
ラベル 体の部位・骨 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 体の部位・骨 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示


funny bone



Linda Lavin, who tickled our funny bones and broke our hearts, is mourned by Broadway

Linda Lavin, who died Sunday at age 87, was a captivating Broadway star beloved by audiences for her electrifying contradictions.

A celebrated fixture of the New York stage for six decades, the Tony Award-winning actress was just 5-foot-3-inches tall yet towering; maternal and volcanic; glitteringly musical and groundedly real; hilarious and heartbreaking.

Her sardonic punch line could be followed by a shattering gut punch a second later.
(Johnny Oleksinski. Linda Lavin, who tickled our funny bones and broke our hearts, is mourned by Broadway. New York Post. December 30, 2024.)



tickled our funny bones...

とあります。"funny bone"というのは変わった表現ですね。辞書を引くと、



"funny bone"は別名、"crazy bone"ともいうそうです。腕の肘辺りの骨と笑いのツボ(?)が繋がるという英語の発想は中々ユニークに思われます。



grow a spine


grow a spine



The president of Northwestern University near Chicago threatened anti-Israel agitators with "disciplinary action," which critics say came after the school was hit with a U.S. House committee's investigation into antisemitism on campus.


Liora Rez, the founder and executive director of StopAntisemitism, told Fox News Digital that Schill's statement against the protesters was long overdue.


Rez argued that Schill only "grew a spine" due to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce launching an investigation into the university's response to antisemitism on campus.
(Sarah Rumpf-Whitten. Northwestern University president 'grew a spine' after hit with House committee investigation: watchdog group. Fox News. May 14, 2024.)

記事中、"grow a spine"というフレーズの主語になっているのは、Northwestern大学の学長Schill氏です。



ある意味、強硬手段とも言え、言論の自由は認めても暴力行為や破壊活動は許さない、という態度を鮮明にしたということであり、これが"grow a spine"と表現されています。

この学長は反イスラエルを主張する学生寄りの態度が疑問視されていたようですが、大学を舞台にした反ユダヤ主義活動が社会問題化する中で態度を変えたもののようです。日本語で「弱腰」とか「腰がひけている」という表現がありますが、これに相対するのが"grow a spine"の意味するところとも言えます。

このフレーズですが、手元にある英和辞書を始め、いつも参考にするAmerican HeritageやMerriam-Webster等も見ましたが説明は見当たりません。

"spine"とは背骨、脊椎のことですが、気骨、気概という意味があり、"grow a spine"というフレーズは人がその気概を示す、勇気を出して事にあたる、といった意味で用いられるようです。


Believe me, the reality gap between campaign pledges and reality matters to a lot of us. The president and the Democratic Party need to grow a spine, or they can expect future losses.
(San Francisco Chronicle, 2010)


grow a backbone

というフレーズもあり、"grow a spine"と同じように用いられ、これまた定着しているようです。


feel in one's bones

小説を読んでいましたら、"feel it in my bones"という表現に出くわしました。


直感する、ピンとくる; (・・・ではないかと)感じる


手元にあるCollins-Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsでは、"feel something in your bones"というエントリで、

If you say that you can feel something in your bones, you mean that you feel very strongly that you are right about something, although you cannot explain why. Verbs such as 'know', 'believe', and 'sense' are sometimes used instead of 'feel'.




骨(bone)という体の部位に対するこのような捉え方は不思議に思われましたが、Merriam-Websterで"bone"の意味を確認すると、解剖学的な骨という部位の意味以外に、"essence, core"という意味があり、また"the most deeply ingrained part"とも定義されており、自分自身が感じる、知覚するものというのは、体の奥深くに根差しているというその感覚も少し理解できるように思われました。


Joe, I have a hunch you're going to lose tonight. I just feel it in my bones.






On Tuesday, the automaker announced that it was scrapping plans to build a $1.6-billion plant in Mexico. Instead, Ford said it would invest $700 million to expand a Michigan plant to build hybrid, electric and autonomous vehicles that will add 700 jobs there in a move that Chief Executive Mark Fields described as a “vote of confidence” in Trump’s economic policies.

Ford’s decision, combined with a Trump tweet targeting rival General Motors Co., signaled his broader intentions to use jawboning, and perhaps trade penalties, to convince automakers to stop expanding production in Mexico and create more jobs in the U.S.
(Jim Puzzanghera. In 'vote of confidence' for Trump, Ford cancels Mexico factory and will invest in Michigan. The Los
Angeles Times. January 3, 2017.)


Merriam-Webster Dictionaryを検索しますと、

the use of public appeals (as by a president) to influence the actions especially of business and labor leaders; broadly : the use of spoken persuasion








肉がお嫌い!? ― bone to pick



The new mayor of Turin in the Piedmont area of Italy has a bone to pick with meat – she is seeking to turn the region into Italy’s first “vegetarian and vegan” city through the promotion of a meatless-diet, Italian media reported.

