
ラベル 海に因む表現 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 海に因む表現 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


海の日特集(5) ― boil the ocean


今日取り上げる表現は、"boil the ocean"というフレーズ(成句)なのですが、ご存知でしょうか?たぶん辞書には載っていないと思います。


Aussie marketers know they need to do better here but many aren't getting started because they think they have to come up with a huge company-changing strategy. My advice is to not try to boil the ocean but start by looking at what data you have, and seeing if you can use it to inform your marketing better.
(Nick Leeder, Managing director, Google Australia and New Zealand. The Australian. July 2, 2012.)

"boil the ocean"の意味が何となく掴めますか?

文字通り訳すならば、海洋(the ocean)を沸騰させる(boil)、ということになりますが、イメージがわきますか?わきませんよね?そうです、それが"boil the ocean"の意味するところで、海洋の水を沸騰させるなどという、現実的に不可能で、とても海のものとも山のものともわからないようなことを考えたり、計画することを意味しています。


To attempt something that is way too ambitious, effectively impossible. An idea too broad in scope to accomplish.
(Urban Dictionary. urbandictionary.comのサイトから)


さて、この"boil the ocean"という表現ですが、ビジネスで使われることが多い(というか、ビジネスマンが好む?表現)ようです。

上記の定義で引用したUrban Dictionaryの補足説明によれば、

Jargon often used by self-important corporate middle managers prone to bloating their speech with meaningless and unnecessary buzz-words.

ということですから、"boil the ocean"という表現は実は勿体ぶった表現と捉えられる面があると考えた方がよさそうです。下記の記事もこの表現に対して否定的です。

"Boil the Ocean." Why not just say "waste time," which is essentially what this phrase means? But no, the point is made much better if it sounds like something a creepy James Bond villain would do.
(Maryam K. Ansari. 5 of the Creepiest Business Cliches. Reuters. June 20, 2012.)

この引用記事のタイトル、"5 of the Creepiest Business Cliches"からもお分かりのように、ビジネスマンが使う勿体ぶった表現を取り上げている記事で面白いのですが、"boil the ocean"が辞書に載らないのにもそのあたりに理由があるのでしょうか!?




海の日特集(4) ― in the offing

海の日特集、4日目の今日は、"in the offing"という成句を取り上げます。


American Heritage Dictionaryの定義がわかりやすいので、引用します。

The part of the sea visible from shore that is very distant or beyond anchoring ground.


さて、"in the offing"という成句になると、意味は、




It’s always so much fun when there’s a new Apple product in the offing. The rumours of what it might be, the specs, the price points, those rumours simply proliferate in the weeks leading up to the actual announcement.
(Tim Worstall. Links 18 July: Apple iPhone 5 Rumours. Forbes. July 18, 2012.)

これから起こりそうなことは何も良いことだけに限りません。悪いことが起こりそうな場合にも、"in the offing"が使われます。

After selling 4,134 planes the past four years, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, the company's jetliner division, is racking up more cancellations than orders for new planes this year. Industry analysts warn that more cancellations may be in the offing as people are flying less in the global recession.
(USA Today. 2009.)



海の日特集(3) ― maritime


言わずと知れた、海上保安庁の英語名称が"Maritime Safety Agency of Japan"であり、また諸外国の同様の機関の名称にも"maritime"という単語が用いられていることが多いですが、故に比較的馴染みがある単語ではないでしょうか。(海上保安庁の英語名称については現在は"Japan Coast Guard"ということになっているようですが、元々は、"Maritime Safety Agency of Japan"でした。)








On the same day that Japan’s foreign minister was due to meet with his Chinese counterpart at the ASEAN security talks last week, three Chinese maritime patrol ships entered Japanese waters near the disputed Senkaku Islands.
(Kirk Spitzer. The South China Sea: From Bad to Worse. Time. July 15, 2012.)


海の日特集(2): エーゲ海と多島海 ― pelagic



The controversial commercial fishing factory ship FJ Margiris is heading for Australian waters to fish on a scale never seen in this country before.

The massive vessel has been linked to over fishing in other parts of the world and recreational anglers in Tasmania are worried she will decimate stocks of the small schooling fish that are a very important link in the food chain for our endangered blue fin tuna and other pelagic species.
(Scott Levi. The Big Fish takes a look at the big fishing factory ship. ABC Sydney. July 14, 2012.)








海の日特集 ― between the devil and the deep blue sea





between the devil and the deep blue sea


American Heritage Dictionaryの定義が非常に分かりやすいので見てみましょう。

idioms. between the devil and the deep blue sea. Between two equally unacceptable choices.

要は、"two equally unacceptable choices"ということなのです。


THURSDAY’S PUZZLE — Here we are, stuck in the middle of the week (sort of) together, and here’s where it starts to get tough. A few question marks pop up after some clues to indicate the presence of wordplay, the entries are ramped up, and the theme … well, anything could happen on a Thursday.

Today’s debut by Pawel Fludzinski is a romp through three idioms that all mean something like “caught between two undesirable outcomes.” We are potentially caught between A ROCK AND A/HARD PLACE, THE DEVIL AND/THE/DEEP BLUE SEA, and SCYLLA/CHARYBDIS. Not only that, but all three entries are split and placed right next to each other, so you might be able to get caught between these phrases if you inhale and are really skinny to boot.
(Deb Amlen. Stuck in the Middle. The New York Times. July 16, 2012.)

偶然にも同種の表現が出てきました。"between the devil and deep blue sea"という表現の他によく使われるのが、

between a rock and a hard place
between Scylla and Charybdis


ところで今日の表現、"between the devil and the deep blue sea"について、何故、"devil"(悪魔)と"deep blue sea"(深海)なのでしょうか?



Social workers say the fathers are motivated by greed. "They use their daughters for money," said one social worker. "These girls are being exploited." The fathers, including Nasreen's, argue that the marriages offer an escape from poverty -- for the daughters as well as the rest of the family. "These girls are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea," said M.A. Majeed, regional manager of Al-Ameen Islamic Financial and Investment Corp., which sponsors vocational training programs to assist poor Muslim youth. "They are the children of parents with almost nothing to subsist on. Even the most wretched house in the Persian Gulf is better than the slums of Hyderabad."
(The Washington Post. 1994.)

