notes Whittaker of EDS. However, Smith has been an exception, executive-search firms say. They find that the men who wind up as CEOs seldom have their careers steered through Canada.
(USA Today. 1999.)

上記の引用では、"the men who wind up as CEOs"ということで、望ましくない帰結、結果、というのと反するように思われますが、"wind up"は必ずしもネガティヴな意味で用いられるのではないということの証左でもあります。

American Heritage Dictionaryの定義を引用すると、

(Informal) To arrive in a place or situation after or because of a course of action




乳児行方不明事件、兄弟の聴取へ ― Q-tip swab




Missing Missouri 11-month-old baby Lisa Irwin's two older brothers, who were in the house the night she disappeared, will submit to interviews with investigators and provide DNA samples. Child specialists spoke to the boys on Oct. 4, the day after Lisa's disappearance, but investigators have not had access to Lisa's 5 and 8-year-old half brothers since then.

"This will be the first time we've had a chance to interview them since then," Kansas City Police Officer Darin Snapp told ABCNews.com today. "We have not been allowed access to the children until [parents Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin] agreed to bring them in this Friday."

"We are expecting to collect DNA samples," Snapp said. "It will be very non-intrusive, pretty much just a Q-tip swab."

Snapp said some DNA samples, currently in a lab, that were collected from the house are labeled "unknown" and they want to use the boys' DNA to eliminate some of the unknown samples.
(Christina Ng. Baby Lisa's Brothers: Interviews and DNA Sampling Scheduled. ABC News. October 26, 2011.)

さて、DNAサンプル採取に触れた文の中で、"Q-tip swab"という単語が出てきます。これは一体何?

"Q-tip swab"そのものを知らなくとも、コンテクストから、ああ、あの口の内側をこすってサンプル採取する綿棒のことね、とイメージはわくかもしれません。






ちなみに一般的には、"cotton swab"と表現されます。下記の記事では、"Q-tip"ではなく、"cotton swab"とだけ表現されています。

A specialist trained in interviewing children will talk to Lisa Irwin's brothers, The Kansas City Star reported Wednesday. Police spokesman Capt. Steve Young said police also planned to collect DNA from the boys to compare to unknown DNA found during the investigation and possibly eliminate some as evidence. Such samples can be obtained using a cotton swab inside the mouth.
(Missing baby's brothers to be interviewed again. The Associated Press. October 26, 2011.)


cold case


The search for Lisa Irwin hit closer to home this week as cadaver dogs have picked up the scent of human remains next to the her parent's bed, according to a police affidavit.

But an attorney for the family said following the cadaver dog's nose may be misleading investigators.

"My understanding is that there are cold cases where dogs have hit on scents of decomposition that have been in the home for as long as 28 years," attorney Cyndy Short said in an exclusive interview with "Good Morning America." "This is an old home, 63 years old. There could be a lot of other explanations for that."
(Christina Ng. Missing Baby Lisa: Family Attorney Says Cadaver Dogs May be Misleading Officials. ABC News. October 22, 2011.)

行方不明者の捜索では常套手段なのだと思いますが、警察犬が導入されているようです。記事では、"cadaver dogs"となっていますが、これは警察犬の中でも死体捜索犬のことを指すのだそうです。

今日は後段にある、"cold case"という表現に着目してみました。

記事の内容からして、ここでの"cold case"は”失敗例”や”うまくいかなかったケース”のことを意味していることは何となく読み取れます。


(米俗)(ゲームなどで)ついていない; 難しい,不愉快な,不必要な

という意味が最後の方に出ていました。また、"a cold case"の訳語として、”最悪の事態”とありました。たしかにこのケースでは最悪の事態かもしれません。

さらにAmerican Heritage Dictionaryを調べてみますと、

Characterized by repeated failure, especially in a sport or competitive activity

という定義が相当すると思われました。スポーツなどの競技で使われるということですが、"repeated failure"という定義は何となくしっくりきます。

"cold case"の用例をもう少し調べてみたところ、いわゆる”未解決事件”といった意味で用いられているものが多く見られました。

A "cold case" is defined as an unsolved murder older than a year. Since about half of all homicides are unsolved -- and there are hundreds of killings a year in Chicago -- there is a mountain of cold cases for detectives to sift through.
(Frank Main. Cold-case detectives scour past for fresh leads. Chicago Sun Times. 2004.)

"cold case unit"はさしづめ”未解決事件捜査班”といったところでしょうか。

Sgt. Rick Fulginiti, a longtime Prince George's detective, was working in the department's cold case unit several years ago when he was assigned to investigate the Phantom cases. His department received a tip about a potential suspect. Fulginiti felt he was close to solving the crimes, even flying to Utah to get DNA samples from his suspect's relatives and from an old envelope. He also learned that authorities had located a semen sample at the Maryland medical examiner's office.
(Washington Post. 2006.)

最初に引用した警察犬の記事での"cold case"と、いわゆる未解決事件を意味する"cold case"では意味合いが多少違うように思えますが、どちらも思ったような成果が出ないということを表現している点では同じだと言えると思います。

行方不明の赤ちゃんの事件については、"cold case"にならないよう祈るばかりです。