
ラベル 海水浴・プール の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 海水浴・プール の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示





クラゲを英語で"jellyfish"と言いますが、別名"man-of-war"(man o’ war)とも言います。

Sharks are getting all the bad press, but race for the arrival of another ocean danger — the Portuguese man o’ war, experts told The Post.

The jellyfish relative can show up now through August — depending on offshore winds from the tropics — and can surface from Montauk to the Jersey Shore.


The man-of-war fires barbs from its tentacles that are loaded with toxin, meant to incapacitate and kill anything — usually its fishy lunch — that brushes against it. Its cells still fire even if the critter is dead and washed-up on shore.

The sting rarely kills humans, but can cause intense pain and cause welts on exposed skin
(Dean Balsamini. NY swimmers should brace for ‘devastating’ Portuguese man o’ war, expert says. New York Post. July 15, 2023.)


Portuguese man o’ war





ちなみに小生が"Portuguese man-of-war"という言葉に最初に出会ったのは、ヘミングウェイの「老人と海」(The Old Man and the Sea)を読んだ時でした。

…and nothing showed on the surface of the water but some patches of yellow, sun-bleached Sargasso weed and the purple, formalized, iridescent, gelatinous bladder of a Portuguese man-of-war floating close beside the boat.
(Ernest Hemingway. The Old Man and the Sea.)


to a crawl


As California firefighters battled the state's largest wildfire, Verizon throttled their data
(CNN. August 22, 2018.)


A Northern California fire department says Verizon slowed its wireless data speeds to a crawl last month, rendering some of its high-tech tracking equipment almost useless as firefighters battled the largest wildfire in state history.

In an August 20 court filing, Santa Clara County Fire Chief Anthony Bowden said his department relies on internet services to keep track of fast-moving fires and coordinate resources and efforts among emergency personnel.



Verizon slowed its wireless data speeds to a crawl


"to a crawl"の"crawl"は水泳の泳法の1つであるクロールのことです。


昔、アメリカで交通渋滞にはまって約束の時間に遅れるという同僚が、運転する車から携帯電話口で、"We're crawling..."と言っていたのを思い出しました。

"crawl"の語源ですが、古ノルド語に遡るようですが、一見何の関係も無い、カニを意味する"crab"とも同根というのは興味深いところです。手で掻き分けて進む(claw one's way)という意味合いがベースにあるようです。

泳法のクロールという意味が生まれたのは20世紀になってからで、英国人スイマーのFrederick Cavillがクロールの泳ぎ方と這いつくばって進む動きに類似性を認めて言い始めたことからです。


離岸流 ― rip current





A 49-year-old Methuen man has died and a 47-year-old Methuen woman was listed in critical condition after several swimmers were rescued — some by a good samaritan visiting from Boston — from a rip current Sunday off Seabrook Beach in New Hampshire, officials said.

The pair from Massachusetts were both given CPR and sent to nearby hospitals for treatment, according to a statement from New Hampshire State Police on Sunday night. Officials did not provide further information about the victims’ identities.
(Mass. man dies after several swimmers rescued off N.H. beach. The Boston Globe. August 19, 2018.)



rip current






露出度がアップ!? ― clothing-optional


日本にもあるのか知りませんが、海外には"nudist beach"と呼ばれるエリアがあるらしく、こうなると露出度アップどころの話ではなく、”素っ裸”ということです。


ちなみに、下記の引用記事で出てくるAANRとは、American Association for Nude Recreationの略だそうです。小生には全く理解できない世界ですが、素っ裸になることで吹っ切れる、のでしょうか!?

While enjoying a nude beach experience means lowering your inhibitions, there are times when you’re expected to raise your towel. (See what I mean by weak jokes, Jerry?) Among its rules of etiquette for nude beaches, the AANR says ”for those visiting the nude section of a local beach, dress before leaving designated clothing-optional use areas” so that you don’t upset vacationers in areas where clothing is required. Along those lines, says the association, “always carry a towel with you when you leave your spot on the beach, whether to sit on or wrap around yourself when you walk to public areas such as picnic benches, food stands, [or restrooms], you will be more comfortable, as will those around you.”
(Paul Eisenberg. How to Hit a Nude Beach. FOX News. July 23, 2010.)




閑話休題 ― お庭にプール、コストはいくら?



誤解なきよう・・・。ここで言うお庭のプールとは、空気を入れて膨らませてホースから水を入れるビニールタイプのプール(pop-up pool)ではなく、所有する土地を掘って作るプール(inground pool)のことです・・・。




How's the pool?

You're probably getting a lot of use out of it this sweltering summer. But how much is it really costing you?

