gloom and doom
loud and clear
Google's chief executive Sundar Pichai on Wednesday apologized in the aftermath of the dismissal of a prominent Black scientist whose ouster set off widespread condemnation from thousands of Google employees and outside researchers.
Timnit Gebru, who helped lead Google's Ethical Artificial Intelligence team, said that she was fired last week after having a dispute over a research paper and sending a note to other Google employees criticizing the company for its treatment of people of color and women, particularly in hiring.
"I've heard the reaction to Dr. Gebru's departure loud and clear: it seeded doubts and led some in our community to question their place at Google. I want to say how sorry I am for that, and I accept the responsibility of working to restore your trust," Pichai wrote to Google employees on Wednesday, according to a copy of the email reviewed by NPR.
(Bobby Allyn. Google CEO Apologizes, Vows To Restore Trust After Black Scientist's Ouster. NPR. December 9, 2020.)
at one's beck and call
mover and shaker
Slowly but surely, the movers and shakers are dribbling back from their Hamptons and Connecticut basements to their office desks. The question is how much longer it will take for the rank-and-file to follow.
The latest two Wall Street companies returning high-level staffers to their Midtown digs are investment- banking advisory firm Evercore and P. Schoenfeld Asset Management (PSAM), Realty Check has learned.
Evercore will begin bringing some of its trading and executive staff back to four floors at 55 E. 52nd St. in early October, with more employees to follow. PSAM has already returned to its offices at 1350 Sixth Ave. Neither firm responded to requests for comment.
(Steve Cuozzo. Wall Street firms’ return-to-work movement gaining steam. New York Post. September 27, 2020.)
"movers and shakers"という表現が使われていますが、これは成句で、有力者とか大立者、というような意味です。
対比されているのは、“rank and file”ですが、こちらは(わたくしのような)「下々の者たち」ということになりますか。
null and void
Lawyers for President Donald Trump are asking a federal judge to order that an arbitrator resolve a dispute with Stormy Daniels, a former adult film actress, over an alleged “hush money” agreement reached weeks before the 2016 presidential election as she shopped a story about an alleged sexual liaison with Trump a decade earlier.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, filed suit against Trump in a state court in Los Angeles last month and urged a judge to declare the $130,000 deal null and void because Trump never signed it.
(Josh Gerstein. Trump moves to force Stormy Daniels suit into arbitration. Politico. April 2, 2018.)
不倫問題では、トランプ氏がポルノ女優側に対して13万ドルもの「口止め料」(hush money)を払ったことが大きく取り上げられていますが、そもそもその支払についてトランプ氏が合意の署名をしておらず、無効だとの訴えがポルノ女優側からなされているそうです。
null and void
poke and prod
There were plenty of important questions asked to Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, President Donald Trump’s personal physician, during his nearly hour-long marathon briefing on Trump’s health. But the longer it went on, the more opportunity it gave reporters to exhaust every question they could think of—leading some on the right to paint the media as unwilling to accept that the president is in good health.
Donald Trump, Jr. weighed in on Twitter, saying, “Watching media trying to ask the Rear Admiral Jackson (The White House Dr) questions in ways that leaves an opening to attack @realDonaldTrump's health after an amazing report, cognitive & otherwise, is like watching Dumb & Dumber 1:1,000,000 ‘So you're saying there's a chance!’”
The Daily Caller editor in chief Geoffrey Ingersoll tweeted, “WH press accepting the results of Trump's cognitive exam like they did the results of the 2016 election.”
(Jason Schwartz. The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health. Politico. January 16, 2018.)
The media pokes and prods at Trump’s health
とありますが、この"poke(s) and prod(s)"という表現を取り上げたいと思います。
poke and pry
なるほど、この度の記者会見では馬鹿げた内容の質問も含めて、産業医へ多くの質問が投げかけられたそうで、"poke and prod"も「詮索」の意味がふさわしいかと思いました。
ところが、"poke and prod"については、コーパスで検索してみると、用例としては"doctor"という単語と一緒に使われている例が多いことに気づきました。例えば、下記のような用例があります。
Discussing his late-season health scare and his subsequent recovery, Baker said, "I'm doing great. The rest does wonders. Being at home, being with your family... plus I've been poked and prodded with doctors from all over to determine what was wrong and to make sure it doesn't come back."
