




It's safe to say that Twitter has a bit of an image problem when it comes to diversity -- and a recent hire to address those problems seems to be backfiring on the firm.

In recent months, the company has become a go-to example of the lack of diversity in the technology industry. Sixty percent of the company's employees are white; that jumps to 72 percent when looking at leadership roles. Overall, fewer than 2 percent of Twitter's employees are black, and none are in leadership roles. While it's true that many major tech companies have similar diversity statistics, but Twitter's numbers stand out because so many of its users are black.
(Hayley Tsukayama. Twitter faces backlash over its new diversity leadSearch. The Washington Post. December 30, 2015.)


go-to example


この記事のコンテクストにおいて、"go-to example"は、良くない方の事例に違いありません。


That perception was fed by a couple of factors: Vice President Joe Biden's keen interest and close involvement in foreign affairs - Obama made Mr. Biden his go-to guy on Iraq - and the high-powered special envoys Obama named.
(Christian Science Monitor. 2010.)

We have a lot of writing and publishing talent in our ranks, and we are meaning to be a go-to resource where you can learn the basics about nuclear power and you can get in touch via directories and links with people in your town, " she said.
(Washington Post. 2010.)


relied on for expert knowledge or skill









Christmas with the Obamas: POTUS and FLOTUS' favorite holiday songs on Spotify

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are continuing to get into the Christmas spirit.

The couple released a playlist — titled "Holidays with the Obamas" — of their favorite holiday jams on Spotify on Wednesday.
(Saba Hamedy. Christmas with the Obamas: POTUS and FLOTUS' favorite holiday songs on Spotify. Mashable. December 23, 2015.)





President Of The United States



First Lady Of The United States




keep one's nose to the grindstone

"keep one's nose to the grindstone"という成句をご存知でしょうか?


Enjoy your life. Sometimes, you must put your nose to the grindstone and hustle, but you must also know when you can afford to enjoy your life. After all, you can’t take everything to the grave with you.
(Brearin Land. 7 Personal Finance Lessons From Bruce Lee. Money. December 21, 2015.)







LAST minute shoppers across the region have been treated to the biggest pre-Christmas discounts in years as high street shops slashed prices in an attempt to coax consumers down the aisles.


The North-East’s prime shopping centres, towns and cities have been thronging with shoppers, and Darlington town centre trader Beryl Hankin of the Guru boutique said her “nose was to the grindstone” all weekend.
(Alexa Copeland. Retailers offer huge discounts as shoppers flocked to high streets for 'Panic Saturday.' The Northern Echo. December 21, 2015.)



個別化 ― precision

"precision medicine"という言葉をご存知でしょうか?

"precision"は正確さ、精密さを意味する名詞、"medicine"は医療のことです。"precision medicine"は今年の一般教書演説でオバマ大統領が使い始めたのが最初のようですが、日本語にすれば、





今日はたまたま、"precision weight loss"なる表現にお目にかかりました。


Precision weight loss based on genetics may be future of dieting

AUSTIN, Texas, Dec. 25 (UPI) -- Scientists at the University of Texas predict in a new study that within five years doctors will design diets based on individual patients' genes.


The potential that several genes are involved with weight gain, loss, and regain also poses a challenge, they said. While a gene has been found that causes energy from food to be stored as fat instead of burned for energy, variations in the gene and how it interacts with other genes can vary from person to person.
(Stephen Feller. Precision weight loss based on genetics may be future of dieting. UPI.com. December 25, 2015.)

手持ちの辞書には"precision medicine"というエントリは載っていませんが、いずれ辞書に載ることになるのでしょう。


ボクシングの日!? ― Boxing Day



New Zealanders are expected to hit the shops in hordes as retailers slash their prices in the annual tradition of the Boxing Day sales.

Some stores with online shopping facilities even started their sales a day early to get a jump on the masses.

Walking up Queen St today, almost every retail store had banners in their windows promoting their discounts - the posters put up Christmas Eve night in preparation for the swarms of shoppers on Boxing Day.
(Amelia Wade. Boxing Day bargains: Where to go for the best deals. New Zealand Herald. December 25, 2015.)

