

あれを英語で何と言う?(4) ― Captcha





In the old days, anybody interested in seeing a Mets game during a trip to New York would have to call the team, or write away, or wait to get to the city and visit the box office. No more. Now, all it takes is to find an online ticket distributor. Sign in, click “Mets,” pick the date and pay.

But before taking the money, the Web site might first present the reader with two sets of wavy, distorted letters and ask for a transcription. These things are called Captchas, and only humans can read them. Captchas ensure that robots do not hack secure Web sites.
(Guy Gugliotta. Deciphering Old Texts, One Woozy, Curvy Word at a Time. The New York Times. March 28, 2011.)


Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart



"Captcha"の功績はセキュリティだけではありませんでした。古い時代のテキストを電子化する上で、スキャンニング、とりわけOCR(Optical Character Recognition)という技術の役割は不可欠ですが、OCRにも読み取り精度の限界があります。つまりテキストを電子的に再構成することはできても、最終的には人間の目で補正しなければならないということです。




あれを英語で何と言う?(3) ― bay for blood

今日取り上げる表現、"bay for blood"という成句をご存知でしょうか?

英和辞典やAmerican Heritage Dictionary、Merriam-Webster、Oxfordなど手持ちの辞書を片っぱしから見てみましたが、エントリがなく、コンテクストから想像することしかできません。


(Reuters) - Crisis management expert Caroline Sapriel has plenty of experience of the colossal pressure on corporate chiefs such as Tokyo Electric's Masataka Shimizu, hospitalized as his firm battles nuclear catastrophe.

Firms such as airlines, oil majors and utilities may sometimes run scenario-based exercises, hold discussions and hire outside consultants such as her to brace for disaster. But when it strikes, she says corporate structures and personnel are often by their very nature still brutally unprepared.

As the stock price nosedives and media bays for blood, managers themselves are often simply in shock as they face the reality of potential deaths and difficult decisions. Part of her role is supporting them through those strains, she says.
(Peter Apps. Crisis management puts huge strains on firms, CEOs. The Reuters. March 30, 2011.)


実は手持ちのCollins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsにはエントリがありました。

If you say that people are baying for blood, you mean that they are demanding that a particular person should be hurt or punished, because of something that person has dones. This expression is used in British English.
(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idioms. HarperCollins Publishers. 1995.)




あれを英語で何と言う?(2) ― hoard


Nearly two weeks after the earthquake and tsunami that battered the Fukushima complex and devastated northeast Japan, Tokyo's 13 million people were told not to give infants tap water where contamination twice the safety level was detected.

The government urged residents not to panic and hoard bottled water -- but many shops quickly sold out.
(Radiation scare leaves Tokyo short of bottled water. Reuters. March 24, 2011.)




あれを英語で何と言う? ― flick









It’s Apple patent watching time! It looks like the iPhone 5 could introduce a new way of navigating through your iOS contacts graphically rather than having to flick through a text-based list. Apple details using a grid of thumbnail photographs of your contacts with the ability to tap the photo to get at their information.
(iPhone 5: Apple patent outs graphical contacts app. Electripig.co.uk. March 25, 2011.)



pinch out(拡大)
pinch in(縮小)




現在進行形 ― unfold



Two weeks into Japan's nuclear crisis, a daily drama continues to unfold amid the crumbled walls and tangled pipes of the stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant.
(Oren Dorell. Japan nuke workers risk their lives, garner nation's respect. USA Today. March 25, 2011.)







While she dressed, she glanced at the TV and saw the Columbine tragedy unfolding in front of her, live.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2000.)



何と訳す? ― lines of inquiry



Detectives searching for the missing Sian O'Callaghan said they were "getting very close" to identifying her whereabouts and have urged family and friends not to search the area for fear they may compromise significant lines of inquiry.
(Tome Peck. Detectives narrow their search for missing woman. The Independent. March 24, 2011.)

