クラゲを英語で"jellyfish"と言いますが、別名"man-of-war"(man o’ war)とも言います。
Sharks are getting all the bad press, but race for the arrival of another ocean danger — the Portuguese man o’ war, experts told The Post.
The jellyfish relative can show up now through August — depending on offshore winds from the tropics — and can surface from Montauk to the Jersey Shore.
The man-of-war fires barbs from its tentacles that are loaded with toxin, meant to incapacitate and kill anything — usually its fishy lunch — that brushes against it. Its cells still fire even if the critter is dead and washed-up on shore.
The sting rarely kills humans, but can cause intense pain and cause welts on exposed skin
(Dean Balsamini. NY swimmers should brace for ‘devastating’ Portuguese man o’ war, expert says. New York Post. July 15, 2023.)
Portuguese man o’ war
ちなみに小生が"Portuguese man-of-war"という言葉に最初に出会ったのは、ヘミングウェイの「老人と海」(The Old Man and the Sea)を読んだ時でした。
…and nothing showed on the surface of the water but some patches of yellow, sun-bleached Sargasso weed and the purple, formalized, iridescent, gelatinous bladder of a Portuguese man-of-war floating close beside the boat.
(Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea.)