Mayor Chiara Appendino of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement is advocating for plant-based foods as an alternative to the authentic meat dishes that have inspired cooking in northern Italy for centuries.

Appendino, 32, who was sworn into office last month, making her the 20th mayor of Turin, pledged this week that the promotion of a vegetarian and vegan diets will be a “priority” in her administration in an unprecedented move in Italian government.
(Natalle Musmeci. Italian mayor wants all of her city to be vegetarians. New York Post. July 21, 2016.)



(The new mayor) has a bone to pick with meat


"have a bone to pick with"とは、with~以下の目的語について、「文句がある、苦情がある」、という意味の成句です。


ところで、"have a bone to pick with"がなぜこのような意味になるのか不思議ですね。"bone"を使った表現や成句にはこれまでも、

bone of contention
make no bones about

などを取り上げてきましたが、"have a bone to pick with"の"bone"とは何かにつけて諍いになるものという意味で、"bone of contention"のそれに近いように思えます。


大雪で鉄道間引き運転 ― bare-bones






The Washington, D.C. area's Metro trains will begin providing a limited service starting at 7 a.m. on Monday, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority said on Sunday, adding that fares will not be charged.

Also, the bus system will only run on 22 routes, and avoid hilly terrain, narrow side streets and other areas that could experience problems from the major blizzard that hit the U.S. capital over the weekend. The buses will run every 30 minutes, WMATA said in a news release.
(Washington's Metro system to run limited service on Monday: WMATA. Reuters. January 24, 2015.)



Metro will run bare-bones service Monday; local officials urge people to stay off the roads

Metro will run extremely, extremely limited (and free) service Monday. Meanwhile, local jurisdictions are working to plow roads, and DC is recruiting people to help shovel sidewalks. What do you think of the region's snow recovery efforts?
(David Alpert. Metro will run bare-bones service Monday; local officials urge people to stay off the roads. Greater Greater Washington. January 24, 2016.)


"bare-bones service"と"limited service"はほぼ同義と推察されます。






記事における、"bare-bones service"はまさに「間引き運転」のことなのですが、“必要最小限”かと言われると唸ってしまいます(苦笑)



make no bones about


For all the attention it's gotten, the anticipated merger between Pfizer Inc., the New York-based pharmaceutical giant, and its British rival AstraZeneca is far from a done deal. Pfizer has yet to make a formal offer, as its CEO told a parliamentary hearing last week; it has only broached informal proposals that AstraZeneca has so far rebuffed.

But if the merger does go through, Pfizer makes no bones about its intention to shift the company's legal domicile to the United Kingdom, thereby saving a fortune in taxes. As a US business, Pfizer’s foreign earnings are subject to a combined 42.1 percent corporate tax rate — the 35 percent federal rate plus New York’s 7.1 percent. As a British company, its top tax rate would fall to 21 percent. The difference could amount to $1.4 billion a year.
(Jeff Jacoby. Only Congress can stop Pfizer from fleeing high US taxes. The Boston Globe. May 18, 2014.)





make no bones about...





Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsには以下のような説明があります。

If you make no bones about something, you do not hesitate to express your thoughts or feelings about it, even though other people may find what you say unacceptable or embarrassing.


Outrageous? Indeed. But the outrage isn't the wish of an American corporation to lower its tax bill. It is a US tax code so punitive and counterproductive that it can drive a company like Pfizer, which was launched in Brooklyn in 1849, to turn itself into a foreign corporation.



争いの“種” ― bone


この件に関するBusiness Week誌での記事がありましたので引用してみます。

A Japanese government plan to buy uninhabited islands owned by a private investor provoked condemnation from China, which also claims it owns the rocky outcroppings, the latest flare-up in a dispute over territory and resources in the East China Sea.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on July 7 said the government is considering a purchase of the islands, Kyodo News reported. China’s Foreign Ministry responded with a statement that the islets belong to China and “can’t be bought or sold.”

The dispute over who controls the islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Daioyu in Chinese, escalated in April after Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said he wanted to use public money to buy them. Sovereignty over the area, which has undersea natural gas and oil fields, has been a flash point between the world’s second- and third-largest economies.

“Clearly the reason why the Senkaku Islands are a big bone of contention is the potential for resources,” said Jeff Kingston, head of the Asian Studies program at Temple University in Tokyo. “Governor Ishihara has caused a headache for the government and what they’re trying to do is engage in damage control by getting the islands out of the grips of Ishihara, who’s trying to politicize this for his own gain.”
(Japan Plan to Buy Islands Draws China Ire. Business Week. July 8, 2012.)


Clearly the reason why the Senkaku Islands are a big bone of contention is the potential for resources

とある部分に注目します。"a big bone of contention"とは、日本語に訳すならば、“争いの大きな種”とでもなるかと思います。

日本語では争いの“種”ですが、英語にすると"bone"(of contention)、つまり“骨”となるのが面白いと思いませんか?



といった意味があります。American Heritage Dictionaryでは、"bone of contention"というイディオムとして、"the subject of dispute"と解説されています。