記事の性格もあってか、冒頭からすんなりと読みやすかったのですが、私がちょっとよく分からなかったのは上記引用の最後の部分、"may compromise significant lines of inquiry"というところです。(みなさんも同じでしょうか?)


そこまでは良いのですが、"lines of~"という表現と、"inquiry"がつながりません。手元の辞書でも、"lines of inquiry"というエントリはありませんでした。

"may compromise"というところから、また記事のコンテクストから、行方不明女性の消息を捜査している警察当局と安否を気遣う家族・友人サイドとあり、後者による捜索が捜査に影響を及ぼすかもしれない(may compromise)、ということは何となくわかるのですが、さて"lines of inquiry"をどう訳したものか、と思われました。


"The inquiry moves on at a rapid pace, with significant lines of inquiry being developed," he added. It is not known precisely what technologies and techniques police have employed, but officers reduced their search yesterday to Savernake Forest near Marlborough, Wiltshire, because the final signals from Miss O'Callaghan's mobile phone came from there.

またしても、"lines of inquiry"なのですが、今度は"with significant lines of inquiry being developed"となっています。

"lines of~"という表現から、捜査”線”という表現が思い浮かんだのですがどうもしっくりきません。


コーパスで調べてみると、"lines of inquiry"は結構使われている表現であることが分かります。わたしがよく利用させていただいているCorpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)では、200件近くの実例が検索結果に出てきます。


They are also attempting to question the 349 passengers who were on the Boeing 747 during its Athens-to-New York flight to see whether they saw anything suspicious, such as someone briefly on board in Athens who got off the plane before takeoff. None of these lines of inquiry has produced a strong theory or even the kind of solid evidence that would focus the investigation on a particular suspect.
(Quietly, Officials Seek Clues In Lives of Flight 800's Dead. New York Times. 1996.)

この例を見てますます分からなくなるのですが、この例では"lines of inquiry"は、問題のフライトの乗客349名に対する尋問の各々を指していると思われます。捜査線も捜査網もちょっと当たりません。



怒ってます ― up in arms




本日取り上げる成句、"up in arms"ですが、American Heritage Dictionaryでは、 

Extremely upset; indignant 




John Travolta is fronting Qantas's new in-flight safety videos, and the airline's staff are up in arms

It's "corny", apparently, and "tacky". Why an American? 

And, very particularly, why does Travolta refer to them as the team, not the crew? 

"We feel it's demeaning to be called 'the team'," one said. 

"It makes us feel like we work at McDonald's."
(Aida Edemariam. John Travolta and the Qantas safety video. The Guardian. March 21, 2011.) 


ひょっとするとオーストラリア英語の微妙な用法に関する話なのでしょうか?John Travolta氏がアメリカ人というのが災いしたのかもしれません!?


アメリカ発: 整形手術を受ける男性が増加 ― under the knife

"under the knife"(ナイフの下)、なんて、なんだかおっかない話ですが、英語の成句の1つです。

"go under the knife"で、“手術を受ける”という意味で用いられます。


The number of men going under the knife for plastic surgery procedures is on the rise, according to a press release from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Monday.

The overall number of plastic surgeries in the U.S. has been rising steadily in the past decade, about 5 percent, but new data shows that the number of men getting facelifts is up 14 percent, liposuction 7 percent and breast reductions 6 percent. In total, 1.1 million cosmetic procedures in 2010 were men.
(More Men Undergoing Facelifts, Liposuction. FOX News. March 21, 2011.)




ツイッター、5歳に ― democratization




NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Five years ago today, Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey blasted off the very first tweet. What began as an experiment in "microblogging" -- no more than 140 characters, please -- has become a cultural landmark.

Twitter now has 200 million users, including tech luminaries, celebrities and the president of the United States. It started off slowly: In 2007, Twitter averaged just 5,000 tweets per day. But in 2009, the site hit a tipping point and became a broadcast channel for major news events.