If you don't have one you may be wondering–are they worth the expense or is a pool just a money pit with floating chairs?

"It's definitely not an investment," argues Jim Holtzman, financial planner at Legend Financial Advisors in Pittsburgh. "It's a big liability, if anything."
(Brett Arends. Taking a Bath on Your Pool. Wall Street Journal. August 11 2010.)


水遊び用オムツと幼児プール ― wading pool



swim diaper


アメリカの事情は詳しくありませんが、swim diaperが普及していて、幼児プールであれば水遊びオムツ着用であれば利用可能なようです。

ところで、幼児プールと言えば、水深が10センチくらいしかない浅瀬のプールです。"kiddie pool"、"baby pool"などと表現されますが、アメリカでは、"wading pool"という表現もするようです。"wade"とは、水の中を歩いて行くことを指しています。

LEWISBURG — Parents are furious that children in diapers have been banned from a public pool, arguing that they face paying regular prices for limited access and difficulty watching their other children throughout the rest of the facility.

James Marshall, of Lewisburg, said he takes his two children — a 6½-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter — to the Lewisburg Community Pool nearly every day during the summer.


The new rule forces Marshall to stay at the kiddie pool with his daughter while his son swims in the nearby main pool, largely unsupervised.


Marshall also told the board that the kiddie pool does not have a lifeguard, and a sign is posted warning that no lifeguard is on duty at an adjacent wading area.

"We're forced to have our children swim at risk?" he asked. "The closest lifeguard has their back to us."

Pool manager Ginger Kiernan told the board there is a roving lifeguard who frequently keeps an eye on the shallow wading pool.
(Gina Morton. Tots in diapers restricted to kiddie pool. The Daily Item. July 23, 2010.)





犬掻き ― dog paddle

今週のテーマ: 海水浴、プール



And though the study did classify the runners and walkers by pace, it didn't specify swimming paces at all. I've spent a lot of time in pools, and believe me: Pace matters.

Some people dog paddle a bit and never get their hair wet, while others are dynamos — such as the 23-year-old guy who swam 50 yards (down and back in a normal pool) in 19.69 seconds at the recent U.S. Masters Nationals in Atlanta.

"The data are interesting because they look at different kinds of activities," says I-Min Lee, an epidemiologist at the Harvard School of Public Health who also studies physical activity and health. "What is encouraging, though by no means definite, is that swimming may be more beneficial than other sports if that is supported by other data. There are so many things people can do. You can pick what you like. We're not forcing everybody to run or play tennis."
(Swimming with the fittest? Los Angels Times. July 19, 2010.)



色々な浮き輪 ― flotation devices





2. Use proper flotation devices

Always have your child wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket in and around water rather than air-filled or foam toys ("water wings," "noodles" or inner tubes). The latter are toys that are not designed to keep swimmers safe. "Parents often underestimate the need for supervision and certified flotation devices," says Dr. Kathy Nuss, associate medical director of trauma services at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. She adds that many parents are surprised to learn that even a relatively shallow depth of water can cause drowning.
(Madonna Behen. 6 essential tips to avoid swimming dangers. KNDO. August 9, 2010.)

記事中、"flotation device"は勿論浮き輪のことですが、我々が日常”浮き輪”と呼んでいるものは、"toys"とされており、"water wings"や"noodles"などが例示されています。ところで、"noodles"って何?と思いましたが、皆さんはご存知でしょうか?

多分、日本では市販されていないのではないかと思いますが(楽天市場にもありませんでした)、こんなスポンジの棒みたいなものを自分の好みの形に変形させたりして遊ぶもののようです。別名、"water woggle"とも言うそうです。"woggle"という単語も見慣れないものですが、この単語についてはまた後日。

"water wings"は、これは見かけたことがありますが、赤ちゃんなどで両腕の肩や肘周りに空気で膨らませたものを取り付けているアレですね。



猛暑です・・・ プールでばちゃばちゃ ― splash





With so many children headed to area pools during the summer, the number of them who can actually swim may surprise you.

Wilson Pool is filled with children during the hot summer months, But a University of Memphis study says that a little over 50 percent of children can only splash around in the shallow end of the pool.

The 2008 study conducted by the University of Memphis says that almost 54 percent of children between 12 and 18 can do no more than splash around in the shallow end of the pool.

Wilson pool lifeguard Gordon Mitchell says he agrees with those numbers. He says the majority of swimmers at Wilson Pool have taken swimming lessons at the pool, but he can definitely tell when a child hasn't had lessons at all.
(Kumasi Aaaron. Study Shows Over Half Of Children Cannot Swim In Deep Waters. KFSM-TV. August 8, 2010.)