"Boxing Day"というのは、イギリスを始め、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドや南アフリカなどでクリスマスの贈り物をする日のことを指すのだそうです。クリスマスを祝うのは25日ですが、"Boxing Day"はその翌日、通例、12月26日とされるそうです。

ここでの"boxing"とは、クリスマスプレゼントを入れる箱(box)に因むものだそうで、Boxing Dayのプレゼントは使用人や配達の仕事に携わっている人たちに対して贈られる習慣があるそうです。






Tiny turtles, a staple of many school science labs and an appealing family pet for people allergic to cats and dogs, may also be responsible for a growing number of salmonellosis outbreaks, a U.S. study suggests.

Sales of turtles with shells less than 4 inches long have been banned in the U.S. since the 1970s because the creatures are known carriers of Salmonella bacteria, which can cause fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea so severe that some patients need hospitalization. Young children, the elderly and other people with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to serious complications from these infections.
(Turtles kept in many schools and homes again tied to Salmonella. Fox News. December 23, 2015.)












"mill"、ふたたび ― pill mill

2年以上前のことになりますが、"rumor mill"という表現を取り上げたことがあります。

Law enforcement and public health authorities have said that attempts to curb the illicit use of prescription opioids may have fueled increased use of heroin, which is generally cheaper and widely available on the street. Some even believe that drug cartels have taken advantage of government efforts to crack down on "pill mills" — which dispense prescription narcotics with few controls — by flooding the eastern United States with heroin.
(Lenny Bernstein. Florida pill mill crackdown also may have curbed heroin deaths, researchers find. The Washington Post. December 21, 2015.)

上記の引用に出てくる、"pill mill"の"mill"は、"rumor mill"の"mill"と同じ意味合いで使われています。


"rumor mill"や、"diplomat mill"、そして、"pill mill"といった表現に見られる"mill"は、










GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- Donald Trump launched an aggressive attack on Hillary Clinton on Monday night, saying she was "disgusting" for using the restroom during the latest Democratic debate and that she was "schlonged" by a male political opponent.
(Jenna Johnson. Donald Trump calls Hillary Clinton ‘disgusting’ for using the restroom during a debate. The Washington Post. December 21, 2015.)


Later in the night, Trump told the crowd that he could not picture Clinton as president because she never wins at anything. He then brought up the 2008 Democratic primary, which Clinton lost to Barack Obama.

"She was favored to win, and she got schlonged," Trump said, turning a vulgar noun for a large penis into a verb.




bite the bullet

"bite the bullet"という成句をご存知でしょうか?


One of my friends suggested I try this crazy workout called Fitwall taught by this crazy guy named Peter (a.k.a. the Iron Yogi!). So I bit the bullet and went to class.
(Nicole DeBoom. Cross-Training Part II: Metabolic Training. Runner's World. September 23, 2015.)

Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsによれば下記のように定義されています。

If you bite the bullet, you accept a difficult or unpleasant situation.



一説によると、そのようなものの中には、木でできた棒(billet)が使われることがあって、そのことを、"bite the billet"と表現していたところ、それが"bite the bullet"に転化した、という説もあるそうですが、典拠、裏づけに乏しく、語源としては採用されていないようです。








The term "bloodcurdling" has been around since at least the early 19th century, used to refer to something that induces fear. Of course, no one ever actually thought your blood could curdle or coagulate from fear, but it seems there's at least a grain of truth in the term after all.

According to research conducted by a team at the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands and published earlier this week, watching horror films does actually cause an increase in a particular blood coagulant factor responsible for blood clotting.
(Michelle Starr. Can scary films literally curdle your blood? CNET. December 18, 2015.)


さて、"bloodcurdling"という単語ですが、"curdle"に凝固するという意味があります。これは、牛乳などが固まること(凝乳というそうです)にも使うのですが、"curd"とは凝乳によってできたものを言います。豆腐は、"bean curd"です。

"curdle the blood"、もしくは"curdle one's blood"という形でも使われます。


絶体絶命 ― on the ropes


The one-time leading internet giant is on the ropes. A few of its missteps provide some good advice for leaders to avoid their own errors.

Depending on how you look at it, it’s been a rough week, rough few years, or rough decade for Yahoo. The latest first: Last week the internet company’s board pushed back against its CEO, Marissa Mayer, who wanted to spin off its stake in the Chinese internet firm Alibaba. Now the company is facing the likelihood of selling off its core business of search, news, and community.
(Mark Athitakis. Four Lessons From the Turmoil at Yahoo. Associations Now. December 14, 2015.)