The site's most dramatic moments have come during political uprisings. In Moldova, Iran, Tunisia and Egypt, protestors turned the site into a communications hub, using it to coordinate plans and broadcast their message. The U.S. State Department spotlighted Twitter's growing role in global statecraft when, during the Iranian election protests, it asked the company to delay planned maintenance and keep its network running.

"I've had a career-long interest in this democratization of information, getting people to express themselves, especially places where they wouldn't have a voice," co-founder Biz Stone told CNNMoney in an interview last year.
(Laurie Segall. Twitter turns 5, goes from 0 to 140 million tweets a day. CNN. March 21, 2011.)

本来一般人であれば関わり合うことのできなかったイベントに関わり合うことができるようになったということで、ツイッターの果たした役割に"democratization of information"という表現が用いられています。





震災特集(5) ― over-reaction




The chief secretary of Japan's cabinet, Yukio Edano, is trying to calm fears about the radiation. He says although elevated levels of radiation are being detected kilometers away from the crippled plant, they do not pose a risk to human health.

People as far away as Tokyo are not reassured. Families have decided to head to Osaka or farther south and west. Many flights to surrounding countries are reported full with those desiring to leave the country amid news reports of the possibility of meltdowns. Some foreigners say they are also worried because food and other items in markets quickly vanished from shelves.

A number of foreign governments, including the United States, are making chartered aircraft available from the capital for their nationals desiring to flee the country.

Some Japanese observers call the radiation fears by those in Tokyo an over-reaction, noting those returning home overseas would be exposed to higher levels during the high-altitude flights than if they stayed put.
(Japan Continues Efforts to Cool Quake-Damaged Reactors at Nuclear Plant. Voice of America. March 18, 2011.)



Washington and other foreign capitals have expressed growing alarm about the effects of radiation leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant. The United States said it was sending aircraft to help Americans leave Japan.

Some foreign firms, including BNP Paribas (BNPP.PA), Standard Chartered (STAN.L) and Morgan Stanley (MS.N), have moved Tokyo staff to other parts of Japan or overseas, and others are making plans to do so.

At the annual FIA conference in south Florida, many executives said the decision to stay or go would be left to their employees in Tokyo.

"I don't think we should force anyone to stay or leave, it's a personal decision," said Lars Ottersgard, head of markettechnology at Nasdaq OMX Group (NDAQ.O), an FIA member. "For
the moment, people don't feel uncomfortable to be in Tokyo, but it depends on the development of the nuclear issue."
(UPDATE 3-US futures group to discuss Tokyo office staffing. Reuters. March 17, 2011.)





震災特集(4) ― cover-up





TOKYO (AP) — Behind Japan's escalating nuclear crisis sits a scandal-ridden energy industry in a comfy relationship with government regulators often willing to overlook safety lapses.
Leaks of radioactive steam and workers contaminated with radiation are just part of the disturbing catalog of accidents that have occurred over the years and been belatedly reported to the public, if at all.

In one case, workers hand-mixed uranium in stainless steel buckets, instead of processing by machine, so the fuel could be reused, exposing hundreds of workers to radiation. Two later died.

"Everything is a secret," said Kei Sugaoka, a former nuclear power plant engineer in Japan who now lives in California. "There's not enough transparency in the industry."

Sugaoka worked at the same utility that runs the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant where workers are racing against time to prevent a full meltdown following Friday's 9.0 magnitude quake and tsunami.

In 1989 Sugaoka received an order that horrified him: edit out footage showing cracks in plant steam pipes in video being submitted to regulators. Sugaoka alerted his superiors in the Tokyo Electric Power Co., but nothing happened. He decided to go public in 2000. Three Tepco executives lost their jobs.