(St. Louis Post, 2012)
Over the next hour, he groaned and grimaced and eventually fell asleep, as Lisa Ripi, the traveling N.F.L. acupuncturist, went to work. Ripi poked and prodded Richardson on a recent Tuesday, using blue and pink needles, until his body resembled a road map marked with 120 destinations.
(New York Times, 2010)
これらの用例を見ると、"poke and prod"がそもそも意味するところは、医師等が患者の体を診る際に触診したり、器具をあてたり、といった極めて具体的な行為のことを指していたのではないかと思われました。
そうすると、記事のタイトルでの用例にまた戻って考えてみると、産業医が診断結果を記者会見で公表したところへ、メディアの記者達がこぞって"pokes and prods at Trump’s health"、つまり(医師でもない記者達が)まるで医者であるかのようにトランプ氏の健康状態を詮索した、という皮肉にも解釈できます。
rank and file
ASHLEY HALL: The Labor Party is facing a growing push-back from its rank-and-file members over climate policy.
More than 300 branches have endorsed a position for next month's national conference to force the party to set firm targets on emissions reductions and renewable energy generation.
And today several NGOs, including Oxfam, will begin a campaign to put even more pressure on the party, claiming Labor is becoming indistinguishable from the Liberals.
(Labor faces grass roots push to set firm climate targets. ABC News. July 9, 2015.)
Merriam Websterのオンライン辞書では下記のように定義されています。
the enlisted personnel of an armed force
the individuals who constitute the body of an organization, society, or nation as distinguished from the leaders
最初の定義にも見られるように、"rank and file"という表現は元は軍隊用語でした。
"rank and file"という言い回しは、同じような意味の単語を並べる冗語表現の1つなのではないかと思います。
停止命令 ― cease and desist
このNutellaというのはよほどファンが多いと見えて、World Nutella Dayというファンが主催するの非公式祝日みたいなものが毎年祝われているそうなのですが、本家、製造元のFerrero社から止めてほしいという通達があったというのです。
World Nutella Day, the unofficial international holiday created by fans to celebrate their love of the hazelnut-chocolate spread, won’t be happening next year. According to Gawker, the annual celebration of all things Nutella was ordered to cease and desist by its manufacturer Ferrero. Started in 2007 by Nutella fan Sara Russo, the event took place every Feb. 5th.
(Kristene Quan. ‘World Nutella Day’ to Cease and Desist. Time. May 21, 2013.)
今日の表現、"cease and desist"ですが、"cease"も"desist"も、どちらも停止する、止める、という意味の動詞であり、いわゆる冗語表現となっています。しかしながら、"cease and desist"でひとかたまりの表現として慣用的、あるいは法律用語として定着しているようで、ランダムハウス英和辞書によると、"cease-and-desist order"というエントリでは
temper tantrum
"temper tantrum"というのは癇癪のことです。
A Manhattan baby sitter claims she was seriously hurt when a child she was minding smacked her in the face with a fireplace poker.
Carmen Cleary was asked to watch over little Caroline Cannady Chinn one October weekend at the Westchester home of the girl’s family — but says parents Lloyd Chinn and Sarah Cannady Chinn never warned her about temper tantrums.
(Kathianne Boniello. ‘Smacked by child’ sitter sues. New York Post. February 9, 2013.)
"temper"は気分とか気性という意味、"tantrum"は癇癪と訳されますが、"temper"自体に不機嫌、癇癪という意味もありますので、"temper tantrum"という表現は同じ意味の名詞を並べた冗語のようにも思われます。
"-rum"という語尾には何となくラテン語の響きがあります。"cerebrum"、"decorum"、"forum"、"spectrum"など、枚挙に暇がありませんが、"-rum"で終わる単語を見るとその多くがラテン語起源です。ラテン語というのは学術用語、とりわけ医学用語のイメージがあるためか、"temper tantrum"という表現についても何となく医学用語のような印象を受けます。
そのことと関係があるのか否かよく分かりませんが、"temper tantrum"は精神疾患の1つとして捉えられる向きもあり、Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM; 精神障害の統計と手引き)へ追加されることが検討されたこともあったようです。
件のベビーシッターの訴えも、女児が癇癪持ちであるという重大な事実を両親が事前に伝えなかった過失があるというもので、"temper tantrum"は単なる気質や性格のレベルではないという感じがします。