"one-time leading internet giant"と聞いて、どの会社のことかと思ったら、Yahooの話題でした。Googleなどとの競争の中で苦戦していますが、直近の報道では子会社を手放すのではという観測が出ていました。同社の行方が今後どうなるのか、しばらく目が離せません。


on the ropes



ところで、"on the ropes"の反対は、"off the ropes"となるようです。辞書には載っていませんでしたが、下記の引用からは、「ピンチを脱した」状況を"off the ropes"で表現しています。

Stagaard pulls Parkland basketball off ropes, into driver's seat in about 15 seconds

Parkland High School’s girls basketball team was on the ropes then, suddenly, it was in the driver’s seat on Monday night.

The Trojans can, in large part, thank Sarah Stagaard for their dramatic change of scenery.

The senior guard scored five points within a matter of seconds to power Parkland’s comeback in a 53-49 victory over Northampton during Eastern Pennsylvania Conference Skyline Division play at Pete Schneider Gymnasium.
(Kyle Craig. Stagaard pulls Parkland basketball off ropes, into driver's seat in about 15 seconds. Lehighvalley.com. December 14, 2015.)

引用記事はバスケットボールの試合の模様を伝えているものですが、負けそう(on the ropes)になっていたチームが数秒間のうちに5点を挙げ、息を吹き返した(off the ropes)様子を伝えています。


マウス操作で分かる「イライラ度」 ― fluster



Load an online shopping cart with gifts in the correct colors and sizes. Plug in the credit card number and shipping address. Then, watch in horror as the screen freezes, the browser crashes and the cart is empty once again.

The common holiday mishap now is under scientific scrutiny. It's the subject of Brigham Young University research pinpointing when and where online shoppers' blood begins to boil.

As Web users become more flustered or upset, their computer mouse flits about, and it takes longer to navigate a page, found the study published online this month in the academic journal MIS Quarterly.
(Annie Knox. BYU research aims to pinpoint rage-inducing spots on websites. The Salt Lake Tribune. December 16, 2015.)











アメリカで流行る!? "Pay It Forward" ― pay it forward

"Pay It Forward"と呼ばれる行為がアメリカで流行っているようです。ところで、"Pay It Forward"ってどういう意味でしょうか?

'Merry Christmas' prompted hundreds to pay it forward at McDonald’s drive-thru

A McDonald’s customer in Florida wanted to pay it forward at the drive-thru window with a "Merry Christmas," not "Happy Holidays."

McDonald’s cashier Marisabel Figueroa Lopez was working the drive-thru window last Wednesday when she says a woman drove up and told the employee that she wanted to pay for the car behind her.

“She gave me her card, and she said I would like for you to tell her [the customer in the car behind her] a message. And I was like ‘Okay.’ She said I want you to tell her to have a ‘Merry Christmas’,” Lopez told Fox 13.
('Merry Christmas' prompted hundreds to pay it forward at McDonald’s drive-thru. Fox News. December 14, 2015.)


記事のタイトル部分で"pay it forward"の意味をつかみあぐねた私は辞書を引いてみましたが載っていませんでした。もしかして、前払いのこと?と思いましたが、それは、"pay in advance"ですから違います。

記事を読み進めて事情が理解できました。先にドライブスルーレーンで買い物した客が、後続の車の購入分も自分が支払うと言ったそうです。1人の女性客が始めたこの"pay it forward"が次々と引き継がれ、何と250人が連続したそうです。つまり、250人が次に来る客の分を払うと申し出たということになります。(251人目の客で途切れたということですが、つまりは251人目の人は「ロハ」で済んだということになります。)

さて、"pay it forward"という表現に戻りたいと思いますが、ググってみますと、"Pay It Forward"という題の小説に由来するそうです。小説は映画化もされたようですが、それが広まる切っ掛けとなったのでしょうか。

"pay it forward"とは、"pay back"に対する表現(対義語)であり、通常は恩を受ければ、恩を施してくれた人に対して恩返し(pay back)ですが、恩返しではなく、受けた恩の分を今度は他人のために、というコンセプトなのです。


もしも、"pay it forward"されたら、あなたはどうしますか?次の人に送る?それとも・・・!?


閑話休題 ― ピリオドはぶっきらぼう!?