The legacy of scandals and cover-ups over Japan's half-century reliance on nuclear power has strained its credibility with the public. That mistrust has been renewed this past week with the crisis at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant. No evidence has emerged of officials hiding information in this catastrophe. But the vagueness and scarcity of details offered by the government and Tepco — and news that seems to grow worse each day — are fueling public anger and frustration.
(Bungling, cover-ups define Japanese nuclear power. The Associated Press. March 17, 2011.)


震災特集(3) ― apocalypse

"apocalypse"... 何となくいかめしいというか、大変な感じのする単語です。不吉な感じすらします。

実際、"Apocalypse"とは、聖書の黙示録(The Book of Revelation)のことであり、神の啓示のことです。また、比喩的に発展したものと思われますが、”広範囲に及ぶ惨事”や”全面的破壊”という意味でも用いられます。


Japan's ongoing nuclear emergency was compared to an "apocalypse" by the European Union's energy commissioner last night as dangerous levels of radiation were detected around the disintegrating power plant after a fourth explosion.


A third explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi complex is believed to have damaged the protective casing of No 2 reactor, increasing radiation levels sharply in the surrounding area. At one point, readings near the plant briefly topped 400 millisieverts an hour, a level high enough to cause radiation sickness and long–term damage to health if workers had not been wearing protective suits.


Günther Oettinger, Europe's energy commissioner, said: "There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen. Practically everything is out of control. I cannot exclude the worst in the hours and days to come."
(Japan nuclear plant disaster: warning of an 'apocalypse’ as fallout hits danger levels. The Telegraph. March 16, 2011.)



震災特集(2) ― aftershockとaftermath




At 0546 GMT (1446 in Japan) a massive earthquake, 8.9 on the Richter scale, unleashes a huge tsunami which crashes through Japan's eastern coastline, sweeping buildings, boats, cars and people miles inland.

In Tokyo - hundreds of miles from the quake - large buildings shake violently and workers scramble into the streets for safety.

More than 50 aftershocks follow - seven at least 6.3 on the Richter scale, the size of the quake which struck New Zealand on February 22.

Sendai airport, north of Tokyo, is inundated with cars, trucks and buses and thick mud cover its runways.
(Japan earthquake: timeline of the disaster, from tsunami to nuclear crisis. The Telegraph. March 15, 2011.)


Rescue teams dug frantically through the rubble in western Japan today and contained huge fires that had raged out of control and darkened the skies with smoke, the aftermath of a catastrophic earthquake on Tuesday in which thousands of people were killed or injured.





震災特集(1) ― epicenter






Imagine being alerted by cellphone that the ground under your feet will start shaking in 30 seconds.

Tokyo residents faced that situation just before their world turned upside down Thursday.

The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that ruptured the seafloor off Japan was the first major test of the nation's $1 billion investment in earthquake early-warning technology.

Similar systems could be installed in the Pacific Northwest and California, scientists say. All it takes is money — and a way to ensure the alerts do more good than harm.

"It has to be a very clear message, and people have to know what to do with the information," said John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington.

The rising death toll in Japan underscores the limitations of a warning system. Alerts are most valuable to those in communities distant from the epicenter. For those near Ground Zero, like the Japanese coastal cities flattened by tsunami waves, there's not enough time to sound the alarm.
(Sandi Doughton. Warning system worked, but is it worth the cost? The Seattle Times. March 13, 2011.)



地雷探知犬と兵士の物語 ― handler




Liam and Theo were a team, fast friends doing a dangerous job — searching for roadside bombs laid by insurgents in Afghanistan.

The jovial British soldier and his irrepressible dog worked and played together for months, and died on the same day.

On Thursday they came home, flown back to Britain in a repatriation ceremony for the soldier remembered for his empathy with animals and the companion he loved.

Lance-Cpl. Liam Tasker, a dog handler with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, was killed in a firefight with insurgents in Helmand Province on March 1 as he searched for explosives with Theo, a bomb-sniffing springer spaniel mix.
(Fallen soldier and his dog honoured in U.K. The Associated Press. March 10, 2011.)