The world of text-based messaging is no place for proper punctuation, according to a newly released American study — unless, of course, you want to be seen as a jerk.

Researchers from the department of psychology at New York's Binghamton University recently conducted a series of experiments with undergraduate students to explore the role of the period in text messages.

Participants were asked to read 16 different conversations in the form of either texts or handwritten notes. Every exchange included an invitation question (e.g., "Dave gave me his extra tickets. Wanna come?) and an affirmative, one-word response (Sure, Yup, OK, etc.).

After asking the students to rate how "sincere" each reply sounded, researchers noticed a stark contrast in perception between the replies that had a period at the end of them and those that didn't, despite the messages being otherwise identical.

And no, respondents who used periods weren't perceived as being smarter than the others for using proper punctuation.

"Texts that ended with a period were rated as less sincere than those that did not," reads the abstract of the study, which was published last month in the journal Computers in Human Behavior.
(Lauren O'Neil. Ending a text message with a period makes you seem like a jerk, study shows. CBC News. December 10, 2015.)


ピリオドがない文は文ではありません、という英語教育を受けてきた人間としては不可解ではありますが、ピリオド無し、あるいは"!"などの感嘆符(exclamation point)や顔文字(emoticon)がある方がピリオド有り(というだけの)文よりも、より感情がこもっている、と言われれば、それはまあそんなもんかな、とは思います。




あれを英語で? ― gavel



PARIS — The proposed accord was just hours from a final vote when the glitch was spotted. Someone had changed a single word in the draft text — from a “should” to a “shall” — and suddenly the entire climate deal appeared at risk of faltering.

Secretary of State John F. Kerry phoned his old friend, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, in exasperation over a tiny revision that implied huge new legal and financial obligations.

“We cannot do this,” Kerry warned.

Less than four hours later, the accord was approved with the bang of a gavel. A bit of diplomatic finesse had excised the troublesome word and helped clinch a historic agreement.
(Joby Warrick. Anatomy of a deal: How the climate accord was won — and nearly lost. The Washington Post. December 13, 2015.)



"gavel"にはもう1つの意味として、年貢という意味があるそうです。そちらの語源については、中高地ドイツ語でソサエティや組合を意味するgaffelに由来するとされており、古英語で与えること(to give)を意味するgiefanとも関係するとされています。


頑張ってます! ― sink one's teeth into


JERUSALEM – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recently adopted dog Kaiya has sunk her teeth into her new position, biting two visitors at an event on Wednesday, including the husband of the deputy foreign minister.

At a candle-lighting ceremony to mark the Jewish festival of Hannukah, the 10-year-old mixed breed also took a snip at a member of parliament from Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Knesset Member Sharren Haskel, a veterinary nurse, dismissed the incident, telling Army Radio it was “trivial”.
(Benjamin Netanyahu’s dog keeps biting people. New York Post. December 10, 2015.)


さて、"sunk her teeth into her new position"という表現が出てきますね。

"sink one's teeth into"というのは成句の表現で、Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Idiomsの定義では下記のようになっています。

If you get your teeth into something or sink your teeth into it, you become deeply involved with it and do it with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.


この記事で、"sink one's teeth into"が、実際の「噛み付き」の行為とかけたしゃれであることは言うまでもありません。


pass the hat


ちなみに、COP21とは、第21回目のConference of Parties(締約国会議)という意味です。


As U.S. and Europe Pass the Hat at Climate Talks, China Clings to Developing-Nation Status

PARIS — Last week, China was trumpeting its arrival as one of the world’s great economic powers, as the International Monetary Fund elevated the renminbi to the ranks of leading currencies, alongside the dollar, euro, yen and British pound.

This week, China is crying poverty.

A crucial issue at the climate negotiations now taking place in Le Bourget, a northeast suburb of Paris, lies in who will foot the bill for $100 billion a year in long-promised assistance for developing countries, starting in 2020.

Europe and the United States, still feeling the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, have been trying to pass the hat for contributions from increasingly affluent middle-income countries, particularly China.