金儲けの才能 ― Midas touch




さて、1位に輝いた!?メキシコ人の会社経営者について、興味深い表現です。"Midas touch"というものですが、これは”金儲けの才”というようによく訳される表現です。

Carlos Slim tops Forbes rich list

Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim is the richest person in the world for the second year in a row, according to Forbes

Slim, 71, first showed business talent as a 10-year-old selling drinks and snacks to his family. After studying engineering, he founded a real estate company and worked as a trader on the Mexican stock exchange. A cigar-smoker, Slim is said to have a "Midas touch" for his ability to acquire struggling firms and turn them into cash-cows.
(Reuters. March 9, 2011.)

"Midas"とはギリシア神話に出てくる登場人物で、手に触れるもの全てを金(ゴールド)に変えることができたということです。転じて、"Midas touch"とはそのような能力を持っている、ということであり、”金儲けの才”ということになるわけです。


His enormous wealth contrasts starkly with his frugal lifestyle. He has lived in the same house for 40 years and drives an aging Mercedes Benz, although it is armored and trailed by bodyguards.




良い意味ばかりではない ― full-fledged



 a full-fledged lawyer




In the biggest government study of its kind, researchers found that more than half a million American teenagers have an eating disorder – and many are not being treated for the problem.

The data, which was released online Monday in the Archives of General Psychiatry, includes interviews from more than 10,000 teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 from across the country.

The most popular eating disorder was binge eating, which affects more than 1.5 percent of the teens studied. Less than 1 percent had bulimia, and 0.3 percent suffered from anorexia. Overall, 3 percent had a lifetime prevalence of one of the disorders. An additional 3 percent of teens in question had some symptoms, but not full-fledged eating disorders.
(Study: More Than Half a Million Teens Have an Eating Disorder. Fox News. March 8, 2011.)

"full-fledged"が"eating disorders"を修飾しているところに違和感を感じたのです。摂食障害に一人前とか、そうじゃないとか、言いませんよね?


American Heritage Dictionaryでは、

Having full status or rank


Having reached full development; mature


When the memo was released by a congressional committee in January, it turned what was then just a record-breaking bankruptcy into a full-fledged scandal. It revealed that the problems were known and documented at all levels of the company even earlier than previously reported.
(Tom Fowler. THE FALL OF ENRON. Houston Chronicle. 2002.)




言葉を”切り刻む”とは? ― mince words

"mince one's words"という表現があります。


さて、"mince one's words"という表現では、”言葉を切り刻む”ということになりますが、これは一体どういうこと?



ことを、"mince one's words"と表現します。では、"mince no words"というとどうなるか?




Charlie Sheen was permanently subtracted from "Two and a Half Men" on Monday - sparking the threat of a lawsuit and yet another over-the-top rant.

Citing his "moral turpitude," production company Warner Bros. "terminated" the star's services on the CBS show - which had already been canceled for the season.


Warner said no decision has been made about the future of the show, but it didn't mince words when talking about its $2 million-an-episode star's wild antics.
(Charlie Sheen fired from 'Two and a Half Men,' his role terminated effective immediately. New York Daily News. March 7, 2011.)


蒼白 ― blanch




Honestly? If you have a teenager, you have a liar in the house.

That is, you are living with a human being. We all lie. But even savvy parents may blanch at the news that 80% of high school students in a new survey admitted to lying to their parents about something "significant" in the past year. The finding is in line with past reports and is not the most shocking thing in the survey: After all, 59% of the 43,000 teens surveyed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics said they'd cheated on a test, and 27% said they'd stolen from a store.
(Kim Painter. Knowing why teens lie will help you get to the truth. USA Today. February 28, 2011.)








Using the name "aicezuki", he posted mathematics and English questions on Yahoo! Japan's chiebukuro (pearls of wisdom) bulletin board during exams at Kyoto and three other universities last month, reports said.

Answers appeared within minutes from more than 20 of the estimated 27 million people who use the site in Japan every month. Police found several answers on the site that closely matched those written on the student's exam papers.


As well as being disqualified from the exam process, he now faces charges of fraudulent obstruction of business, a crime punishable by up to three years in prison or a maximum fine of 500,000 yen (£3,700).

If found guilty the teenager would be the first person in Japan to earn a criminal record for cheating.
(Justin McCurry. Mobile phone exam cheat shocks Japanese meritocracy. The Guardian. March 4, 2011.)

"fraudulent obstruction of business"というのがその答えです。"fraudulent"とは、"fraud"、つまり詐欺的な行為による、という意味で、要は不正な手段により他社のビジネスを妨害する(obstruction)というのがその意味です。

ところで、海外メディアの取り上げ方は日本の視点とちょっと違っていると思うことがしばしばなのですが、本件に関しても、The Guardian紙は記事の副題に、

If found guilty, student who used phone in university entrance exams will be first in Japan to earn criminal record for cheating



動かぬ証拠 ― smoking gun


今日はWall Street Journalからです。


Forget the smoking gun. In Japan, it’s a smoking cellphone that has led to an arrest, according to local media reports, in a police investigation into tech-savvy cheating during university entrance exams that has grabbed headlines as it has undermined faith in the country’s vaunted elite education system.
(Juro Osawa. Student Arrested in Exam Scandal — Reports. The Wall Street Journal. March 3, 2011.)

"smoking gun"とはまさしく拳銃が発砲の後に煙を吐き出している様を言っている訳ですが、煙の出る拳銃を持っていれば撃った犯人と目されるのは当然のこととも言えます。



がきんちょ ― tyke



Tokyo is notorious for quickly sucking all your physical and mental energies. Try navigating its overcrowded streets and you will feel completely drained in no time.

But things can get even more complicated if you happen to have kids in town, lost between salaryman legs on crushed commuter trains.

So what to do?

Take them to a beautiful garden like the calm of Rikugien? Your children will be bored to tears.

Luckily though, Tokyo has no shortage of places where the little tykes can be entertained, or even better, active to the point that they'll go home exhausted.
(Gianni Simone. 5 best places in Tokyo to exhaust your children. CNN. March 2, 2011.)


記事のタイトルからして、"to exhaust your children"というあたり、子供に振り回される親の立場に立ったもので、"children"にしても、"kids"にしても、”お子様”ではないことは確かです。(アイロニカルには使えるかも知れませんが。)




人より有利に・・・ ― a leg up


昨日までは海外メディアが取り上げた記事は確認できなかったのですが、今日はNew York Times紙ほか、BBCなども記事が見られました。

さて、本日の単語(表現)は、"leg up"というものですが、競争などの状況で、他人よりも一歩先んじること、有利な立場にあることを意味します。



On Tuesday, police launched a manhunt for one or possibly more users who are believed to have used a single online handle, “aicezuki,” to cheat on exams at Kyoto University and three other top universities. The schools say they suspect test takers used cell phones to post the questions on the site and get the answers while the tests were still in progress.

While it is unclear whether more than one person was involved, the incident has become a full-blown national scandal, raising questions about how to monitor the grueling exams, the main route to success in Japan, in an era of smart phones and instant Internet access.

It also touched a nerve in a proudly egalitarian nation that has struggled to come to terms with its growing economic and social inequalities. Many here are wondering aloud whether admission to top universities — a ticket to a top corporate or government job — remains as merit-based as it used to be, or whether some youth are unfairly getting a leg up, in this case from misuse of new technologies.
(Martin Fackler. Internet Cheating Scandal Shakes Japan Universities. The New York Times. March 1, 2011.)

"unfairly"という修飾語がついていますが、"a leg up"で表現される”有利な立場”は何となく不公平感というか、インチキの空気が漂っている感じがします。