China has considered itself a developing country for purposes of climate negotiations for more than 20 years. And it is sticking to that position, even as locking in sources for the $100 billion annually for poorer countries is one of the biggest remaining hurdles for the talks, which are scheduled to end Friday.
(As U.S. and Europe Pass the Hat at Climate Talks, China Clings to Developing-Nation Status. New York Times. December 9, 2015.)



pass the hat




こんな意味もあったの? ― meter

少し前の話、先週の月曜日のことになりますが、その月曜日はCyber Mondayと呼ばれる、感謝祭(Thanksgiving)後の最初の月曜日でオンラインショッピングが一時的に増加するとされる日でした。



The Black Friday and Cyber Monday retail brownouts on the web point to the importance -- and the difficulty -- of ensuring that a retailer has enough capacity to handle peak traffic loads.

Target was insistent Monday that its site hadn't crashed, but rather that the retailer had resorted to a tactical metering of traffic that allowed customers to "stay in line" to complete their shopping expedition.

"As we experience spikes in traffic, our systems place guests in a queue and prompt them to access the site later," a Target spokesperson said in a statement. "We apoligize to guests who experience any delays, we appreciate their patience, and encourage them to try again in a few minutes by refreshing their browser."
(Daphne Howland. Target: Our site didn't crash on Cyber Monday. Retail Dive. December 1, 2015.)

面白いなと思ったのは、Targetのサイト運営責任者が、今回のトラブルはアクセスを捌ききれずにサイトがダウンしてしまったのではなく、"a tactical metering (of traffic)"である、と表現していることです。





to supply in a measured or regulated amount






Another Kabukicho hooker arrested in bait-and-switch scam

TOKYO (TR) – As a part of a crackdown on bait-and-switch prostitution scams taking place in the Kabukicho red-light district, Tokyo Metropolitan Police have arrested a 27-year-old woman for extorting a potential customer, reports TV Asahi (Nov. 13).

In September, Miho Sasaki allegedly threatened a male office worker in his 20s into paying a “cancellation fee” of 55,000 yen.

Just prior to the incident, a street tout had lured the victim by handing him a photo of a prostitute who was available at a nearby rental accommodation.

At the accommodation, the suspect, who was not the same person depicted in the picture, told the victim that the price to receive a sex service was 60,000 yen. She also informed the victim that he could cancel the arrangement for 55,000 yen.
(Another Kabukicho hooker arrested in bait-and-switch scam. The Tokyo Reporter. November 14, 2015.)


さて、"bait and switch"という表現については以前も取り上げたことがあるので今回2回目になるのですが、"bait"とはおとり、あるいは餌のことで、獲物をおびき寄せるための材料です。おびき寄せておいて実際には"switch"を突きつける、つまり実際よりも高い商品やサービスを押し付けるということで、英和辞書では「おとり商法」などという訳語が載っています。



Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul accused President Obama of pulling a "bait and switch" on Americans by trying to refocus conversations about the recent terror attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., to gun control.

"From the very beginning, the president's been trying to do a bait and switch on the American people. He wants to make this about his liberal agenda, which is gun control and not about terrorism," the Republican presidential hopeful told Newsmax TV's Ed Berliner in an interview set to air Monday evening at 9 p.m. ET.
(Gabby Morrongiello. Paul: Obama's trying to pull a 'bait and switch' by focusing on gun control. Washington Examiner. December 7, 2015.)


共和党議員はオバマ大統領がこの事件を受けてのコメントで銃規制強化に言及していることに対して、"bait and switch"であると非難しているようです。



Ohio city's bait-and-switch tax hike roils taxpayers

Central Ohio voters who approved a recent tax hike for “vital repairs” to local infrastructure are furious with city officials pushing an expensive park project.

Several members of the City Council in Upper Arlington, a wealthy suburb of Columbus, will face recall elections this winter if activists from a group calling itself Save Northam Park succeed in an ongoing petition drive.

Proposed Northam Park renovations — cutting down more than 100 mature trees and relocating baseball diamonds and tennis courts to make room for a promenade, indoor recreation center and outdoor event space — would cost at least $14 million.
(Jason Hart. Ohio city's bait-and-switch tax hike roils taxpayers. Highland County Press. December 8, 2015.)






A MUM lets her little boy live as a girl after he tried to cut off his willy aged three in a horrifying bid to change sex.

Kerry McFadyen revealed she just managed to stop Daniel mutilating himself with a pair of scissors in the bath.

After taking advice from gender experts, her son now dresses as a girl, has long hair and is known as Danni.

Kerry, 32, from Strathspey, told of the terrible moment she realised how much pain Daniel, now six, was in.

She said: “He was in the bath. Somehow he’d managed to find a pair of scissors.

“When I turned round he was holding them above his bits. I tried to be calm and asked what he was doing.

“He told me he was about to cut off his willy so he could be a girl.
(Mum lets son, 6, live as girl after he tried to cut off willy. The Sun. December 7, 2015.)





タダ乗り ― bum off

"bum off"という、あまり見慣れない表現を取り上げます。

そもそも"bum"というのは怠け者、ろくでなし、という意味だそうですが、動詞の"bum off"はどういう意味で使われるのでしょうか?

Sharing Netflix accounts with family and friends is a pretty common practice. However, according to an article published today on BGR, your friend’s sister’s boyfriend may not be the only person bumming off of your account. A new product has recently made its way onto the illegal side of the Web: lifetime access to Netflix accounts via your hacked Netflix account.

Hackers have been taking advantage of the password-sharing nature of the service to sell Netflix passwords on the dark Web. According to a Business Insider report, online marketplaces that can only be accessed by using an IP-address-hiding Internet browser have been selling access to subscription services such as Netflix and Spotify for as low as $0.50. There have also been reports of hackers selling lifetime access to HBO Now and HBO Go for around $10.
(Kayla Cobb. HOW TO FIND OUT IF YOUR NETFLIX HAS BEEN HACKED. Decider. December 2, 2015.)



your friend’s sister’s boyfriend may not be the only person bumming off of your account


ここで、"bum off"をどう訳すかですが、








バナナが消える? ― chicken little



Is your favorite banana really going extinct?

Some experts say yes, but critics retort that rumors of a 'bananapocalypse' are a 'chicken little' hypothesis that's been circulating for years to no effect.

A lethal fungus that has been threatening banana crops in Asia is now spreading to the rest of the world, and has some scientists warning of the popular fruit's extinction.
(Husna Haq. Is your favorite banana really going extinct? The Christian Science Monitor. December 2, 2015.)


"chicken little hypothesis"と言われていますが、"chicken little"とは初めて見る表現です。辞書を引くとエントリがあって、





ところでなぜ悲観論者のことを、"chicken little"というかについてですが、これはおとぎ話の登場人物(Chicken Little)にちなむということです。




今さら聞けない"trip"の意味 ― trip up



Holiday lights are meant to add some cheer to your day, but a British regulator has pointed out that they may have an unwanted side effect: interference with your WiFi network.

On Tuesday, Ofcom -- an agency similar to the Federal Communications Commission -- named holiday lights as one of many electronic devices that can trip up your Internet connection. The agency has released a new app to check for interference that, alas, is only available in Britain.
(Hayley Tsukayama. Are your holiday lights killing your WiFi? The Washington Post. December 1, 2015.)




今日取り上げるのは、"trip up"というものですが、ここでは、





trip on a stone/a step





Associate Degreeとは? ― associate



読者の皆さんは、MDがMedical Doctor(医学博士)、MSがMaster of Science(サイエンス系学部の修士)、MBAがMaster of Business Administration(経営学修士)、をそれぞれ指すということはご存知でしょう。



Although this generation of students is often taught that a four-year degree is the gold standard for career success, for many lucrative and stable jobs, the path happens to be just two years long. In other words, there are some professions — especially in the high-demand healthcare and technology sectors — for which an associate degree is your ticket in.

If you’re hoping to get a jump start into the working world, or change careers without having to pursue a full-fledged bachelor’s degree, here are some excellent, in-demand two-year degree jobs to consider:
(6 lucrative jobs you can get with an associate degree. USA Today. November 30, 2015.)



Merriam-Webster Dictionaryでは、下記のような定義がされています。

having secondary or subordinate status

この定義は何となくですが差別的に響きます。また、上記の引用記事では、"associate degree"を"four-year degree"と対比しています。この"four-year degree"というのはいわゆる学士号(Bachelor's degree)ですが、学士号については、"full-fledged"という形容をしています。「一人前の」という意味ですが、そうすると短大卒は半人前と貶されているようではないでしょうか。



しかしながら、海外の人を名刺交換すると、"Associate Director"というタイトルが付いていたりします。これは、アソシエイトを部下に持つディレクター職(管理職)の人なのか、ディレクターというタイトルが付いているけれども部下を持たない人なのか、訳が分かりません。(経験では、後者のケースが多いように思われます。)

